What makes you nervous about exploring a new place?
- I’m worried about getting lost.
- I’m always a little nervous about encountering dangerous animals.
- I’m more concerned with disrespecting the local customs.
- I’m not nervous at all, I’m excited by the unknown!
If you could waive a magic wand, what would the perfect outcome of the meeting between indigenous populations and colonists have been?
- The colonists realized the error of their ways and decided to respect the indigenous populations and their way of life.
- The indigenous populations maintained complete autonomy and there was no attempt to colonize them at all.
- There was an exchange of knowledge that benefitted both groups and no violence occurred.
- I don’t think there could have been a perfect outcome, colonialism is inherently flawed.
Which of these topics from Myths & Legends of New Possessions would you enjoy learning more about the most?
- The myths and legends surrounding the origins of tobacco and coffee.
- The stories about the Spanish conquest of the Caribbean Islands.
- The story of Captain Cook’s interactions with native Hawaiians.
- The impact of Christian missionaries on the Pacific Islanders.
What’s your idea of a perfect vacation?
- Relaxing on a sunny beach, tropical drink in hand.
- Hiking through a lush rainforest, encountering unique plants and animals.
- Immersing myself in the local culture, trying new foods, and learning about their history and traditions.
- Setting sail on the open ocean, feeling the wind in my hair and the salt spray on my face.
How do you feel about the idea of destiny being determined by divine forces?
- I find it comforting to think there might be a greater plan.
- It makes me a little uncomfortable, I like to feel in control of my own life.
- I think it’s a romantic notion but I don’t take it literally.
- I believe we create our own destinies.
What’s your favorite memory of a time you experienced a new culture?
- Learning a few phrases in the local language and being able to communicate with the locals.
- Trying a traditional dish that I never would have thought to try before.
- Witnessing a cultural performance that was unlike anything I’d ever seen before.
- Feeling a sense of connection with people who were so different from me.
If you were a character in a myth, what would your special power be?
- Controlling the weather.
- Healing the sick.
- Shapeshifting into different animals.
- Communicating with spirits.
What comes to mind when you think about the clash between traditional cultures and modern society?
- It’s a shame that so much traditional knowledge is being lost.
- It’s inevitable that cultures change and evolve over time.
- There needs to be a way to balance progress with tradition.
- It’s a complex issue with no easy answers.
You have one week to spend in either the Caribbean or the Pacific, which do you choose?
- Caribbean – I want to soak up the sun, swim in crystal-clear water, and experience the vibrant culture.
- Pacific – I want to explore volcanic landscapes, learn to surf, and witness the unique traditions of the islands.
You’re at a party and someone starts talking about their recent trip to Hawaii, what’s the first thing you ask them about?
- Did you see the volcano?
- What was the food like?
- Did you learn any Hawaiian words or phrases?
- How did the culture compare to what you expected?
What is your absolute favorite thing about stories involving mythology?
- I love the creativity and imagination involved in myths and legends.
- I’m fascinated by the ways in which myths reflect the values and beliefs of different cultures.
- I enjoy learning about the different gods and goddesses from around the world.
- I just find myths and legends to be really entertaining.
How would your friends and family describe your sense of adventure?
- They would say I’m always up for trying new things.
- They might call me a bit of a homebody, I prefer exploring my own backyard.
- I’m somewhere in between, I enjoy new experiences but I’m not reckless.
- They think I’m too cautious sometimes, I like to plan things out carefully.
Someone asks you “How’s it going?” but you’re in the middle of reading about the Arawaks and the Caribs and you just can’t help but answer with some historical context. What do you say?
- Well, it’s certainly less tumultuous than the Caribbean during the time of the Arawaks and the Caribs!
- You know, it makes you think about how history is always repeating itself.
- Pretty good, but I feel like I’m living in the wrong time period right now.
- I’m fascinated by what I’m learning! Have you ever heard about…?
What’s your go-to book or movie when you need an escape?
- Anything set on a tropical island!
- Something historical and action-packed like “Pirates of the Caribbean”.
- A documentary about nature or different cultures.
- A classic myth or legend, like “The Odyssey” or “Beowulf”.
What aspect of the natural world are you most drawn to?
