Esther; The Persian Queen Quiz Questions and Answers

How do you feel about Esther’s decision to become Queen, knowing it meant hiding her Jewish identity?

  • I think she made the right call – sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the greater good.
  • It makes me nervous, but I understand why she felt she had no choice.
  • I admire her bravery; it couldn’t have been easy for her.
  • It’s complicated. I would hope I’d have the strength to do the same in her position.

What’s your favorite aspect of Mardochai’s character?

  • His unwavering faith, even when things were looking bleak.
  • His protectiveness of Esther, he clearly loved her deeply.
  • His wisdom. He always seemed to be thinking several steps ahead.
  • His courage to stand up to Haman, even though it put him at risk.

What makes you nervous about Haman’s character?

  • His ambition. It clearly clouded his judgment.
  • His capacity for cruelty – the way he plotted against an entire group of people is chilling.
  • How easily he manipulated the King, it’s a reminder that even powerful people can be deceived.
  • His vindictiveness toward Mardochai. It shows how easily personal grudges can escalate.

What makes you most frustrated about King Assuerus’s initial trust in Haman?

  • It was clearly a case of misplaced trust. Haman was not who he appeared to be.
  • It put the entire kingdom at risk. A ruler shouldn’t be so easily swayed by one person.
  • It shows how easily power can be abused if those in charge aren’t careful.
  • It almost led to the massacre of innocent people, which is heartbreaking.

What are you most excited about when you think about Esther revealing her true identity to the King?

  • The look on Haman’s face when he realizes she’s Jewish!
  • The suspense of whether the King will show her mercy.
  • The possibility of Esther saving her people from certain death.
  • It’s a powerful moment of truth and a turning point in the story.

What do you dream about when it comes to seeing justice served upon Haman?

  • I hope he gets what he deserves for his evil actions.
  • I want to see him understand the gravity of what he tried to do.
  • I hope it serves as a lesson to others who might try to harm innocent people.
  • I want to see the Jewish people safe and their faith reaffirmed.

What comes to mind when you imagine yourself in Esther’s position, having to approach the King with such a dangerous request?

  • Terror, pure and simple. I don’t know if I could be that brave.
  • A strange sense of calm. It’s out of my hands at that point, I can only hope for the best.
  • Determination. I’m doing this for my people, no matter the cost.
  • A mix of fear and hope, it’s a terrifying gamble but one I have to take.

What’s your favorite scene in the play?

  • The banquet scene where Esther finally reveals Haman’s plot.
  • The moment Esther approaches the King, unsummoned, knowing she could be killed.
  • The scene where Mardochai refuses to bow down to Haman.
  • The final scene where Haman is punished and the Jewish people are saved.

When you were a kid, how did you react to stories like Esther’s, where an underdog overcomes a powerful enemy?

  • I loved them! They gave me hope and made me believe that anything is possible.
  • I found them exciting, but also a bit scary. The stakes always felt so high.
  • I was always rooting for the underdog, and it felt triumphant when they won.
  • They made me think about what I would do in a similar situation.

You have a choice of aligning yourself with Esther or Mardochai in this story, which do you choose?

  • Esther, I admire her courage and selflessness in a very direct way.
  • Mardochai, I’m drawn to his wisdom and strong moral compass.
  • It’s too difficult to choose! They’re both incredibly admirable characters.
  • Neither, I’d prefer to be a more neutral party in this scenario.

Haman approaches you, demanding you bow down to him. How do you react?

  • I refuse, just like Mardochai. I won’t be cowed by bullies.
  • I find a way to appease him without compromising my own values. Discretion is the better part of valor sometimes.
  • I try to reason with him, but I know it’s probably futile.
  • I comply, but secretly plot my revenge. You have to pick your battles.

What keeps you up at night about the story of Esther?

  • The fact that something like this could happen in real life, the potential for such hatred still exists.
  • The thought of what would have happened if Esther hadn’t acted.
  • The burden of responsibility Esther must have felt. It’s a lot to carry.
  • The reminder that we must always be vigilant against injustice in the world.

Which of these scenarios from Esther’s story would you find most enjoyable to witness firsthand?

  • Esther’s rise to become Queen, witnessing her grace and intelligence.
  • The downfall of Haman, seeing justice served.
  • Mardochai’s unwavering faith being rewarded.
  • The celebration of the Jewish people after their deliverance.

When you think about the main conflict in this story, what are you most concerned about?

  • The potential for innocent people to be harmed because of hatred and intolerance.
  • The abuse of power and the danger it poses to society.
  • The difficult choices people have to make when faced with impossible odds.
  • The lingering effects of prejudice and the importance of fighting for equality.

