Are We Automata? Quiz Questions and Answers

What makes you nervous about the idea of humans being “conscious automata?”

  • That we have no free will and are just puppets of our biology.
  • That life might be meaningless if we are just biological machines.
  • I’m not nervous about it; it’s an interesting philosophical concept.
  • I don’t believe it; humans are obviously more than just machines.

What comes to mind when you think about the role of consciousness in evolution?

  • That consciousness must have provided some survival advantage.
  • That it’s a mystery how consciousness could have evolved through natural selection.
  • That consciousness might be a force that guides evolution in some way.
  • That our big brains are probably random and consciousness just came along for the ride.

You have a choice of reading a book about the deterministic nature of the universe or a book about the power of free will, which do you choose?

  • Definitely the book about free will; I need to feel in control.
  • The deterministic one; I’m interested in the science of how things work.
  • I’d probably just watch a movie instead; those topics are a little heavy for me.
  • A bit of both – maybe I can find a book that explores the middle ground.

What’s your idea of free will in a world governed by physical laws?

  • I think free will is an illusion, but a comforting one.
  • I believe we have some degree of free will, even if it’s limited.
  • Free will is our ability to make choices, regardless of whether those choices are predetermined or not.
  • I need more information before I can answer that question.

What’s your favorite memory that makes you question, “Am I really in control?”

  • That time I woke up from a dream feeling like I had just lived a whole other life.
  • When I met my partner, it felt destined, like something beyond my control brought us together.
  • That unbelievable last-second shot I made – it felt like my body knew what to do before my mind even caught up!
  • I don’t really have those kinds of memories; I feel pretty in control of my life.

What causes are you most passionate about, and do those passions feel like a choice, or are they just part of your programming?

  • I’m passionate about climate change and social justice, and it feels like a deep-seated part of who I am.
  • I love music and art, and I think those are choices I’ve made based on my experiences.
  • My passions change all the time; I don’t think there’s any grand plan.
  • I don’t really feel “passionate” about much of anything; I’m more of a practical person.

What do you dream about when it comes to the future of consciousness?

  • I hope we’ll unlock the secrets of consciousness and achieve a higher level of being.
  • I’m a bit scared of artificial intelligence becoming conscious; it seems risky.
  • I think our understanding of consciousness will continue to evolve alongside our technology.
  • I don’t think about it much; the future is uncertain anyway.

How would your friends and family describe your approach to life: driven by conscious choice or riding the waves of fate?

  • They’d say I’m a planner, always thinking ten steps ahead.
  • They’d call me spontaneous and always up for an adventure, wherever life takes me.
  • They’d say I’m a good mix of both; I make plans but know when to go with the flow.
  • They’d probably say I’m a bit of a mystery!

Tell us a little about your view on the classic “chicken or the egg” dilemma. Does your answer change when applied to the concept of consciousness?

  • It’s a paradox! Which came first, consciousness or the physical structures that allow for it?
  • I think the answer is probably much more complicated than we can even imagine.
  • It’s fun to think about, but I don’t think there’s a definitive answer.

If you could choose any superpower, would you choose the power to control your every action perfectly or the power to surrender to instinct and let your subconscious take over?

  • Total control, absolutely!
  • I kind of like the idea of letting go and seeing what happens.
  • That’s a tough one! Could I have both, maybe switch back and forth when needed?

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you experience a strong emotion like love or fear?

  • I try to analyze it and understand where it’s coming from.
  • I just let myself feel it fully; emotions are natural.
  • I wonder if it’s just chemicals in my brain or something more profound.
  • I usually try to distract myself and not dwell on it too much.

What affects you the most: your logical mind or your gut feeling?

  • I’m definitely more of a logic-driven person.
  • I usually go with my gut; it’s rarely wrong.
  • I try to find a balance between the two.
  • It really depends on the situation.

What is your strongest belief about the nature of reality: Is it predetermined, self-created, or something else entirely?

  • I tend to believe things happen for a reason, even if we don’t understand why.
  • I think we create our own reality through our thoughts and actions.
  • I think it’s a mixture of both, a cosmic dance between fate and free will.
  • Honestly, I have no idea! It’s a big mystery to me.

