What is the scientific name for licorice root?
- Glycyrrhiza glabra
- Glycyrrhiza uralensis
- Glycyrrhiza inflata
- All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above
Correct Answer Explanation: The plant is known by several scientific names, but all three names refer to licorice root.
What country is licorice root not cultivated in?
- Europe
- Asia
- Middle East
- Africa
Correct Answer: Africa
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice is cultivated in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Africa is not a place where it is cultivated.
What is the common name for licorice root?
- Sweet Root
- Licorice
- Chinese Licorice
- All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above
Correct Answer Explanation: These are all common names for licorice root.
What is licorice root commonly used as a flavoring in?
- Candy
- Beverages
- Tobacco products
- All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice is used to flavor candy, beverages and tobacco.
What type of product is licorice root commonly used to flavor?
- Food
- Medicine
- Cosmetics
- All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is used to flavor all of the above.
What type of product is licorice root commonly used in?
- Food
- Medicine
- Cosmetics
- All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is used in all of the above.
What country is licorice root most commonly used in?
- China
- United States
- Japan
- India
Correct Answer: China
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is used in many countries but has been most commonly used in China for a very long time.
What type of products sold in the United States do not actually contain licorice?
- Cough drops
- Candy
- Chewing gum
- All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above
Correct Answer Explanation: The majority of licorice flavored products in the United States contain Anise oil. Anise has a similar taste and smell to licorice, but is not made from licorice.
What is Anise oil commonly used for?
- Flavoring
- Perfumes
- Medicines
- All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above
Correct Answer Explanation: Anise is commonly used for all of the above purposes.
What is the compound in licorice root thought to be the reason for its medicinal qualities?
- Glycyrrhizic acid
- Licorice extract
- Sugar
- None of the above
Correct Answer: Glycyrrhizic acid
Correct Answer Explanation: Glycyrrhizic acid is the compound found in licorice root believed to be the reason for many of its medicinal qualities.
Which of these is not a traditional use of licorice root?
- Liver conditions
- Circulatory conditions
- Kidney conditions
- All of the above are traditional uses of licorice root
Correct Answer: All of the above are traditional uses of licorice root
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root has been used traditionally to treat liver, circulatory and kidney conditions.
What is licorice root not a dietary supplement for?
- Digestive problems
- Menopausal symptoms
- Cough
- All of the above are uses of licorice as a dietary supplement
Correct Answer: All of the above are uses of licorice as a dietary supplement
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice is used as a supplement for all of the above conditions.
What is licorice root used to prevent?
- Sore throats
- Eczema
- All of the above
- None of the above
Correct Answer: Sore throats
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is thought to be beneficial to prevent sore throats, though there is not enough evidence to confirm this.
What condition is licorice root not a dietary supplement for?
- Bacterial infections
- Viral infections
- Yeast infections
- All of the above are uses of licorice as a dietary supplement
Correct Answer: All of the above are uses of licorice as a dietary supplement
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is used as a supplement for all of the above conditions.
What is licorice root not used to treat?
- Atopic dermatitis
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- All of the above are uses of licorice root
Correct Answer: All of the above are uses of licorice root
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is a natural remedy commonly used to treat skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.
What does licorice root not help to prevent?
- Sore throats after surgery
- Bleeding
- All of the above
- None of the above
Correct Answer: Bleeding
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root has not been shown to help prevent bleeding, though it has been shown to help prevent sore throats.
How does licorice root help to prevent a sore throat after surgery?
- It soothes the throat
- It reduces inflammation
- It boosts the immune system
- All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is thought to reduce inflammation, boost the immune system and soothe the throat which could help to prevent sore throats.
Which is not a common symptom associated with licorice root consumption in high doses?
- Increased blood pressure
- Decreased potassium levels
- Increased potassium levels
- All of the above are common symptoms of consuming licorice root in high doses
Correct Answer: Increased potassium levels
Correct Answer Explanation: High doses of licorice root can cause a number of symptoms including increased blood pressure and decreased potassium levels.
What is licorice root not considered safe for?
- Food
- Medicine
- Cosmetics
- All of the above are safe uses of licorice root
Correct Answer: All of the above are safe uses of licorice root
Correct Answer Explanation: While licorice is generally considered safe for many uses, it can become dangerous when consumed in high doses.
What is licorice root not known to be safe for?
