1. How would you describe your dog’s dental health right now?
A. Perfectly clean and healthy
B. Somewhat healthy, but a bit of plaque
C. Struggling with some tartar build-up
D. Not in the best shape, needs professional cleaning
2. How often do you brush your dog’s teeth?
A. Daily
B. A few times a week
C. Occasionally
D. Never
3. What concerns you the most about your dog’s dental health?
A. Potential for periodontal disease
B. Bad breath
C. Tartar build-up
D. Overall oral hygiene
4. How confident are you in your ability to maintain your dog’s dental health?
A. Very confident
B. Somewhat confident
C. Not very confident
D. Not confident at all
5. Which dental issue do you find most challenging to manage for your dog?
A. Preventing plaque buildup
B. Controlling bad breath
C. Keeping gums healthy
D. Ensuring regular tooth brushing
6. What is your dog’s favorite dental chew or treat?
A. Dental bones
B. Rawhide chews
C. Flavored dental sticks
D. He/She doesn’t have a favorite
7. When you think about your dog’s dental care, what frustrates you the most?
A. Getting my dog to cooperate with tooth brushing
B. The cost of dental products
C. Knowledge about what products to use
D. Scheduling professional cleanings
8. How would your dog react if you tried to brush their teeth for the first time?
A. Calm and cooperative
B. Curious but a bit unsure
C. Resistant and tries to escape
D. Nervous and anxious
9. What do you feel most unsure about when it comes to dental diets for dogs?
A. Effectiveness in preventing dental issues
B. Nutritional value compared to regular food
C. Cost and affordability
D. Finding the right brand/product
10. How often do you visit the vet for your dog’s dental checkup?
A. Annually
B. Every six months
C. Only when there’s a problem
D. Never
11. What does your vet usually recommend for your dog’s dental health?
A. Specific kibbles or dental diets
B. Regular brushing
C. Dental chews or toys
D. Professional cleanings
12. Who in your household is most responsible for taking care of your dog’s dental health?
A. Yourself
B. A partner or family member
C. Shared responsibility
D. Nobody really takes charge
13. What is your biggest concern about using dental chews to prevent plaque?
A. Safety if ingested in large pieces
B. Actual efficacy
C. Potential cost
D. Dog’s interest in chewing them
14. Do you think your dog’s personality affects their dental health management?
A. Yes, definitely
B. Somewhat
C. Not really
D. Not at all
15. How do you feel about the physical characteristics of dental kibble affecting oral health?
A. Very important
B. Somewhat important
C. Not really important
D. I don’t know
16. Which of these attributes do you think is most important for your dog’s dental diet?
A. High fiber content
B. Specific kibbles to chew
C. Added vitamins/minerals
D. Anti-microbial additives
17. If you could improve one thing about your dog’s dental health regimen, what would it be?
A. Better cooperation from my dog
B. More knowledge of products
C. More consistent brushing
D. Regular professional check-ups
18. How often do you discuss your dog’s dental health at vet visits?
A. Every visit
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. Never
19. What’s your experience with professional dental cleaning for your dog?
A. Routine and effective
B. Necessary but difficult to schedule
C. Too expensive
D. Haven’t tried it yet
20. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of a dental diet for dogs?
