EFT Tapping Quiz Questions and Answers

women hugging each other

1. How do you feel about using EFT for stress relief?

A. I love it; it really helps me relax. 

B. It’s okay, I’m still getting used to it. 

C. I’m skeptical; I don’t really notice a difference. 

D. I haven’t tried it yet.

2. What’s your favorite aspect of EFT?

A. The tapping technique.

B. The instant feeling of relief.

C. Learning about acupressure points.

D. The emotional release.

3. What makes you nervous about trying EFT?

A. I’m unsure if it really works.

B. I don’t know the proper technique.

C. I’m worried about not getting any results.

D. I don’t feel comfortable doing it in front of others.

4. What makes you most frustrated about your current stress levels?

A. They’re constant and overwhelming.

B. They come and go unpredictably.

C. I can’t find an effective way to manage them.

D. Stress affects my sleep and daily activities.

5. What are you most excited about related to using EFT?

A. Finding a natural way to reduce stress.

B. The possibility of improving my mental health.

C. Learning a new technique.

D. Potentially reducing my need for medications.

6. What do you dream about when it comes to EFT?

A. Incorporating it into my daily routine.

B. Teaching it to others.

C. Using it to combat chronic stress.

D. Understanding its full benefits.

7. What happened in the past when you tried other stress-relief techniques?

A. Some worked, some didn’t.

B. They provided temporary relief.

C. I didn’t see much difference.

D. I never stuck with them.

8. What comes to mind when you think about the benefits of EFT?

A. Reduced anxiety levels.

B. Enhanced overall well-being.

C. Managing cravings.

D. Alleviating chronic pain.

9. What’s your favorite part of an EFT session?

A. The immediate sense of calm.

B. The simplicity of the method.

C. The feeling of empowerment.

D. The emotional clarity it brings.

10. When you were a kid, how did you manage stress?

A. Talking to friends or family.

B. Engaging in physical activities.

C. Reading or playing games.

D. I didn’t manage it well.

11. You have a choice of learning EFT or trying a new medication for stress. Which do you choose?

A. Learning EFT.

B. Trying a new medication.

C. Both.

D. Neither, prefer other methods.

12. You are at a party and start feeling anxious. How do you react?

A. Excuse myself and use EFT in a quiet spot.

B. Try to calm down without EFT.

C. Ignore it and hope it passes.

D. Leave the party early.

13. What keeps you up at night about your current mental health?

A. Anxiety and stress.

B. Unresolved emotional issues.

C. Chronic pain.

D. Racing thoughts.

14. Which of these activities related to EFT would you enjoy the most?

A. An EFT workshop.

B. Online EFT tutorials.

C. Group tapping sessions.

D. Private EFT sessions.

15. When you think about using EFT, what are you most concerned about?

A. Whether or not it will work.

B. Finding the time to do it.

C. Doing it correctly.

D. What others might think.

16. What aspect of EFT makes you the most happy?

A. The community support.

B. The personal growth.

C. The physical and emotional relief.

D. The simplicity of the technique.

17. What is most likely to make you feel down about not seeing results with EFT?

A. Feeling it’s a waste of time.

B. Doubting its effectiveness.

C. Missing critical tapping points.

D. Others achieving results while you don’t.

18. In a perfect world, what would your stress management routine be?

A. Daily EFT sessions.

B. A mix of exercise, EFT, and meditation.

C. Regular therapy sessions.

D. Minimal stress needing less management.

19. If you could waive a magic wand, what would the perfect outcome of using EFT be for you?

A. Complete elimination of stress.

B. Long-lasting emotional stability.

C. Enhanced physical health.

D. Improved relationships.

20. How often do you practice stress relief techniques, including EFT?

A. Daily.

B. A few times a week.

C. Rarely.

D. Not at all.

21. You are given a free weekend workshop on EFT. How do you respond?

A. Excitedly sign up.

B. Consider but unsure about attending.

C. Decide against it.

D. Look for more information first.

22. How comfortable are you with sharing your EFT experiences with others?

A. Very comfortable.

B. Comfortable but selective.

C. Uncomfortable.

D. Not at all.

23. You have a free hour to do whatever you want. What do you do?

A. Practice EFT.

B. Read about EFT.

C. Meditate or relax.

D. Catch up on a hobby.

24. Which of these practices would be most challenging for you?

A. Consistency with EFT.

B. Believing in its effectiveness.

C. Finding the right tapping points.

D. Doing it in a group setting.

25. Which member of a support group are you?

A. The sharer who speaks about experiences.

B. The observer who listens.

C. The encourager who motivates others.

D. The skeptic who questions processes.

26. Someone asks how you really are managing your anxiety with EFT. What’s the actual answer?

A. Very well, feeling much better.

B. It’s helping but slowly.

C. Not sure, still experimenting.

D. Not effective so far.

27. What’s your go-to stress relief activity?


B. Exercise.

C. Watching TV.

D. Reading.

28. What place do you most enjoy exploring when learning about EFT?

A. Online forums.

B. Workshops and seminars.

C. Books and articles.

D. Video tutorials.

29. What’s your favorite memory related to discovering EFT?

A. My first session’s immediate relief.

B. Attending an influential workshop.

C. Sharing EFT with a friend.

