How often do you trust your gut feeling when making important decisions?
- Always, my intuition rarely steers me wrong.
- Often, but I also weigh the pros and cons.
- Sometimes, it depends on the situation.
- Rarely, I prefer logic and reasoning over gut feelings.
- Never, I rely solely on facts and analysis.
How do you feel about the concept of fate and destiny?
- I believe our paths are predetermined.
- I think we have some control, but fate plays a role.
- I’m unsure, it’s a complex issue.
- I create my own destiny through choices and actions.
- I don’t believe in fate, only chance and circumstance.
What is your absolute favorite aspect of exploring a new environment or culture?
- Immersing myself in the unfamiliar and embracing the unknown.
- Learning about the history, traditions, and beliefs of the people.
- Trying the local cuisine and experiencing the unique flavors.
- Connecting with locals and hearing their personal stories.
- Documenting my journey through photography, writing, or sketching.
What makes you nervous about the idea of encountering a dangerous animal in the wild?
- The unpredictable nature of wild animals and the potential for harm.
- The feeling of being out of my element and vulnerable to attack.
- The fear of panicking and making a wrong move that could escalate the situation.
- The ethical dilemma of defending myself versus respecting the animal’s life.
- The thought of being alone and injured with no one to help.
Imagine you are in Quatermain’s shoes. Wambe demands you hand over Maiwa and the ivory. What do you do?
- Refuse and fight, even if it means risking my life and the lives of my men.
- Attempt to negotiate a compromise, offering some ivory in exchange for safe passage.
- Stall for time, hoping for an opportunity to escape with Maiwa and the ivory.
- Appeal to Wambe’s humanity, reminding him of the consequences of his actions.
- Surrender Maiwa and the ivory, prioritizing survival over principle.
What is your current biggest challenge when it comes to standing up for what you believe in?
- Fear of judgment or rejection from others.
- Lack of confidence in my ability to make a difference.
- Feeling overwhelmed by the scale and complexity of the issue.
- Difficulty in articulating my beliefs clearly and persuasively.
- The feeling that my actions won’t have a significant impact.
You have a choice of taking the safer, longer route or the quicker, more dangerous mountain pass. Which do you choose?
- The safer, longer route. It’s better to be cautious than risk injury or death.
- The quicker, more dangerous mountain pass. Time is of the essence.
- It depends on the specific details of each route and the potential risks involved.
- I would consult with my companions and make a collective decision based on everyone’s input.
- I would rely on my instincts and choose the path that feels right in the moment.
When you think about the theme of justice in Maiwa’s Revenge, what are you most concerned about?
- Whether true justice can ever be achieved, especially in the face of such brutality.
- The cyclical nature of violence and revenge, and whether it truly brings closure.
- The potential for bias and subjectivity when determining what constitutes justice.
- The limitations of human systems of justice in addressing complex moral issues.
- The impact of seeking justice on both the victim and the perpetrator.
How well do you think you would handle the challenges of surviving in the African wilderness, like Quatermain?
- I’m quite adaptable and resourceful, I could handle it.
- I could manage, but I’d definitely face some struggles.
- I’d need a lot of help and guidance to survive.
- I would really struggle with the harsh conditions.
- I wouldn’t last very long at all in that environment.
What happened in the past when you had to rely on your instincts to get out of a tricky situation?
- My instincts proved to be accurate, and I successfully navigated the situation.
- I made some mistakes, but ultimately, I learned from the experience.
- It was a mixed bag, with both good and bad decisions stemming from my instincts.
- I overthought things and doubted my intuition, which led to further complications.
- I tend to avoid relying on my instincts, preferring to gather more information first.
How do you feel about Maiwa’s quest for vengeance against Wambe?
- I completely understand her rage and desire for retribution.
- While I sympathize with her, I believe seeking vengeance only perpetuates violence.
- It’s a complex situation with no easy answers.
- I admire her strength and determination in the face of such adversity.
- I feel conflicted, as revenge can be both destructive and cathartic.
How do you determine your priorities when faced with multiple competing demands on your time and energy?
- I create a list and prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance.
- I delegate tasks whenever possible to lighten my workload.
- I tend to focus on the most pressing or enjoyable tasks first.
- I often feel overwhelmed and struggle to manage my time effectively.
- I rely on others to help me set priorities and stay organized.
