1. How do you feel about the role of livestock guardian dogs in protecting herds?
A. I think it’s fascinating and absolutely necessary.
B. It’s interesting but I don’t know much about it.
C. Sounds useful but not really my thing.
D. I’m indifferent to it.
2. What’s your favorite thing about livestock guardian dogs?
A. Their loyalty and dedication to their herd.
B. Their physical strength and bravery.
C. Their history and origin stories.
D. Their diverse and unique breeds.
3. What makes you nervous about using livestock guardian dogs?
A. The possibility of them getting hurt.
B. Training them properly.
C. Managing their aggressive tendencies.
D. Costs involved in maintaining them.
4. What makes you most frustrated about the current state of livestock guardian dogs?
A. The decline in their numbers globally.
B. They are being used more for shows than for protection.
C. Lack of proper training facilities.
D. Laws and regulations impacting their use.
5. What are you most excited about when it comes to livestock guardian dogs?
A. Learning more about their training.
B. Their expanding use in different countries.
C. Innovative ways they’re being used for protection.
D. Discovering new breeds and their unique abilities.
6. What do you dream about when it comes to livestock guardian dogs?
A. Having a well-trained team of guardian dogs.
B. Successfully integrating them into my farm.
C. Seeing their conservation and breed preservation.
D. Becoming an expert in training them.
7. What happened in the past when farmers used livestock guardian dogs?
A. They significantly reduced predator attacks.
B. They often faced challenges in training.
C. They sometimes were lost or injured.
D. They became an integral part of the farming community.
8. What comes to mind when you think of livestock guardian dogs in mountainous regions?
A. Pyrenean Mastiffs working in the snow.
B. The dogs’ adaptability to harsh climates.
C. Their effectiveness against larger predators.
D. Herds moving safely through mountain terrain.
9. What’s your favorite breed of livestock guardian dog?
A. Great Pyrenees
B. Anatolian Shepherd
C. Maremma Sheepdog
D. Tibetan Mastiff
10. When you were a kid, how did you imagine a dog protecting livestock?
A. Standing guard bravely with the flock.
B. Chasing away predators.
C. Staying close and loyal to the animals.
D. Helping farmers manage their herds.
11. You have a choice of training a young puppy or adopting an older livestock guardian dog. Which do you choose?
A. Training a young puppy.
B. Adopting an older dog.
C. I’d prefer both.
D. Neither, I’m not into training.
12. A predator approaches your herd, and your livestock guardian dog starts barking. How do you react?
A. Trust the dog to handle it.
B. Check on the situation myself.
C. Call for backup support.
D. Monitor from a distance and intervene if necessary.
13. What keeps you up at night about having livestock guardian dogs?
A. Their safety and well-being.
B. Ensuring they stay effective and focused.
C. Potential conflicts with protected predators.
D. Financial costs and resources.
14. Which of these scenarios would you enjoy the most with livestock guardian dogs?
A. Training a new batch of puppies.
B. Seeing them effectively protect your herd.
C. Learning about different breeds and their capabilities.
D. Watching them interact peacefully with livestock.
15. When you think about using livestock guardian dogs, what are you most concerned about?
A. Their initial training period.
B. The health and longevity of the dogs.
C. Balancing aggression with nurturing.
D. Integration with other farm practices.
16. What aspect of livestock guardian dogs makes you the most happy?
A. Their natural protective instincts.
B. Their role in reducing predator-caused losses.
C. Their companionship with livestock.
D. Their unique and individual personalities.
17. What is most likely to make you feel down about livestock guardian dogs?
A. Losing a dog to injuries.
B. Not being able to train them effectively.
C. Conflicts with local wildlife protection laws.
D. Costs involved in their upkeep.
18. In a perfect world, what would the situation with livestock guardian dogs be?
A. They’d be acknowledged globally for their effectiveness.
B. Easily available and affordable for all farmers.
C. Well-trained from birth without much effort.
D. Breeds would be preserved and remain healthy.
19. If you could wave a magic wand, what would the perfect outcome for integrating livestock guardian dogs in your farm be?