A. Improvement in my dog’s breath
B. Reduction in plaque/tartar
C. Vet’s confirmation
D. My dog’s willingness to eat it
21. How well do you think you stick to your dog’s dental care routine?
A. Very well
B. Fairly well
C. Not well
D. I don’t have a routine
22. What makes you most excited about dental diets for dogs?
A. Potential for better oral health
B. More convenience than brushing
C. Improved overall health
D. Creating a fun routine for my dog
23. How do you handle situations where your dog resists dental care?
A. Patience and treats to calm them
B. Passing the responsibility to a professional
C. Ignoring and doing nothing
D. Finding alternatives like dental treats
24. What is your primary goal for your dog’s dental health?
A. Prevention of periodontal disease
B. Odor-free breath
C. Strong teeth and gums
D. Overall mouth cleanliness
25. Are you able to inspect all of your dog’s teeth easily?
A. Very easy
B. Fairly easy
C. Fairly difficult
D. Very difficult
26. Why do you think your dog might resist dental care?
A. Discomfort or pain
B. Disinterest
C. Anxiety
D. Lack of familiarity
27. How important do you think brushing your dog’s teeth is for their dental health?
A. Extremely important
B. Somewhat important
C. Not very important
D. Not important at all
28. What motivates you to maintain your dog’s dental health?
A. Seeing visible improvement
B. Recommendations from professionals
C. Learning about potential health benefits
D. Avoiding costly treatments
29. How would you describe your relationship to your dog’s dental health?
A. Very proactive
B. Somewhat attentive
C. Passive unless there’s a problem
D. Not involved
30. What aspect of dental chews do you find most appealing for your dog?
A. Ability to clean teeth
B. Enjoyment as a treat
C. Helps with bad breath
D. Ease of use over brushing
31. When you hear about dental health for dogs, what’s your first thought?
A. The importance of regular care
B. The challenge of keeping teeth clean
C. The cost of products and services
D. How little I know about it
32. What’s your favorite part of your dog’s dental routine?
A. Seeing their clean teeth
B. Improvement in breath smell
C. Bonding time while brushing
D. The variety of dental treats
33. If you could waive a magic wand, what would the perfect dental care routine for dogs look like?
A. Dogs loving to have their teeth brushed
B. Affordable and effective products
C. Guaranteed prevention of dental issues
D. Ease and convenience in maintaining it
34. What keeps you up at night about your dog’s dental health?
A. The possibility of unnoticed pain
B. Costly dental treatments
C. Difficulty in maintaining routine
D. Lack of knowledge on best practices
35. Which of these potential struggles do you think is most relevant to your dog’s dental care?
A. Resistance to tooth brushing
B. Finding effective products
C. Scheduling regular vet visits
D. Consistent maintenance
36. How would you rate your current knowledge about dog dental health?
A. Very knowledgeable
B. Somewhat knowledgeable
C. Limited knowledge
D. Very little to no knowledge
37. What happened the last time you tried to brush your dog’s teeth?
A. Success — clean teeth!
B. Somewhat successful with struggles
C. Total resistance from my dog
D. Never tried it
38. What’s your favorite aspect of dental chews for dogs?
A. Easy to use
B. Dogs enjoy them
C. They help with bad breath
D. Nutritional benefits
39. How do you handle professional recommendations regarding your dog’s dental health?
A. Always follow them
B. Follow some but not all
C. Rarely follow them
D. Ignore them
40. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think your dog’s breath smells bad?
A. They need a tooth brushing
B. Their diet may need a change
C. Potential dental problem
D. Need a vet check-up
41. How would your friends describe your diligence with your dog’s dental health?
A. Very diligent
B. Fairly diligent
C. Somewhat diligent
D. Not diligent
42. What specific dental diet or chew does your vet recommend for your dog?
A. VOHC-approved kibble
B. Specialty dental chews
C. Regular dog food with brushing
D. Haven’t received a recommendation
43. How often do you notice dental signs, like plaque or tartar, in your dog?
A. Frequently
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. Never
44. Tell us a little about your technique in managing your dog’s dental care.
A. Regular and thorough brushing
B. Using dental chews consistently
C. Relying on professional cleanings
D. Minimal effort, use treats occasionally
45. How comfortable are you with new dental care routines for your dog?
A. Very comfortable
B. Somewhat comfortable
C. A bit hesitant
D. Extremely uncomfortable
46. What’s your favorite memory related to taking care of your dog’s teeth?
A. Successfully cleaning without resistance
B. Dog enjoying a dental chew
C. Positive vet feedback on oral health
D. Creating a cute brushing routine
47. How do you handle your dog’s resistance to dental care?
A. With patience and treats
B. By taking breaks and trying again
C. Handing it over to professionals
D. Avoiding it altogether
48. How good is your understanding of dental health recommendations for dogs?
A. Very good
B. Good
C. Moderate
D. Poor
49. What are you most passionate about regarding your dog’s dental health?
A. Preventing dental disease
B. Ensuring clean breath
C. Overall oral hygiene
D. Making dental care enjoyable
50. In a perfect world, what would pet dental care be like?
A. Effortless and enjoyable for pets
B. Cost-effective and convenient
C. Comprehensive and highly effective
D. Integrated into regular pet diets
51. How do you choose dental products for your dog?
A. Based on vet recommendations
B. Online reviews and research
C. Pet store suggestions
D. Trial and error
52. What do you find to be the trickiest part about brushing your dog’s teeth?
A. Getting them to stay still
B. Reaching all the teeth properly
C. Finding the right brush/toothpaste
D. Maintaining a regular routine
53. How effective do you think dental diets are compared to traditional brushing?
A. More effective
B. Equally effective
C. Less effective
D. Not sure
54. Do you have a trusted resource for information on your dog’s dental health?
A. Vet professional
B. Reputable online sources
C. Pet community or friends
D. I’m still looking for one
55. How often do you notice bad breath in your dog?
A. Frequently
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. Never
56. You have a week to do whatever you want with no time restrictions; how do you improve your dog’s dental health?
A. Establish a new brushing routine
B. Try out different dental treats
C. Schedule a professional cleaning
D. Research and purchase the best dental products
57. If you could choose any dental trait for your dog, which one would it be and why?
A. Perfectly clean teeth to avoid dentist visits
B. Strong gums for long-term health
C. Fresh breath to avoid bad odors
D. Less plaque buildup for easier care
58. Are your current dental care practices effective for your dog?
A. Very effective
B. Somewhat effective
C. Hard to tell
D. Not effective
59. How often do you notice signs of discomfort in your dog related to dental issues?
A. Frequently
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. Never
60. What’s your idea of an ideal dental care product?
A. One that is easy to use and effective
B. A product that my dog enjoys
C. Something affordable and reliable
D. A product with multiple health benefits