First at the North Pole; Or, Two Boys in the Arctic Circle Informative Summary


This classic adventure story follows two young boys, Andy and Chet, as they join a daring expedition led by experienced hunter Barwell Dawson. Their quest to reach the North Pole takes them through treacherous ice fields, encounters with polar bears, and the brutal Arctic winter. Along the way, they face numerous challenges, including a near-fatal encounter with an iceberg, a fight with a savage walrus, and a snowstorm that threatens to bury them alive. The boys encounter the native Esquimaux, learning about their culture and customs, and the story also includes a subplot where Chet searches for his missing father, a whaler who disappeared years ago. As the journey progresses, the boys demonstrate resilience, courage, and resourcefulness, proving that they are more than capable of enduring the harsh realities of polar exploration.

The story also touches upon the historical context of Arctic exploration, highlighting the achievements of famous explorers like Franklin, Kane, Hall, Peary, and Cook, adding a layer of educational value. Through the boys’ experiences, readers gain an understanding of the challenges and thrills of Arctic exploration, as well as the importance of determination and teamwork in the face of adversity.

Key Findings:

  • The harsh realities of Arctic exploration, including extreme cold, blizzards, treacherous ice, and the danger of polar bears and other wildlife.
  • The importance of preparation and resourcefulness in dealing with unexpected situations.
  • The unique culture and customs of the Esquimaux.
  • The historical context of Arctic exploration and the achievements of past explorers.


  • Arctic Climate: The story provides a vivid portrayal of the Arctic environment, emphasizing the extreme cold, the constant presence of ice and snow, and the unpredictable nature of the weather. Readers learn about the unique challenges posed by this harsh climate and the need for proper clothing, shelter, and supplies.
  • Polar Wildlife: The story introduces readers to various polar animals, including polar bears, musk oxen, walrus, seals, and Arctic foxes. It sheds light on their hunting techniques, their importance in the Arctic ecosystem, and the dangers they pose to humans.
  • Esquimaux Culture: Through their interactions with the Esquimaux, the boys learn about their way of life, including their traditional housing, hunting techniques, and their reliance on dogs and sledges for transportation. The story provides insights into the resilience and resourcefulness of these indigenous people, who have adapted to the harsh Arctic environment for centuries.
  • Historical Exploration: The story touches upon the history of Arctic exploration, mentioning the achievements of explorers like Franklin, Kane, Hall, Peary, and Cook, and their contributions to our understanding of the polar regions.

Historical Context:

The story is set in 1909, a time when the race to reach the North Pole was at its peak. Both Commander Peary and Dr. Frederick Cook had announced their claims to having reached the Pole, sparking controversy and debate. This historical context adds a layer of realism to the story and underscores the significance of the boys’ journey.


  • Cryolite is found only in Greenland: This mineral is used in the production of washing soda, baking powder, and aluminum.
  • The Esquimaux are the dirtiest people on earth: They never wash and rely on whale or seal oil to keep warm.
  • Pemmican is a staple food for Arctic explorers: It is made from dried beef, beef tallow, and currants and is highly nutritious.
  • Polar bears are often timid but can become aggressive when hungry: The boys learn this firsthand during a hunting encounter.
  • The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) is a spectacular light show in the Arctic: The story describes its beauty and mystery.
  • The Arctic winter is characterized by long periods of darkness (The Long Night): This can affect people’s mental health and requires proper lighting and preparation.
  • Distances can be deceiving in the Arctic atmosphere: The boys experience this firsthand during their journey.
  • The Arctic ice pack has immense power: The Ice King almost gets crushed by the moving ice.
  • The Arctic ice can be treacherous and unpredictable: The boys encounter several leads (open water) and cracked ice, which pose a serious danger.
  • Dogs are essential for transportation in the Arctic: The explorers rely on dog sledges for their journey.
  • Musk oxen are large, powerful Arctic animals: The boys hunt them for food.
  • The Arctic is a challenging environment for humans to survive in: The story highlights the need for extensive preparation, resourcefulness, and resilience.
  • The killing of birds at sea is considered bad luck by many sailors: This superstition causes conflict between the boys and some members of the ship’s crew.
  • The North Pole is the most northern point on Earth: It is a place of extreme cold and desolation.
  • The North Pole has been a goal of exploration for centuries: Many explorers have attempted to reach it, with varying degrees of success.
  • Polar exploration can be dangerous and often results in loss of life: The story underscores the risks involved.
  • The North Pole is a place of great beauty and wonder: The story describes the unique landscape and the aurora borealis.
  • The sun circles around the North Pole for extended periods during the summer: This phenomenon creates long periods of daylight.
  • The Arctic has a distinct atmosphere that creates mirages: These are optical illusions that can make the landscape seem different than it really is.


