Help Your Clients Reach Their Goals With a Productivity Quiz

Interact quiz cover page and question example

Create your own productivity quiz

Use it to generate leads and understand your audience

It’s a Tuesday afternoon, and you’re about to pull your hair out because you can’t focus on work for more than ten minutes. You’ve tried everything—the Pomodoro effect and meditation, to name a couple of strategies—but still, nothing! 

So much has changed in the last year for employees. With the increase in working from home, it’s no wonder we’re obsessed with improving productivity—we’re now dealing with a whole new set of distractions! 

Productivity has become such a buzzword that businesses started building productivity quizzes to help their clients get it together. 

If you’re wondering what a productivity quiz is and why you should make one, you’re in the right place! In this guide, I’ll teach you everything you need to know about productivity quizzes, like: 

1. What is a productivity quiz? 
2. Why make a productivity quiz? 
3. 5 types of productivity quizzes 
4. Before creating a productivity quiz 
5. How to design a quiz with Interact 
6. Promoting your productivity quiz 
7. What to do after someone takes your quiz 

Let’s get started! 

What is a productivity quiz? 

A productivity quiz is a series of questions that tell you how well you manage your time and how efficiently you get things done. 

Some examples of productivity quizzes are: 

  • What’s your time management style? 
  • How productive are you, really? 
  • Discover your productivity nemesis 
  • What is your productivity-style secret weapon? 

So, why should you make a productivity quiz? 

Why make a productivity quiz? 

All types of organizations use productivity quizzes, like educational institutions, coaches, and leadership programs. 

But why do these industries make productivity quizzes? What’s in it for them? 

Back in the day, magazines made quizzes for fun. They were an exciting way to pass the time and discover interesting things about yourself. While our quiz software makes fun quizzes, it’s not the only reason our clients love them. 

When you make a productivity quiz, you can: 

Attract more leads: Capturing leads is the hardest part of growing an online business. No one is physically walking into your store and talking to you face-to-face. Instead, they’re visiting your website and can exit whenever they want. 

Getting more leads means grabbing a user’s attention. And what better way to grab attention than with an interactive quiz? 

Kayla Hollatz is a copywriter who generated 3,200 leads with her quiz, “What’s your brand voice style?” 

Interact analytics with 3,277 leads

When visitors are interested in a quiz on your website, they’ll stay longer and be more likely to interact with your services or email list. And speaking of email lists… 

Grow your email list: Building an email list doesn’t just mean creating a freebie, like a downloadable PDF. You can also use a quiz to capture emails. Most, if not all, of our clients use our software to boost their email subscribers. 

Brianna Berner, a mom blogger, grew her email list by 233% with a quiz! Her email average signup went from 40 per week to 70 per week.

Think about it: a quiz is more interactive than a standard e-book or article. Quizzes can also be fun and memorable. Of course you’ll get more signups with a quiz! 

Get more sales: The more leads and email subscribers you get, the more sales you’ll close! Bethany from Primally Pure, a natural beauty company, generated $100k in sales from her deodorant quiz. 

Keep in mind that Primally Pure generated over 30,000 subscribers before reaching $100,000. It goes to show how heavily subscribers can impact your sales. 

5 types of productivity quizzes 

Now that you know what a productivity quiz is and why you should make one, you might be thinking, What types of productivity quizzes are there, anyway? 

1. Time management quiz 

I don’t know about you, but there’s always something I can learn when it comes to spending my time more wisely. With so many distractions—social media, email alerts, working from home—it’s easy to get sidetracked from what’s important. 

Clare Evans, a time management coach, helps clients manage time as efficiently as possible. She uses a “Time quiz” to bring in leads. 

time management quiz

Time management goes well with productivity in general. I mean . . . hello! Managing your time has so much to do with getting things done. 

The best part of Clare’s quiz is her topic. Rather than using a general “What’s your productivity like?” quiz, she thinks outside the box. 

And speaking of time management… 

2. How do your time management skills stack up? 

Leadership IQ helps companies train their employees to be leaders. As well as a “What’s your leadership style?” quiz, they also use a “How do your time management skills stack up?” quiz to boost sales. 

how do your time management skills stack up quiz

They use the question format, “Choose the most accurate statement for you,” to help quiz-takers discover their results. Below are a few examples. 

