Drives and the C.N.S. (Conceptual Nervous System) Quiz Questions and Answers

How do you feel about the idea of the brain being inherently active, even without external stimulation?

  • “It makes total sense! Our brains are always working, even when we’re not consciously aware of it.”
  • “I’m not sure. It’s hard to wrap my head around the idea of my brain doing things without me telling it to.”
  • “It’s a bit unnerving, honestly. Makes you wonder what’s going on in there when you’re not paying attention.”
  • “I find it fascinating! It opens up so many questions about consciousness and free will.”

What’s your favorite example of the Conceptual Nervous System at work in everyday life?

  • “Daydreaming! It’s like my brain creating its own little world.”
  • “That ‘aha!’ moment when you finally solve a problem you’ve been stuck on. It feels like your brain just suddenly makes a connection.”
  • “The feeling of intense focus when I’m really engrossed in a task. It’s like everything else just fades away.”
  • “I love observing children’s natural curiosity and how they’re constantly exploring and learning. It speaks to the brain’s inherent drive for stimulation.”

What makes you nervous about the concept of the arousal system influencing your behavior?

  • “It makes me feel a bit less in control, like my actions are being dictated by my biology.”
  • “The idea of ‘optimal arousal’ is intriguing, but also a bit overwhelming. How do I know if I’m ever at the right level?”
  • “I worry about the implications for things like addiction or anxiety. If our brains are wired to seek stimulation, does that make us more vulnerable to these things?”
  • “Not much, really. I’m comfortable with the idea that our biology plays a role in our behavior.”

What makes you most frustrated about the traditional drive theories of motivation?

  • “They seem too simplistic and reductionistic. Human behavior is far more complex than just trying to satisfy basic needs.”
  • “They don’t account for things like creativity, curiosity, or the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake.”
  • “They can be quite deterministic, implying that we’re all just slaves to our biological urges.”
  • “It’s frustrating that they struggle to explain why we sometimes engage in behaviors that seem to work against our own best interests.”

What are you most excited about when you think about the future of research into the Conceptual Nervous System?

  • “I’m excited to see how our understanding of the brain can lead to new treatments for mental health conditions.”
  • “I think it has the potential to revolutionize education and how we approach learning.”
  • “I’m curious to see what new technologies will emerge that allow us to study the brain in even greater detail.”
  • “I hope it will lead to a deeper understanding of consciousness and what it means to be human.”

What do you dream about when it comes to understanding human motivation?

  • “Unlocking the secrets of the brain and finally having a complete understanding of what drives human behavior.”
  • “Developing personalized interventions that can help people achieve their full potential.”
  • “Creating a world where people are more self-aware and can make choices that lead to greater fulfillment and well-being.”
  • “I dream of a future where technology and neuroscience can work together to enhance human capabilities and create a more compassionate society.”

What comes to mind when you hear the term “optimal arousal”?

  • “A state of flow where I’m completely engaged in what I’m doing and I lose track of time.”
  • “A sense of calm focus and alertness, where I feel challenged but not overwhelmed.”
  • “Feeling energized and motivated, but not jittery or anxious.”
  • “That sweet spot between boredom and anxiety, where my creativity and productivity are at their peak.”

What’s your favorite way to challenge your brain and seek out novel stimulation?

  • “I love learning new things, whether it’s a new language, a musical instrument, or just reading about a topic I know nothing about.”
  • “Traveling to new places and experiencing different cultures is incredibly stimulating for me.”
  • “I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie and I enjoy activities that push me outside of my comfort zone.”
  • “I find creative pursuits, like painting or writing, to be incredibly rewarding and mentally engaging.”

When you were a kid, how did you satisfy your innate drive for exploration and stimulation?

  • “I was always building things, taking things apart, and generally getting into mischief.”
  • “I loved to read and I would spend hours lost in books, imagining myself in different worlds.”
  • “I was very social and I loved to play games with my friends and make up stories.”
  • “I was drawn to nature and I would spend hours exploring the woods behind my house.”

You have a choice of spending a day in a bustling city or a serene natural setting, which do you choose and why?