How do you feel about the possibility that our actions are predetermined, but our experience of making choices is still real and meaningful?

  • That’s a comforting thought; even if it’s an illusion, it’s a useful one.
  • That’s terrifying! If we don’t have free will, then what’s the point of anything?
  • It’s a paradox I’m not sure I can wrap my head around.
  • I don’t think it really matters; we experience life as if we have free will, and that’s what counts.

What’s your favorite fictional character that embodies either extreme free will or complete determinism, and why?

  • Walter White from Breaking Bad – he starts as a seemingly ordinary guy but becomes a ruthless criminal.
  • The Oracle from The Matrix – she represents the idea that some things are preordained.
  • Lisbeth Salander from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo – she’s a survivor who defies expectations and forges her own path.
  • Don Draper from Mad Men – he’s a complex character who seems to be both in control and at the mercy of his past.

When you were a kid, how did you view the world: as a place full of endless possibilities or a place with predetermined paths?

  • I was a dreamer, always imagining different futures for myself.
  • I was always pretty pragmatic, aware of limitations and boundaries.
  • I didn’t really think about it much; I was just busy being a kid.

A specific moral dilemma arises: Do you make a pro and con list, consult a trusted friend, or go with your gut instinct?

  • I’d make a pro and con list and try to make the most rational decision.
  • I’d talk it through with someone I trust to get their perspective.
  • I’d probably go with my gut; it usually steers me in the right direction.
  • It depends on the dilemma and what’s at stake.

What keeps you up at night about the nature of consciousness?

  • Nothing, really; I find it fascinating, not frightening.
  • The possibility that we’re all just living in a simulation.
  • Whether there’s life after death and what form our consciousness might take.
  • I have more practical things to worry about than the mysteries of consciousness!

Which of these thought experiments would you enjoy the most: debating the existence of free will, exploring the ethics of artificial intelligence, or analyzing the nature of dreams?

  • Free will vs. determinism is a classic debate I could get into.
  • AI ethics is a pressing issue with huge implications for the future.
  • Dreams are fascinating windows into our subconscious minds.
  • I’m not sure any of those really grab my attention.

When you think about the concept of “self,” what are you most concerned about: preserving your sense of identity, understanding how your sense of self was formed, or transcending your current limitations?

  • My sense of self feels very important to me; I’d want to protect that.
  • I’m very interested in how our experiences shape who we become.
  • I like the idea of pushing boundaries and evolving beyond who I am now.
  • I’m pretty content with who I am; I don’t feel the need to overanalyze it.

What aspect of consciousness makes you the most happy: the ability to connect with others, the capacity for creativity, or the awareness of your own existence?

  • Definitely the ability to form deep, meaningful connections with other people.
  • The fact that we can create art, music, and stories is pretty mind-blowing to me.
  • Just being able to experience life, even the simple things, is amazing.
  • I’m not sure if “happiness” is directly tied to consciousness for me.

What is most likely to make you feel down about the nature of consciousness?

  • The idea that we’re all just living in our own heads and true connection is impossible.
  • The thought that our brains could be hacked or manipulated.
  • That we might never fully understand how or why consciousness arises.
  • It doesn’t really get me down; it’s just the way things are.

In a perfect world, what would our understanding of consciousness allow us to achieve?

  • We could eliminate suffering and create a world of peace and harmony.
  • We could unlock our full potential as a species and achieve incredible things.
  • We could connect with other conscious beings throughout the universe.
  • Even with a perfect understanding, I think there will always be limitations.

If you could wave a magic wand, what would the perfect balance between free will and determinism look like in your life?

  • I’d love to have complete control over the big decisions in my life, but let fate handle the small stuff.
  • I think a good mix of structure and spontaneity keeps things interesting.
  • I’m happy to go with the flow and trust that things will work out the way they’re supposed to.

How often do you question your own motives and wonder if you’re truly making your own choices?

  • All the time! I’m constantly overthinking my decisions.
  • Every now and then, when I’m feeling philosophical.
  • Rarely; I trust my instincts and usually feel good about my choices.
  • Never; it seems like a waste of energy to worry about things I can’t control.

You are at a party, and someone brings up the topic of consciousness. What do you do?