- People with hypertension
- People with heart disease
- People with kidney disease
- All of the above are groups of people that licorice root is not considered safe for
Correct Answer: All of the above are groups of people that licorice root is not considered safe for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice is not safe for people with high blood pressure, heart disease or kidney disease.
Why is licorice root not considered safe for people with hypertension, heart disease or kidney disease?
- It can cause increased blood pressure
- It can cause decreased potassium levels
- It can cause both increased blood pressure and decreased potassium levels
- It can cause both increased potassium levels and decreased blood pressure
Correct Answer: It can cause both increased blood pressure and decreased potassium levels
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root can cause both increased blood pressure and decreased potassium levels, which can be harmful for people with certain health conditions.
What compound is believed to be the reason for the negative side effects of licorice?
- Glycyrrhizic acid
- Glycyrrhiza glabra
- Glycyrrhiza uralensis
- Glycyrrhiza inflata
Correct Answer: Glycyrrhizic acid
Correct Answer Explanation: Glycyrrhizic acid is the compound believed to be responsible for the negative side effects of licorice.
What type of licorice is thought to be safer to consume?
- Regular licorice
- Organic licorice
- None of the above
Correct Answer: DGL
Correct Answer Explanation: Deglycyrrhizinated licorice, also known as DGL, is licorice that has had the glycyrrhizic acid removed. This is considered to be a safer option for consumption than regular licorice.
What does licorice root not cause when consumed in high doses?
- Premature birth
- Health problems in infants
- Low birth weight
- All of the above are side effects of consuming licorice root during pregnancy
Correct Answer: All of the above are side effects of consuming licorice root during pregnancy
Correct Answer Explanation: High doses of licorice root have been associated with premature birth, low birth weight, and health problems in infants.
What is licorice root not considered safe for?
- Pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
- All of the above
- None of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is not considered safe for pregnancy or breastfeeding, though more research is needed to confirm this.
Where is licorice root not native to?
- Europe
- Asia
- The Middle East
- All of the above are places licorice root is native to
Correct Answer: All of the above are places licorice root is native to
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is native to all of these places.
What form of licorice is not considered safe to consume?
- Lozenges
- Gargles
- All of the above are considered safe to consume
- None of the above are considered safe to consume
Correct Answer: All of the above are considered safe to consume
Correct Answer Explanation: Lozenges and gargles are both considered safe forms of licorice consumption.
What is licorice root not used in?
- Medications
- Cosmetics
- Food
- All of the above are uses of licorice root
Correct Answer: All of the above are uses of licorice root
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is found in many different products.
What is not a common use of licorice root?
- Flavoring
- Coloring
- Medicinal uses
- All of the above are common uses of licorice root
Correct Answer: All of the above are common uses of licorice root
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root has many common uses, including flavoring, coloring and medicinal purposes.
What form of licorice is not safe for consumption?
- Powder
- Extract
- Tea
- All of the above forms of licorice are considered safe to consume
Correct Answer: All of the above forms of licorice are considered safe to consume
Correct Answer Explanation: Powder, extract and tea are all forms of licorice root that are commonly consumed.
What is licorice root not a natural remedy for?
- Coughs
- Sore throats
- Allergies
- All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer: All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is a natural remedy commonly used to treat coughs, sore throats and allergies.
What is licorice root not used to treat?
- Ulcers
- Dermatitis
- Allergies
- All of the above are conditions that licorice root is used to treat
Correct Answer: All of the above are conditions that licorice root is used to treat
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is a natural remedy commonly used to treat ulcers, dermatitis, and allergies.
What is licorice root not used in?
- Cough syrups
- Toothpaste
- Lozenges
- All of the above are products that use licorice root
Correct Answer: All of the above are products that use licorice root
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is used in many products including cough syrup, toothpaste and lozenges.
What is licorice root not a natural remedy for?
- Inflammation
- Digestive problems
- Allergies
- All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer: All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is thought to be a natural remedy for all of the above conditions.
What is licorice root not considered effective for?
- Reducing inflammation
- Boosting the immune system
- Relieving pain
- All of the above are conditions that licorice root is considered effective for
Correct Answer: All of the above are conditions that licorice root is considered effective for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is considered effective in reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system and relieving pain.
What is licorice root not used in?