  • “Definitely the city! I love the energy, the diversity of people and experiences, and the constant buzz of activity.”
  • “I need my peace and quiet, so I’d choose nature without hesitation. Being surrounded by beauty and tranquility is incredibly restorative for me.”
  • “It depends on my mood. Sometimes I crave the stimulation of the city, while other times I need to recharge in nature.”
  • “I’d probably go for a hike in nature near a city so I could experience a little bit of both.”

A friend challenges you to try a new activity that you’re initially hesitant about, how do you react?

  • “I’m usually up for trying new things, so I’d probably go for it. You only live once, right?”
  • “I’d be a bit apprehensive, but I’d probably give it a chance if my friend was really enthusiastic about it.”
  • “I’m pretty set in my ways and I don’t like to step outside of my comfort zone, so I might decline.”
  • “I’d need to know more about the activity before making a decision. I’m more open to trying new things if they align with my interests.”

What keeps you up at night about the limitations of our current understanding of the brain?

  • “The fact that we still don’t have cures for many debilitating neurological and mental health conditions.”
  • “The potential for misuse of neuroscience research, for example in advertising or propaganda.”
  • “The ethical dilemmas that arise as we gain a deeper understanding of consciousness and free will.”
  • “I worry that we’re still only scratching the surface of what there is to know about the brain, and that it may be a long time before we truly understand its complexities.”

Which of these areas of neuroscience research would you find most intriguing to explore further?

  • “The study of consciousness and how subjective experience arises from neural activity.”
  • “The development of new technologies for imaging and manipulating brain activity.”
  • “The investigation of the neural basis of complex human behaviors, such as creativity, empathy, and decision-making.”
  • “Research into the causes and treatments of neurological and psychiatric disorders.”

When you think about the concept of free will, what are you most concerned about?

  • “The possibility that free will is an illusion and that our choices are predetermined by our biology and environment.”
  • “The implications for morality and personal responsibility if our actions are not truly our own.”
  • “The challenge of reconciling scientific determinism with our subjective experience of agency.”
  • “It’s less of a concern and more of a fascination with the philosophical implications of free will in a world increasingly understood through a scientific lens.”

What aspect of the brain’s inherent activity makes you the most happy?

  • “Knowing that my brain is constantly learning, adapting, and making new connections makes me feel optimistic about my potential for growth.”
  • “The fact that we’re wired for curiosity and exploration gives me a sense of wonder about the world.”
  • “I’m grateful for the brain’s capacity for creativity and its ability to find joy and meaning in even the most challenging circumstances.”
  • “I find it comforting to know that even when I’m resting, my brain is still working behind the scenes to keep me functioning.”

What is most likely to make you feel down about the limitations of the human brain?

  • “The fact that our brains are susceptible to disease, injury, and decline.”
  • “The limitations of human memory and the inevitability of forgetting.”
  • “The realization that our brains can sometimes lead us astray, making irrational decisions or succumbing to cognitive biases.”
  • “I feel sad when I think about how much potential is lost due to lack of access to education and opportunities for cognitive stimulation.”

In a perfect world, what would our education system look like, considering what we know about the Conceptual Nervous System?

  • “It would be highly personalized, catering to each student’s individual learning style and interests.”
  • “It would emphasize active learning, experimentation, and problem-solving over rote memorization.”
  • “It would foster a love of learning and a sense of curiosity that extends beyond the classroom.”
  • “It would be accessible to everyone, regardless of background or socioeconomic status.”

If you could waive a magic wand, what would the perfect understanding of human motivation look like?

  • “A world where everyone understands their own motivations and can harness them to live fulfilling lives.”
  • “A future where we can prevent and treat mental health conditions effectively, allowing everyone to experience optimal well-being.”
  • “A society that values intrinsic motivation, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake.”
  • “A world where people are more understanding and compassionate towards one another, recognizing the complex interplay of factors that contribute to behavior.”

How often do you actively seek out new experiences and challenges that push you outside of your comfort zone?

  • “I make a conscious effort to try something new at least once a week, whether it’s a new restaurant, a new hobby, or just striking up a conversation with a stranger.”
  • “I’m more of a creature of habit, but I do try to challenge myself every now and then.”
  • “I prefer to stick with what I know and I’m not really one for big changes or risks.”
  • “It depends on what area of life we’re talking about. Socially, I’m pretty adventurous. But professionally, I prefer stability.”