  • Jump into the conversation! I love talking about this stuff.
  • Listen politely but stay quiet unless I have something insightful to add.
  • Steer the conversation toward something lighter and more fun.
  • Find an excuse to move to a different group.

How comfortable are you with the unknown aspects of consciousness?

  • I find it intriguing! I love exploring big questions.
  • It makes me a little uneasy, but I can handle it.
  • I prefer to focus on things I can understand and control.

You have a free weekend to do whatever you want, what do you do?

  • Curl up with a good book on philosophy and psychology.
  • Go on an adventure and see where the day takes me.
  • Relax at home and recharge my batteries.

Which of these topics is most likely to be a struggle for you: accepting your own subconscious biases, confronting your deepest fears, or letting go of the need to control everything?

  • I can be pretty stubborn; accepting that I might be wrong is tough.
  • I tend to avoid uncomfortable emotions; facing my fears head-on is not my strong suit.
  • I’m a bit of a control freak; surrendering to the unknown is a challenge for me.
  • I’m pretty self-aware and emotionally resilient; none of those are major struggles.

Which member of the Scooby-Doo gang are you: Velma (logic and deduction), Daphne (curiosity and intuition), Shaggy and Scooby (fear and instinct), or Fred (leadership and action)?

  • I’m definitely a Velma; I like to gather evidence and solve the mystery.
  • I relate to Daphne; I’m always up for an adventure and trust my intuition.
  • Shaggy and Scooby are my spirit animals; I’m easily spooked but loyal to my friends.
  • I’m a Fred; I like to take charge and come up with a plan.

New information related to consciousness is discovered that challenges your previous beliefs, what is your first response?

  • Excitement! I love learning new things and expanding my understanding.
  • Skepticism; I’d want to carefully examine the evidence before forming an opinion.
  • Anxiety; I don’t like it when my worldview is shaken up.
  • Indifference; it doesn’t really affect my day-to-day life.

Someone asks, “What’s on your mind?” and you answer honestly, what’s the real, unfiltered answer?

  • “I was just thinking about the nature of consciousness and free will.”
  • “I’m wondering what’s for dinner and what I should do this weekend.”
  • “I’m feeling [insert current emotion] and I’m not sure why.”
  • “Nothing much, just enjoying the moment.”

What’s your go-to comfort movie or TV show that explores themes of consciousness, identity, or the human condition?

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Inception, Mr. Nobody
  • Black Mirror, Westworld, Maniac
  • The Good Place, Russian Doll, Soul
  • I prefer comedies or reality TV; those topics are too heavy for me.

What concept, idea, or mystery related to consciousness do you most want to dive deep on and explore further?

  • The nature of the subconscious mind and its influence on our thoughts and actions.
  • The possibility of other dimensions or parallel universes.
  • The science of meditation and mindfulness and their effects on the brain.
  • I’m good with what I know; I don’t feel the need to dig any deeper.

What is your absolute favorite book that grapples with the nature of consciousness or the illusion of free will?

  • “Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid” by Douglas Hofstadter
  • “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” by Oliver Sacks
  • “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari
  • I’m not really into non-fiction; I prefer to get my information from documentaries.

If you could ask William James one question about consciousness, what would it be?

  • “What do you think happens to consciousness after death?”
  • “Do you think we’ll ever be able to create artificial consciousness?”
  • “What advice would you give to someone struggling to find meaning in a seemingly deterministic world?”
  • “What was it like to be such a brilliant mind?”

How prepared do you think you are to face a future where the lines between human and artificial consciousness become blurred?

  • I’m fascinated by the possibilities but also a little scared.
  • I think it’s inevitable and we need to start preparing now.
  • I’m not sure I’m ready to even think about that yet.

What happens if science definitively proves that free will is an illusion?

  • My worldview would be rocked, but I’d adapt.
  • I’d be relieved; it would take the pressure off.
  • I wouldn’t believe it; I think there’s more to life than science can explain.

What do you think you need in your life to feel more in touch with your own consciousness?

  • More time for quiet reflection and introspection.
  • More opportunities for creative expression.
  • Deeper connections with others and the natural world.
  • I’m pretty happy with where I’m at; I don’t feel like anything is missing.

How often do you engage in practices like meditation, mindfulness, or journaling to explore your inner world?

