Which conifer is the only one in New England that drops its leaves in the fall?
- White Pine
- Red Spruce
- Tamarack
- Hemlock
Correct Answer: Tamarack
Correct Answer Explanation: The Tamarack, also known as Larix Americana, is a unique conifer that sheds its leaves in the fall, unlike most other conifers which are evergreen. This adaptation allows the Tamarack to survive in the cold, wet conditions of swamps.
Known for its shaggy bark, which of these trees is a walnut species?
- Red Cedar
- White Cedar
- Butternut
- Shagbark Hickory
Correct Answer: Butternut
Correct Answer Explanation: The Butternut, or Juglans cinerea, is easily identified by its shaggy bark, which separates into long, narrow plates. It’s a valuable tree for its sweet, oily kernels, but its numbers are declining due to a fungal disease.
Which tree species was historically used extensively for shipbuilding due to its strength and durability?
- White Pine
- Pitch Pine
- Red Spruce
- Hemlock
Correct Answer: White Pine
Correct Answer Explanation: The White Pine, or Pinus strobus, is a majestic tree that once dominated northern New England forests. Its tall, straight trunks were prized for shipbuilding, and the species was heavily logged during the colonial period.
What is the name of the fleshy fruit that contains a hard stone with a seed, similar to a cherry or plum?
- Samara
- Drupe
- Involucre
- Rachis
Correct Answer: Drupe
Correct Answer Explanation: A drupe is a type of fleshy fruit that encloses a single seed within a hard, stony pit. Examples include cherries, plums, peaches, and olives.
Which of these tree species is found in extensive areas known as “cedar swamps” in Maine and other parts of New England?
- Red Cedar
- White Cedar
- Hemlock
- Arborvitae
Correct Answer: Arborvitae
Correct Answer Explanation: Arborvitae, or Thuja occidentalis, is a common tree found in the moist, boggy conditions of “cedar swamps.” Its name comes from the Latin words “arbor vitae,” meaning “tree of life,” a testament to its medicinal uses by Native Americans.
Which tree species is commonly found along rivers and ponds, known for its graceful, drooping branches?
- Hemlock
- Black Willow
- Pussy Willow
- Butternut
Correct Answer: Black Willow
Correct Answer Explanation: The Black Willow, or Salix nigra, thrives in wet environments like rivers and ponds. It’s a fast-growing tree with a distinctive shape, its branches often drooping down towards the water.
Which of these tree species is known for its rough appearance and ability to thrive in dry, sterile soils?
- Pitch Pine
- Scrub Pine
- White Pine
- Red Spruce
Correct Answer: Pitch Pine
Correct Answer Explanation: Pitch Pine, or Pinus rigida, is a tough species that can withstand harsh conditions. It’s known for its gnarled branches and its ability to grow in dry, sandy soils, even in areas where other trees struggle to survive.
Which of these tree species is known for its symmetrical, conical form and its erect, conspicuous cones?
- Fir Balsam
- Red Spruce
- White Spruce
- Hemlock
Correct Answer: Fir Balsam
Correct Answer Explanation: Fir Balsam, or Abies balsamea, is a beautiful and symmetrical tree with a distinctive conical shape. Its erect cones are easily identifiable, often resembling small, upright candles.
What is the name for a group of bracts that surround a flower or group of flowers?
- Involucre
- Samara
- Drupe
- Rachis
Correct Answer: Involucre
Correct Answer Explanation: An involucre is a protective structure made up of modified leaves called bracts. It surrounds a flower or group of flowers, often providing protection and support.
What is the name of the central stalk of a compound leaf, or a spike of flowers?
- Rachis
- Involucre
- Samara
- Drupe
Correct Answer: Rachis
Correct Answer Explanation: The rachis is the main axis of a compound leaf, holding the individual leaflets together. It’s also the central stalk of a spike of flowers, providing support for the individual blooms.
Which of these tree species is a dominant species in upper Coos County and the White Mountain region of New Hampshire?
