1: Where did the domestication of cats likely begin around 7500 BC?
A: Asia
B: Near East
C: North America
D: Europe
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The domestication of cats began in the Near East around 7500 BC, as shown through archaeological and genetic studies.
2: What type of vision do cats have that allows them to see well in low light?
A: Monochromatic vision
B: Trichromatic vision
C: Night vision
D: Infrared vision
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Cats have night vision that allows them to see in low light conditions due to their large pupils and tapetum lucidum in their eyes.
3: What is the scientific name for the domestic cat?
A: Felis lupus
B: Felis catus
C: Felis domesticus
D: Felis angorensis
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The scientific name for the domestic cat is Felis catus.
4: How many cervical vertebrae do cats have?
A: 5
B: 7
C: 9
D: 11
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Cats have seven cervical vertebrae, similar to most mammals.
5: Which feature allows cats to pass their body through any space into which they can fit their head?
A: Flexible ribs
B: Collapsible shoulders
C: Free-floating clavicle bones
D: Retractable spine
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Cats’ forelimbs are attached to the shoulder by free-floating clavicle bones, allowing them to fit through narrow spaces.
6: What is the social behavior of domestic cats regarding hunting?
A: Cats hunt in packs
B: Cats hunt in pairs
C: Cats are solitary hunters
D: Cats hunt by following their owners
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Domestic cats are solitary hunters and do not rely on group tactics for hunting.
7: Which type of behavior is typical of cats that indicates contentment?
A: Hissing
B: Growling
C: Purring
D: Grunting
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Purring is typically a sign of a cat’s contentment and relaxation.
8: How many types of cone cells do cats have for color vision?
A: One
B: Two
C: Three
D: Four
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Cats have two types of cone cells for color vision, which optimizes their vision for blue and yellowish-green colors.
9: What is a juvenile cat called?
A: Tomcat
B: Molly
C: Kitten
D: Queen
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A juvenile cat is referred to as a kitten.
10: Which gland in cats helps them sense certain aromas and pheromones?
A: Thyroid gland
B: Sebaceous gland
C: Jacobson’s organ
D: Adrenal gland
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Jacobson’s organ, located in the cat’s mouth, helps them detect certain aromas and pheromones through a process called flehmening.
11: How do cats’ claws stay sharp?
A: By chewing them regularly
B: By retracting into sheaths
C: By growing outward continuously
D: By licking them
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Cats’ claws stay sharp because they are usually retracted into sheaths, which prevents wear from contact with the ground.
12: How many times larger are sexually active male cats’ territories compared to female cats’ territories?
A: Twice as large
B: Three times as large
C: Five times as large
D: Ten times as large
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Sexually active male cats typically have territories about ten times larger than those of female cats.
13: What physical mechanism do cats use to right themselves during a fall?
A: Splaying their limbs
B: Using their tails as stabilizers
C: Cat righting reflex
D: Flapping their ears
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The cat righting reflex allows cats to twist their bodies mid-air to land on their feet during a fall.
14: What ancient civilization revered cats, associating them with the goddess Bastet?
A: Greece
B: Rome
C: Egypt
D: Persia
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: In ancient Egypt, cats were revered and associated with the goddess Bastet.
15: How many chromosomes do domestic cats and their closest wild ancestors have?
A: 24
B: 36
C: 38
D: 40
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Domestic cats and their closest wild ancestors are diploid and both possess 38 chromosomes.
16: How many taste buds do cats have compared to humans?
A: 200
B: 470
C: 900
D: 1500
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Cats have approximately 470 taste buds, which is significantly fewer than the more than 9,000 taste buds humans possess.
17: What is the primary reason cats “play” with their prey before killing it?
A: To practice hunting skills
B: To ensure prey is weak enough to be killed without endangering the cat
C: To entertain themselves
D: To train other cats
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Cats “play” with their prey to ensure it is weak enough to kill safely without endangering themselves.
18: What is the gestation period for a queen (female cat)?
A: 30-35 days
B: 45-50 days
C: 64-67 days
D: 75-80 days
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The gestation period for a female cat, or queen, lasts between 64 and 67 days.
19: What method do cats use to drink liquids?
A: Sucking through their cheeks
B: Lapping with their tongue
C: Absorbing through their paws
D: Breathing in through their nose
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Cats drink liquids by lapping with their tongues, drawing water upward into their mouths.
20: Why are cats often seen rubbing their heads against objects or humans?
A: To mark their territory with scent from facial glands
B: To clean their fur
C: To cool themselves down
D: To exfoliate their skin
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Cats rub their heads against objects or humans to mark their territory with scent from their facial glands.
21: How many hours can some cats sleep in a day?
A: 8 hours
B: 12 hours
C: 16 hours
D: 20 hours
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Some cats can sleep as much as 20 hours in a day, especially as they grow older.
