1. What’s your favorite aspect of companion planting?
A. Pest control
B. Weed suppression
C. Maximizing space
D. Pollination
2. How prepared are you for implementing a companion planting strategy in your garden?
A. Very prepared
B. Somewhat prepared
C. Not very prepared
D. Not at all prepared
3. How do you feel about using traditional companion planting methods in modern gardening?
A. Very enthusiastic
B. Somewhat interested
C. Indifferent
D. Skeptical
4. What makes you most frustrated about trying to implement companion planting?
A. Finding the right plant pairs
B. Time and effort needed
C. Conflicting information
D. Pests still appearing
5. How confident are you in your ability to choose effective companion plants?
A. Very confident
B. Somewhat confident
C. Not very confident
D. Not confident at all
6. Which of these companion planting benefits are you most excited about?
A. Increased crop yield
B. Pest control
C. Soil improvement
D. Biodiversity
7. In a perfect world, what would your companion planting setup look like?
A. Fully organic with no pesticides
B. Integrated small-scale farm
C. Community garden with diverse plants
D. High-tech urban farm
8. What do you dream about when it comes to companion planting in your garden?
A. Pest-free crops
B. Abundant harvest
C. Low-maintenance garden
D. Lush and healthy plants
9. What is your current biggest challenge in using companion planting?
A. Lack of knowledge
B. Space constraints
C. Pests
D. Time management
10. When you think about companion planting, what are you most concerned about?
A. Effectiveness of plant pairs
B. Potential plant diseases
C. Initial implementation effort
D. Ongoing maintenance
11. How often do you incorporate new companion planting techniques into your gardening?
A. Frequently
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. Never
12. How do you handle discovering a pest problem in your companion planting setup?
A. Immediately research solutions
B. Consult a gardening expert
C. Experiment with different remedies
D. Feel overwhelmed and unsure
13. Which member of the gardening community are you during a companion planting discussion?
A. The seasoned expert
B. The enthusiastic learner
C. The curious observer
D. The skeptical critic
14. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “companion planting”?