You are at a party and someone is discussing a topic you know nothing about. Do you:

  • “Jump into the conversation, eager to learn something new and engage with different perspectives.”
  • “Politely listen for a while and then steer the conversation towards something I’m more familiar with.”
  • “Excuse myself and find someone else to talk to. I’m not really interested in topics that don’t hold my attention.”
  • “Hang out on the outskirts of the conversation and chime in if I have a question or something relevant to add.”

How comfortable are you with ambiguity and uncertainty in your life?

  • “I actually thrive in uncertainty! It keeps things interesting and allows for unexpected opportunities.”
  • “I can handle a certain amount of ambiguity, but I prefer to have a plan and know what to expect.”
  • “Uncertainty makes me anxious, so I try to avoid it as much as possible.”
  • “I’m working on becoming more comfortable with ambiguity. I know it’s a part of life.”

You have a free weekend with no obligations. What do you do?

  • “Book a last-minute flight to a new city and spend the weekend exploring.”
  • “Curl up with a good book and dive into a new fictional world.”
  • “Finally tackle that project I’ve been putting off, whether it’s organizing my closet or learning how to code.”
  • “Spend time with loved ones, reconnect with friends, and recharge my batteries.”

Which of these aspects of the Conceptual Nervous System is most likely to be a struggle for you?

  • “Finding the right balance of stimulation without becoming overwhelmed or overstimulated.”
  • “Staying motivated and focused when tasks don’t hold my interest.”
  • “Overcoming fear and procrastination when faced with new challenges.”
  • “Accepting the limitations of my own brain and the inevitability of cognitive decline as I age.”

Which member of the ‘arousal spectrum’ are you?

  • “The Thrill-Seeker – always seeking out novelty and excitement.”
  • “The Steady Eddie – preferring a comfortable level of stimulation.”
  • “The Introspective One – needing plenty of downtime to recharge after social interaction or mentally demanding tasks.”
  • “The Mood-Dependent One – my ideal level of arousal fluctuates depending on a variety of internal and external factors.”

You stumble upon a fascinating new area of research that challenges your previous understanding of the brain. What is your first response?

  • “Excitement! I immediately dive into the research, eager to learn more and revise my understanding.”
  • “Healthy skepticism. I approach the new information cautiously, wanting to see if it’s supported by rigorous evidence.”
  • “Resistance. I tend to stick to my existing beliefs and I’m not easily swayed by new ideas.”
  • “Curiosity. I want to learn more, but I also recognize that my understanding is always evolving.”

Someone asks “How are your energy levels these days?” what’s the actual answer, not just “I’m good?”

  • “To be honest, my energy levels have been all over the place lately. Some days I’m full of beans, other days I can barely keep my eyes open.”
  • “Pretty consistent, actually. I’ve found a good routine that keeps my energy levels stable.”
  • “I could definitely use a boost! I’ve been feeling a bit burnt out and drained recently.”
  • “My energy levels are directly correlated to how engaged I am in what I’m doing. Boredom is my kryptonite.”

What’s your go-to activity for achieving a state of flow?

  • “Playing music or losing myself in a creative project.”
  • “Engaging in deep conversations that challenge my perspective.”
  • “Immersing myself in nature – hiking, camping, or just being surrounded by trees.”
  • “Physical activity! Running, dancing, or anything that gets my body moving.”

What area of knowledge or skill do you most want to explore further?

  • “I’ve always been fascinated by the brain and I’d love to delve deeper into the world of neuroscience.”
  • “I want to learn a new language and experience the world through a different cultural lens.”
  • “I’m drawn to creative pursuits and I dream of mastering a new art form, like painting, writing, or filmmaking.”
  • “I want to learn more about history and understand the complex forces that have shaped our world.”

What’s your favorite memory of a time when you felt completely engrossed in the present moment, your arousal levels perfectly balanced?

  • “That time I went on a solo backpacking trip and felt completely connected to nature and myself.”
  • “The feeling of accomplishment after finishing a challenging project that required all of my focus and creativity.”
  • “Experiencing a live concert of my favorite band, completely lost in the music and the energy of the crowd.”
  • “A deep conversation with a loved one where time seemed to stand still and we were completely present with each other.”

