1. How confident are you in your ability to maintain a regular exercise routine for mental health?
A. Very confident
B. Somewhat confident
C. Not very confident
D. Not confident at all
2. What’s your favorite type of aerobic exercise?
A. Jogging
B. Swimming
C. Cycling
D. Dancing
3. How prepared are you to integrate exercise into your daily routine?
A. Completely prepared
B. Somewhat prepared
C. Not very prepared
D. Not prepared at all
4. What makes you most excited about exercising for mental health?
A. Improved mood
B. Stress relief
C. Increased energy
D. Weight reduction
5. How do you handle missing a workout due to a busy schedule?
A. Try to make up for it later
B. Feel a bit frustrated but move on
C. Feel very disappointed
D. Don’t think much about it
6. What happened in the past when you tried to adopt a new exercise routine?
A. Successfully followed through
B. Stuck with it for a while but then stopped
C. Tried a few times but never really got into it
D. Never really attempted before
7. How do you feel about gardening as a form of exercise?
A. I love it!
B. It’s okay, but not my first choice
C. I haven’t tried it, but it sounds interesting
D. It doesn’t appeal to me
8. How often do you currently exercise?
A. Daily
B. A few times a week
C. Once a week
D. Rarely/Never
9. What’s your idea of the perfect exercise routine?
A. A mix of both aerobic and resistance training
B. Only aerobic exercises
C. Light/moderate activities spread throughout the day
D. Structured group programs
10. What do you dream about achieving through exercise for mental health?
A. Reduced anxiety and depression
B. Better quality sleep
C. Enhanced self-esteem
D. All of the above
11. If you could wave a magic wand, what would the perfect exercise routine look like for you?
A. Fun and engaging activities every day
B. Activities that easily fit into my busy schedule
C. Exercises that I can do with friends/family
D. Professional guidance and personalized training
12. How comfortable are you with trying different types of exercise?
A. Very comfortable
B. Somewhat comfortable
C. A little hesitant
D. Very hesitant
13. What aspect of exercise makes you the happiest?
A. The endorphin rush
B. Seeing physical changes
C. The social interactions
D. Checking off a completed workout
14. What’s the biggest challenge for you when it comes to sticking to an exercise routine?
A. Lack of time
B. Lack of motivation
C. Physical discomfort
D. Don’t enjoy it
15. How connected do you feel to your exercise community or group?
A. Very connected
B. Somewhat connected
C. Not very connected
D. Not connected at all
16. Do you feel that regular exercise improves your sleep?
A. Absolutely, I see a big difference
B. Somewhat, I think it helps
C. I’m not sure
D. I haven’t noticed any change
17. What keeps you up at night when considering exercise?
A. Wondering if I’ll keep up with it
B. Concerns about injuries
C. Finding time in a busy schedule
D. All of the above
18. When you think about exercising, what are you most concerned about?
A. Not enjoying the exercise
B. Not seeing results
C. Getting injured
D. Finding the time
19. How often do you experience changes in mood after exercising?
A. Always
B. Often
C. Sometimes
D. Rarely/Never
20. Which of these mental health benefits of exercise do you find most appealing?
A. Reduced anxiety
B. Improved mood
C. Enhanced cognitive function
D. Increased self-esteem
21. How would you describe your relationship to exercise currently?
A. Exercise is a significant part of my life
B. I try to exercise when I can
C. I struggle to make time for exercise
D. Exercise is not a part of my routine
22. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about starting a new exercise program?
