Narrative Summary of The Development of Consciousness of Self and the Emergence of Racial Identification in Negro Preschool Children


This study is a fascinating exploration of how young Black children come to understand their own identity, particularly in relation to race. It’s a dive into the psychology of self-awareness and the emergence of racial consciousness, a topic that remains highly relevant today. As a reader, you’ll gain insight into the early development of self-awareness and how it relates to social contexts like race. The study’s methodology and findings offer valuable data points on this crucial developmental stage.

Main Parts:

  • Introduction: The study starts with a review of existing theories about self-awareness and how they relate to race. It mentions key figures like Piaget, Lewin, and Allport, along with their research on the topic.
  • Methodology: The study employs a modified version of the Horowitz picture technique, using sets of line drawings depicting white and Black boys, animals, and other characters. 150 Black preschool children (75 boys, 75 girls) in segregated Washington, D.C. schools are presented with the pictures and asked to identify themselves or others.
  • Results: The analysis reveals a significant trend: Black children, particularly boys, tend to identify with the Black boy figure more than the white boy figure as they age. The researchers also note a decline in choices of irrelevant figures (like animals) as children get older.
  • Discussion: The authors discuss their findings in the context of the study’s objective: understanding how self-awareness and race consciousness develop in young Black children. They argue that the data suggests a clear distinction in the concept of self emerges between the ages of three and four.

View on Life:

  • Self-awareness is a developmental process: The study shows how self-awareness evolves, starting with a basic sense of self as a distinct individual and progressing to include social categories like race.
  • Social context influences self-perception: The study highlights the impact of social context on self-awareness, particularly the effects of segregation and racial identity formation.


  • Picture Identification Test: Children are presented with line drawings and asked to identify themselves or others, highlighting the challenges of understanding and communicating their sense of self through pictures.
  • Developmental Stages: The study showcases the different stages of self-awareness as children progress from identifying with animals or other characters to recognizing their racial identity.


  • Limited Methodology: The authors recognize limitations in their methodology, especially with the picture identification test for older children, acknowledging that it might not be as effective in capturing their evolving sense of self.
  • Developing a Sensitive Methodology: Finding a sensitive and accurate way to measure the development of self-awareness and racial identity in children, especially as they transition through different stages, is a key challenge.


  • Social Construction of Race: The study implicitly addresses the conflict of racial identity in a segregated society. The choice between identifying with a white boy or a Black boy reflects the broader societal implications of racial categorization.


  • The study follows a narrative arc of discovering and exploring the development of self-awareness and racial identity in Black preschool children.
  • Key Milestones: The study highlights how the choices children make in the picture identification test indicate different stages of self-awareness, from identifying with animals to recognizing their own racial identity.

Point of View:

  • Objective: The study takes a predominantly objective approach, presenting the results of the picture identification test and analyzing the data to draw conclusions about the development of self-awareness and racial identity.

How It’s Written:

  • Academic Tone: The study utilizes a formal and objective tone, employing precise language and technical terms common in academic psychology. For example: “The absolute number of choices of colored boy increase from the three-year level (41.2%) to the four-year level (55.40/o) (CR 2.44) and slightly again at the five-year level (56.00/0) (CR 1.03).”


  • Objective and Analytical: The study maintains a neutral and analytical tone, presenting the results and interpretations without overt emotional appeals or biases.

Life Choices:

  • The study doesn’t directly address life choices, but it raises the implications of societal influences on how children develop their sense of self and how that influences their future choices.


  • Understanding self-awareness: The study underscores the importance of understanding self-awareness as a developmental process that unfolds throughout childhood, shaped by social context and individual experiences.
  • Social context matters: The study demonstrates how social structures and societal pressures influence the formation of racial identity and how these identities play a role in shaping individual lives.


  • The Children: The study focuses on the Black preschool children as the main characters, highlighting their developmental journey towards understanding their own identity.


  • Self-awareness and Identity: The central theme is the development of self-awareness and how it intersects with race consciousness, particularly in the context of a segregated society. This theme resonates with readers by encouraging reflection on their own identity formation and the influence of social context.
  • Race and Socialization: The study highlights the impact of social contexts on racial identity, emphasizing the role of socialization in shaping individual perceptions of race and oneself. This theme encourages critical thinking about societal structures and their influence on individual identities.


  • Developmental Psychology: The study draws upon principles of developmental psychology, emphasizing the stages of self-awareness and how they unfold throughout childhood. This highlights the importance of understanding the developmental trajectory of self-concept.
  • Social Psychology: The study integrates social psychology principles, demonstrating how social forces like segregation and racial categorization impact the development of racial identity. This underscores the importance of understanding the social context in which individual identity formation takes place.

Intentions of the Characters and the Reader of the Text:

  • Children: The children in the study are trying to understand and express their own identity through the picture identification test.
  • Readers: The reader of this text likely seeks to gain insights into the development of self-awareness, racial identity, and the influence of social context on individual development.

Unique Vocabulary:

  • “Ego-consciousness”: The authors use this term to refer to the awareness of oneself as a distinct individual, highlighting the concept of a self that is separate from the external world.
  • “Ejective”: This term is related to the final stage of “personal consciousness” in Baldwin’s theory, where the child recognizes that others have similar experiences to their own, reflecting a sense of shared humanity.
  • “Racial Identification”: This term emphasizes the process by which individuals come to identify themselves as belonging to a particular racial group, highlighting the social construction of race.


  • The study doesn’t use specific anecdotes but instead draws on general observations of the children’s behavior during the picture identification test, such as their hesitant responses or the tendency to identify with the Black boy figure as they age.


  • The study offers the idea that self-awareness is a developmental process influenced by social context, especially in the case of racial identity formation in a segregated society.
  • It challenges the notion that self-awareness is solely a matter of individual development and suggests that social factors play a critical role in shaping how children come to understand themselves.

Facts and Findings:

  • Increased choice of Black boy figure: The study found a significant increase in the choices of Black boy figures over white boy figures as Black children aged, indicating a growing awareness of their racial identity.
  • Decline in irrelevant choices: The decline in choices of animals and other irrelevant figures suggests that children develop a more refined sense of self-awareness, recognizing their own identity as a distinct individual.


  • Percentage of Choices: The study provides specific statistics on the percentage of choices for each figure, demonstrating the quantitative data used to support the study’s findings.

Points of View:

  • The study is written from a third-person, objective perspective, focusing on the research methodology, results, and interpretations without explicitly disclosing the personal opinions or biases of the authors.
  • However, the study’s subject matter—the development of racial identity in Black children— implicitly reflects the social and historical context of segregation and its influence on shaping individual perceptions of race.


  • The study provides a valuable historical perspective on the development of self-awareness and racial identity in Black children, offering insights into the societal context of segregation and its impact on individual development.
  • The study encourages readers to consider the broader social and historical contexts that influence individual identity formation, particularly in relation to race.

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Jessmyn Solana

Jessmyn Solana is the Digital Marketing Manager of Interact, a place for creating beautiful and engaging quizzes that generate email leads. She is a marketing enthusiast and storyteller. Outside of Interact Jessmyn loves exploring new places, eating all the local foods, and spending time with her favorite people (especially her dog).

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