What aspect of the story of Esther makes you the most happy?

  • The triumph of good over evil and the reaffirmation of faith.
  • The courage of individuals who stand up for what they believe in.
  • The reminder that even in the darkest of times, hope can prevail.
  • The message of resilience and the power of the human spirit.

What is most likely to make you feel down about the events of Esther’s story?

  • The fact that events like this have happened repeatedly throughout history.
  • The realization that hatred and intolerance can flourish anywhere.
  • The thought of what could have happened if Esther hadn’t been in a position to help.
  • The reminder that we must constantly work to create a more just and compassionate world.

In a perfect world, what would have happened differently in Esther’s story?

  • Haman would have had a change of heart and seen the error of his ways.
  • The King would have been wiser and not been so easily manipulated.
  • The Jewish people would not have been targeted in the first place.
  • Esther wouldn’t have had to risk her life to save her people.

If you could waive a magic wand, what would the perfect outcome of Esther’s story be?

  • All prejudice and hatred would be eliminated from the world, replaced with understanding and compassion.
  • Esther and Mardochai would be celebrated as heroes, and their story would inspire generations to come.
  • The Jewish people would live in peace and security, their faith stronger than ever.
  • King Assuerus would learn from his mistakes and become a truly just and wise ruler.

How often do you think about the lessons of courage and faith found in stories like Esther’s?

  • Quite often. They’re important reminders in challenging times.
  • Occasionally. They come to mind when I’m facing a difficult decision.
  • Not as often as I should. Life gets busy, but these stories are important to remember.
  • I haven’t really thought about it, but I appreciate the themes present in the story.

You are at a party and someone makes a prejudiced joke about a specific group of people. What do you do?

  • I speak up and challenge their prejudice, even if it makes me uncomfortable.
  • I try to subtly change the subject or steer the conversation in a more positive direction.
  • I feel uncomfortable but don’t say anything, I don’t want to cause a scene.
  • I leave the conversation, I don’t want to engage with that kind of negativity.

How comfortable are you with the idea of speaking truth to power, like Esther did with King Assuerus?

  • Not very comfortable, I prefer to avoid conflict.
  • I would if I had to, but it wouldn’t be my first instinct.
  • I would hope I would find the courage if the situation called for it.
  • Very comfortable, I believe in standing up for what’s right, no matter who it offends.

You have one day to spend with either Esther or Mardochai, what do you do?

  • With Esther, I’d want to hear about her experiences as Queen and how she found the strength to confront the King.
  • With Mardochai, I’d discuss his faith, his wisdom, and what he learned from his experiences.
  • I’d actually love to hear both of their perspectives on the same event, to see how their views differed.
  • I’d ask them to teach me how to be as courageous and faithful as they are.

Which of these themes from Esther’s story is most likely to be a struggle for you?

  • Having the courage to speak out against injustice, even when it feels risky.
  • Staying true to my values when faced with pressure to conform.
  • Trusting that good will ultimately triumph over evil, even when it’s hard to see.
  • Believing that my actions can make a difference in the world.

Which character from Esther’s story are you most like?

  • Esther: I’m more introspective and thoughtful, but capable of great courage when needed.
  • Mardochai: I try to live by my principles and guide those I care about with wisdom.
  • King Assuerus: I can be swayed by strong personalities but ultimately want to do what’s right.
  • Haman: Hopefully not at all! But I recognize that everyone has the capacity for darkness within them.

A new version of Esther’s story is being made into a movie. What is your first response?

  • Excitement! I love seeing these kinds of stories brought to life on screen.
  • Curiosity about how they’ll adapt the story for a modern audience.
  • Caution. These types of stories can be easily mishandled.
  • Indifference. I’m not really interested in seeing another adaptation.

Someone asks, “How’s your courage holding up?” after learning about your stance on a difficult issue. What’s the actual answer, not just “I’m fine”?

  • “Honestly, it’s a bit shaky right now, but I’m trying to stay strong.”
  • “I’m managing, but it’s definitely a challenge to stand up for what I believe in.”
  • “I’m doing okay, but I appreciate you asking. It means a lot to know I have support.”
  • “My courage is unwavering! I know I’m on the right side of history.”

What’s your go-to source for stories about resilience and overcoming adversity?

  • Biographies of historical figures who overcame challenges.
  • Movies and TV shows with inspiring underdog stories.
  • Podcasts that feature interviews with people who’ve been through difficult experiences.
  • I’m not sure I have a go-to, but I’m open to suggestions!