  1. Choose the most accurate statement for you: 
    1. I often leave work feeling like ‘today was a really successful day.’ 
    2. I often leave work wondering ‘Did I accomplish anything today?’ 
  2. Choose the most accurate statement for you: 
    1. I struggle to tell people ‘no’ when they request something from me. 
    2. I say ‘no’ more than ‘yes’ when people request something from me. 

But the best part about Leadership IQ’s quiz is their email opt-in. 

opt-in form

An email opt-in will funnel quiz-takers into your email list. After a user takes your quiz, they can “opt in” to your email list. And notice how Leadership IQ offers a special report along with the user’s results—email freebies are key to getting more subscribers. 

Not to mention, Leadership IQ used our quiz software to build their quiz and email opt-in. You can check out our Lite, Growth, and Pro plans to collect emails through your quiz. 

3. What’s your productivity IQ? 

An exciting part about productivity quizzes is how versatile they are. Coaches, educational institutions, and even credit card companies use them! 

Take a look at American Express’s quiz, “What’s your productivity IQ?” 

What's your productivity iq

Their coined term “Productivity IQ” makes their quiz unique. But they also use great questions, like: 

  1. With a deadline approaching, I ________. 
    1. Frequently have to choose between quality and completion. 
    2. Am already moving on to my next task. 
    3. Beg for an extension and hope for the best. 
    4. Stay up all night to get it done. 
  2. My social media accounts are ________. 
    1. Unused. I can’t find time to get them started. 
    2. A fun diversion for a few minutes each day that keeps me current with friends and contacts. 
    3. The centerpiece of my life. 
    4. A publicity and marketing weapon I wield like a fencing master. 
  3. At the end of the day, I feel ______. 
    1. Frustrated from all the things I didn’t get done. 
    2. Relaxed, energized, and ready to take on tomorrow. 
    3. Like I need a beer in my hand—or two. 
    4. Tired. It took a lot to get my tasks finished. But I prevailed. 

I like how they use “fill in the blank” questions. I’ll talk more about how to ask good questions soon, but first, let’s talk about the next quiz. 

4. Work from home ergonomic assessment 

Working from home is becoming more common these days. So many of us are on the search for the perfect WFH desk. 

Herman Miller, an ergonomic furniture company, uses a “Work from home ergonomic assessment” to help customers find their ideal home setup. The more comfortable your office is, the more productive you’ll be. 

work from home ergonomic assessment quiz cover

Herman Miller gives tips for fixing your desk for maximum comfort. Plus, they offer a list of their best ergonomic desks.  

The best part about this quiz is its unique spin on productivity. Now that many of us work from home, a comfortable desk is a necessity. 

5. The focus quiz 

You can’t be productive without being focused. So why not create a “Focus” quiz? 

more focus would mean more what questions

Nir Eyal, author of the book Hooked, uses a focus quiz to attract web users to his workshops and book. The best part about Nir’s quiz is his results page. 

your results are in

A results page will tell users their results, as well as how to get started with your business. Later in this post, I’ll break down each part of Nir’s result page to inspire you to create your own. 

Before you build a results page, you’ll need to plan your quiz strategy. 

Before creating a productivity quiz… 

After learning about five different productivity quizzes, you’re probably ready to make one yourself! But before we design your quiz, let’s go over three ways to plan your quiz strategy. 

1. Plan your quiz strategy 

Your quiz sits at the top of the marketing funnel

quiz funnel graphic with awareness, interest, consideration, purchase, and follow-up

In the awareness stage, your quiz attracts users to your business with interesting questions and results. Once your audience gets past your quiz, you’ll need a plan for the following stages. 

Our clients use an email marketing strategy to lead users through the lead acquisition, consideration, purchase, and loyalty stages. I’ll talk more about email marketing later, but first, let’s talk about your goals. 

What is your end goal? What do you want users to do at the purchase stage? 

Maybe you want to sell a service or product. Or maybe you want to fill up every spot in your upcoming webinar. 

