1. How do you feel about incorporating wild edible plants into your diet?
A. Excited, it’s a cool idea!
B. Curious but unsure.
C. Indifferent, I prefer regular vegetables.
D. Not interested at all.
2. How prepared are you for identifying wild edible plants in the wild?
A. Very prepared, I have some training.
B. Somewhat prepared, I’ve read about it.
C. Not very prepared, but I’d like to learn.
D. Not prepared at all, it’s not my thing.
3. What’s your favorite part about exploring for wild edible plants?
A. The adventure and being in nature.
B. Discovering new plants and flavors.
C. The health benefits that come with it.
D. I haven’t explored them much.
4. What happens if you consume a wild plant without proper identification?
A. I could get really sick or it might be toxic.
B. It could just taste bad.
C. It might not be as nutritious.
D. Nothing serious, I think.
5. What makes you nervous about foraging wild edible plants?
A. Mistaking a toxic plant for an edible one.
B. Getting lost while foraging.
C. Encountering wildlife.
D. I don’t typically worry about it.
6. In your opinion, how confident are you in your foraging skills?
A. Very confident, I trust my knowledge.
B. Somewhat confident, I’ve foraged a bit before.
C. Not very confident, still learning.
D. Not confident at all.
7. What are you most excited about when foraging for wild edible plants?
A. Trying new and unique flavors.
B. The potential health benefits.
C. Being more self-sustainable.
D. I’m not really excited about it.
8. What comes to mind when you think about using wild plants in cooking?
A. A fun and adventurous cooking experience.
B. Worrying about preparation and safety.
C. Nutritious and healthy meals.
D. It seems too complicated.
9. Which of these foraging activities would you enjoy the most?
A. Foraging for mushrooms.
B. Searching for berries.
C. Gathering wild greens.
D. I wouldn’t enjoy any of these.
10. When you were a kid, how did you feel about exploring nature?
A. Loved it, always outdoors.
B. Enjoyed it occasionally.
C. Was indifferent to it.
D. Didn’t like it at all.
11. How well do you think your community supports the use of wild edible plants?
A. Very supportive, many people use them.
B. Somewhat supportive, a few people use them.
C. Not very supportive, it’s not common.
D. Not supportive at all.
12. Which aspect of foraging for wild edibles makes you most happy?
A. Discovering and identifying plants.
B. Gathering free, nutritious food.
C. Teaching and sharing the experience with others.
D. I’m not really into foraging.
13. What is most likely to make you feel down about foraging for wild plants?
A. Not finding any edible plants.
B. The effort and time it takes.
C. The risk of consuming something toxic.
D. I don’t forage, so it doesn’t affect me.
14. To what degree do you experience concern about pesticides in your diet?
A. Very concerned, I avoid them as much as possible.
B. Somewhat concerned, I try to buy organic when I can.
C. Not very concerned, I wash my produce thoroughly.
D. Not concerned at all.
15. How often do you consume wild edible plants?
A. Regularly, it’s part of my diet.
B. Occasionally, when I can find them.
C. Rarely, I’ve tried them a few times.
D. Never.
16. Which of the following do you notice yourself worrying about on a day-to-day basis?
A. Having a nutritious diet.
B. The environmental impact of my food choices.
C. The safety of my food.
D. I don’t worry much about food.
17. What’s your idea of a sustainable diet?
A. One that includes locally sourced and wild foods.
B. Mainly plant-based with low environmental impact.
C. Balanced but convenient.
D. Whatever is easiest and cheapest.
18. What would you say are your top struggles right now with incorporating wild edible plants?
A. Identifying what’s safe to eat.
B. Finding places to forage.
C. Knowing how to cook with them.
D. Motivating myself to start.
19. What aspect of wild edible plants makes you most hesitant to try them?
A. Safety concerns about toxins.
B. The time it takes to forage.
C. The taste might be unfamiliar.
D. I don’t have any particular reason.
20. How would your friends and family describe your interest in wild edible plants?
A. Very enthusiastic, always talking about it.
B. Interested, but still learning.
C. Mild interest, occasionally mentioned.
D. Not interested at all.
21. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about wild edible plants?