22: What kind of structure do cats’ eyes have that reflects light back into the retina?
A: Cornea
B: Tapetum lucidum
C: Iris lens
D: Photoreceptor
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The tapetum lucidum in cats’ eyes reflects light back into the retina, enhancing their vision in low light conditions.
23: What is the term for a buzz or humming-like vocalization made by cats, often when they are content?
A: Meowing
B: Purring
C: Growling
D: Hissing
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Purring is a buzz or humming-like vocalization made by cats often when they are content.
24: Where are a cat’s protractible claws typically sharper?
A: Hind legs
B: Front paws
C: Tail
D: Backbone
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The claws on the forefeet of cats are typically sharper than those on the hindfeet.
25: What percentage of the world’s cat population is estimated to be affected by nepetalactone (found in catnip)?
A: 10-20%
B: 30-40%
C: 50-60%
D: 70-80%
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Around 70-80% of cats are affected by nepetalactone, the active compound in catnip.
26: How often do feral and free-fed house cats typically consume meals?
A: One large meal per day
B: Several small meals in a day
C: Only when they catch prey
D: Based on human feeding times
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Feral and free-fed house cats typically consume several small meals in a day.
27: How do cats mainly select their food?
A: Color
B: Temperature, smell, and texture
C: Shape
D: Sound
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Cats mainly select their food based on its temperature, smell, and texture.
28: What condition describes a cat’s tendency to eat or chew on non-food items like wool or plastic?
A: Neophobia
B: Pica
C: Anorexia
D: Obesity
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Pica describes a cat’s tendency to eat or chew on non-food items like wool or plastic.
29: What is the term for domestic cats with extra digits on their paws?
A: Multitoed cats
B: Polydactylous cats
C: Hyperpaw cats
D: Superpaw cats
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Cats with extra digits on their paws are referred to as polydactylous cats.
30: How do feral cats typically organize within a territory where food sources are available?
A: In pairs
B: As widely dispersed individuals
C: In large colonies
D: By following humans
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Feral cats often organize in large colonies within a territory where food sources are available.
31: What is the likely reason for cats presenting prey to their human owners?
A: To seek approval
B: To teach their owners to hunt
C: To indicate hunger
D: To seek permission to eat
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: One explanation is that cats present prey to their human owners in an attempt to teach them to hunt.
32: What structure in cats allows them to blink without hindering their vision?
A: Cornea
B: Tapetum lucidum
C: Nictitating membrane
D: Retina
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The nictitating membrane, also known as the third eyelid, allows cats to blink without hindering their vision.
33: What name is commonly given to neutered male cats?
A: Tom
B: Queen
C: Molly
D: Gib
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: A neutered male cat is commonly referred to as a gib.
34: Which hormone-related behavior is reduced or eliminated by neutering?
A: Purring
B: Urine spraying
C: Playfulness
D: Eating habits
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Neutering reduces or eliminates hormone-related behaviors such as territory marking (urine spraying) in males.
35: What type of connection do domestic cats share with their human keepers, according to ethology?
A: Prey relation
B: Mother surrogate
C: Sibling bond
D: Territorial rival
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Ethologically, a domestic cat’s relationship with its human keeper is considered similar to a mother surrogate.
36: In which part of a cat’s anatomy are the lingual papillae found?
A: Ears
B: Paws
C: Tongue
D: Claws
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The lingual papillae, small spines that help in grooming, are found on a cat’s tongue.
37: Which type of cat behavior involves sudden outbursts of aggression due to external stimuli like noises or another cat?
A: Redirected aggression
B: Asocial aggression
C: Play aggression
D: Hunting aggression
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Redirected aggression occurs when a cat attacks nearby individuals or objects due to arousal from external stimuli.
38: What is a common misconception about cats’ dietary preferences?
A: Cats prefer leafy greens
B: Cats love sweet foods
C: Cats dislike milk
D: Cats prefer fruits
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: It is a misconception that cats love sweet foods; in fact, they lack sweet taste receptors and typically avoid sweet foods.
39: What effect does cats’ tapping their tongues against water have while drinking?
A: Causes water to evaporate
B: Draws water upward in a thin column
C: Hydrates their skin
D: Mixes the water with saliva
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Cats lap water by tapping their tongues on the surface, drawing it upward in a thin column for consumption.
40: Which feature in a cat’s ear enhances their hearing sensitivity?
A: Pinnae
B: Cochlea
C: Eardrum
D: Vestibule
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The pinnae, or outer ear structures, amplify sounds and enhance hearing sensitivity in cats.
41: What is the specific range of sound frequencies that cats can detect?
A: 20 Hz to 20 kHz
B: 55 Hz to 79 kHz
C: 100 Hz to 40 kHz
D: 10 Hz to 50 kHz
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Cats can detect sound frequencies ranging from 55 Hz to 79 kHz, much broader than the range humans can hear.