A. Excitement
B. Anxiety
C. Curiosity
D. Indifference
23. What makes you nervous about starting a new exercise routine?
A. Fear of not sticking with it
B. Potential for injury
C. Judgement from others
D. Not knowing what to do
24. Which of the following best describes your current level of expertise when it comes to exercise?
A. I’m very knowledgeable
B. I have some experience
C. I know a little bit
D. I’m a complete beginner
25. What do you think is missing in your quest to reach your fitness goals?
A. More motivation/support
B. Better time management
C. Professional guidance
D. A clear plan
26. How often do you set goals for your exercise routine?
A. Very often
B. Sometimes
C. Rarely
D. Never
27. How would your friends and family describe your approach to fitness?
A. Very dedicated
B. Moderately committed
C. Somewhat interested
D. Not interested at all
28. When you were a kid, how did you view physical activity?
A. Loved it and participated often
B. Enjoyed it but wasn’t very committed
C. Did it because I had to
D. Avoided it whenever possible
29. How do you feel about working out in a group setting?
A. I love it—it’s motivating
B. It’s okay, but I prefer solo workouts
C. I’m neutral about it
D. I don’t like it at all
30. What is your absolute favorite type of physical activity?
A. Running or jogging
B. Swimming
C. Playing a sport
D. Yoga
31. How confident are you in your ability to stay motivated with exercise for mental health?
A. Extremely confident
B. Somewhat confident
C. Not very confident
D. Not confident at all
32. What’s your favorite memory of exercising for mental health?
A. A time when I felt really accomplished after a workout
B. Exercising with friends or loved ones
C. Seeing noticeable results over time
D. A class or program that I enjoyed
33. How do you handle days when you don’t feel like exercising?
A. Push through it and exercise anyway
B. Try to do a lighter form of exercise
C. Skip it and come back the next day
D. Often feel guilty and frustrated
34. What’s your favorite exercise that helps you de-stress?
A. Yoga
B. A long walk
C. A vigorous workout
D. Meditation
35. How often do you feel the need to change your exercise routine?
A. Very often
B. Sometimes
C. Rarely
D. Never
36. What do you think you need most to maintain a consistent exercise routine?
A. More time
B. Better motivation
C. Professional guidance
D. A workout buddy
37. Are you able to relax and enjoy exercise, or do you find it stressful?
A. I usually enjoy it
B. It depends on the type of exercise
C. Sometimes it’s stressful
D. It’s often very stressful
38. How would you describe your relationship with exercise and mental health?
A. Very positive and beneficial
B. Mostly positive but sometimes challenging
C. Neutral
D. Negative and frustrating
39. What’s the trickiest part about maintaining an exercise routine?
A. Staying motivated over time
B. Finding time in a busy schedule
C. Dealing with physical discomfort
D. Keeping it interesting and fun
40. How do you manage setbacks or disruptions in your exercise routine?
A. Get back on track as soon as possible
B. Take it in stride and ease back into it
C. Feel discouraged but try to continue
D. Often struggle to start again
41. How often do you find yourself needing support to keep up with exercise?
A. Frequently
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. Never
42. What aspect of exercise do you find most rewarding?
A. Physical improvements
B. Mental and emotional benefits
C. The social aspect
D. The routine and discipline
43. How do you stay motivated to exercise when you don’t see immediate results?
A. Focus on long-term benefits
B. Enjoy the process not just the outcome
C. Set short-term goals and celebrate them
D. Struggle to stay motivated
44. When you think about the benefits of exercise for mental health, what excites you the most?
A. Improving mood and reducing anxiety
B. Better sleep and energy levels
C. Increased self-esteem and confidence
D. Overall mental and physical well-being
45. How well do you stick to exercise plans you make?
A. Very well, almost always
B. Pretty well, often
C. Sometimes struggle
D. Often find it challenging
46. Which exercise-related activity would you enjoy the most?
A. Joining a fitness class
B. Solo jogging in a park
C. Home workout routines
D. Social sports or games
47. Do you have any reservations about starting a new exercise program?
A. None at all
B. A few minor concerns
C. Quite a few reservations
D. Significant concerns
48. In a perfect world, what would your exercise routine look like?
A. Balanced and varied with different activities
B. Flexible and easy to fit into my schedule
C. Motivating and fun, with group activities
D. Supported by a professional trainer or guide
49. What is most likely to make you feel down about exercising?
A. Not seeing progress
B. Physical exhaustion or pain
C. Lack of time or motivation
D. Exercising alone or feeling isolated
50. Do you find it easy to incorporate exercise into your daily routine?
A. Yes, very easy
B. Somewhat easy
C. It can be challenging
D. It’s very difficult
51. How do you handle the physical discomfort sometimes associated with exercise?
A. Push through it with determination
B. Take breaks and listen to my body
C. Feel discouraged but continue
D. Often stop exercising altogether
52. What’s your favorite form of exercise to start the day with?
A. Morning run or jog
B. Yoga or stretching
C. A gym workout
D. A brisk walk
53. Do you notice a significant impact on your mood after exercising?
A. Always, it’s very noticeable
B. Often, I see a change
C. Sometimes, it’s subtle
D. Rarely, almost not at all
54. Which statement best describes your experience with exercise?
A. Exercise is a critical part of my routine
B. I try to exercise regularly but it varies
C. I want to exercise more but struggle to
D. I rarely fit exercise into my life
55. What’s your go-to routine when you’re feeling stressed?
A. A high-intensity workout
B. Relaxing yoga
C. Taking a long walk
D. Meditating or deep breathing
56. How well do you handle changes and disruptions to your exercise routine?
A. Easily adapt and stay on track
B. Adjust but sometimes struggle
C. Often find it difficult to get back
D. Really struggle to overcome
57. Which mental health benefit of exercise is most appealing to you?
A. Stress relief
B. Improved mood
C. Better cognitive function
D. Enhanced self-esteem
58. What do you think prevents you from exercising more?
A. Lack of time
B. Lack of motivation
C. Physical discomfort or pain
D. Not enjoying it
59. When new information about the benefits of exercise comes up, what is your first response?
A. Try to incorporate it into my routine
B. Research more about it
C. Discuss it with friends or a trainer
D. Often feel overwhelmed
60. How do you determine your personal exercise goals each month?
A. By assessing my progress and adjusting accordingly
B. By setting new challenges for myself
C. Based on my mood and motivation
D. I don’t really set goals regularly
Disclaimer: Please consult a physician before making any changes to your health regimen.