What do you think you need to work on to become more resilient and resourceful in the face of challenges?
- Developing my problem-solving skills and ability to think creatively under pressure.
- Building my physical and mental stamina to withstand adversity.
- Strengthening my self-belief and overcoming self-doubt.
- Expanding my knowledge and practical skills in areas that would be useful in a crisis.
- Cultivating a more positive mindset and learning to see challenges as opportunities for growth.
How often do you find yourself daydreaming about embarking on an adventure like Quatermain’s?
- All the time, I crave excitement and new experiences.
- Occasionally, when I need an escape from routine.
- Sometimes, but I’m content with my current life.
- Rarely, I prefer the comforts and predictability of home.
- Never, adventure seems exciting but also daunting and dangerous.
A specific situation arises, you have the opportunity to profit greatly from a venture but it would involve exploiting others. How do you react?
- I refuse to participate, even if it means missing out on potential gains.
- I wrestle with my conscience but ultimately prioritize my own success.
- I try to find a compromise that benefits me without directly harming others.
- I justify my actions by convincing myself that everyone else is doing it.
- I feel little remorse, as I believe the strong have a right to take what they can.
Someone asks “What’s new?” after you’ve had a life-altering experience. What’s the actual answer, not just “I’m good?”
- “Actually, I’ve had a lot going on lately. It’s been intense but eye-opening.”
- “It’s a long story, but let’s just say I have a new perspective on life now.”
- “I’m doing alright, but I’m still processing everything that’s happened.”
- “I don’t even know where to begin! It’s been quite a rollercoaster.”
- “Let’s just stick to lighter topics for now, I’m not ready to talk about it.”
Which of these activities related to “Maiwa’s Revenge” would you enjoy the most?
- Discussing the book’s themes of justice, revenge, and human nature with others.
- Researching the history and culture of the tribes depicted in the story.
- Writing a fictionalized account of a character’s experience or perspective.
- Creating illustrations or other artwork inspired by the book’s imagery and themes.
- Watching a film adaptation of the book and comparing it to the original text.
Tell us a little about your view on the impact of colonialism on indigenous cultures.
- It’s a tragic history of exploitation, oppression, and cultural erasure.
- It’s a complex issue with both positive and negative consequences.
- It’s important to learn from the past and work towards reconciliation.
- It’s not something I’ve given much thought to.
- I believe in the superiority of Western civilization.
If you could choose any character from Maiwa’s Revenge to befriend, which one would you choose and why?
- Quatermain, he’s experienced, resourceful, and seems like a loyal friend.
- Maiwa, she’s strong, determined, and I admire her resilience.
- John Every, he’s kind, compassionate, and I’d want to offer him support.
- Gobo, he’s brave, loyal, and seems like someone who always has your back.
- Nala, he’s wise, strategic, and I would value his guidance.
How prepared are you for unexpected challenges and setbacks that life throws your way?
- I’m a planner, I like to be as prepared as possible for any eventuality.
- I’m adaptable, I can usually adjust to unexpected changes.
- I’m somewhat prepared, but I can get easily thrown off course.
- I’m not very prepared, I tend to panic when things go wrong.
- I avoid thinking about potential problems, I prefer to live in the moment.
What is the trickiest part about maintaining composure under pressure?
- Silencing the negative self-talk and staying focused on the task at hand.
- Managing my physical reactions, like a racing heart or trembling hands.
- Filtering my words and actions to avoid saying or doing something I’ll regret.
- Appearing calm and collected on the outside while feeling internally frazzled.
- Accepting that I can’t control everything and surrendering to the situation.
What happens if, while on the run from Wambe, you are separated from Quatermain and Maiwa? What is your next move?
- I retrace my steps and try to find their tracks.
- I seek higher ground to get a better view of the surrounding area.
- I listen carefully for any sounds of pursuit or signs of their presence.
- I find a safe place to hide and wait for them to find me.
- I panic and make a run for it, hoping to stumble upon a village or settlement.
You are at a party and someone makes a prejudiced joke about a specific cultural group. What do you do?
- I call them out on their prejudice and challenge their assumptions.
- I politely but firmly express my discomfort with the joke.
- I remain silent but give the person a disapproving look.
- I try to change the subject or steer the conversation in a different direction.
- I ignore it and pretend I didn’t hear the joke.
