1. How do you feel about communicating with your cat?
A. I love it; it’s like chatting with a friend.
B. It’s okay, but not a big deal.
C. I don’t think about it much.
D. I find it a bit awkward.
2. What’s your favorite part of interacting with your cat?
A. Petting them.
B. Playing games.
C. Just watching them do their thing.
D. Talking to them.
3. What makes you nervous about introducing your cat to new people?
A. They might not react well.
B. They could get scared.
C. I’m worried the person won’t like cats.
D. Nothing, I trust my cat’s social skills.
4. What makes you most frustrated about your cat’s behavior?
A. They won’t come when called.
B. They scratch the furniture.
C. They’re aloof.
D. They meow excessively.
5. What are you most excited about with your cat?
A. Teaching them new tricks.
B. Discovering their favorite spot to be petted.
C. Watching their playful antics.
D. Understanding their communication signals.
6. What do you dream about when it comes to your cat’s personality?
A. They become more cuddly.
B. They learn new tricks.
C. They become more independent.
D. They communicate more clearly.
7. What happened in the past when your cat met new people?
A. They were friendly and outgoing.
B. They were shy at first but warmed up.
C. They hid until the person left.
D. They were indifferent.
8. What comes to mind when you think of your cat’s social behavior?
A. Friendly
B. Shy
C. Playful
D. Independent
9. What’s your favorite way to play with your cat?
A. Laser pointer
B. Feather wand
C. Hide and seek
D. Puzzle toys
10. When you were a kid, how did you feel about cats?
A. Loved them.
B. Was curious about them.
C. Was indifferent.
D. Was scared of them.
11. You have a choice of getting a purebred or a non-purebred cat, which do you choose?
A. Purebred
B. Non-purebred
C. No preference
D. Whichever needs a home most
12. Your cat starts to meow loudly out of the blue. How do you react?
A. Check if they’re hungry.
B. Look for something that’s bothering them.
C. Call their name softly.
D. Ignore it.
13. What keeps you up at night about your cat?
A. Their health.
B. If they’re happy.
C. If they’re safe.
D. Nothing really.
14. Which of these cat activities would you enjoy the most?
A. Playing fetch with them.
B. Training them for tricks.
C. Just chilling together.
D. Exploring new toys together.
15. When you think about the bond between you and your cat, what are you most concerned about?
A. Their trust in me.
B. If they’re happy.
C. Their emotional well-being.
D. Their physical safety.
16. What aspect of having a cat makes you the most happy?
A. Their companionship
B. Their playful nature
C. Their independence
D. Their personality
17. What is most likely to make you feel down about your cat?
A. When they seem sad.
B. When they don’t interact much.
C. When they display aggressive behavior.
D. When they are unwell.
18. In a perfect world, what would your relationship with your cat look like?
A. Always affectionate and cuddly.
B. Balanced with some playful moments.
C. Calm and relaxed.
D. Interactive and engaging.
19. If you could waive a magic wand, what would the perfect cat-human communication be like?
A. They could talk to me.
B. They could understand my words perfectly.
C. They could show clear emotions.
D. They could follow verbal commands.
20. How often do you train your cat to do new things?
A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. Rarely or never
21. You are at a party and everyone is talking about their pets. How do you introduce your cat?
A. With excitement and lots of photos.
B. Casually mention them.
C. Only if someone asks.
D. I’d avoid the topic.
22. How comfortable are you leaving your cat with a pet sitter?
A. Very comfortable
B. Slightly anxious
C. Not at all
D. Depends on the sitter
23. You have an entire weekend to spend however you want with your cat. What do you do?
A. Lots of playtime and activities.
B. Mix of quiet time and play.
C. Just let the cat do as they please.
D. Focus on training and bonding.
24. Which of these social interaction challenges with your cat is most likely to be a struggle for you?
A. Getting them to be more social.
B. Keeping them calm around strangers.
C. Managing their play aggression.
D. Getting them to understand commands.
25. Which member of the social group (family, friends) does your cat like the most?
A. The most affectionate one.
B. The one who plays with them most.
C. The one who leaves them alone.
D. The one who feeds them.
26. New information comes up about the best ways to train cats. What is your first response?
A. Excited to try.
B. Skeptical but willing to listen.
C. Indifferent.
D. Uninterested.
27. Someone asks, “How attached are you to your cat?” What’s the actual answer, not just “I’m good”?
A. Extremely attached.
B. Fairly attached.
C. Sometimes attached.
D. Not very attached.
28. What’s your go-to activity when you need to bond with your cat?
A. Cuddling session
B. Playtime with toys
C. Talking to them
D. Grooming them
29. What place do you most want to explore with your cat?