What aspect of standing up for your beliefs do you most want to explore and learn more about?

  • How to be more assertive and confident when voicing my opinions.
  • How to deal with the fear and self-doubt that can come with taking a stand.
  • How to find effective ways to create positive change in the world.
  • How to stay true to myself, even when it feels like everyone else is against me.

What’s your favorite memory of a time when you witnessed someone bravely standing up for what they believed in?

  • I once saw a stranger defend a homeless person who was being harassed. It was inspiring.
  • I remember a time when a friend stood up to a bully who was picking on another classmate.
  • I’m lucky enough to have family members who’ve always taught me the importance of speaking out against injustice.
  • I can’t recall a specific instance, but I know those moments stay with you.

What causes are you most passionate about, and how do they connect to the themes of Esther’s story?

  • I’m passionate about social justice and fighting for the rights of marginalized groups. Esther’s story reminds me why this is so important.
  • I care deeply about animal welfare and protecting the environment. It’s about standing up for those who can’t speak for themselves, just like Esther did.
  • I’m committed to promoting education and understanding between different cultures. Esther’s story highlights the dangers of ignorance and intolerance.
  • I believe in the power of art and storytelling to create positive change in the world. Esther’s story has been told and retold for centuries, and it continues to inspire.

What is your absolute favorite thing about the resilience of the human spirit?

  • That even in the face of unimaginable hardship, people can find a way to hope and even thrive.
  • That we have the power to overcome adversity and emerge stronger on the other side.
  • That even small acts of courage can have a ripple effect, inspiring others to do the same.
  • That the human spirit is constantly evolving and finding new ways to persevere.

How would your friends and family describe your own courage and willingness to stand up for what’s right?

  • They would say I’m generally kind and compassionate, but perhaps a bit too conflict-averse.
  • They know I have strong values, but I’m still finding my voice when it comes to expressing them publicly.
  • They’ve seen me stand up for others, and they know I’m not afraid to speak my mind when it matters.
  • They would say I’m a fierce advocate for the things I believe in and always willing to fight for what’s right.

Tell us a little about how the story of Esther has shaped your view of faith and courage.

  • It’s shown me that faith isn’t about passivity, but about having the courage to act on what you believe.
  • It’s made me realize that even ordinary people can do extraordinary things when they’re guided by their faith.
  • It’s a powerful reminder that we’re not alone in our struggles, there’s a higher power at work.
  • It’s inspired me to be more vocal about my own beliefs and to stand up for what I know is right.

If you could choose any character trait from Esther’s story to embody fully, which one would you choose and why?

  • Esther’s courage: I aspire to be as brave and selfless as she was when she risked everything to save her people.
  • Mardochai’s wisdom: I want to be a source of guidance and strength for those around me.
  • King Assuerus’s eventual sense of justice: I believe in second chances and striving to make amends for past mistakes.
  • Even Haman’s eventual downfall holds a lesson: We all have the capacity for darkness, but we also have the power to choose a different path.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the impact of one person’s choice to act, or not act, in the face of injustice?

  • The butterfly effect. One person’s actions, however small, can have a ripple effect that changes the world.
  • The responsibility we all have to stand up for what’s right, because silence can be just as harmful as the act itself.
  • The power of hope. Even if one person’s actions don’t seem to make a difference, they can plant a seed for change.
  • The importance of never giving up, even when the odds seem insurmountable.

What affects you most deeply when you learn about historical events like those depicted in Esther’s story?

  • The resilience of the human spirit.
  • The cyclical nature of history, and how important it is to learn from the past.
  • The power of stories to preserve the past and inspire future generations.
  • The interconnectedness of humanity, and how our actions impact one another.

What’s your idea of a modern-day “Esther” – someone who embodies the spirit of the story in today’s world?

  • Everyday people who stand up for their beliefs, even when it’s unpopular.
  • Activists fighting for social justice and equality for all.
  • Whistleblowers who risk their careers to expose corruption and wrongdoing.
  • Anyone who uses their platform to amplify marginalized voices and speak truth to power.

What is your strongest takeaway after revisiting the story of Esther?

  • Never underestimate the power of one person to make a difference.
  • Courage isn’t the absence of fear, it’s acting in spite of it.
  • Faith can be a powerful motivator for positive change.
  • It’s our responsibility to fight against injustice wherever we see it.

How prepared are you to face a situation that challenges your morals and values?

  • I try to live by my principles, so I think I would handle it fairly well.
  • I hope I would have the strength to do the right thing, but I’m not sure how I’d react under pressure.
  • I’m not very prepared. I tend to avoid conflict and go with the flow.
  • I’m always ready and willing to stand up for what I believe in, no matter the cost.