How comfortable are you with expressing your vulnerability and sharing your fears with others?
- I’m very open and comfortable with vulnerability.
- I’m selective about who I share my vulnerabilities with.
- I find it difficult to express vulnerability, even with close friends.
- I prefer to keep my fears and insecurities to myself.
- I don’t see vulnerability as a strength, so I avoid showing it.
What’s your favorite memory of a time when you overcame a personal challenge or achieved a significant goal?
- The sense of accomplishment and pride I felt in that moment.
- The realization that I’m capable of more than I thought possible.
- The support and encouragement I received from those around me.
- The lessons I learned and the personal growth I experienced.
- The positive impact my achievement had on myself and others.
What keeps you up at night about the state of the world today?
- The growing divide between people with different beliefs and backgrounds.
- The threat of climate change and the potential for environmental disaster.
- The rise of political extremism and the erosion of democratic values.
- The persistence of poverty, inequality, and social injustice.
- The feeling that I’m not doing enough to make a difference.
Which of these topics related to “Maiwa’s Revenge” is most likely to be a struggle for you?
- Accepting the inevitability of death and the finality of life.
- Confronting my own mortality and the fragility of human existence.
- Reconciling the beauty of the natural world with its inherent dangers.
- Processing the emotional toll of witnessing violence and suffering.
- Grappling with the complexities of human nature and the potential for both good and evil.
What aspect of human relationships makes you the most happy?
- Feeling deeply connected and understood by another person.
- Sharing laughter, joy, and adventure with those I care about.
- Providing and receiving support during challenging times.
- Engaging in meaningful conversations that challenge and inspire me.
- Experiencing the comfort and security of unconditional love.
What is most likely to make you feel down about the current state of humanity?
- The prevalence of greed, selfishness, and disregard for others.
- The lack of empathy and compassion for those who are suffering.
- The tendency towards violence, conflict, and destruction.
- The spread of misinformation and the erosion of trust in institutions.
- The feeling that we are heading towards a dystopian future.
In a perfect world, what would be the outcome of conflicts like the one between Wambe and Maiwa?
- A peaceful resolution through dialogue and reconciliation.
- A restoration of balance and harmony within the community.
- Accountability for wrongdoings and a commitment to healing.
- A transformation of hearts and minds, leading to forgiveness and compassion.
- A recognition of our shared humanity and a rejection of violence.
Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your leadership style in a group setting?
- I naturally take charge and delegate tasks effectively.
- I contribute ideas and offer support, but I prefer not to lead.
- I depend on the group’s dynamics and adjust my approach accordingly.
- I often feel uncomfortable in leadership positions and avoid them if possible.
- I prefer to follow instructions rather than give them to others.
To what degree do you experience empathy and compassion for individuals who have committed terrible acts?
- I believe everyone is capable of redemption, regardless of their past.
- I struggle to empathize with those who have caused great harm to others.
- It depends on the specific circumstances and the individual’s capacity for remorse.
- I believe in justice and accountability, even for those who have shown no mercy.
- I find it difficult to forgive those who have inflicted pain and suffering on others.
Which of these best describes your current state of pursuing your passions and living a fulfilling life?
- I’m actively pursuing my passions and feel a sense of purpose in my life.
- I’m taking steps to align my actions with my values and aspirations.
- I’m exploring my interests and figuring out what truly brings me joy.
- I’m stuck in a rut, but I’m hopeful for a change in the future.
- I’m feeling lost and uncertain about my direction in life.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you consider the sacrifices Quatermain makes for his friend?
- True friendship is about showing up for each other, even when it’s difficult.
- It’s important to carefully consider the potential risks before making a decision.
- Loyalty is a powerful motivator, it can inspire great acts of courage and selflessness.
- It’s essential to have a strong support system to navigate life’s challenges.
- Sometimes we have to make difficult choices that test our values and priorities.
How would you describe your relationship to taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone?
- I embrace risks as opportunities for growth and learning.
- I’m open to trying new things, but I proceed with caution.
- I need a compelling reason to step outside my comfort zone.
- I generally avoid unnecessary risks and prefer routine.
- I find the unknown to be anxiety-provoking and prefer familiarity.
Are you stuck in a pattern of making choices based on fear rather than following your heart?
- No, I’m generally good at listening to my intuition.