A. Perfectly trained dogs with no predator attacks.
B. A supportive community of farmers all using LGDs.
C. Zero losses of livestock due to predation.
D. Preservation and recognition of all LGD breeds.
20. How often do you train or work with livestock guardian dogs?
A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. Rarely/never
21. You are at a party, and someone brings up livestock guardian dogs. What do you do?
A. Start a detailed conversation about it.
B. Listen and ask questions.
C. Share some facts you know.
D. Change the subject.
22. How comfortable are you with the training process of livestock guardian dogs?
A. Very comfortable, I enjoy it.
B. Somewhat comfortable, but it has challenges.
C. Not very comfortable, it’s tough.
D. Not comfortable at all, I’d rather avoid it.
23. You have a summer to teach a young LGD. What do you do?
A. Develop a detailed training schedule.
B. Spend as much time as possible with the dog.
C. Integrate the dog slowly into the herd.
D. Seek professional help.
24. Which of these issues is most likely to be a struggle for you in using livestock guardian dogs?
A. Directing their training.
B. Managing their health.
C. Balancing costs.
D. Ensuring they stay with the herd.
25. Which member of the farm are you?
A. The one training the dogs.
B. The farmer managing livestock.
C. The planner and organizer.
D. The caretaker or helper.
26. New information about advanced training techniques comes up. What is your first response?
A. Eagerly research and learn more.
B. Consider integrating it into my current methods.
C. Discuss it with other farmers.
D. Skeptical but interested.
27. Someone asks “how effective are your livestock guardian dogs?” What’s the actual answer, not just a polite one?
A. Very effective, they’ve saved many animals.
B. Quite good, with the occasional issue.
C. Still a work in progress.
D. Struggling but I’m hopeful.
28. What’s your go-to resource for learning about livestock guardian dogs?
A. Books and research papers.
B. Online forums and communities.
C. Workshops and training programs.
D. Personal mentors or experienced farmers.
29. What breed of livestock guardian dog do you most want to explore or learn about?
A. Pyrenean Mountain Dog
B. Komondor
C. Kangal
D. Kuvasz
30. What’s your favorite memory involving livestock guardian dogs?
A. Seeing a dog successfully protect the herd.
B. Training a puppy from scratch.
C. Learning stories of historical use of LGDs.
D. Personal experiences or interactions with these dogs.
31. What interests you the most about livestock guardian dogs?
A. Their training and behavioral development.
B. Their historical significance.
C. Different breeds and their unique traits.
D. Their effectiveness in modern farming.
32. What’s your absolute favorite activity involving livestock guardian dogs?
A. Training and bonding with them.
B. Observing them in action.
C. Researching and learning about different breeds.
D. Sharing their success stories with others.
33. How would your friends and family describe your dedication to livestock guardian dogs?
A. Passionate and committed.
B. Interested but sometimes distracted.
C. Curious and still learning.
D. Not very involved.
34. Tell us a little about your view on the future of livestock guardian dogs.
A. They have a crucial role to play.
B. Interested in seeing more technological integration.
C. Hopeful for their wider acceptance.
D. Skeptical but open-minded.
35. If you could choose any trait for a livestock guardian dog, which one would you choose and why?
A. Exceptional protective instincts.
B. High trainability and adaptability.
C. Strong physical endurance.
D. Calm temperament with livestock.
36. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when a livestock guardian dog meets a predator?