- The ocean – it’s vastness and mystery has always captivated me.
- The mountains – their strength and beauty are awe-inspiring.
- The rainforest – I’m fascinated by the biodiversity and the sense of ancient wisdom it holds.
- The desert – I find its stark beauty and resilience to be incredibly powerful.
If you could choose any era to travel back in time to, which one would you choose and why?
- The Age of Exploration, so I could sail the seas and discover new lands.
- Ancient Greece or Rome, to witness their art, architecture, and way of life.
- Pre-colonial America, to experience the cultures of the indigenous peoples before they were impacted by European influence.
- The future! I’m curious to see what the world will be like.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “myth”?
- Ancient Greece and Rome.
- Stories my grandparents used to tell me.
- Something that’s not true, a fable.
- A way for people to explain the world around them.
What affects you the most when learning about a new culture – the food, the music, the art, or the history?
- The history – I believe it’s essential to understanding a culture.
- The art – it offers a unique window into the soul of a culture.
- The food – it’s a delicious way to experience a culture’s traditions and flavors.
- The music – it evokes emotions and tells stories in a way that words can’t.
You have an entire afternoon free to do whatever you want, where do you go and what do you do?
- I head straight to the library or bookstore, there’s always a new world to get lost in.
- I gather my friends for a potluck, everyone brings a dish inspired by a different culture.
- I pack my bag and head to the nearest hiking trail, immersing myself in nature.
- I find a sunny spot to relax with a good book, maybe something historical fiction or a travel memoir.
Which of these issues related to colonialism and cultural exchange is most likely to be a struggle for you to reconcile?
- The forced assimilation of indigenous populations.
- The destruction of cultural heritage sites.
- The ongoing effects of colonialism on modern society.
- I find all of these issues to be deeply troubling.
You stumble upon a hidden cave filled with ancient artifacts. What is your first response?
- I carefully document everything I see, being sure not to disturb anything.
- I can’t resist the urge to explore further, hoping to uncover even more secrets.
- I immediately contact the authorities to report my findings.
- I sit down and take it all in, feeling a sense of awe and wonder.
Tell us a little about your favorite folklore creature from any culture.
- I’ve always been intrigued by dragons, their power and majesty are captivating.
- I find fairies and other nature spirits to be whimsical and enchanting.
- I prefer creatures that are a bit more menacing, like werewolves or vampires.
- I’m drawn to trickster figures like Loki or Anansi, they challenge the status quo.
What causes are you most passionate about?
- Social justice and equality for all people.
- Environmental conservation and protecting our planet.
- Preserving cultural diversity and understanding.
- Education and promoting critical thinking skills.
How do you feel about the idea of encountering a supernatural being in real life?
- Terrified! I’d probably faint.
- Excited and curious, I’d want to learn everything I could from them.
- Skeptical, I’d need to see some pretty convincing evidence.
- Open-minded, I believe there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy.
If you could choose any cultural tradition to adopt as your own, what would it be and why?
- The Japanese tea ceremony, its emphasis on ritual and mindfulness is something I admire.
- The Mexican Day of the Dead, I love its celebratory approach to death and remembrance.
- The Native American tradition of storytelling, I believe it’s a powerful way to connect with one’s heritage and share wisdom.
- The Polynesian art of tattooing, I find the symbolism and artistry to be incredibly beautiful.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you see a map of the world?
- So many places to see, so little time!
- I think about the connections and relationships between different cultures.
- I’m reminded of the beauty and diversity of our planet.
- I feel a sense of wanderlust and a desire to explore.
What is your strongest personal quality when it comes to understanding and respecting other cultures?
- I’m a good listener, I want to hear people’s stories and perspectives.
- I’m open-minded and non-judgmental, I try to see things from different points of view.
- I’m curious and eager to learn, I want to experience all that the world has to offer.
- I’m respectful of other people’s beliefs and traditions, even if I don’t share them.
How prepared do you feel to engage respectfully with a culture different from your own?
- I feel very prepared, I make an effort to learn about different cultures.
- I’m somewhat prepared, I know the basics of cultural sensitivity.
- I could be more prepared, I’m aware of my own biases but still working on it.