- Sometimes, I can let fear hold me back from pursuing my dreams.
- Often, I struggle to differentiate between fear and intuition.
- Yes, I tend to prioritize safety and security over following my passions.
- I’m unsure, I need to reflect on my past choices to determine this.
What would you say are your top struggles right now when it comes to achieving your long-term goals?
- Overcoming procrastination and staying motivated.
- Managing my time effectively and prioritizing tasks.
- Maintaining a positive mindset and overcoming self-doubt.
- Seeking support and asking for help when needed.
- Dealing with setbacks and maintaining momentum.
What is your ultimate goal when it comes to making a positive impact on the world around you?
- To leave the world a better place than I found it.
- To inspire others to action through my words and deeds.
- To contribute to a specific cause that I’m passionate about.
- To make a difference in the lives of those around me.
- To live a life of purpose and meaning.
What do you think is missing in your life that would allow you to live more authentically and courageously?
- A stronger sense of self-belief and confidence in my abilities.
- A willingness to embrace vulnerability and overcome fear of judgment.
- A deeper connection to my values and a commitment to living in alignment with them.
- A supportive community that encourages me to be my true self.
- A clearer vision of my purpose and what I want to achieve with my life.
If you could waive a magic wand, what would the perfect outcome for humanity be, considering the themes of conflict and resolution explored in the book?
- A world without war, where conflicts are resolved peacefully through diplomacy.
- A society that values compassion, empathy, and understanding above all else.
- A dismantling of systems of oppression and a commitment to social justice.
- A collective awakening to our interconnectedness and the importance of cooperation.
- A transformation of human consciousness, leading to a more peaceful and harmonious world.
How do you handle situations where your values are in direct conflict with the expectations of others?
- I stay true to my convictions, even if it means disappointing others.
- I try to find a compromise that honors both my values and their expectations.
- I adapt my behavior to fit in, even if it means compromising my values.
- I avoid conflict and try to please everyone, which often leaves me feeling conflicted.
- I prioritize my own needs and desires, regardless of the impact on others.
What “descriptive word” do you experience most?
- Joy: I have a positive outlook and find happiness in everyday moments.
- Fear: I’m often anxious and worry about the future.
- Anger: I have a quick temper and get easily frustrated.
- Sadness: I’m prone to melancholy and dwell on negative thoughts.
Which of the following do you notice yourself worrying about on a day-to-day basis?
- Meeting deadlines and fulfilling obligations.
- Maintaining relationships with friends and family.
- Financial stability and job security.
- Health concerns, both physical and mental.
- Global issues and the state of the world.
How “descriptive word and descriptive word” do you feel in your everyday life?
- Content and grateful.
- Stressed and overwhelmed.
- Excited and inspired.
- Exhausted and depleted.
How well do you balance your responsibilities with your desire for adventure and new experiences?
- I’ve found a good balance, I make time for both.
- I lean more towards responsibility, but I try to incorporate adventure when possible.
- I struggle to find a balance, I often feel stuck in a rut.
- I prioritize adventure and excitement, sometimes at the expense of responsibility.
Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you in a group setting?
- Lack of communication and cooperation.
- Inefficiency and wasted time.
- Conflict and disagreements that escalate unnecessarily.
- Individuals who dominate the conversation and don’t listen to others.
- Feeling like my contributions aren’t valued or respected.
What is the single most important lesson that you hope to carry with you from reading “Maiwa’s Revenge?”
- The importance of fighting for what you believe in, even in the face of danger.
- The destructive nature of revenge and the need for compassion and forgiveness.
- The resilience of the human spirit and our ability to overcome adversity.
- The importance of standing up for the oppressed and fighting for justice.
- The interconnectedness of all living things and the need to protect our planet.
Do you struggle more with trusting your intuition or taking action on your gut feelings?
- I trust my intuition, but I often hesitate to act on it.
- I struggle to access my intuition, I tend to overthink things.
- I’m decisive and take action once I get a clear sense of direction.
- I rely more on logic and analysis than intuition when making decisions.
Do you have a trusted support system in place, such as close friends, family, or mentors, to help you through challenging times?
- Yes, I’m fortunate to have a strong support network.
- I have a few close people I can rely on, but I tend to be independent.
- I’m working on building stronger connections with others.
- I find it difficult to ask for help and often isolate myself when struggling.