  • The Betsey Andrews was last seen at Disko Island, Greenland, two years before the story begins: This information is crucial to Chet’s quest to find his missing father.
  • The Ice King is a two-masted steamer with a two-foot-thick hull: This reinforces the ship’s strength and its suitability for navigating ice.
  • The Ice King carries over 1,000 pounds of pemmican: This statistic emphasizes the importance of pemmican as a staple food for polar explorers.
  • The Ice King is fitted out with powerful engines capable of operating on coal and oil: This gives the ship the ability to smash through ice, if necessary.
  • The thermometer reaches 38 degrees below zero at one point during the story: This shows the intense cold the boys experience.
  • The expedition travels over 1,000 miles during the story: This highlights the enormity of their journey.
  • The boys kill 13 walruses in one hunting encounter: This impressive number demonstrates their hunting skills.
  • Commander Peary reached the North Pole on April 6, 1909, with 17 Esquimaux, 133 dogs, and 19 sledges: This provides context for the boys’ own journey.
  • Dr. Cook reached the North Pole on April 21, 1908, according to the Esquimaux: This information comes as a surprise to the boys and highlights the ongoing race to reach the Pole.


  • Pemmican: A food made from dried beef, beef tallow, and currants, often used by explorers in the Arctic.
  • Igloo: A dome-shaped shelter made of blocks of ice, traditionally used by the Esquimaux for winter housing.
  • Lead: Open water surrounded by ice, often found in the Arctic regions.
  • Musk Ox: A large, powerful Arctic animal with a thick coat of fur and a head resembling a buffalo bull.
  • Aurora Borealis: A spectacular display of colorful lights in the sky, often seen in the Arctic regions.
  • Sextant: A navigational instrument used to determine latitude and longitude by measuring the angle between a celestial body and the horizon.
  • Cryolite: A mineral found only in Greenland, used in the production of washing soda, baking powder, and aluminum.
  • Blubber: The thick layer of fat under the skin of whales and other marine mammals, used by the Esquimaux as a food source.
  • Mirage: An optical illusion caused by the refraction of light through different layers of air, which can create distorted images of objects.
  • Snowblindness: Temporary blindness caused by overexposure to the bright glare of snow and ice.


  • The Ice King encountering icebergs: This incident highlights the danger of the Arctic environment and the need for careful navigation.
  • Chet’s fight with the moose: This adventure demonstrates the boy’s courage and resourcefulness.
  • The boys’ encounter with the Arctic foxes: This episode shows the importance of teamwork and how to deal with dangerous animals.
  • The Ice King being trapped in the ice pack: This incident illustrates the immense power of the ice and the risks involved in Arctic exploration.
  • The Esquimaux playing games: This provides insight into their culture and their ability to find amusement in the harsh environment.
  • The boys finding the lost sledge and supplies: This lucky encounter demonstrates the importance of maintaining hope and perseverance.
  • The mutiny by Estankawak and Muckaloo: This illustrates the challenges of working with different cultures and the need to maintain trust.
  • The discovery of the Peary expedition’s marker: This emphasizes the ongoing race to reach the North Pole and the importance of leaving behind evidence of exploration.
  • The boys crossing a lead on a floating ice cake: This harrowing experience highlights the constant danger faced by explorers and their ability to adapt to unforeseen situations.
  • The boys fighting off starvation: This experience underscores the harsh realities of Arctic survival and the importance of resourcefulness.


“First at the North Pole; Or, Two Boys in the Arctic Circle” is a thrilling adventure that takes readers on a journey to the top of the world. The boys’ experiences highlight the challenges and dangers of polar exploration, emphasizing the importance of preparation, resilience, and teamwork. Readers learn about the unique Arctic environment, the history of polar exploration, and the unique culture of the Esquimaux. The story also offers valuable lessons about courage, determination, and the pursuit of dreams.

While the boys face moments of fear and despair, they ultimately overcome adversity, showcasing the power of friendship and the human spirit. The story concludes with a sense of triumph and accomplishment, reminding readers that even in the most challenging of environments, perseverance and a sense of wonder can lead to extraordinary discoveries.

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Jessmyn Solana

Jessmyn Solana is the Digital Marketing Manager of Interact, a place for creating beautiful and engaging quizzes that generate email leads. She is a marketing enthusiast and storyteller. Outside of Interact Jessmyn loves exploring new places, eating all the local foods, and spending time with her favorite people (especially her dog).

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