A. Trustworthy gardening technique
B. Complicated gardening system
C. Old-fashioned method
D. Innovative approach
15. How would you describe your relationship to companion planting methods?
A. Deeply involved
B. Moderately interested
C. Casual about it
D. Unfamiliar
16. How comfortable are you with the idea of replacing artificial fertilizers with companion planting techniques?
A. Very comfortable
B. Somewhat comfortable
C. Unsure
D. Uncomfortable
17. What do you think is missing in your quest to effectively use companion planting?
A. Detailed information
B. Practical experience
C. Proper tools
D. Guidance from experts
18. How likely are you to use companion plants to attract beneficial insects?
A. Very likely
B. Somewhat likely
C. Unlikely
D. Never
19. How often do you research new companion planting practices?
A. Always
B. Often
C. Sometimes
D. Never
20. You are learning about companion planting at a gardening workshop. How do you react?
A. Take extensive notes
B. Ask lots of questions
C. Listen quietly
D. Browse related materials afterward
21. How do you handle conflicting information about companion planting?
A. Cross-reference multiple sources
B. Turn to expert advice
C. Stick with tried and true methods
D. Feel confused and unsure
22. How well do you manage the integration of companion planting methods into your existing garden routines?
A. Very well
B. Fairly well
C. Struggle a bit
D. Not well at all
23. How decisive are you in trying out new companion planting theories?
A. Very decisive
B. Somewhat decisive
C. Indecisive
D. Hesitant
24. When new research on companion planting comes out, what is your first response?
A. Excited to test it out
B. Curious but cautious
C. Indifferent
D. Skeptical
25. What’s your favorite memory related to companion planting?
A. Successfully keeping pests away
B. A surprising garden yield increase
C. Learning from a gardening mentor
D. Seeing the positive community impact
26. How well do you stick to your companion planting principles when pressured by others?
A. Always stick to them
B. Sometimes stick to them
C. Rarely stick to them
D. Never stick to them
27. What are you most excited about in your garden this season?
A. Trying new companion plant pairs
B. Seeing how current pairs perform
C. General crop health
D. Experimenting with different practices
28. Which of these aspects of companion planting is most likely to be a struggle for you?
A. Understanding plant interactions
B. Regular maintenance
C. Pests ignoring companion plants
D. Finding accurate information
29. Which of these companion planting goals resonates with you the most?
A. Creating a self-sustaining ecosystem
B. Reducing chemical use
C. Maximizing yield
D. Enhancing garden aesthetics
30. What’s your idea of the perfect companion planting situation?
A. A pest-free garden
B. Increased crop diversity
C. Low-maintenance setup
D. Vibrantly blooming plants
31. When new information about companion planting comes up, what is your first response?
A. Excited to incorporate it
B. Curious but careful
C. Indifferent
D. Doubtful
32. What is your strongest attribute when it comes to companion planting?
A. Patience
B. Research abilities
C. Practical skills
D. Innovative thinking
33. How connected do you feel to the concept of companion planting?
A. Deeply connected
B. Fairly connected
C. Slightly connected
D. Not connected at all
34. What happens if a companion planting pair does not work as expected?
A. Research alternative pairs
B. Ask for advice
C. Experiment with adjustments
D. Abandon the technique
35. How would your friends and family describe your interest in companion planting?
A. Passionate
B. Curious
C. Casual
D. Dismissive
36. Tell us a little about how you view companion planting.
A. Revolutionary gardening method
B. Historical tradition
C. Niche interest
D. Complex and difficult
37. If you could choose any companion plants to start with, which pair would you choose and why?
A. Carrots and onions for pest control
B. Basil and tomatoes for flavor enhancement
C. Marigolds and beans for nitrogen fixing
D. Clover and grasses for soil improvement
38. How often do you notice the benefits of companion planting in your garden?
A. Regularly
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. Never
39. What aspect of gardening makes you the most happy?
A. Harvesting crops
B. Planting new seeds
C. Seeing plants thrive
D. Experimenting with new techniques
40. How do you feel about the multitrophic interactions involved in companion planting?
A. Fascinated
B. Interested
C. Confused
D. Unconcerned
41. In a perfect world, what would the outcome of your companion planting efforts be?
A. Flourishing garden
B. No need for pesticides
C. Diverse ecosystem
D. Abundant yield
42. How prepared are you to deal with the pests that companion planting might attract?
A. Very prepared
B. Moderately prepared
C. Slightly prepared
D. Not prepared at all
43. Do you have a dedicated space in your garden just for experimenting with companion planting?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. Planning to create one
D. No
44. You have a free weekend to focus on your garden. What do you do?
A. Plan new companion plant setups
B. Attend a gardening workshop
C. Visit a nursery for new plants
D. Relax and enjoy your garden
45. How often do you experiment with different companion planting combinations?
A. Frequently
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. Never
46. How often do you experience challenges with companion planting?
A. Frequently
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. Never
47. How well do your companion plants typically perform in your garden?
A. Very well
B. Well
C. Average
D. Poorly
48. How often do you worry about pests affecting your companion plants?
A. Frequently
B. Sometimes
C. Rarely
D. Never
49. How confident are you in achieving a beneficial relationship between companion plants and crops?
A. Very confident
B. Somewhat confident
C. Not very confident
D. Not confident at all
50. New companion planting techniques become available, what do you do?
A. Eagerly try them out
B. Research before trying
C. Wait and see reviews
D. Ignore them
51. A specific situation arises where your companion plants seem to be inhibiting each other, how do you react?
A. Reevaluate plant pairs
B. Seek expert advice
C. Change the plants’ positions
D. Remove the non-performing plants
52. What (causes, topics, interests, etc.) are you most passionate about in gardening?
A. Organic practices
B. Crop yields
C. Biodiversity
D. Sustainability
53. When you were a kid, how did you engage with gardening?
A. Loved helping out
B. Occasionally interested
C. Indifferent
D. Disliked it
54. How do you determine your garden’s objectives each season?
A. Detailed planning
B. Based on past success
C. Spontaneous decisions
D. Follow gardening trends
55. Are your gardening goals consistently achieved with companion planting?
A. Always achieved
B. Mostly achieved
C. Occasionally achieved
D. Rarely achieved
56. How would you manage the setup and maintenance of a large companion planting project?
A. Systematic planning
B. Set small achievable goals
C. Trial and error
D. Outsource help
57. What makes you nervous about starting a new companion planting project?
A. Unpredictable results
B. High initial effort
C. Communication with experts
D. Financial investment
58. How well do you stick to your companion planting practices when gardening becomes challenging?
A. Always stick to them
B. Mostly stick to them
C. Sometimes stick to them
D. Rarely stick to them
59. During companion planting, what’s your favorite plant pair to work with?
A. Basil and tomatoes
B. Carrots and onions
C. Beans and corn
D. Marigolds and tomatoes
60. What do you think you need to reach your garden productivity goal with companion planting?
A. More knowledge
B. Better tools
C. Time and dedication
D. Community support