42: What is the estimated global population of owned and stray cats combined?
A: 300 million
B: 500 million
C: 700 million
D: 1 billion
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: As of recent estimates, the global population of both owned and stray cats combined is approximately 700 million.
43: What term describes the cat’s flexible spine and extra vertebrae, contributing to its agility?
A: Rigid spine
B: Recursive spine
C: Flexible spine
D: Stiff spine
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Cats have a flexible spine with extra vertebrae, contributing to their remarkable agility and ability to twist and turn.
44: What percentage of U.S. households owned at least one cat as of 2017?
A: 10%
B: 25%
C: 35%
D: 42%
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: As of 2017, approximately 42% of U.S. households owned at least one cat.
45: What is a common term for the process of surgically sterilizing a female cat?
A: Neutering
B: Castrating
C: Spaying
D: Trimming
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The process of surgically sterilizing a female cat is commonly referred to as spaying.
46: Why do male cats often bite the scruff of the female’s neck during mating?
A: To show dominance
B: To trigger ovulation
C: To suppress her movements
D: To mark her
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Male cats often bite the scruff of the female’s neck during mating as it triggers ovulation due to the spines on their penis.
47: How many whiskers do cats generally have, helping them with navigation and sensation?
A: 8
B: 12
C: 24
D: 30
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Cats generally have about 24 whiskers, which help them with navigation and sensation.
48: What structure in cats enhances their sense of smell, making it far superior to that of humans?
A: Cochlea
B: Jacobson’s organ
C: Semicircular canals
D: Stapes
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Jacobson’s organ, or the vomeronasal organ, enhances a cat’s sense of smell and is involved in detecting pheromones.
49: What organ do cats use for the behavioral process of flehmening?
A: Kidney
B: Spleen
C: Jacobson’s organ
D: Liver
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Cats use Jacobson’s organ in their mouths for the behavioral process of flehmening, allowing them to sense certain aromas more acutely.
50: What region is associated with the earliest evidence of domestic cats in Europe, around 1200 BC?
A: Scandinavia
B: Greece
C: British Isles
D: Iberian Peninsula
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The earliest known evidence of domestic cats in Europe, dating to around 1200 BC, is associated with Greece.
51: What term describes female cats that are not spayed?
A: Tomcats
B: Queens
C: Gibbets
D: Molls
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Female cats that are not spayed are referred to as queens.
52: What unique feature do cat claws have that helps them remain sharp?
A: Continuous growth
B: Protractable and retractable
C: Regular shedding
D: Constant licking
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Cats have protractable and retractable claws, which helps them remain sharp by preventing wear from ground contact.
53: In which part of the world did the domesticated cat likely evolve from the Near Eastern wildcat?
A: South America
B: Near East
C: Southern Europe
D: Southeast Asia
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The domestic cat likely evolved from the Near Eastern wildcat, as indicated by phylogenetic research.
54: How do cats primarily interact socially within colonies?
A: Isolated interactions
B: Aggressive confrontations
C: Urine marking
D: Cooperative female groups
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Within colonies, cats primarily interact socially through cooperative groupings of females.
55: What did phylogenetic research suggest about the domestic cat’s evolutionary history?
A: Evolved from many wild ancestors
B: Evolved independently
C: Developed through sympatric speciation
D: Descended from the Near Eastern wildcat
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Phylogenetic research suggests that domestic cats descended from the Near Eastern wildcat.
56: Which physical attribute allows cats to land on their feet during falls?
A: Wide paws
B: Light body weight
C: Flexible spine
D: Micro-spines on teeth
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The flexible spine of cats, combined with the righting reflex, allows them to land on their feet during falls.
57: What biological mechanism contributes to a cat’s ability to see in dim light?
A: Wider pupils
B: Advanced cones
C: Tapetum lucidum
D: Enhanced cornea
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The tapetum lucidum is a layer in cats’ eyes that reflects light back through the retina, enhancing their ability to see in dim light.
58: What is the main reason neutered male cats tend to live longer than intact males?
A: Reduced food intake
B: Greater activity level
C: Reduced risk of reproductive diseases
D: Improved hunting skills
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Neutering decreases the incidence of reproductive neoplasia and other health issues, contributing to longer life expectancy in male cats.
59: What condition can result from neutering cats, related to their diet and lifestyle?
A: Hyperactivity
B: Reduced sense of smell
C: Obesity
D: Increased aggression
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Neutering can reduce a cat’s metabolism and increase food intake, often leading to obesity if not managed properly.
60: What type of social behavior do cats display toward humans and other animals due to life in proximity?
A: Solitary hunting
B: Territorial ambivalence
C: Affectionate bonding
D: Competitive marking
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Cats often display affectionate behavior toward humans and other animals due to their adapted social behaviors from living in proximity to them.