A. They will bark and alert the herd.
B. A potential confrontation.
C. The dog’s safety.
D. Effectiveness of its training.
37. What affects you the most when thinking about the role of livestock guardian dogs?
A. Their ability to reduce predator attacks.
B. Their integration into modern farming practices.
C. The challenges in training them.
D. The cost and resources required.
38. What’s your idea of an ideal livestock guardian dog system?
A. Well-trained and integrated dogs.
B. Technological aids coupled with LGDs.
C. A diverse breed pool working together.
D. Community support and collective training resources.
39. What is your strongest belief about livestock guardian dogs?
A. They are essential for modern farming.
B. Proper training is key to their success.
C. Preservation of their breeds is crucial.
D. Their role can be complemented with technology.
40. How prepared are you for introducing a new livestock guardian dog to your herd?
A. Very prepared, I have a plan.
B. Somewhat prepared, still figuring it out.
C. Not very prepared, but willing to learn.
D. Not prepared at all, I need help.
41. What happens if a predator attack occurs at night with your livestock guardian dogs around?
A. The dogs will alert and deter the predator.
B. I will need to investigate and take action.
C. The dogs and I will handle it together.
D. I’m not sure, I need a plan.
42. What do you think you need to ensure the success of your livestock guardian dogs?
A. Proper training and supervision.
B. Support and resources.
C. Knowledge and expertise.
D. A combination of all three.
43. How often do you monitor or check on your livestock guardian dogs?
A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. As needed
44. How confident are you in your ability to train livestock guardian dogs?
A. Very confident
B. Somewhat confident
C. Not very confident
D. Not confident at all
45. How do you handle your livestock guardian dog’s aggressive behavior towards livestock?
A. Regular training and correction.
B. Consult with experts.
C. Utilize training aids.
D. Struggle to manage it.
46. Do you have livestock guardian dogs at your farm?
A. Yes, a few.
B. Yes, many.
C. Not yet, but planning to.
D. No, and no plans to.
47. How well do you stick to your training schedule with livestock guardian dogs?
A. Very well, it’s a priority.
B. Quite well, but with some lapses.
C. It’s challenging to stay consistent.
D. Hardly follow it, it’s tough.
48. Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your livestock guardian dogs?
A. They efficiently protect the herd.
B. They need more training.
C. They are still new and learning.
D. We face multiple challenges.
49. To what degree do you experience predator issues in your location?
A. Very frequently
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. Not at all
50. Which of these best describes your current state of using livestock guardian dogs?
A. Effective and integrated well.
B. Still working on training.
C. Struggling with certain aspects.
D. New to it and learning.
51. What is your current biggest challenge related to livestock guardian dogs?
A. Training and managing them.
B. Integrating them with livestock.
C. Financial costs.
D. Predatory issues.
52. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when a training issue arises with your livestock guardian dogs?
A. Consult a trainer.
B. Research solutions.
C. Trial and error.
D. Feel frustrated.
53. How do you handle health issues in your livestock guardian dogs?
A. Regular vet check-ups.
B. Preventative measures.
C. Consult with experts.
D. Manage as they come.
54. How would you describe your relationship to livestock guardian dogs?
A. Very involved and committed.
B. Interested but still learning.
C. Somewhat distant.
D. Not very connected.
55. Are you stuck in training your livestock guardian dogs?
A. Always finding new approaches.
B. Sometimes, need more resources.
C. Often, could use help.
D. Completely stuck, need a new plan.
56. What would you say are your top struggles right now related to livestock guardian dogs?
A. Training consistency.
B. Financial costs.
C. Health and well-being.
D. Managing predator threats.
57. What is your livestock guardian dog goal?
A. Effective protection of herds.
B. Proper training and integration.
C. Preservation of breeds.
D. Community support and learning.
58. What do you think is missing in your quest to successfully using livestock guardian dogs?
A. More training resources.
B. Financial support.
C. Community or expert guidance.
D. Better understanding of breeds.
59. What is your current level of expertise in livestock guardian dog training?
A. Experienced
B. Intermediate
C. Beginner
D. No experience
60. A new training technique arises. How do you respond?
A. Eager to try it out.
B. Research it thoroughly.
C. Discuss with experienced farmers.
D. Wait to see its effectiveness.