A. Survival and self-reliance.
B. Unique flavors and nutrition.
C. Nature and exploration.
D. Complicated and risky.
22. Do you have wild edible plants in your garden or nearby area?
A. Yes, I have a variety of them.
B. Some, but I haven’t used them much.
C. Not really, but I’m considering it.
D. No, not at all.
23. What’s your favorite memory related to wild edible plants or foraging?
A. A successful foraging trip.
B. Cooking a meal with wild ingredients.
C. Learning from a knowledgeable person.
D. I don’t have any.
24. How do you handle the preparation of wild edible plants?
A. Confidently, I follow specific guidelines.
B. Carefully, I double-check everything.
C. Tentatively, I still need more practice.
D. I don’t prepare wild plants.
25. If you could waive a magic wand, what would the perfect wild edible plant foraging experience be like?
A. Easy to identify and plentiful plants.
B. A community event with knowledgeable guides.
C. Finding rare and delicious plants.
D. Just being able to safely find and eat them.
26. How do you feel about learning traditional methods of using wild edible plants?
A. Excited, it’s a valuable skill.
B. Interested, but it seems complicated.
C. Indifferent, I prefer modern methods.
D. Not interested.
27. What has happened in the past when you’ve tried to incorporate wild plants into your diet?
A. It went really well, and I enjoyed it.
B. Mixed results, some good and some not so good.
C. It didn’t work out, too complex.
D. I haven’t tried it yet.
28. How connected do you feel to the natural environment when foraging?
A. Very connected, it’s one of my favorite activities.
B. Pretty connected, it’s a pleasant experience.
C. A little connected, but I don’t do it often.
D. Not connected at all.
29. What do you think is the most crucial aspect of foraging for wild edible plants?
A. Safety and proper identification.
B. Knowing the nutritional benefits.
C. Sustainable harvesting practices.
D. I’m not sure.
30. What’s your go-to resource for learning about wild edible plants?
A. Books and field guides.
B. Online resources and forums.
C. Workshops and classes.
D. I don’t have one.
31. How often do you discuss wild edible plants with others?
A. Frequently, I love sharing knowledge.
B. Occasionally, during relevant conversations.
C. Rarely, it doesn’t come up much.
D. Never.
32. Someone asks, “How confident are you with wild edible plants now?” What’s the actual answer, not just “I’m good”?
A. Very confident, I’m knowledgeable and experienced.
B. Fairly confident, but still learning.
C. Not very confident, but willing to learn.
D. Not confident at all, it’s not my focus.
33. Which member of the foraging group are you?
A. The leader, organizing trips.
B. The learner, eager to gain knowledge.
C. The supporter, tagging along to help.
D. The absent one, not into foraging.
34. What makes you most frustrated about the current state of attitudes towards wild edible plants?
A. The lack of general knowledge and interest.
B. The stigmatization as food for the poor.
C. The safety concerns and mistrust.
D. I don’t think much about it.
35. How comfortable are you with trying new recipes that include wild edible plants?
A. Very comfortable, I love experimenting.
B. Somewhat comfortable, but like keeping things simple.
C. Not very comfortable, prefer familiar recipes.
D. Not comfortable at all.
36. Are you stuck in the mindset that modern agriculture is the only way to a sustainable food system?
A. Not at all, I believe in diverse food sources.
B. Somewhat, but I see the value in alternative methods.
C. Mostly, I trust established agriculture.
D. Completely, I don’t see the need for alternatives.
37. What do you think you need to reach a better understanding of wild edible plants?
A. Hands-on experience and practice.
B. More educational resources.
C. Guidance from experts.
D. A stronger personal interest.
38. How would you describe your relationship to wild edible plants?
A. Deep and knowledgeable.
B. Curious and learning.
C. Distant but interested.
D. Non-existent.
39. Which of the following most accurately describes your current state of knowledge about wild edible plants?
A. Expert, extensive knowledge and experience.
B. Intermediate, some practical knowledge.
C. Beginner, basic understanding.
D. Novice, very little knowledge.
40. When you think about wild edible plants, what are you most concerned about?
A. Safety and correct identification.
B. The effort required to gather them.