- Red Spruce
- White Spruce
- Hemlock
- Fir Balsam
Correct Answer: Red Spruce
Correct Answer Explanation: Red Spruce, or Picea rubra, is well-adapted to the colder, mountainous conditions of New Hampshire. It thrives in high elevations and is a common sight in the White Mountains.
Which of these tree species is known for its highly variable growth habit, ranging from low-lying shrubs to taller trees?
- White Pine
- Scrub Pine
- Red Spruce
- Hemlock
Correct Answer: Scrub Pine
Correct Answer Explanation: Scrub Pine, or Pinus banksiana, is a versatile species that can grow in a wide variety of forms. It’s often found in harsh, exposed conditions, where it may grow as a low-lying shrub or a more upright tree.
Which of these tree species is known for its graceful, plume-like spray and its dense, dark-green foliage?
- Hemlock
- Red Spruce
- White Spruce
- Fir Balsam
Correct Answer: Hemlock
Correct Answer Explanation: Hemlock, or Tsuga canadensis, is a beautiful and graceful tree with delicate, feathery foliage. Its drooping branches create a distinctive, elegant appearance.
Which tree species is known for its aromatic wood and its ability to thrive in a variety of conditions, including dry, rocky hills and peaty swamps?
- White Cedar
- Red Cedar
- Arborvitae
- Hemlock
Correct Answer: Red Cedar
Correct Answer Explanation: Red Cedar, or Juniperus virginiana, is a versatile tree that can adapt to a wide range of habitats. Its aromatic wood has been used for various purposes, including building and crafts.
Which tree species prefers deep swamps and marshes, and is mostly found near the seacoast?
- White Cedar
- Red Cedar
- Arborvitae
- Hemlock
Correct Answer: White Cedar
Correct Answer Explanation: White Cedar, or Cupressus thyoides, is a tree that thrives in wet, swampy environments, especially near the coast. It’s often found in coastal areas of New England, where it provides important habitat for wildlife.
What is the name of the winged fruit produced by ash and maple trees?
- Drupe
- Rachis
- Involucre
- Samara
Correct Answer: Samara
Correct Answer Explanation: A samara is a winged fruit that aids in wind dispersal. Trees like ash and maple produce samaras, allowing their seeds to travel further away from the parent tree.
Which of these tree species is known for its thick husk and smaller kernel compared to the shagbark hickory?
- Mockernut Hickory
- Pignut Hickory
- Bitternut Hickory
- Shagbark Hickory
Correct Answer: Mockernut Hickory
Correct Answer Explanation: Mockernut Hickory, or Carya tomentosa, is characterized by its thick, tough husk and its smaller, more difficult-to-crack nut compared to the shagbark hickory.
Which tree species is recognized by its flat, yellow buds and its bitter kernel?
- Bitternut Hickory
- Pignut Hickory
- Shagbark Hickory
- Mockernut Hickory
Correct Answer: Bitternut Hickory
Correct Answer Explanation: Bitternut Hickory, or Carya amara, is easily identified by its flat, yellow buds and its distinctively bitter kernel. It’s not a favorite for wildlife due to its unpleasant taste.
Which of these tree species is known for its variable fruit size and its thick-shelled nut?
- Pignut Hickory
- Bitternut Hickory
- Shagbark Hickory
- Mockernut Hickory
Correct Answer: Pignut Hickory
Correct Answer Explanation: Pignut Hickory, or Carya porcina, is a variable species in terms of its fruit size. It’s known for its small, thick-shelled nuts that are often difficult to crack.
Which tree species produces a strong-scented nut with a thick shell?
- Butternut
- Black Walnut
- Shagbark Hickory
- Mockernut Hickory
Correct Answer: Black Walnut
Correct Answer Explanation: Black Walnut, or Juglans nigra, is a valuable tree for its nuts, which have a strong, distinctive flavor and a thick, hard shell. Its wood is also prized for its durability and beautiful grain.
Which tree species is known for its early blooming and its attractive, silky catkins?
- Pussy Willow
- Black Willow
- Butternut
- Shagbark Hickory
Correct Answer: Pussy Willow
Correct Answer Explanation: Pussy Willow, or Salix discolor, is a familiar sight in early spring, its silvery-grey catkins (clusters of flowers) appearing before the leaves emerge. These catkins are known for their silky texture and attractive appearance.
