How To Embed Your Quiz On Any Website

Quiz Embed Instructions (Choose your platform below)

If you don’t see yours listed, Interact offers standard JavaScript and iframe embeds

Embed quiz on WordPress

Steps to embed quiz on WordPress

  1. Install interact quiz maker plugin
  2. Generate shortcode
  3. Add shortcode to page or post
  4. Link to page or post from header announcement bar or popup
  5. Instructions for WordPress Quiz Popup

Step-by-Step WordPress quiz embed instructions

WordPress quiz embed

Wordpress quiz embed
Chelsey Explores Quiz Embed

Embed Quiz on Shopify

Steps to Embed Quiz on Shopify

  1. Copy JavaScript embed code from Interact
  2. Paste into page template in Shopify
  3. Link to page template from menu or header
  4. Set up Quiz as Popup on Shopify

Step-by-step Shopify Quiz Embed Instructions

Shopify Quiz embed

Embed Quiz on Showit

Steps to embed quiz on Showit

  1. Copy JavaScript quiz embed code from Interact
  2. Paste quiz embed code into Showit Canvas
  3. Choose “Grow with content” on Showit Canvas
  4. Publish Page
  5. Bonus: Use a canvas behind a canvas to create a custom cover for your quiz

Step-by-step Showit quiz embed instructions

The following example uses the quiz result redirect function

Showit quiz embed

Showit quiz embed quiz embed

Embed quiz on Squarespace

Steps to embed quiz on Squarespace

  1. Copy JavaScript embed code from Interact
  2. Paste quiz embed code into Squarespace embed block
  3. Publish page with Quiz on Squarespace
  4. Link to quiz page from Announcement Bar, Popup, or Button

Step-by-Step Squarespace quiz embed instructions

Squarespace quiz embed

Squarespace quiz embed 1

Embed quiz on Wix

Here are the steps for adding a quiz to your Wix website

  1. Add an embed widget to any page or post in your Wix website
  2. Copy your quiz embed code from interact
  3. Paste your quiz embed code into your Wix embed block
  4. Optimize the size of your quiz embed so it displays correctly

Step-by-step Instructions to embed quiz on Wix

Wix Quiz Embed

quiz embed wix

Embed Quiz on Square Online Store

  1. Add an embed code section to your Square online store, this can be done on any page
  2. Copy your quiz embed code from interact quiz builder
  3. Paste your quiz embed code from interact quiz builder into your embed section on your Square online store
  4. (Optional step) redirect your quiz results to product pages on your Square online store

Step-by-step Instructions to embed quiz on Square Online Store

square online embed

Embed Quiz on Leadpages

  1. Create a new page for your quiz
  2. Embed your quiz on your Leadpages page
  3. Optimize the quiz embed for the best experience on all devices

Step-by-step Instructions to embed quiz on Leadpages

quiz embed leadpages
Josh Haynam

Josh Haynam is the co-founder of Interact, the ai-powered personalization platform where brands create experiences to make every customer interaction unique. Josh is a student of psychology and interaction design, striving to build a platform that connects businesses and customers for a mutually beneficial collaboration.

Make a quiz for your business with AI

Use our AI quiz maker to create a beautiful quiz for your brand in a minute.

Make a quiz - for free