Nir’s quiz, for example, promotes a webinar on productivity. Once users watch his webinar, they might be interested in his paid workshops and services. 

Consider where your quiz marketing funnel sits within your entire marketing strategy. Then, choose the best call to action and lead users to it with email marketing. Check out our guide, How to Create a Quiz Marketing Funnel, to refine your strategy.

2. Think of a relevant topic           

Sure, you could always use a “What’s your productivity style?” quiz, but consider your audience first. What is it about productivity that your audience wants to learn more about?  

Maybe your audience is interested in time management because they’re workaholics. Or perhaps they’re new parents who are desperate to learn how to work and raise a family. 

And if you’re not sure who your audience is yet, ask yourself the following questions: 

1. What are their demographics (age, gender, occupation, location)? 

2. What’s your most popular content? Why? 

3. What are your audience’s desires and struggles? 

4. What is your role in your audience’s life? How will a productivity quiz help them achieve X? 

If you’re thinking, Aren’t quizzes just for fun? Why should I research my audience? Then think back to why you’re creating a productivity quiz in the first place. Whether it’s for increased sales or more web visitors, your quiz has a purpose in your marketing funnel. Treat it like an evergreen funnel, and you’ll see big-time results! 

3. Come up with good questions 

Once you think of a quiz topic, you’ll need a list of thought-provoking questions. Quiz questions are the meat and potatoes of your quiz—without them, you’re left with nothing to share. 

The best quiz questions help users discover something new about themselves. In this case, “something new” is their productivity style. 

If you want to find the best productivity tips for your audience, you’ll need to know their “why.” Why do they want to manage their time better? 

Take Nir and Far’s “Focus” quiz questions for example.

What would a more productive version of yourself make possible? productivity quiz question

The question “What would a more productive version of yourself make possible?” leads users to tell you why they’re taking the quiz in the first place. Some people want more time for themselves or with friends or for business affairs. 

Once you know their “why,” you’ll wonder what’s holding them back from being productive. Why do they have trouble getting things done? 

question about who or what keeps you from being productive

The question above asks users why they get distracted in the first place. Whether it’s our phone, social events, or lack of motivation, there’s always a reason why we struggle to focus. 

And finally, you’ll want to know how your audience deals with distractions.

quiz question about how you feel about disruptions

Some of us welcome distractions because they give us a reason to avoid work. Others feel irritated by distractions, while others can keep their nose to the grind no matter what. 

You can use different question formats to spruce up your questions and reach everyone in your audience. Some formats include: 

True or false—You love working at your job. True or false? 

This-or-that—Working with people or solo? 

Scenario—Your boss catches you playing games while on the clock. What do you say? 

Would you rather—Would you rather give up social media or one of your hobbies? 

Check out our guide, How to Ask Better Questions, for more tips on asking the best quiz questions possible. 

4. Think of your quiz results 

Along with your quiz questions, your results are the most important part of your strategy. When you come up with a converting results page, users will sign up for your email and look into your services. 

We suggest coming up with at least three different results for your quiz. When you’ve thought of a few, then you can design your results page. 

I’ll go over how to design your results page with Interact soon. But for now, I’ll show you what a results page looks like. 

Let’s take a look at one of Nir and Far’s results pages. 

productivity quiz result for master internal triggers

The top of any results page should always state your user’s quiz result. We also suggest adding an image to make it visually appealing. 

more information about the results

Next is the results description. You want to make your description compelling and relatable. Highlight your user’s strengths, weaknesses, and desires with a story—tell them something they never realized about themselves. 

At the end of your description, you should propose a solution to their problem, which is *cough cough* your business. 

opt-in form

Nir offers a productivity profile, distraction danger zone description, and a four-fold focus formula for every result. To receive it, all quiz-takers have to do is exchange an email address! 

You can also include a list of free resources on your landing page, like a podcast episode, how-to guide, or video. 

register for a webinar

Nir ends this section with a call to action—a masterclass for supercharging productivity. After taking Nir’s quiz, getting results, and reading through the free productivity booklet, who wouldn’t want to take his course?! 