What happens if you find yourself in a situation where you have to choose between your own safety and standing up for what you know is right?

  • I would hope that my conscience would guide me to make the courageous choice.
  • It’s a difficult question, and I can’t say for sure what I would do.
  • My own safety would probably come first. I’m not sure I’m cut out to be a hero.
  • I’d like to think I would put the needs of others before my own.

What do you think you need in your life to cultivate more courage and conviction?

  • Stronger role models who inspire me to act.
  • More experience dealing with challenging situations.
  • Greater faith in my own abilities.
  • A stronger support system of people who share my values.

How often do you actively seek out opportunities to make a difference in the world or stand up for your beliefs?

  • Every chance I get. I believe in making my voice heard.
  • Occasionally, when the opportunity presents itself.
  • Not very often. I’m still figuring out how I can best contribute.
  • Rarely, if ever. I prefer to focus on my own life.

How confident are you in your ability to make a positive impact on the world?

  • Fairly confident. I believe that everyone has the power to make a difference.
  • I have my moments, but I still have a lot to learn.
  • Not very confident. It feels like there are so many big problems and my efforts are insignificant.
  • Very confident. I have a lot to offer the world.

How do you handle situations where your values are challenged or compromised?

  • I try to stay true to myself while also being respectful of other perspectives.
  • I tend to avoid conflict and hope the situation resolves itself.
  • I get angry and defensive, which isn’t always productive.
  • I try to see it as an opportunity for growth and learning.

Do you have a strong sense of justice and fairness in your personal life?

  • Absolutely, it’s very important to me.
  • I try to be fair, but I’m not perfect.
  • I think so, but it depends on the situation.
  • I’m not sure I’ve given it much thought.

How well do you stick to your convictions when faced with opposition or peer pressure?

  • I’m pretty good at standing my ground.
  • It depends on the situation and who I’m dealing with.
  • I’m a bit of a people-pleaser, so I sometimes cave under pressure.
  • I’m very easily swayed by what others think.

Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your approach to difficult situations?

  • I face them head-on with courage and determination.
  • I carefully consider my options and try to find a peaceful resolution.
  • I tend to avoid conflict whenever possible.
  • I rely on others to guide me and tell me what to do.

To what degree do you experience fear or self-doubt when it comes to expressing your beliefs?

  • Very rarely. I’m confident in what I believe.
  • Sometimes, but I try not to let it hold me back.
  • Quite often. It can be intimidating to put yourself out there.
  • Almost always. I’m terrified of judgment and rejection.

Which of these best describes your current approach to advocating for your beliefs?

  • I’m actively involved in causes I care about.
  • I support causes I believe in, but mostly behind the scenes.
  • I’m still finding my voice and figuring out how I can make a difference.
  • I’m not really involved in any kind of activism or advocacy.

What is your current biggest challenge when it comes to standing up for what you believe in?

  • Overcoming fear of judgment or rejection.
  • Finding effective ways to make my voice heard.
  • Staying informed about the issues and knowing how to get involved.
  • Simply caring enough to take action.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you encounter a situation that challenges your sense of justice?

  • A desire to help or make things right.
  • A feeling of anger and frustration.
  • A sense of helplessness and overwhelm.
  • A desire to avoid the situation altogether.

How do you handle knowing about injustice or suffering in the world without becoming overwhelmed?

  • I focus on what I can control and try to make a difference in my own community.
  • I stay informed but set boundaries to protect my own mental health.
  • It’s a constant struggle. I often feel overwhelmed by the state of the world.
  • I try to block it out. It’s just too depressing to think about.

How would you describe your relationship to the concepts of courage and integrity?

  • I strive to live a life of courage and integrity.
  • They’re important to me, but I don’t always live up to my own standards.
  • I admire those qualities in others, but I’m not sure I possess them myself.
  • They’re not something I think about very often.

Are you stuck in a pattern of inaction or silence when it comes to issues you care about?

  • Not at all. I’m always willing to speak up.
  • Sometimes. I need to work on being more proactive.
  • Yes, I often feel paralyzed by fear or indecision.
  • I’m not sure, I haven’t really thought about it.

What would you say are your top struggles right now when it comes to being a more courageous person?

  • Overcoming my fear of failure.
  • Learning to trust my own voice and judgment.
  • Developing a thicker skin and not letting criticism get to me.
  • Identifying the causes I’m most passionate about.

What is your personal “courage goal”? What’s one thing you want to be more courageous about?