Which of these tree species is the tallest and stateliest conifer in New England, reaching heights of 100 to 150 feet in northern forests?
- Hemlock
- White Pine
- Pitch Pine
- Red Spruce
Correct Answer: White Pine
Correct Answer Explanation: The White Pine, or Pinus strobus, is a majestic tree that can grow to impressive heights in northern New England forests. It’s a symbol of the region’s natural beauty and a testament to its resilience.
Which tree species is known for its shaggy bark that separates into long, narrow plates, making it easy to identify?
- Butternut
- Shagbark Hickory
- Mockernut Hickory
- Pignut Hickory
Correct Answer: Shagbark Hickory
Correct Answer Explanation: Shagbark Hickory, or Carya alba, is easily recognized by its distinctive bark, which peels off in long, shaggy strips. This unique feature makes it a stand-out tree in the forest.
Which of these tree species is commonly found in cool, moist forests and is known for its gracefully drooping branches?
- Red Spruce
- White Spruce
- Hemlock
- Fir Balsam
Correct Answer: Hemlock
Correct Answer Explanation: Hemlock, or Tsuga canadensis, thrives in moist, shaded forests. Its gracefully drooping branches give it a distinctive, elegant appearance. It’s a common sight in the forests of New England, providing important habitat for wildlife.
Which of these tree species is common in dry, sandy soils and is often found at higher elevations?
- Red Spruce
- White Spruce
- Hemlock
- Fir Balsam
Correct Answer: White Spruce
Correct Answer Explanation: White Spruce, or Picea alba, is well-adapted to drier, more exposed conditions. It often grows in sandy soils and at higher elevations, where it can tolerate harsh weather.
Which of these tree species is known for its symmetrical, conical form and its erect, conspicuous cones?
- Fir Balsam
- Red Spruce
- White Spruce
- Hemlock
Correct Answer: Fir Balsam
Correct Answer Explanation: Fir Balsam, or Abies balsamea, is a beautiful and symmetrical tree with a distinctive conical shape. Its erect cones are easily identifiable, often resembling small, upright candles.
Which of these tree species is a dominant species in cool, rich woods and mountain slopes?
- Hemlock
- White Spruce
- Red Spruce
- Fir Balsam
Correct Answer: Red Spruce
Correct Answer Explanation: Red Spruce, or Picea rubra, thrives in cool, moist forests, often at higher elevations. It’s a common sight in the mountains of New England, where it contributes to the region’s unique forest ecosystems.
Which of these tree species is known for its smooth, grey bark and its deeply lobed leaves?
- American Elm
- Sugar Maple
- Red Maple
- Beech
Correct Answer: American Elm
Correct Answer Explanation: The American Elm, or Ulmus americana, is a graceful tree known for its smooth, grey bark and its deeply lobed leaves. It was once a common sight in cities and towns, but its numbers have declined due to Dutch Elm disease.
Which of these tree species is known for its distinctive 5-lobed leaves, which are often used to create maple syrup?
- Sugar Maple
- Red Maple
- American Elm
- Beech
Correct Answer: Sugar Maple
Correct Answer Explanation: The Sugar Maple, or Acer saccharum, is prized for its sweet sap, which is used to make maple syrup. Its distinctive 5-lobed leaves are a familiar sight in New England forests.
Which of these tree species is known for its smooth, grey bark and its pointed, oval leaves?
- Beech
- American Elm
- Sugar Maple
- Red Maple
Correct Answer: Beech
Correct Answer Explanation: The Beech, or Fagus grandifolia, is a stately tree with smooth, grey bark and pointed, oval leaves. It’s a common sight in deciduous forests throughout New England.
Which of these tree species is known for its distinctive 3-lobed leaves, which turn brilliant red in the fall?
- Red Maple
- Sugar Maple
- American Elm
- Beech
Correct Answer: Red Maple
Correct Answer Explanation: The Red Maple, or Acer rubrum, is named for its brilliant red foliage in the fall. Its distinctive 3-lobed leaves are a beautiful sight in New England landscapes.