A. The garden or backyard
B. A pet-friendly park
C. A new room with hidden treats
D. A quiet, cozy space
30. What’s your favorite memory with your cat?
A. When they first came home.
B. The first time they purred.
C. A hilarious thing they did.
D. When they cuddled with me.
31. How prepared are you for sudden changes in your cat’s behavior?
A. Very prepared
B. Somewhat prepared
C. Not very prepared
D. Not at all
32. What happens if your cat suddenly hides away?
A. Try to coax them out.
B. Let them be.
C. Look around for anything unusual.
D. Check their usual hiding spots later.
33. What do you think you need to better understand your cat’s signals?
A. More time observing them.
B. Advice from other cat owners.
C. Books or articles on cat behavior.
D. A professional consultation.
34. How often do you play with your cat to help them stay stimulated?
A. Every day
B. A few times a week
C. Occasionally
D. Rarely
35. How confident are you in reading your cat’s body language?
A. Very confident
B. Somewhat confident
C. Not very confident
D. Not at all
36. How do you handle it when your cat shows signs of stress?
A. Give them space.
B. Try to comfort them.
C. Identify the stressor and remove it.
D. Distract them with toys.
37. Do you feel your cat’s needs are met in your home environment?
A. Absolutely
B. Mostly
C. Sometimes
D. Rarely
38. How well do you stick to a routine for your cat?
A. Very consistently
B. Pretty well
C. I try but often forget
D. Not at all
39. Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your understanding of your cat’s moods?
A. I can tell instantly how they’re feeling.
B. I usually know but sometimes get it wrong.
C. I often have trouble figuring it out.
D. I don’t really understand their moods.
40. To what degree do you experience difficulty when your cat meets new people?
A. Not at all
B. A little bit
C. Quite a lot
D. Very much so
41. Which of these best describes your cat’s play routine?
A. They play a lot and get plenty of exercise.
B. They have a regular but moderate play routine.
C. They play a bit but lose interest quickly.
D. They rarely play.
42. What is your current biggest challenge in training your cat?
A. Getting them to focus.
B. Teaching them tricks.
C. Managing bad behavior.
D. Establishing a routine.
43. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when your cat starts acting strangely?
A. They might be sick.
B. They’re just being quirky.
C. Maybe they’re bored.
D. Time to investigate.
44. How do you handle your cat’s resistance to being petted?
A. Back off immediately.
B. Try a different approach.
C. Wait for them to come to me.
D. Keep trying gently.
45. How would you describe your relationship to your cat?
A. Very close and bonded
B. Friendly but casual
C. A bit distant
D. Indifferent
46. Are you stuck in the same routine with your cat every day?
A. Yes, very much so
B. Somewhat
C. Not really
D. Not at all
47. What would you say are your top struggles right now with your cat?
A. Behavioral issues
B. Training difficulties
C. Understanding their needs
D. Keeping them entertained
48. What is your goal for your cat’s behavior?
A. To become more interactive
B. To reduce bad behaviors
C. To maintain their current behavior
D. To become more independent
49. What do you think is missing in your quest to better understand your cat?
A. More time spent with them
B. Resources like books or articles
C. Guidance from experienced cat owners
D. Professional advice
50. What is your current level of expertise in understanding cat behavior?
A. Expert
B. Advanced
C. Intermediate
D. Beginner
51. Your cat suddenly starts showing signs of distress. How do you respond?
A. Comfort them immediately.
B. Check their surroundings.
C. Give them space.
D. Try to distract them.
52. What sensation do you experience most during interactions with your cat?
A. Joy
B. Calmness
C. Curiosity
D. Frustration
53. Which of the following do you worry about most on a day-to-day basis with your cat?
A. Their health
B. Their happiness
C. Their safety
D. Their behavior
54. How do you feel about your cat’s interaction with other people?
A. Very comfortable
B. Mostly comfortable
C. A bit uneasy
D. Very concerned
55. How well do you manage your cat’s training sessions?
A. Very well
B. Fairly well
C. I struggle a bit
D. Not well at all
56. How connected do you feel to your cat’s needs?
A. Deeply connected
B. Fairly connected
C. Somewhat disconnected
D. Completely disconnected
57. I believe that spending time playing with my cat is essential.
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Disagree
D. Strongly disagree
58. I’m afraid that I’m not fully meeting my cat’s needs.
A. All the time
B. Sometimes
C. Rarely
D. Never
59. Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you about your cat?
A. When they ignore me.
B. When they misbehave.
C. When they act aloof.
D. When they meow too much.
60. What is the trickiest part about getting your cat to engage with you?
A. Catching their attention
B. Keeping their interest
C. Teaching them commands
D. Understanding their reactions