  • Speaking up more in meetings at work.
  • Setting better boundaries with people who take advantage of me.
  • Being more open about my beliefs and values with my friends and family.
  • Taking a stand against discrimination or prejudice when I see it.

What do you think is missing in your life that would help you to be more courageous and true to yourself?

  • A stronger sense of self-worth.
  • A more supportive community.
  • A clear understanding of my own values.
  • More life experience and opportunities to test my courage.

What is your current level of expertise in identifying and challenging your own biases and prejudices?

  • I’m very aware of my own biases and actively work to challenge them.
  • I’m working on it, but I know I still have blind spots.
  • I’m not very good at it. I need to educate myself more.
  • I don’t think I have any biases or prejudices.

Someone accuses you of being complicit in a system of oppression or injustice because of your silence or inaction. How do you respond?

  • I engage in a respectful dialogue, acknowledging my own complicity and seeking to learn more.
  • I get defensive and try to justify my choices.
  • I feel ashamed and withdraw from the conversation.
  • I deny any responsibility and blame others.

What emotional, mental, or physical sensation do you experience most strongly when you think about standing up for yourself or your beliefs?

  • A surge of adrenaline.
  • A tightening in my chest.
  • A feeling of nausea.
  • A sense of clarity and purpose.

Which of the following do you notice yourself worrying about on a day-to-day basis?

  • What others think of me.
  • Making the wrong decision.
  • Not being good enough.
  • Missing out on opportunities.

How confident and courageous do you feel in your everyday life?

  • Very confident and courageous.
  • I have my moments, but I’m working on it.
  • Not very confident or courageous.
  • I feel completely powerless.

How well do you speak your truth and honor your values, even when it’s difficult?

  • Very well. I’m not afraid to stand up for what I believe in.
  • I’m getting better at it, but I still have room to grow.
  • Not very well. I tend to prioritize keeping the peace.
  • I’m terrible at it. I need to find my voice.

How connected do you feel to a sense of purpose or meaning in your life?

  • Deeply connected. I feel like I’m living my purpose.
  • I’m getting there. I’m starting to figure out what matters most to me.
  • Not very connected. I’m still searching for my purpose.
  • Completely disconnected. My life feels meaningless.

I believe I can make a difference in the world.

  • Strongly agree.
  • Somewhat agree.
  • Neither agree nor disagree.
  • Somewhat disagree.
  • Strongly disagree.

I’m afraid of being judged or rejected for my beliefs.

  • Strongly agree.
  • Somewhat agree.
  • Neither agree nor disagree.
  • Somewhat disagree.
  • Strongly disagree.

Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you in a situation where you’re trying to do the right thing?

  • Apathy and indifference from others.
  • Facing opposition or resistance.
  • Feeling like my efforts aren’t making a difference.
  • Not knowing what to do or how to help.

What is the trickiest part about navigating a situation where you have to advocate for yourself or someone else?

  • Finding the right words to express myself clearly and effectively.
  • Managing my emotions and not letting fear get the best of me.
  • Knowing when to speak up and when to stay silent.
  • Dealing with the potential consequences of my actions.

Do you struggle more with speaking up for yourself or speaking up for others?

  • Speaking up for myself.
  • Speaking up for others.
  • I struggle with both equally.
  • I don’t struggle with either.

Do you have a strong support system in place, such as close friends or family, who encourage you to be your authentic self?

  • Yes, I’m very lucky in that regard.
  • I have a few close friends and family members I can rely on.
  • My support system could definitely be stronger.
  • No, I feel very alone in this.

How do you determine your own definition of success when it comes to standing up for your beliefs?

  • Success is staying true to my values, regardless of the outcome.
  • Success is making a tangible difference in the world.
  • Success is inspiring others to action.
  • Success is simply finding my voice and speaking my truth.

Are your actions consistently reflecting your values and beliefs?

  • Yes, for the most part.
  • I’m working on it, but there’s always room for improvement.
  • Not really. I need to be more congruent.
  • I haven’t really thought about it.

How do you manage the balance between advocating for your beliefs and respecting differing viewpoints?

  • I believe in respectful dialogue and finding common ground.
  • It’s a constant juggling act. I’m still figuring it out.
  • I tend to avoid conflict and shy away from confrontation.
  • I believe my way is the right way, and I’m not afraid to argue my point.

Josh Haynam

Josh Haynam is the co-founder of Interact, the ai-powered personalization platform where brands create experiences to make every customer interaction unique. Josh is a student of psychology and interaction design, striving to build a platform that connects businesses and customers for a mutually beneficial collaboration.

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