D. Reading a life-changing EFT book.

30. What topics are you most passionate about in personal health?

A. Holistic healing methods.

B. Psychological well-being.

C. Chronic pain management.

D. Stress and anxiety relief.

31. How prepared are you for managing your stress levels with EFT?

A. Very prepared.

B. Somewhat prepared.

C. Not very prepared.

D. Not prepared at all.

32. What happens if you miss an EFT session?

A. I can feel the difference.

B. I try to make it up later.

C. I don’t notice much change.

D. It doesn’t affect me.

33. What do you think you need to better manage stress with EFT?

A. More practice.

B. Better understanding of techniques.

C. Guidance from a practitioner.

D. Consistency.

34. How often do you practice EFT for stress relief?

A. Daily.

B. Weekly.

C. Occasionally.

D. Rarely or never.

35. How confident are you in your ability to use EFT effectively?

A. Very confident.

B. Somewhat confident.

C. Not very confident.

D. Not confident at all.

36. How do you handle increased anxiety even after EFT sessions?

A. Try another session.

B. Seek other stress relief methods.

C. Consult a practitioner.

D. Wait until it passes.

37. Do you incorporate EFT into your daily routine?

A. Yes, always.

B. Sometimes.

C. Rarely.

D. Not at all.

38. How well do you maintain your EFT practice?

A. Very well.

B. Pretty well.

C. Struggle to keep it up.

D. Often neglect it.

39. Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your current stress management?

A. I use EFT regularly with success.

B. I’m inconsistent with EFT.

C. I try different methods, including EFT.

D. I don’t manage stress well.

40. To what degree do you experience relief after EFT sessions?

A. Significant relief.

B. Moderate relief.

C. Slight relief.

D. No relief.

41. What is your current biggest challenge related to stress management using EFT?

A. Consistency in practice.

B. Believing in its effectiveness.

C. Understanding the technique.

D. Finding time for sessions.

42. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when a problem arises and you consider EFT?

A. It could help calm me down.

B. I should try tapping right away.

C. I hope it works.

D. I’m unsure if it will help.

43. How do you handle doubts about the effectiveness of EFT?

A. Continue practicing and learning.

B. Seek testimonials and success stories.

C. Consult a practitioner.

D. Consider alternative methods.

44. How would you describe your relationship to using EFT?

A. Very positive and committed.

B. Generally positive but wavering.

C. Neutral with some skepticism.

D. Uncertain and doubtful.

45. Are you stuck in a mindset that affects your EFT practice?

A. Often.

B. Sometimes.

C. Rarely.

D. Never.

46. What would you say are your top struggles right now related to using EFT?

A. Consistency.

B. Effectiveness.

C. Understanding techniques.

D. Time management.

47. What is your EFT goal?

A. Complete stress relief.

B. Improved emotional balance.

C. Managing a specific issue.

D. Regular practice.

48. What do you think is missing in your quest to effectively use EFT?

A. Better techniques.

B. More detailed instructions.

C. Emotional readiness.

D. Support from others.

49. What is your current level of expertise in EFT?

A. Advanced.

B. Intermediate.

C. Beginner.

D. No experience.

50. A stressful event occurs; how do you respond using EFT?

A. Start tapping immediately.

B. Wait until later to use EFT.

C. Consider using EFT but delay.

D. Forget about using EFT.

51. What sensation do you experience most after an EFT session?

A. Calmness.

B. Relief.

C. Uncertainty.

D. No change.

52. Which of the following do you notice yourself worrying about on a day-to-day basis concerning EFT?

A. Its effectiveness.

B. My consistency.

C. Others’ opinions about it.

D. If I’m doing it right.

53. How stressed and anxious do you feel in your daily life?

A. Constantly stressed.

B. Often stressed.

C. Occasionally stressed.

D. Rarely stressed.

54. How well do you execute on your EFT exercises?

A. Very well.

B. Pretty well.

C. Need improvement.

D. Not well at all.

55. How connected do you feel to the emotional aspects of EFT?

A. Very connected.

B. Somewhat connected.

C. Not very connected.

D. Not connected at all.

56. I believe EFT can significantly improve my stress levels.

A. Strongly agree.

B. Agree.

C. Disagree.

D. Strongly disagree.

57. I’m afraid that EFT won’t work for me.

A. True.

B. Somewhat true.

C. Not sure.

D. False.

58. Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you about EFT?

A. Lack of immediate results.

B. Doubts about its validity.

C. Difficulty in maintaining practice.

D. Finding time for it.

59. What is the trickiest part about starting with EFT?

A. Learning the tapping points.

B. Believing in the tapping process.

C. Consistency in practice.

D. Doing it in public.

60. Do you typically have trouble with skepticism about EFT or the timing of your sessions?

A. Skepticism.

B. Timing of sessions.

C. Both.

D. Neither.

Disclaimer: Please consult a physician before making any changes to your health regimen.





Jessmyn Solana

Jessmyn Solana is the Digital Marketing Manager of Interact, a place for creating beautiful and engaging quizzes that generate email leads. She is a marketing enthusiast and storyteller. Outside of Interact Jessmyn loves exploring new places, eating all the local foods, and spending time with her favorite people (especially her dog).

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