  • Daily; it’s essential for my mental well-being.
  • A few times a week; I try to be consistent but life gets busy.
  • Once in a while, when I feel stressed or overwhelmed.
  • Never; I don’t really see the point.

How confident are you in your ability to distinguish between your intuition and your subconscious biases?

  • I’m constantly questioning myself and trying to be objective.
  • I think I’m pretty good at recognizing when my judgment might be clouded.
  • I trust my gut; it’s usually right.

How do you handle situations where your conscious desires conflict with your subconscious impulses?

  • I try to understand the root of the conflict and find a compromise.
  • I usually give in to temptation; life’s too short to resist.
  • I try to distract myself or find a healthy outlet for my energy.

Do you have a strong moral compass that guides your decisions and actions?

  • Yes, my values are very important to me and I try to live by them.
  • I’m still figuring things out, but I have a general sense of right and wrong.
  • I don’t really think about it; I just do what feels right in the moment.

How well do you stick to your convictions, even when faced with pressure from others or challenging circumstances?

  • I stand my ground; it’s important to be true to myself.
  • I’m open to hearing other perspectives and might change my mind if presented with a compelling argument.
  • I tend to go with the flow to avoid conflict.

Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your beliefs about the afterlife: you believe in a soul, reincarnation, nothing, or something else entirely?

  • I have a strong faith and believe in an eternal soul.
  • I’m open to the possibility of reincarnation.
  • I think death is the end, but I’m okay with that.
  • I have my own unique beliefs about what happens after death.

To what degree do you experience existential anxiety or dread about the nature of reality and your place in the universe?

  • It’s something I grapple with on a daily basis; it can be overwhelming.
  • I have my moments, but overall, I’m pretty comfortable with the unknown.
  • Not at all; I’m too busy living my life to worry about those things.

Which of these best describes your current approach to life: meticulously planning every detail, embracing the unknown and trusting your instincts, or something in between?

  • I’m a planner; I like to be prepared for every possibility.
  • I’m more of a free spirit; I trust my gut and let life unfold organically.
  • I’m a mix of both; I have a plan but I’m also open to new opportunities.

What is your current biggest challenge when it comes to making decisions that align with your values and aspirations?

  • Overthinking and second-guessing myself.
  • Distractions and temptations that lead me astray from my goals.
  • Fear of failure or judgment from others.
  • I don’t really face any major challenges in that area.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you’re faced with a difficult decision that has no clear right or wrong answer?

  • “What are the potential consequences of each option?”
  • “What would my role model or mentor do in this situation?”
  • “What does my gut tell me to do?”

How do you handle cognitive dissonance: the discomfort of holding conflicting beliefs or acting in ways that contradict your values?

  • I try to resolve the dissonance by gathering more information or changing my beliefs or behaviors.
  • I can tolerate a certain amount of dissonance; we all have our contradictions.
  • I ignore it or rationalize my behavior to avoid the discomfort.

How would you describe your relationship to your own subconscious mind: collaborative, combative, curious, or indifferent?

  • I try to listen to my intuition and work with my subconscious rather than against it.
  • I often feel like I’m battling against my own impulses and desires.
  • I’m fascinated by my dreams and what they reveal about my inner world.
  • I don’t really think about it much; it’s just there.

Are you stuck in a loop of repetitive thoughts or behaviors that you’d like to break free from?

  • Yes, I have some negative thought patterns that I’m working on.
  • I’m always trying to grow and evolve, but I wouldn’t say I’m “stuck.”
  • Not really; I’m pretty content with how things are.

What would you say are your top struggles right now when it comes to living a more intentional and fulfilling life?

  • Managing stress and anxiety in a chaotic world.
  • Procrastination and self-sabotage.
  • Feeling disconnected from myself and my purpose.
  • I’m not really struggling; I’m happy with my life.

What is your ultimate goal when it comes to personal growth and self-discovery?

  • To achieve my full potential and make a positive impact on the world.
  • To live a life of purpose and meaning.
  • To be happy and at peace with myself.

What do you think is missing in your life that would help you feel more connected to yourself and your purpose?