What causes, topics, or personal interests are you most passionate about?

  • “I’m passionate about social justice and advocating for a more equitable world.”
  • “I’m driven to understand the universe and our place in it through scientific exploration and discovery.”
  • “I’m committed to making a difference in the lives of others through my work in healthcare/education/social work.”
  • “I’m deeply interested in the human condition and exploring what it means to live a meaningful life.”

What is your absolute favorite activity that leaves you feeling mentally refreshed and energized?

  • “A long walk in nature, breathing in the fresh air and listening to the sounds of the forest.”
  • “Curling up with a good book and getting lost in a different world.”
  • “Having a stimulating conversation with someone who challenges my perspective.”
  • “Engaging in a creative hobby that allows me to express myself and tap into my imagination.”

How would your friends and family describe your approach to learning new things?

  • “They’d say I’m a curious and enthusiastic learner, always eager to try new things.”
  • “They might describe me as more cautious and methodical, preferring to learn at my own pace.”
  • “They know I’m someone who loves a good challenge and thrives when I’m pushed outside of my comfort zone.”
  • “They would say I’m a lifelong learner who believes it’s never too late to expand my knowledge and skills.”

Tell us a little about your learning style; what helps you learn and retain new information best?

  • “I’m a hands-on learner and I need to actively engage with material in order to really understand it.”
  • “I learn best through observation and by listening to experts in the field.”
  • “I’m a visual learner and I respond well to diagrams, charts, and other visual aids.”
  • “I absorb information best in a quiet environment where I can focus without distractions.”

If you could choose any superpower related to the Conceptual Nervous System, which one would you choose and why?

  • “Enhanced cognitive function! I’d love to have a photographic memory, lightning-fast processing speed, and an unlimited capacity for learning.”
  • “The ability to control my own arousal levels, effortlessly achieving a state of flow whenever I need to.”
  • “Telepathy! Being able to understand and connect with others on a deeper level would be incredible.”
  • “The power to heal neurological disorders and help those suffering from brain injuries or diseases.”

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you encounter a challenging problem that requires a creative solution?

  • “Bring it on! I love a good challenge and I’m confident in my ability to find a solution.”
  • “Hmm, this is going to require some serious brainpower. I better grab a coffee and get to work.”
  • “Oh no, not another problem to solve. I wish I could just avoid these things altogether.”
  • “What if I approach this from a completely different angle? Sometimes a fresh perspective is all you need.”

What affects your mood the most?

  • “My environment plays a big role in how I feel. Being in nature or surrounded by loved ones instantly boosts my mood.”
  • “The type of work I’m doing has a huge impact on my energy levels and overall mood. I thrive when I’m engaged in challenging and meaningful work.”
  • “My physical health is directly tied to my mental state. When I’m feeling good physically, I tend to be in a better mood overall.”
  • “The quality of my sleep is crucial. If I don’t get enough rest, I’m much more likely to feel irritable and down.”

What’s your idea of the perfect work environment, considering your understanding of the Conceptual Nervous System?

  • “A dynamic and stimulating environment where I’m constantly learning and collaborating with others.”
  • “A quiet and focused workspace where I can minimize distractions and get things done.”
  • “A flexible work arrangement that allows me to work remotely or adjust my hours to optimize my energy levels.”
  • “A supportive and collaborative team where I feel valued and respected for my contributions.”

What is your strongest cognitive skill, something you excel at when it comes to learning and thinking?

  • “Problem-solving is my jam. I love breaking down complex issues and finding creative solutions.”
  • “I’m a natural communicator and I excel at explaining complex concepts in a clear and concise way.”
  • “I have a knack for remembering details and making connections between seemingly unrelated pieces of information.”
  • “I’m a highly creative thinker and I’m always coming up with new ideas.”

How prepared are you for the challenges and opportunities that come with living in a world that’s constantly evolving and demanding new ways of thinking?

  • “Bring it on! I’m a highly adaptable person and I thrive in environments of change and uncertainty.”
  • “I’m always working on developing new skills and expanding my knowledge base.”
  • “I’m a bit apprehensive about the future, but I’m trying to stay open-minded and embrace new challenges.”
  • “I prefer stability and routine, so rapid change can be overwhelming for me.”