The most important takeaways from this results page are: 

Describe your users well—Don’t skimp out on your results description. If a user doesn’t resonate with it, they might leave. Use as many details as you can to describe your user. Remember, people love learning about themselves! 

Offer free resources—In exchange for taking your quiz, give your audience some freebies. This might be a webinar, masterclass, downloadable PDF… you get the picture. 

End with a call to action—Always, I repeat, always, end your results page with a call to action. There’s no use in creating a results page without one! 

How to design a productivity quiz with Interact 

One of the best parts about using Interact to build a quiz is how easy it is. Many of our clients finish designing their quizzes in a day or less! 

But what else makes Interact special? Below is a list of Interact’s features that you’ll love to use for your productivity quiz. 

  • Conditional logic—Customize every user’s quiz journey and create different questions based on their answers. 
  • Email marketing—Integrate your email marketing software with Interact to capture leads and build an opt-in. 
  • Thousands of quiz templates—Use one of our thousands of quiz templates to save time. 
  • Quiz analytics—Find out how well your quiz is doing with analytics. 

Go ahead and sign up for one of our plans to follow the tutorial below. 

1. Choose a template 
2. Choose your quiz design 
3. Design the cover page 
4. Make the question pages 
5. Create a results page 
6. Correlate each question and answer 

1. Choose a template 

On your quiz dashboard, hit Create New Quiz at the top-right corner. 

create a quiz button in Interact

The button will take you to a list of quiz templates. If you don’t want to use a template, you can always click Start From Scratch and make your own quiz. 

quiz template options with Start from Scratch boxed

But for this tutorial, we’re going to use the template, “What kind of productivity queen are you?” 

What kind of productivity queen are you quiz cover

2. Choose your quiz design 

At the top of the editing page, you’ll see a customizable menu. 

bar at top where you edit colors and font

You can choose your quiz’s colors, font, and logo using this menu. 

Colors—We suggest using your brand colors as the theme. If you don’t have brand colors, you can create a color scheme or use one of our templates. 

Font—We offer a list of Google fonts for you to use. Choose something your readers can easily understand. 

Logo—If you’re using any of the paid Interact plans, you can add your logo to the right corner of your quiz. A logo makes your quiz brand-worthy and adds professionalism. 

3. Design the cover page 

Your cover page is important because it’s the first thing users see about your quiz. 

productivity quiz cover

Starting with the title, enter your quiz’s name at the top of the page. Use a question format so users are tempted to answer it by taking the quiz. 

You can also add a cover image to spruce up your page. Click Edit Cover Image to swap the image. 

Next is the quiz description. Tell users about your quiz and why they should take it. You’ll get brownie points if you include your freebie! 

And last is the call to action: “Take Quiz.” This call to action is fine, but consider unique CTAs, like: 

  • Find out your (blank) 
  • Start your (blank) journey 
  • Uplevel your productivity 

4. Make the question pages 

Next are your question pages. 

when I get to work I am question to see how productive you are

Consider adding question and answer images

answer choices with images to match

Images will make your questions more interesting and fun to look at, so use them when you can! 

5. Create a results page 

Now that we’ve covered the best features of results pages, it’s time to design them! 

superwoman result heading with image

Click the font icon on the top menu, and another menu will pop up.

Use these options to add links, images, and other formatting options. For more tips, head to our guide, How to Create Quiz Result Landing Pages that Dazzle Your Audience

6. Correlate results and questions 

When you’ve finished your results pages, head back to your questions and correlate each answer with a result. 

On the questions page, click Edit Result Correlations

menu to edit result correlations

Then correlate all of your answers. 

map of answer choices matched with result

You can correlate more than one answer to a result if you’d like. And make sure to correlate all of your questions! 

When you’re done, preview your quiz by clicking on the eye icon at the top-right. 

how to preview, save, and publish quiz

If you like what you see, hit Publish—and you’re done! See how easy it is to make a quiz? So, what’s next? 

Promoting your productivity quiz 

Now that you’ve created your productivity quiz, promote it to your audience. Promotion is crucial—if nobody sees your quiz, who will take it? 

