How to Choose the Right Quiz Logic for Your Quiz

Interact quiz cover page and question example

Create your own Interact quiz

Drive traffic, generate leads, and segment your email list.

If you’re reading this, chances are you already know that building a quiz is the right next step for your business. 

Whether you’re looking to generate new leads, learn from your audience, or beef up that email list, you have a strong hunch that a quiz is how to make it happen. 

You’re not wrong! 

Quizzes are a fun, interactive, and engaging way to build “know, like, trust” with your audience. Plus, quizzes offer quiz-takers serious value and let you gather vital zero- and first-party information that can boost your business in a big way. 

Sounds like a win-win to me! 

With a quiz, you have the unique opportunity to see inside the minds of potential customers and actual audience members, giving you some pretty powerful agency over creating new offers and services that match your audience’s needs. 

So the big question is: What type of quiz will best suit your audience? 

Choosing the right quiz can feel like the trickiest hurdle to get over. There’s a world of possibility when it comes to quiz building, and it’s easy to get stuck deciding which option will suit your biz best. 

In this article, I’ll walk you through the three quiz types offered in the Interact builder: Personality, Assessment, and Scored quiz. If you’re scratching your head over where to start, read on and learn which path may be best for you! 

Table of contents 

Questions to ask before starting your quiz 

First thing first: When you start writing your quiz, you’ve got to have an aim! 

Whether you’re simply looking for a fun, new way to engage with your audience or have big goals around segmenting your email list to refine your offerings, you need to know your “why.” 

In short, knowing your intention will lessen the chances of overthinking yourself into quiz-writing inertia (and yes, that’s a thing). It will also help you narrow down which quiz type is right for you. And it will allow you to gather data in a more intelligent and meaningful way. 

So, how do you get clear on the central “why” behind your quiz? Start by getting curious and asking the right questions! 

When embarking on your quiz-writing journey, check in with the following questions: 

  • What is my ultimate goal? This one is key! Getting clear on your ultimate goal for your quiz will give you defined benchmarks and help you get your desired results. 
  • What do I want my audience to know about themselves after taking this quiz? If you really want to see success in your quiz, make sure you’re adding value for quiz-takers. When you know the answer to this question, you’ll be able to give your audience something useful that they can use in the future. What they learn about themselves through your quiz should leave them feeling seen and validated and lead them to your offers.
  • What do I want to know about my audience? This one is crucial when it comes to choosing the right quiz type for your business! Asking what you want from your audience will inform your choices around how you build your quiz. Are you looking to test someone’s knowledge on a particular topic? Are you assessing where someone is in a process so you can give an accurate diagnosis? Maybe you’re just collecting information so you can refine your offerings and services. Whatever the case, be clear so you can make the best choice for your quiz logic. 

Now that you’ve narrowed down your primary intention for quiz writing, let’s look at the three types of quiz logic options in the Interact quiz builder. 

Personality Quizzes

Personality quizzes are arguably the most fun and engaging for the end user. 


Because they leave quiz-takers feeling seen and understood, having learned something about who they are and the traits they demonstrate. Remember the days of flipping through a magazine and feeling the thrill of coming across a personality quiz? 

Yep, the nostalgia is real—and it’s still a fun way to engage with your audience in modern times. 

So, how does the logic in a personality quiz work? 

Personality quizzes work by grouping people into a specific category or result. The logic is set up through correlations, meaning that each time a quiz-taker chooses an option, it will match up to one of the quiz results. 

Let’s say you answered seven out of ten questions tied to “result A” of the quiz you’re taking. This would classify you as a “result A.” 

Pretty simple, right?

Once a quiz-taker finishes a personality quiz, they’re presented with an option to subscribe for personalized information based on their result. This makes a personality quiz a great option if you’re looking to build your email list or segment your audience based on their result. It’s also the most popular option for anyone looking to generate leads through a quiz!

Check out the image below for an example of how you can edit your result correlations to your desired results. Oh, and you’ll want to make sure you’re adding some variety to the flow of answers—for example, you don’t want to have the first answer of each question always correlate to “result A.” Otherwise, quiz-takers will figure out the flow! Switch it up to keep quiz-takers honest. 

Now let’s dive into scored quizzes.

Scored quizzes 

Scored quizzes are just like the ones printed in magazines, where you would flip to the back page to see how you scored. Remember? 

Yes, those ones! 

When you choose to build a scored quiz in the Interact builder, you’re essentially helping quiz-takers discern their next step based on how they answer your questions. These quizzes work on a tally system, meaning results are weighted on how people scored on the quiz. 

Make sense so far? 

With scored quizzes, each answer choice has an associated point value, so how quiz-takers accumulate points determines their results. 

For example, your quiz topic may assess whether someone’s symptoms point to a sleep disorder that you can solve with your services. If the quiz-taker scores an 80% in the result of insomnia, you’re then primed to set them up with next steps. 

If you’re wondering when you should choose to use a scored quiz, think “range.” When someone takes a scored quiz, their answers could fall between categories. So, if your quiz has more range than a set result, you’ll want to choose this option. 

Creating a scored quiz is as simple as selecting this option in the builder and setting your answer scores for each question you create. See the image below for a live example! 

Oh, and don’t forget about those segmentation questions! You can still gather that valuable information from your audience without their answer tallying up to a particular score. Simply plug your question into the builder and don’t assign it a set score. That way, the question will simply collect the data from quiz-takers without affecting their end result. 

Now, let’s recap—we’ve covered personality and scored quiz types; now let’s look at assessment quizzes! 

Assessment quizzes 

These quizzes are pretty straightforward. Each question simply has a “right” or “wrong” answer. 

Assessment quizzes are an excellent option for creating a fun trivia quiz, true-or-false quiz, or for knowledge assessment. Maybe you’re looking to see how much your audience knows about your services. Or maybe you’re creating a fun and engaging quiz to bring to a staff presentation. Either way, this is when an assessment quiz is right for you. 

These quizzes offer a fun approach to gathering specific information that could lead to a potential offer or service, webinar or video presentation. Inside the Interact builder, you can set your correct answers upon creating them, and you can also show an explanation after quiz-takers answer the question. 

Other fun things to know about assessment quizzes? You can show the answer key in the results, customize the coloring of the results, and show the quiz-taker’s score either throughout the quiz or wait till the end. 

Check out the below video for more information on how to do that.

Hot tips 

Now that we’ve covered our three main types of quiz logic, it’s time to get cracking on those quiz-writing goals! If you’re just getting started, refer to these hot tips to set yourself up for success: 

  • Lean on the quiz templates. Whether it’s your first time writing a quiz or you’re an expert, it’s always helpful to have a foundation! Interact has hundreds of industry-specific templates to help you get started. And you can change the content and customize it to your choosing! Not sure which template to choose? Take this 2-minute quiz to find out!
  • Done is better than perfect! Your quiz will evolve with you as your business grows and you gather feedback to optimize it further. So if you’re stressing about it being exactly right, take that pressure off. You’re right on track.
  • Check out the branching logic feature. Looking to make your quiz with conditional logic? Wondering what the heck that even means? Conditional logic is when quiz-takers are guided to different questions based on how they answered the previous one. Check out this article on integrating the branching logic feature into your quiz. 

And most important, enjoy the process! Quiz writing is a lot more fun when you can kick back, trust your choices, and be present in creating it. 

Here’s to creating quizzes that will help your business flourish in all the right ways! 

Interact quiz cover page and question example

Know how you want to set up your quiz logic?

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Kelly Day

Kelly Day is a copywriter for small businesses and owner of Co-create, a service based business that brings visions to life through meaningful action inspiring copy and content.

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