What happens if you find yourself in a state of low arousal, feeling bored or unmotivated? What strategies do you use to re-energize yourself?

  • “I actively seek out new experiences, whether it’s trying a new activity, exploring a new place, or connecting with new people.”
  • “I take breaks throughout the day to engage in activities that I find enjoyable and stimulating, like reading, listening to music, or spending time in nature.”
  • “I rely on caffeine or other stimulants to boost my energy levels when I’m feeling sluggish.”
  • “I sometimes struggle to motivate myself when I’m feeling uninspired. It can be helpful for me to break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.”

What do you think you need in your life to maintain optimal arousal and achieve a sense of fulfillment?

  • “A balance of challenging work, meaningful relationships, and opportunities for personal growth and exploration.”
  • “A sense of purpose and direction, knowing that my actions are contributing to something larger than myself.”
  • “A strong support system of friends, family, and colleagues who provide encouragement and inspiration.”
  • “Plenty of downtime and opportunities for rest and relaxation. I’ve learned that I can’t pour from an empty cup.”

How often do you reflect on your motivations and whether your actions are aligned with your values and goals?

  • “I make it a point to check in with myself regularly to see if I’m on the right track. I find journaling and meditation to be helpful tools for self-reflection.”
  • “I tend to be more reactive than proactive, but I do try to be mindful of my choices and how they impact others.”
  • “I’m not always the best at introspection, but I’m working on becoming more self-aware.”
  • “It’s not something I do consciously on a regular basis, but it often comes up in conversations with my therapist.”

How confident are you in your ability to adapt to new situations and learn new skills?

  • “Very confident! I’m a quick learner and I’m not afraid to dive in and figure things out as I go.”
  • “I’m reasonably confident, but I know that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.”
  • “My confidence depends on the situation. If it’s something I’m interested in, I’m more likely to feel confident.”
  • “I sometimes struggle with imposter syndrome and I doubt my abilities, even when I’m successful.”

How do you handle stress and pressure when your arousal levels are high and you’re feeling overwhelmed?

  • “I’ve developed coping mechanisms like exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature to regulate my emotions.”
  • “I sometimes withdraw from others and isolate myself when I’m feeling overwhelmed.”
  • “I can become short-tempered and irritable under stress, which can impact my relationships.”
  • “I try to power through it, but I know that’s not always the healthiest approach.”

Do you have a support system in place for those times when you need to talk things through or get a different perspective on a situation?

  • “Yes, I have a close-knit group of friends and family members who I can always count on for support.”
  • “I’m more of a lone wolf and I prefer to figure things out on my own.”
  • “I’m working on building stronger relationships and reaching out for help when I need it.”
  • “I rely on professional support when needed and have a therapist who I see regularly.”

How well do you stick to your convictions and pursue your goals, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks?

  • “I’m very determined and resilient. I don’t give up easily on things that are important to me.”
  • “I can be persistent, but I’m also realistic about my limitations.”
  • “I sometimes struggle with self-doubt and procrastination, which can hinder my progress.”
  • “Obstacles can be very discouraging for me. I’m working on developing a stronger sense of self-efficacy.”

Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your overall level of self-awareness?

  • “I’m very in tune with my thoughts, feelings, and motivations. I’ve done a lot of work on self-reflection and personal growth.”
  • “I’m fairly self-aware, but I know there’s always room for improvement.”
  • “I’m still figuring things out and learning about myself.”
  • “Self-awareness is something I’m actively working on through therapy and self-help.”

To what degree do you experience boredom in your daily life?

  • “I rarely experience boredom. I’m always finding new things to learn, explore, and engage with.”
  • “I experience a healthy amount of boredom, which I see as an opportunity for rest and reflection.”
  • “I can get bored easily if I’m not mentally stimulated or challenged.”
  • “Boredom is a major struggle for me. I constantly need to be entertained or engaged in something.”

Which of these best describes your current approach to personal growth and development?

  • “I’m actively pursuing new knowledge and experiences, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.”
  • “I’m content with where I’m at, but I’m open to learning and growing if the opportunity presents itself.”
  • “I know I should be more proactive about my personal growth, but I often get stuck in a rut.”
  • “I’m feeling a bit lost and directionless. I need to figure out what I want and how to get there.”