- Food products
- Medicinal products
- Dietary supplements
- All of the above are products that use licorice root
Correct Answer: All of the above are products that use licorice root
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is used in many different products.
What is licorice root not a natural remedy for?
- Menstrual cramps
- Menopausal symptoms
- Allergies
- All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer: All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is considered to be a natural remedy for menstrual cramps, menopausal symptoms and allergies.
What is licorice root not used in?
- Topical products
- Oral products
- Injected products
- All of the above are ways licorice root is used
Correct Answer: Injected products
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is commonly used in topical and oral products, but it is not commonly used in injected products.
What is licorice root not a natural remedy for?
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Atopic dermatitis
- All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer: All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is commonly used to treat all of the above conditions.
What form of licorice root is not safe to consume?
- Root
- Powder
- Extract
- All of the above are considered safe to consume
Correct Answer: All of the above are considered safe to consume
Correct Answer Explanation: The root, powder and extract of licorice root are all safe to consume.
What is licorice root not used in?
- Skin creams
- Lotions
- Shampoos
- All of the above are products that use licorice root
Correct Answer: All of the above are products that use licorice root
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is a common ingredient in many products, including lotions, shampoos and skin creams.
What is licorice root not a natural remedy for?
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Flu
- All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer: All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is a commonly used natural remedy for cough, sore throats and the flu.
What is licorice root not considered safe for?
- Children
- Adults
- All of the above
- None of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is generally considered safe for both adults and children, but high doses can be harmful.
What is licorice root not used for?
- Flavoring
- Coloring
- Medicinal purposes
- All of the above are uses of licorice root
Correct Answer: All of the above are uses of licorice root
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root has many uses, including flavoring, coloring and medicinal purposes.
What form of licorice root is not considered safe for consumption?
- Root
- Powder
- Extract
- All of the above are considered safe to consume
Correct Answer: All of the above are considered safe to consume
Correct Answer Explanation: The root, powder and extract are all considered safe to consume.
What is licorice root not a natural remedy for?
- Stomach ulcers
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Allergies
- All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer: All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is thought to be a natural remedy for all of the above conditions.
What is licorice root not used in?
- Topical gels
- Mouthwashes
- Lozenges
- All of the above are products that use licorice root
Correct Answer: All of the above are products that use licorice root
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is commonly used in all of the above products.
What is licorice root not a natural remedy for?
- Atopic dermatitis
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer: All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is a commonly used natural remedy for all of the above conditions.
What is licorice root not used in?
- Cough drops
- Chewing gum
- Lozenges
- All of the above are products that use licorice root
Correct Answer: All of the above are products that use licorice root
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is used in many different products, including cough drops, chewing gum and lozenges.
What is licorice root not a natural remedy for?
- Inflammation
- Digestive problems
- Allergies
- All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer: All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is a commonly used natural remedy for all of the above conditions.
What is licorice root not considered safe for?
- People with diabetes
- People with heart disease
- People with kidney disease
- All of the above are groups of people that licorice root is not considered safe for
Correct Answer: All of the above are groups of people that licorice root is not considered safe for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice is not considered safe for people with diabetes, heart disease, or kidney disease.
What is licorice root not used for?
- Flavoring
- Coloring
- Medicinal purposes
- All of the above are uses of licorice root
Correct Answer: All of the above are uses of licorice root
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is commonly used for all of the above purposes.
What is licorice root not considered safe for?
- People with high blood pressure
- People with heart disease
- People with kidney disease
- All of the above are groups of people that licorice root is not considered safe for
Correct Answer: All of the above are groups of people that licorice root is not considered safe for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice is not considered safe for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, or kidney disease.
What is licorice root not a natural remedy for?
- Inflammation
- Digestive problems
- Allergies
- All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer: All of the above are conditions that licorice root is a natural remedy for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is a commonly used natural remedy for all of the above conditions.
What is licorice root not used in?
- Cough syrups
- Toothpaste
- Lozenges
- All of the above are products that use licorice root
Correct Answer: All of the above are products that use licorice root
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is a common ingredient in all of the above products.
What is licorice root not considered safe for?
- People with high blood pressure
- People with heart disease
- People with kidney disease
- All of the above are groups of people that licorice root is not considered safe for
Correct Answer: All of the above are groups of people that licorice root is not considered safe for
Correct Answer Explanation: Licorice root is not considered safe for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, or kidney disease.