Using our software, you can promote your quiz in a few ways. I’ll show you how to share your quiz on social media, your website, and with a landing page. 

1. Social media 

Social media is known for helping content go viral, especially quizzes! Buzzfeed is a perfect example of sharing quizzes through social media. 

Buzzfeed quiz about Stranger Things

To share your quiz on social media, head to your quiz dashboard and click Share & Embed. 

Button to share and embed quiz in Interact

Under Share Link, you can click on any social media icon to post your quiz. 

screen to share link and on social media

I’ll use Twitter as an example. When I click on the Twitter icon, something like the below will appear. 

Tweet about quiz

Once you click “Send,” you’re done! But what about Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads can drive new users to your quiz. One of our clients, Kristen Poborsky, used Facebook ads to drive traffic to her “What type of blogger are you?” quiz. 

She shares how, “Without a doubt, these were the BEST results I’ve had with any opt-in ever… with an average of 10 to 15 opt-ins per day costing me $1.50 to $2.25 a lead from Facebook, I’m pretty happy.” 

Interact analytics with 44.6% views to completions

If you’re interested in connecting Facebook ads with your quiz, click Share & Embed again on your quiz dashboard. Then go straight to Facebook Ad. 

screen with instructions to set up Facebook ad

You’ll need to set up a Facebook ad through Facebook before linking your quiz. If you don’t know how to include Ad Conversion Tracking, click Read Setup Instructions for a tutorial. 

2. Your website 

Your website is the most important spot for your productivity quiz. There are few ways to add your quiz to your site. The first is right on the homepage. 

What's your genius quiz cover

To make your quiz as visible as possible, your homepage is THE spot. When a user is scrolling through your site, they can easily take your quiz. 

Another way to add a quiz to your site is with a popup ad. Popup ads alert visitors to your quiz when they’re on your site.

announcement bar about quiz

When you create a popup quiz, we suggest using neutral colors and fonts. You don’t want to disturb your visitors with a flashy ad. 

Plus, you can create a popup ad with Interact! On your quiz dashboard, click Share & Embed. 

share and embed button in Interact

On the next page, click Popup to create an ad. 

pop-up settings

You might be wondering what the Javascript and WordPress box means. If you own a WordPress site, download the Interact plugin to activate your popup ad. And if you own another type of site, copy and paste the Javascript code. 

Now let’s scroll down to the customizable features. 

customize pop-up

Once you choose a background color, you can decide how long until your popup appears with Timer Delay. As for Hiatus, if someone exits out of your popup, you can decide how long to wait until the ad appears again. 

And last, you can disable your cover page if you want users to get straight to your quiz questions. 

Your popup might look something like below when you’re finished. 

productivity quiz pop-up

The last step is to edit your popup visibility. These settings let you choose on which web pages you want to display your ad. 

pop-up visibility

And that’s it! Pretty easy, right? 

3. Landing page 

When you think of a landing page, you probably imagine something like the below. 

But have you heard about quiz landing pages? The only difference is you’re promoting your quiz instead of a product. Quiz landing pages tell your audience… 

  • What your quiz is about 
  • Why they should take it 
  • What’s in it for them 

Let’s go over The Productive You’s landing page for their “Should your personality work from home?” quiz. 

should your personality type work from home quiz cover

This business starts its landing page with a quiz in big font. This way, it’s easy to see what the quiz is about. 

As for the description, they add, “There are a lot of tips out there on working remotely, but none that are customized specifically for you!” 

This might get someone thinking, I’ve been looking for customized tips on working remotely. Maybe I should take this quiz! 

description of what the quiz offers

The next section goes into more detail about why people should take the quiz and what they’ll get out of it. Every landing page needs a section like the above! The Productive You also adds what quiz-takers get in return—a results email in the form of a seven-page PDF. 

result options

This area is the most interesting part of the landing page. Users see their quiz results along with a quick description. 

Sure, this section isn’t essential to a landing page, but it adds depth. And who wouldn’t love these unique designs? If you want to add your quiz results to your landing page, consider designing an archetype for each one. 

Take the quiz CTA

And last is the call to action. At this point, users know if they want to take the quiz or not. I like how they add their business to the bottom of the page for branding. 