- I’m not sure how to answer that, I haven’t given it much thought.
What happens if you’re traveling in a foreign country and you accidentally offend someone?
- I apologize sincerely and try to learn from my mistake.
- I get embarrassed and try to downplay the situation.
- I avoid further interaction with that person.
- I get defensive and try to explain myself.
What do you think is the most important thing to remember when learning about the myths and legends of a different culture?
- To approach the material with respect and an open mind.
- To try to understand the cultural context in which the myths were created.
- To remember that myths are often symbolic and not meant to be taken literally.
- To enjoy the stories and appreciate the creativity and imagination they represent.
How often do you actively seek out opportunities to learn about cultures different from your own?
- Regularly, I love experiencing new things.
- Occasionally, when the opportunity arises.
- Rarely, I’m more focused on my own life and interests.
- Never, I don’t see the point.
How confident are you in your ability to identify and challenge your own cultural biases?
- Very confident, I’m self-aware and constantly working to unlearn harmful biases.
- Somewhat confident, I’m aware that I have biases but I don’t always catch them.
- Not very confident, it’s hard to be objective about one’s own biases.
- I don’t think I have any biases.
How do you handle disagreements with people who have different beliefs than you?
- I try to engage in respectful dialogue and find common ground.
- I avoid discussing controversial topics.
- I try to convince them that they’re wrong.
- I get angry and defensive.
Do you have a deep appreciation for the natural world and its wonders?
- Yes, I feel a strong connection to nature.
- Somewhat, I appreciate nature’s beauty but I don’t always feel connected to it.
- Not really, I’m more of a city person.
- I don’t think about nature much.
How well do you stick to your convictions when faced with differing opinions?
- I stand firm in my beliefs, but I’m always open to hearing different perspectives.
- I’m open to changing my mind if presented with compelling evidence.
- I tend to go with the flow, I don’t like conflict.
- I’m easily swayed by strong personalities.
Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your personal philosophy?
- I believe in living a life guided by curiosity, compassion, and a desire to learn.
- I prioritize security, stability, and tradition in my life.
- I’m still figuring things out, my beliefs are constantly evolving.
- I don’t really have a personal philosophy, I take things one day at a time.
To what degree do you experience wanderlust, the desire to travel and explore the world?
- I’m a very wanderlust-driven person, I’m always planning my next adventure.
- I experience wanderlust in waves, it comes and goes.
- I’m content with where I am, I don’t feel the need to travel far and wide.
- I’d rather stay in my comfort zone, traveling feels too unpredictable.
Which of these best describes your current approach to learning?
- I’m an active and engaged learner, always seeking out new information.
- I learn best through hands-on experiences.
- I enjoy learning new things, but I don’t always have the time or motivation.
- I’m content with what I already know.
What is your current biggest obstacle to broadening your cultural horizons?
- Time and resources, travel can be expensive.
- Fear of the unknown, I can get anxious about stepping outside of my comfort zone.
- Lack of interest, I’m content with my current level of cultural knowledge.
- I don’t believe there are any obstacles, I’m open to new experiences.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you encounter information that challenges your worldview?
- I try to approach it with curiosity and an open mind.
- I get defensive and dismissive.
- I feel overwhelmed and confused.
- I ignore it and move on.
How do you handle situations where you feel out of your depth culturally?
- I observe and try to learn from those around me.
- I ask questions to gain a better understanding.
- I pretend to know what’s going on.
- I withdraw from the situation.
How would you describe your relationship to history?
- I find history to be fascinating, it’s full of valuable lessons and insights.
- I appreciate history, but I’m more interested in the present and future.
- I find history to be boring and irrelevant to my life.
- I don’t have strong feelings about history one way or the other.
Are you stuck in a routine, or are you actively seeking new experiences and perspectives?
- I make an effort to break out of my routine and try new things.
- I’m comfortable with my routine but open to new experiences occasionally.
- I’m stuck in a rut and I don’t know how to get out of it.
- I prefer routine and predictability, I’m not interested in change.
What would you say are your top struggles right now when it comes to personal growth?
- Finding the time and energy to devote to self-improvement.
- Overcoming fear and self-doubt.
- Identifying my passions and purpose in life.
