Quizzes have an overall average conversion rate of 40.8% meaning that 4 of 10 people who start quizzes opt in. That’s astronomically high, and this guide is meant to give you the recommendations you’ll need to write the opt-in form on your quiz so you can achieve a high conversion rate on your quiz.
Disclaimer: This post is not legal advice. Contact your legal counsel before publishing your quiz opt-in form for privacy and data compliance
There are five main elements to a quiz opt-in form, we will go through recommendations for each element. Here they are laid out on an opt-in form for reference on what we’ll cover.
Quiz Opt-in form Heading
The first thing your quiz takers will see when they arrive on the opt-in form at the end of your quiz is the heading. In the heading you want to tell people that if they subscribe you will be sending out personalized recommendations based on the person’s quiz result.
When you write these headings, address the quiz taker using “You” rather than telling them what you’ll send them using “We.” Addressing the quiz taker and telling them what they will get is better than saying “We will send you …”
For example:
For a product recommendation quiz titled “What’s Your Skin Type?” you could write something like
Want personalized tips & tricks for how to have glowing skin based on your unique skin type?
For a personality type quiz called “What’s Your Brand Personality you could write something like
Want to learn how you can grow your brand using the unique strengths of your brand personality?
For a scored quiz called “What’s the best next step for your business?” you could write something like
Interested to learn more about how you can implement the best next step in your business via email?
For an assessment style quiz called “How well do you know the National Parks?” you could write something like
Want to learn more about the national parks and their history based on which answers you got correct?
Quiz Opt-in form Sub-Heading
In the sub-heading of your quiz opt-in form we recommend telling people what frequency they’ll be receiving their personalized emails, and add some personality from your own way of communicating. Here are some examples.
For a product recommendation quiz titled “What’s Your Skin Type?” you could write something like
You’ll get one email each week with your personalized picks and skin care tips
For a personality type quiz called “What’s Your Brand Personality you could write something like
You’ll get an email twice a month with actionable practices to put in place for your brand
For a scored quiz called “What’s the best next step for your business?” you could write something like
You’ll get breakthrough strategies delivered once a month so you can reach that next level easier
For an assessment style quiz called “How well do you know the National Parks?” you could write something like
You’ll get a weekly newsletter with beautiful photos and stories about your favorite national parks
Here’s another example from the brand personality quiz so you can see it all together.
Quiz Opt-in form fields
The recommendation on which fields to include is that you only ask for what you’re going to use. If you send out emails then ask for name and email so you can personalize the name on the emails. If you send out text messages, then ask for phone numbers. The more fields you have the lower the opt-in rate will be so only ask for what you need.
Quiz Opt-in form Privacy Compliance
We cannot provide legal advice on what to write on your privacy compliance form. Interact is GDPR compliant, please refer to our terms of use and Privacy Policy for more information. Consult your legal professional before publishing your quiz opt-in form and this post is not legal advice on what to write on your opt-in form.
Quiz Opt-in form CTA/skip buttons
Change CTA button color to match your site and customize the text to be relevant to your particular quiz topic. For GDPR the skip button must remain on, and it’s best practice to leave it on anyways so your subscribers are high quality.