Affair in Araby Informative Summary


This story follows a group of adventurers, James Schuyler Grim, Jeremy Ross, and the narrator, Talbot Mundy, as they navigate the turbulent political landscape of post-World War I Syria. Grim, a seasoned intelligence operative, has been working for years to establish Emir Feisul, a lineal descendant of the Prophet Mohammed, as the King of Syria. His efforts are thwarted by the French, who are determined to control the region for themselves. Grim’s mission is complicated by the involvement of Jeremy Ross, a bold and audacious Australian with a secret gold mine in Abu Kem, who agrees to support Feisul’s claim to the throne.

The story unfolds with a series of intricate plot twists and turns. The group encounters treacherous individuals, including Yussuf Dakmar, a cunning and manipulative Arab who orchestrates a plot to assassinate Feisul. They must outsmart their opponents while ensuring the safety of Emir Feisul, who is a key figure in the struggle for Arab independence. Their journey leads them to Jerusalem and eventually to Damascus, where the political intrigue and danger intensify.

Key Findings:

  • The French have a strong desire to control Syria for their own political and economic interests.
  • The French are willing to undermine Feisul’s claim to the throne through deceit and manipulation.
  • There is a deep-seated distrust and suspicion among the various factions in the region, making it difficult to establish stability.
  • The Arab cause for independence is hampered by lack of resources, internal division, and external pressure.
  • The international political landscape is complex and riddled with hidden agendas.


  • Political Intrigue: The story delves into the complexities of international relations and the use of covert operations to achieve political goals. Readers gain insight into the world of espionage, manipulation, and power struggles.
  • Arab Nationalism: The story provides an understanding of the Arab struggle for independence and the challenges they faced in the aftermath of World War I. The story highlights the conflicting interests of various powers seeking to control the region and the role of individuals like Emir Feisul in unifying the Arab cause.
  • The Role of Secret Agents: Readers learn about the tactics and strategies employed by secret agents, emphasizing the importance of observation, deception, and strategic maneuvering.
  • Historical Context: The story provides a glimpse into the historical context of post-World War I Middle East. The story highlights the political and social turmoil in the region and the rise of Arab nationalism.
  • The Importance of Trust and Loyalty: The story highlights the importance of trust and loyalty in navigating complex political landscapes. The characters must rely on their alliances and carefully judge whom they can trust as they face betrayal and deceit.

Historical Context:

The story takes place in 1919, during the aftermath of World War I. The Ottoman Empire has collapsed, and the region is in a state of flux. The Sykes-Picot Agreement, which divided the Middle East between Britain and France, has created tensions and resentment among the Arab population. The Arab Revolt, led by Sharif Hussein of Mecca, has failed to achieve its goal of an independent Arab state. The story also reflects the rising tide of Arab nationalism and the desire for self-determination.


  • Emir Feisul is a direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammed.
  • Feisul was a key figure in the Arab Revolt during World War I.
  • The French, after promising Feisul the kingship of Syria, now seek to control the region for their own interests.
  • The French have access to poison gas, which is a significant threat to the Arabs.
  • The Arabs are deeply divided, with many factions vying for power and influence.
  • The Syrian treasury is empty due to the French withholding funds.
  • There is a widespread belief that the French are manipulating events in Syria to their advantage.
  • The British, although allies of the French, are pro-Feisul and would prefer to see him rule over Mesopotamia.
  • The story takes place during the rise of Arab nationalism and the desire for self-determination.
  • The French are using propaganda and corruption to undermine Feisul’s authority.
  • The city of Damascus is a hotbed of political intrigue and espionage.
  • The Arab army is poorly equipped and lacks the resources to effectively combat the French.
  • There is a deep-seated distrust and suspicion among the various factions in the region.
  • The international political landscape is complex and riddled with hidden agendas.
  • The secret gold mine in Abu Kem is a valuable resource that could help Feisul solidify his position.
  • Yussuf Dakmar, a treacherous Arab, orchestrates a plot to assassinate Feisul.
  • The story explores the complexities of international relations and the use of covert operations to achieve political goals.
  • The French are using a forged letter to discredit Feisul and justify their actions.
  • The story highlights the importance of trust and loyalty in navigating complex political landscapes.
  • The story provides an understanding of the challenges faced by the Arab people in their quest for independence.


  • The Arab Revolt during World War I resulted in the loss of 100,000 Arab lives.
  • Feisul’s army in Damascus numbers around 50,000 men.
  • The French have access to a significant amount of poison gas.
  • The French are willing to pay a substantial sum of money for the forged letter.
  • The draft on Paris held by Rene the banker is worth 250,000 francs.
  • The story is set in the 1919, with the Arab territories having recently become British- and French-controlled.
  • The train from Haifa to Damascus is reported to have lost nine passengers in a previous attack.
  • The French military is composed largely of Algerian troops.


  • Kuffiyi: A traditional Arab headscarf.
  • Hedjaz: The historical region in western Arabia where Mecca and Medina are located.
  • Emir: A Muslim ruler, typically of a small state or region.
  • Bismillah: An Arabic phrase meaning “In the name of God”.
  • Inshallah: An Arabic phrase meaning “If God wills it”.
  • Deraa: A town on the Syrian-Jordanian border.
  • Haifa: A port city in northern Israel.
  • Beirut: The capital city of Lebanon.
  • Aleppo: A major city in Syria.
  • Moslem: A follower of Islam.
  • Dreyfus Affair: A political scandal in France in the late 19th century involving the wrongful conviction of a Jewish officer, Alfred Dreyfus, on charges of treason.


  • The forged letter, sent to the Pan-Arab Committee in Jerusalem, accuses Feisul of inciting a massacre of Jews and urging the Arabs to attack the French.
  • The three Syrian staff officers, Daulch, Hattin, and Aubek, betray Feisul by tipping off the French about his plans to attack their flank.
  • The French secret agent, Sidi Said, offers Yussuf Dakmar 500 pounds to get the forged letter back.
  • The British officers in Haifa believe that Mabel Ticknor is carrying secret information due to her attire and destination.
  • Jeremy Ross disguises himself as Emir Feisul to confuse the French, and his uncanny resemblance to the Emir helps their plan succeed.
  • Narayan Singh, the Sikh soldier, uses his knowledge of the area to help Grim and his companions outwit their enemies.
  • Rene the banker betrays both the French and the Arabs in pursuit of his own interests.
  • The Arab cavalry is routed by the French using poison gas.
  • The French use their superior firepower to outmaneuver the Arab troops.
  • The chaotic retreat of the Arab army highlights the vulnerability and lack of organization of their forces.


The story “Affair in Araby” is a thrilling and engaging tale of intrigue, adventure, and loyalty set against the backdrop of the tumultuous post-World War I Middle East. The story explores the complexities of international politics, Arab nationalism, and the dangerous game of espionage. The characters, led by the astute James Schuyler Grim, demonstrate remarkable courage and resourcefulness as they navigate treacherous landscapes and outwit their enemies. Ultimately, the story highlights the importance of standing up for what is right and the need for strong leadership in a time of great uncertainty. Readers are left with a profound understanding of the power struggles, betrayals, and sacrifices made in the pursuit of freedom and self-determination.

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Jessmyn Solana

Jessmyn Solana is the Digital Marketing Manager of Interact, a place for creating beautiful and engaging quizzes that generate email leads. She is a marketing enthusiast and storyteller. Outside of Interact Jessmyn loves exploring new places, eating all the local foods, and spending time with her favorite people (especially her dog).

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