  • More time for self-care and reflection.
  • Stronger relationships with people who support my growth.
  • A sense of direction or a clear path to follow.
  • I’m not sure anything is missing; I just need to appreciate what I have.

A close friend asks for your honest opinion on a choice they’re about to make. You strongly disagree with their decision, how do you respond?

  • I express my concerns directly and honestly but also emphasize that it’s their choice to make.
  • I try to gently guide them towards a different option without being confrontational.
  • I stay neutral and avoid expressing my opinion to avoid potential conflict.

What descriptive word best captures your current state of mind: curious, content, anxious, excited, or something else entirely?

  • Curious
  • Content
  • Anxious
  • Excited
  • [Your own word]

Which of the following do you notice yourself worrying about on a day-to-day basis: making the “right” choices, the potential for regret, the illusion of control, or the vastness of the unknown?

  • I often get stuck in analysis paralysis, afraid of making the wrong move.
  • I sometimes dwell on past mistakes and wonder “what if?”
  • I try not to think about it too much, but the idea that we might not have control is unsettling.
  • The universe is a big place, but it doesn’t keep me up at night.

How confident and secure do you feel in your own skin and your ability to navigate the complexities of life?

  • I’m still figuring things out, but I’m optimistic about the future.
  • I have my ups and downs, but overall, I feel good about who I am.
  • I often feel lost and uncertain about my place in the world.

How well do you balance your need for control with your ability to adapt to unexpected changes and challenges?

  • I’m a work in progress, but I’m getting better at rolling with the punches.
  • I’m pretty flexible and adaptable; I don’t mind a little chaos.
  • I prefer things to be predictable; unexpected changes throw me off.

How connected do you feel to something bigger than yourself, whether that’s spirituality, nature, community, or something else entirely?

  • I feel a deep sense of connection to the natural world.
  • My relationships with my loved ones are my top priority.
  • I find meaning and purpose in my work and creative pursuits.

Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you: feeling like you’re not living up to your full potential, not having all the answers, or facing unexpected obstacles that derail your plans?

  • I’m my own worst critic; I’m always striving for more.
  • I’m comfortable with uncertainty; it’s part of the journey.
  • I like to be in control; unexpected detours stress me out.

What is the trickiest part about making choices that align with your long-term goals rather than short-term gratification?

  • Resisting temptation and staying disciplined.
  • Staying motivated and focused when progress is slow.
  • Believing in myself and my ability to achieve my goals.

Do you struggle more with self-doubt or imposter syndrome?

  • I often doubt my abilities and wonder if I’m good enough.
  • I sometimes feel like a fraud, even when I’m successful.
  • I’m pretty confident in myself and my abilities.

Do you have a strong support system in place, such as close friends, family, or a therapist, to help you navigate life’s challenges and explore your inner world?

  • Yes, I’m very fortunate to have a loving and supportive network.
  • I’m working on building stronger connections with the people in my life.
  • I prefer to handle things on my own.

How do you determine your priorities and goals each day, week, or year, and do you actively evaluate whether these align with your overall values and aspirations?

  • I set aside dedicated time for reflection and planning, making sure my goals are S.M.A.R.T.
  • I go with the flow, tackling tasks as they arise, and trusting that it will all work out.
  • I have a general idea of what I want to accomplish, but I’m flexible and adapt as needed.

Are your actions consistently reflecting your values, or do you find yourself acting out of habit, societal pressure, or a desire to please others?

  • I’m very conscious of my values and strive to live authentically.
  • I’m a work in progress, but I’m getting better at setting boundaries and honoring my own needs.
  • I often prioritize the needs of others over my own, even when it’s not in my best interest.

How do you manage the balance between your inner world of thoughts and feelings and the outer world of actions and responsibilities?

  • I prioritize self-care and make time for introspection, even when life gets busy.
  • I try to bring my whole self to everything I do, integrating my values into my work and relationships.
  • I often feel like I’m living a double life, struggling to reconcile my inner and outer worlds.

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Jessmyn Solana

Jessmyn Solana is the Digital Marketing Manager of Interact, a place for creating beautiful and engaging quizzes that generate email leads. She is a marketing enthusiast and storyteller. Outside of Interact Jessmyn loves exploring new places, eating all the local foods, and spending time with her favorite people (especially her dog).

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