Other sections you might want to add to a quiz landing page are: 

An about—Who are you and why did you make this quiz? What’s your business about? 

Your freebie—Highlight what users get in exchange for taking your quiz with a freebie section. Add images of the freebie and a few glowing testimonials.

Social proof—Add quotes or videos of people raving about your quiz. 

A video—Record yourself talking about your quiz and why users should take it. 

Check out our post, How to Create a Quiz Landing Page That Works, for tons of examples. 

Our software can integrate with a few landing page builders, like: 

What to do after someone takes your quiz 

Remember how we talked about the quiz marketing funnel? 

quiz funnel graphic

Like I mentioned before, your quiz sits at the awareness stage. So what do you do after a user takes your quiz?

I’ll give you a hint: it’s the electronic version of mail. 

That’s right! You can use email marketing to nurture users to the purchase stage. The first step is building an email opt-in. An email opt-in asks users to exchange their email address to see their results. 

Below is an example of our email opt-in design from Kelly Trach, a business coach. 

opt-in form

Kelly uses an opt-in to funnel leads from her “What’s your genius?” quiz. Let’s talk about the most convert-worthy part of her opt-in. Starting with the title: Kelly doesn’t say “Enter your email,” but instead says “Enter your email to see what your zone of genius is!” Her title highlights what users will get in return for taking her quiz. 

Next is the opt-in description. Kelly tells users that, in exchange for their email address, they’ll get a five-page personalized strategy on how to monetize their genius. And don’t forget—it’s free! 

We highly suggest adding your freebie to your email opt-in. Make sure your audience knows how much value you’re giving them. 

Notice how Kelly doesn’t ask for anything more than a name and email. Users can get skeptical if you ask for too much information. Stick to what you need. 

The only thing Kelly’s opt-in is missing is a “Skip this Step” button. You might be thinking, Why would I let users skip the opt-in? Isn’t this the whole point of my strategy? 

While your opt-in is crucial to boost leads and get more sales, you don’t want to force people to join your email. When users have a choice, you’ll get leads who truly care about your business. 

So how do you make an email opt-in with Interact? 

Head to your productivity quiz dashboard and toggle on the Lead Generation button. Now you can create your form. Select the contact information you want to collect first. 

setting up opt-in form

Next, choose if you want to add a “Skip this step” button with the Allow users to skip opt-in form option. You can also display your privacy policy or ask users to check a consent box. 

form settings

From here, all you have to do is customize your form! 

editing content on opt-in form

You can change the title, description, and CTA, as well as the CTA button’s color and size.

When you’re done, you can continue integrating your email software with Interact. Head to our Interact plans to make sure your email software can integrate with Interact. If it doesn’t, you can always use an automation tool like Zapier to connect them. 

Now that your email opt-in form is ready, you’ll need to build an email sequence. Below are a couple of guides you can use to get started: 

Your next steps 

Isn’t it crazy how much you can do with a productivity quiz? Not oy are you building a fun lead magnet—you’re also creating an entire quiz strategy! 

Let’s refresh your memory on what you learned today. 

What a productivity quiz is—Teach your audience about productivity magic with a quiz. 

Why you should make a productivity quiz—You’ll get more leads, email subscribers, and sales! Need I say more? 

Five types of productivity quizzes—You don’t have to use the standard “What’s your productivity like?” quiz. You can also choose a topic that matches your brand. 

What to do before creating a quiz—Plan your strategy, come up with an ah-mazing topic, and create interesting questions and results. 

How to design your quiz with Interact—In six steps, you’ll develop a beautiful quiz with our software. 

Promoting your productivity quiz—We offer social media, popup ads, and landing page integration to drive the most traffic to your quiz. 

If you’re thinking, I’m SO ready to start my quiz strategy! Then sign up for one of our Interact plans and get started today! We offer a two-week trial for all of our paid plans. 

You should also check out our case studies to see how much potential your quiz has.

Here’s to you and your productivity quiz! 

Make a quiz for your business with AI

Use our AI quiz maker to create a beautiful quiz for your brand in a minute.

Make a quiz - for free