What is your current biggest challenge when it comes to managing your energy levels and motivation?

  • “Setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care. I tend to overcommit and burn myself out.”
  • “Procrastination! I often struggle to get started on tasks, even when I know I need to.”
  • “Staying focused in a world full of distractions.”
  • “Lack of motivation and direction. I need to find something that lights my fire.”

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you’re feeling mentally drained and depleted?

  • “Time for a break! I need to step away from whatever I’m doing and recharge my batteries.”
  • “I should probably get some exercise. Moving my body always helps to clear my head.”
  • “I need to connect with loved ones. Social interaction always gives me a boost.”
  • “Maybe I should just give in and take a nap. Sometimes rest is the best medicine.”

How do you handle criticism or feedback, even when it’s difficult to hear?

  • “I try to be open and receptive to feedback, even if it stings a little. I see it as an opportunity for growth.”
  • “I can be defensive at first, but I usually come around once I’ve had some time to process it.”
  • “Criticism is tough for me to hear. I tend to take it personally, even when it’s intended to be constructive.”
  • “It depends on who is giving the criticism and how it’s delivered. I’m more receptive to feedback from people I trust and respect.”

How would you describe your relationship with your own thoughts and emotions?

  • “I have a pretty good handle on my thoughts and emotions. I’ve learned to observe them without judgment and respond in a healthy way.”
  • “My thoughts and emotions can be a bit of a rollercoaster sometimes, but I’m working on developing greater self-awareness and emotional regulation skills.”
  • “I often feel overwhelmed by my thoughts and emotions. I need to find healthier ways to cope with stress and difficult situations.”
  • “I’m still trying to figure out this whole emotions thing! Sometimes it feels like they have a mind of their own.”

Are you stuck in any patterns of thinking or behaving that are no longer serving you?

  • “I’m always working on identifying and breaking negative patterns in my life. It’s an ongoing process.”
  • “I can be resistant to change, even when I know it’s for my own good.”
  • “I’m aware of some unhealthy patterns, but I’m not sure how to break free from them.”
  • “What patterns? I think I’m doing pretty great!”

What would you say are your top struggles right now when it comes to personal growth and self-improvement?

  • “Staying motivated and consistent with my goals.”
  • “Overcoming self-doubt and fear of failure.”
  • “Managing my time effectively and prioritizing my well-being.”
  • “Feeling overwhelmed by all the information and advice out there. It’s hard to know where to start.”

What is your ultimate goal when it comes to understanding and harnessing your own Conceptual Nervous System?

  • “To live a life that is aligned with my values and goals, maximizing my potential for happiness and fulfillment.”
  • “To achieve a state of optimal well-being, both mentally and physically.”
  • “To make a meaningful contribution to the world and leave a positive impact.”
  • “To understand myself better and become the best version of myself that I can be.”

What do you think is missing in your life right now that would help you feel more motivated, energized, and fulfilled?

  • “A greater sense of purpose and direction. I need to figure out what I’m passionate about and pursue it wholeheartedly.”
  • “Deeper and more meaningful connections with others.”
  • “More opportunities for creativity and self-expression.”
  • “Better work-life balance and more time for rest and relaxation.”

What is your current level of expertise when it comes to understanding the intricacies of the human brain and how it influences behavior?

  • “I’m a bit of a neuroscience nerd! I’ve read extensively on the topic and I’m fascinated by the latest research.”
  • “I have a basic understanding of the brain and how it works, but I’m always eager to learn more.”
  • “I know enough to be dangerous. I’m aware of the brain’s influence on behavior, but I don’t claim to be an expert.”
  • “I’m just starting to scratch the surface of this topic. It’s a whole new world out there!”

Imagine you’re presented with a problem that seems insurmountable at first glance. How do you typically respond?

  • “I break down the problem into smaller, more manageable steps and tackle them one at a time.”
  • “I reach out to my network for support and brainstorm potential solutions with others.”
  • “I do my research and gather as much information as possible before making a plan.”
  • “I sometimes freeze up and avoid the problem altogether, hoping it will magically disappear.”

What word best describes the emotional state you experience most often: Contentment, Restlessness, Anxiety, or Enthusiasm?