C. Availability and access to foraging areas.
D. Nothing, I don’t think about them.
41. How do you manage the process of identifying and preparing wild edible plants?
A. With detailed guides and precautions.
B. By cross-referencing sources.
C. With help from knowledgeable friends.
D. I don’t manage it.
42. What is your absolute favorite way to consume wild edible plants?
A. Freshly picked and raw.
B. Cooked into a hearty meal.
C. Made into teas or tinctures.
D. I don’t consume them.
43. How often do you engage in discussions about sustainable diets that include wild edible plants?
A. Very often, it’s a passion of mine.
B. Occasionally, when relevant.
C. Rarely, it doesn’t come up much.
D. Never.
44. How prepared are you for changes in food supply that may require foraging skills?
A. Very prepared, I’m skilled and knowledgeable.
B. Somewhat prepared, I have basic knowledge.
C. Not very prepared, but I’m willing to learn.
D. Not prepared at all, it’s not a concern.
45. Which of these is most likely to frustrate you when it comes to foraging?
A. Difficulty in identifying edible plants.
B. The time and effort required.
C. The risk of encountering dangerous wildlife.
D. I don’t engage in foraging, so nothing.
46. If you could explore learning about any specific wild edible plant, which would it be and why?
A. Medicinal plants, for their health benefits.
B. Edible mushrooms, they seem interesting.
C. Wild berries, they’re easy to recognize.
D. I’m not interested in learning about wild plants.
47. Are you more likely to struggle with identifying wild plants or preparing them properly?
A. Identifying wild plants.
B. Preparing them properly.
C. Both equally.
D. Neither, I don’t forage.
48. How do you handle a situation where you find a potentially edible plant?
A. Thoroughly research and confirm its safety.
B. Take samples and cross-reference guides.
C. Ask an expert for guidance.
D. I don’t handle such situations.
49. How often do you research new information on wild edible plants?
A. Regularly, to keep updated.
B. Occasionally, when I come across it.
C. Rarely, only when necessary.
D. Never.
50. What’s your go-to place for foraging wild edible plants?
A. Local forests or parks.
B. Community gardens.
C. Nearby fields or meadows.
D. I don’t forage.
51. How well do you manage the preparation and cooking of wild edible plants?
A. Very well, I’m experienced.
B. Fairly well, I’m learning.
C. Not very well, still need practice.
D. Not at all, I don’t do that.
52. What’s the trickiest part about incorporating wild edible plants into your diet?
A. Identifying what’s safe to eat.
B. Finding good locations to forage.
C. Properly preparing and cooking them.
D. Including them in meals regularly.
53. How do you feel in your life about the balance between modern foods and wild edibles?
A. Balanced, I incorporate both.
B. Leaning towards modern foods.
C. I rely mostly on modern foods.
D. I don’t incorporate wild edibles at all.
54. How often do you encounter new wild edible plants that you’d like to try?
A. Often, I actively look for them.
B. Occasionally, when I’m out in nature.
C. Rarely, but it happens.
D. Never.
55. What do you dream about when it comes to wild edible plants?
A. Having a garden full of them.
B. Being able to identify and use them easily.
C. Sharing the knowledge with others.
D. I don’t think about them much.
56. How connected do you feel to the history and tradition of wild edible plants?
A. Very connected, it’s part of my lifestyle.
B. Somewhat connected, it’s interesting.
C. A little connected, but not much.
D. Not connected at all.
57. How often do you feel worry about the pesticides in cultivated vegetables?
A. Very often, it’s a major concern.
B. Occasionally, but I manage it.
C. Rarely, I trust modern agriculture.
D. Never, it’s not a concern for me.
58. What’s your first response when you hear about a new wild edible plant?
A. Excitement and eagerness to try it.
B. Curiosity, I research it.
C. Skepticism, hesitant to try.
D. Indifference, it doesn’t interest me.
59. How often do you discard plants because you’re unsure if they’re edible?
A. Often, I don’t take risks.
B. Sometimes, only if I’m really unsure.
C. Rarely, I usually identify them correctly.
D. Never, I don’t forage.
60. How would you react if a friend introduced you to a wild edible plant you never tried?
A. Enthusiastic, I’d love to try it.
B. Curious, but would ask questions first.
C. Cautious, I’d research it.
D. I probably wouldn’t try it.