- I’m not really struggling with personal growth right now.
What is your personal learning goal when it comes to engaging with different cultures?
- To develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the diversity of human experience.
- To challenge my own biases and become a more open-minded and compassionate person.
- To make meaningful connections with people from different backgrounds.
- To gain new skills and knowledge that will enrich my life.
What do you think is missing in your life that would allow you to connect with different cultures on a deeper level?
- More travel opportunities.
- More diverse friendships.
- Greater awareness of my own cultural biases.
- I don’t think anything is missing, I just need to be more proactive.
What is your current level of expertise when it comes to the history and culture of the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands?
- I’m very knowledgeable, I’ve studied these cultures extensively.
- I know the basics, but I have a lot more to learn.
- I’m not very familiar with these cultures.
- I’m completely unfamiliar with these cultures.
A friend invites you to attend a cultural event that is outside of your comfort zone, how do you respond?
- Yes! I’d love to go, tell me more about it!
- I’m open to it, what kind of event is it?
- I’m not sure, I’ll have to check my schedule.
- Thanks for the invite, but I’m going to pass.
What word best describes how you feel when you’re experiencing something new – excited, anxious, overwhelmed, or curious?
- Excited
- Anxious
- Overwhelmed
- Curious
Which of the following do you notice yourself worrying about on a day-to-day basis?
- Missing out on new experiences.
- Not being open-minded enough.
- Appearing ignorant or insensitive to other cultures.
- I don’t really worry about these things.
How open and accepting do you feel in your current social circle?
- Very open and accepting, we embrace our differences.
- Somewhat open and accepting, there’s room for improvement.
- Not very open and accepting, it’s a very homogeneous group.
- It’s not something I’ve thought about.
How well do you think you balance honoring your own cultural heritage with embracing the traditions of other cultures?
- I strive to find a balance, honoring both my own heritage and the richness of other cultures.
- I tend to focus more on my own cultural heritage.
- I’m more drawn to the traditions of other cultures.
- It’s not something I’ve given much thought to.
How connected do you feel to your ancestors and their stories?
- Very connected, I feel a strong sense of continuity with the past.
- Somewhat connected, I’m interested in my family history but don’t feel a strong pull towards it.
- Not very connected, I don’t know much about my ancestry.
- I don’t feel connected to my ancestors at all.
Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you in a cross-cultural interaction?
- Language barriers.
- Cultural misunderstandings.
- Feeling like an outsider.
- Having to adapt to different customs.
What is the trickiest part about navigating cultural differences?
- Knowing when to speak up and when to listen.
- Balancing respect for tradition with a willingness to embrace change.
- Recognizing and challenging my own biases.
- Accepting that I will never fully understand another culture as well as my own.
Do you think it’s more important to focus on the similarities between cultures or to celebrate the differences?
- I think it’s important to do both, recognize our shared humanity while also appreciating our unique perspectives.
- I believe we should focus more on our similarities to promote unity and understanding.
- I think it’s more interesting to celebrate our differences, that’s what makes the world so vibrant.
- I don’t have a strong opinion on this matter.
Do you have a trusted resource you turn to for information on different cultures, such as a travel blog, podcast, or organization?
- Yes, I have several go-to sources.
- I have one or two that I trust.
- Not really, I just do random Google searches.
- I’ve never thought about it.
How do you determine your travel bucket list destinations each year?
- I choose places that offer opportunities for cultural immersion and adventure.
- I let my friends and family influence my decisions.
- I rely on social media and travel blogs for inspiration.
- I don’t have a bucket list, I just go with the flow.
Are your travel plans consistently leading you to new and exciting cultural experiences?
- Yes, I’m always seeking out authentic cultural encounters.
- Somewhat, I try to incorporate cultural experiences but sometimes fall into tourist traps.
- Not really, I tend to stick to familiar destinations and activities.
- I don’t travel much.
How do you manage the fear and uncertainty that can sometimes arise when stepping outside of your comfort zone and exploring new cultures?
- I remind myself that discomfort is often a sign of growth.
- I plan ahead and research as much as possible to minimize surprises.
- I rely on my travel companions for support.
- I avoid putting myself in uncomfortable situations altogether.