  • “Contentment. I’m generally at peace with myself and the world around me.”
  • “Restlessness. I have a hard time sitting still and I’m always looking for the next challenge.”
  • “Anxiety. I tend to worry about things and I can get caught up in negative thought patterns.”
  • “Enthusiasm. I’m generally a positive and optimistic person and I approach life with a sense of excitement and curiosity.”

Which of the following do you notice yourself worrying about on a day-to-day basis?

  • “Meeting deadlines and fulfilling my obligations at work/school.”
  • “Maintaining healthy relationships and feeling connected to others.”
  • “The state of the world and the future of humanity.”
  • “Not living up to my full potential.”

How stimulated and challenged do you feel in your current work or learning environment?

  • “I feel like I’m constantly learning and growing in my current role. It’s the perfect balance of challenge and support.”
  • “It’s a bit too comfortable, to be honest. I’m thinking about looking for new challenges.”
  • “I feel overwhelmed and overworked most of the time. I need to find a more sustainable pace.”
  • “I’m bored out of my mind! I need to find something that sparks my interest and makes me excited to show up each day.”

How well do you balance your need for mental stimulation with your need for rest and relaxation?

  • “I’ve found a good rhythm and I prioritize both my productivity and my well-being.”
  • “I tend to err on the side of overworking myself. I’m trying to get better at setting boundaries.”
  • “I’m a master of relaxation. Sometimes I worry that I’m not productive enough.”
  • “My life feels like a chaotic mess most of the time. I need to find some balance!”

How connected do you feel to your purpose in life, to that thing that makes you feel truly alive and driven?

  • “I feel deeply connected to my purpose and I’m living in alignment with my values.”
  • “I’m still figuring things out, but I’m on the right track.”
  • “I feel a bit lost and directionless. I need to find my passion.”
  • “I had a purpose once. Now I just have a to-do list.”

Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you: Repetitive tasks, Lack of structure, Social isolation, or Constant change?

  • “Repetitive tasks that don’t challenge me intellectually.”
  • “A lack of structure and clear expectations. I thrive when I have a plan.”
  • “Social isolation. I need to feel connected to others and part of a community.”
  • “Constant change that disrupts my routine and sense of stability.”

What is the trickiest part about maintaining a healthy level of arousal in your day-to-day life?

  • “Balancing my responsibilities with my need for novelty and stimulation.”
  • “Staying focused and productive when I’m feeling restless or uninspired.”
  • “Winding down at the end of the day and getting enough sleep.”
  • “Knowing when to push myself and when to take a step back.”

Do you struggle more with procrastination or impulsivity?

  • “Procrastination is my kryptonite! I’m a master of putting things off until the last minute.”
  • “Impulsivity gets me into trouble more often than not. I need to learn to think before I act.”
  • “I struggle with both, depending on the situation.”
  • “Neither, thankfully! I have a healthy balance of spontaneity and self-discipline.”

Do you have a self-care routine in place, such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature, that helps you manage your energy levels and maintain a sense of well-being?

  • “Yes, absolutely! Self-care is a non-negotiable for me. I make time for activities that nourish my mind, body, and soul.”
  • “I’m working on creating a more consistent self-care routine. It’s easy for me to let things slide when I’m busy.”
  • “Self-care? What’s that? I’m lucky if I get a shower in each day.”
  • “I know I should prioritize self-care more, but it always feels like something else is more important.”

How do you determine your personal and professional goals each year, and what role does intrinsic motivation play in setting those goals?

  • “I set aside dedicated time for reflection and goal-setting, ensuring my goals are aligned with my values and passions.”
  • “I take a more organic approach, allowing my goals to emerge naturally from my interests and experiences.”
  • “I often struggle with setting goals that feel truly motivating. I need to get better at connecting with my intrinsic desires.”
  • “Goal-setting? I’m just trying to keep my head above water!”

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Jessmyn Solana

Jessmyn Solana is the Digital Marketing Manager of Interact, a place for creating beautiful and engaging quizzes that generate email leads. She is a marketing enthusiast and storyteller. Outside of Interact Jessmyn loves exploring new places, eating all the local foods, and spending time with her favorite people (especially her dog).

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