Which of these tree species is known for its smooth, grey bark and its distinctive “winged” seeds, which are often used for crafts?
- Red Maple
- Sugar Maple
- Beech
- American Elm
Correct Answer: Sugar Maple
Correct Answer Explanation: The Sugar Maple, or Acer saccharum, is known for its winged seeds, called samaras. These seeds, often referred to as “helicopters” because of their spinning motion as they fall, are commonly used for crafts and decorations.
Which of these tree species is known for its distinctive 3-pointed leaves and its small, reddish-brown fruit?
- Red Oak
- White Oak
- Chestnut Oak
- Pin Oak
Correct Answer: Red Oak
Correct Answer Explanation: The Red Oak, or Quercus rubra, is easily identified by its distinctive 3-pointed leaves and its small, reddish-brown acorns. It’s a common sight in deciduous forests throughout New England.
Which of these tree species is known for its large, lobed leaves, which turn brilliant shades of orange and red in the fall?
- Pin Oak
- Chestnut Oak
- White Oak
- Red Oak
Correct Answer: Red Oak
Correct Answer Explanation: The Red Oak, or Quercus rubra, is known for its large, lobed leaves, which turn vibrant shades of orange and red in the fall. It’s a popular tree for its fall foliage and its stately appearance.
Which of these tree species is known for its distinctive “pinched” leaves, which resemble the shape of a pin?
- Pin Oak
- Chestnut Oak
- White Oak
- Red Oak
Correct Answer: Pin Oak
Correct Answer Explanation: The Pin Oak, or Quercus palustris, is a distinctive tree named for its “pinched” leaves, which resemble the shape of a pin. It’s often found in wet areas and is a popular choice for landscaping.
Which of these tree species is known for its distinctive “chestnut-like” leaves, which are often used for crafts?
- Chestnut Oak
- Pin Oak
- White Oak
- Red Oak
Correct Answer: Chestnut Oak
Correct Answer Explanation: The Chestnut Oak, or Quercus montana, is a sturdy tree with leaves that resemble those of the American Chestnut. It’s known for its strong wood and its edible acorns.
Which of these tree species is known for its large, deeply lobed leaves, which are often used for crafts?
- White Oak
- Chestnut Oak
- Pin Oak
- Red Oak
Correct Answer: White Oak
Correct Answer Explanation: The White Oak, or Quercus alba, is a majestic tree with large, deeply lobed leaves. It’s known for its strong, durable wood and its beautiful fall foliage.
Which of these tree species is known for its distinctive “tufted” appearance, with its branches growing in clusters?
- Black Birch
- Yellow Birch
- Paper Birch
- River Birch
Correct Answer: River Birch
Correct Answer Explanation: River Birch, or Betula nigra, is a distinctive tree with a “tufted” appearance, its branches growing in clusters. It’s often found near rivers and streams, where it thrives in moist conditions.
Which of these tree species is known for its smooth, white bark that peels off in thin sheets?
- Paper Birch
- Black Birch
- Yellow Birch
- River Birch
Correct Answer: Paper Birch
Correct Answer Explanation: Paper Birch, or Betula papyrifera, is a beautiful tree with smooth, white bark that peels off in thin sheets. Its distinctive bark has been used for various purposes, including making canoes and crafts.
Which of these tree species is known for its distinctive “bronze” bark, which becomes darker with age?
- Yellow Birch
- Black Birch
- Paper Birch
- River Birch
Correct Answer: Yellow Birch
Correct Answer Explanation: Yellow Birch, or Betula alleghaniensis, is a stately tree with distinctive “bronze” bark, which becomes darker with age. It’s known for its beautiful wood and its sweet, aromatic sap.
Which of these tree species is known for its dark, almost black bark and its strong, spicy aroma?
- Black Birch
- Yellow Birch
- Paper Birch
- River Birch
Correct Answer: Black Birch
Correct Answer Explanation: Black Birch, or Betula lenta, is a beautiful tree with dark, almost black bark. It’s known for its strong, spicy aroma, which is similar to wintergreen. Its wood is prized for its durability and its beautiful grain.