What happened in the past when you forgot someone’s name?
- It was so awkward; I think I just blanked.
- I honestly can’t remember, it happens all the time.
- I later realized I disliked them and didn’t want to remember them.
- I can’t think of a specific time; I’m quite good with names!
What’s your favorite example of a Freudian Slip from a book, TV show, or movie?
- I don’t really have a favorite, but I think they’re hilarious when they happen in real life!
- The one from Friends, where Ross says Rachel’s name at the altar!
- That one from Shakespeare, you know “to be or not to be…” that’s a Freudian slip, right?
- They’re all pretty funny, I don’t really have a favorite.
When you were a kid, how did you react to misplacing or losing something?
- I would get upset and blame myself for being careless.
- I was always so frantic trying to find whatever it was.
- I would pretend it didn’t bother me, but secretly I’d be freaking out.
- My parents usually helped me find whatever it was.
What comes to mind when you hear the word “repressed”?
- Victorian-era people with all their issues!
- My deepest, darkest secrets, haha!
- Memories and emotions that are hidden from our conscious awareness.
- Past experiences that have shaped who I am today
What’s your favorite memory from reading Psychopathology of Everyday Life?
- I actually haven’t read it yet!
- I can’t say I have a favorite; it’s been a while since I read it.
- When Freud talked about his own experiences forgetting things, it made it feel more relatable.
- The part about slips of the tongue; those are always funny.
A specific situation arises where you break a friend’s valuable possession. How do you react?
- I’d be mortified and immediately offer to replace it.
- Apologize profusely and hope they aren’t too upset.
- I’d probably laugh it off, trying to lighten the mood.
- Internally panic but try to remain calm and collected on the outside.
Tell us a little about your dreams – are they vivid? Do you remember them?
- My dreams are so bizarre, people wouldn’t even believe me if I told them!
- They’re usually pretty random, a weird mix of reality and fantasy.
- I rarely remember my dreams, they fade away so quickly.
- I sometimes have recurring dreams, but I’m not sure what they mean.
What are you most excited about when it comes to exploring the unconscious mind?
- Uncovering hidden desires and motivations that drive our behavior.
- Understanding the root causes of my anxieties and fears.
- Gaining a deeper understanding of myself and my relationships with others.
- I’m not really sure, it’s a bit of a mystery to me.
You have a choice of analyzing your dreams or your slips of the tongue, which do you choose?
- Analyzing my dreams, they feel more mysterious and symbolic.
- Slips of the tongue, they seem more directly connected to my everyday life.
- Neither, I don’t really like overanalyzing things.
- I’d rather focus on understanding my conscious thoughts and feelings.
What is your absolute favorite anecdote from Psychopathology of Everyday Life?
- I don’t have one, but I love a good anecdote!
- The one where the guy forgets the name “Signorelli” – it’s such a classic!
- I can’t remember any specific anecdotes, but I enjoyed Freud’s writing style.
- I haven’t read it yet but I’m adding it to my reading list!
What keeps you up at night about the unconscious mind?
- The idea that I’m not in complete control of my own thoughts and actions.
- The potential for repressed trauma to resurface and cause problems in my life.
- The thought of all the hidden desires and motivations lurking beneath the surface.
- Nothing really, I sleep like a baby!
How do you feel about the idea that our actions are driven by unconscious desires?
- It’s fascinating and a little unnerving at the same time!
- I’m not sure I believe it entirely, but it’s an interesting concept.
- It makes sense to me, we’re much more complex than we realize.
- I don’t know much about it, but I’m open to learning more.
Someone asks “How are you?” but you’re actually feeling quite anxious. What’s the actual answer, not just “I’m good”?
- I’m feeling a bit anxious today, actually. Thanks for asking.
- To be honest, I’m a bit of a mess!
- I’m doing alright, just a lot on my mind at the moment.
- I’m hanging in there!
What makes you nervous about the idea of exploring your unconscious mind?
- I’m afraid of what I might uncover – painful memories, hidden desires, etc.
- I’m not sure I’m ready to face those parts of myself yet.
- The thought of delving into the unknown is both exciting and terrifying.
- I’m more interested in focusing on my conscious thoughts and feelings.
What is most likely to make you feel down about the sheer power of the unconscious?
- The thought that I may not be in complete control of my own actions.
- Realizing that my unconscious desires might be influencing my decisions in negative ways.
- Accepting that some things are beyond my conscious control can feel overwhelming.
- It’s a lot to think about, but I don’t let it get me down.
You are at a party and accidentally call your current partner by an ex’s name, what do you do?
- I would literally die of embarrassment.
- Laugh it off and hope no one noticed.
- Make a joke about how I must be thinking about my ex.
- Apologize profusely to my partner and try to explain what happened.
How comfortable are you with the concept of determinism, that our actions are predetermined?
- It makes me a bit uncomfortable, I like to believe I have free will!
- I’m open to the possibility, but I still believe we have some level of choice.
- It’s a complex issue, and I’m not sure what I believe.
- It’s not something I’ve given much thought to be honest.
You have a free hour to do whatever you want. Do you choose to explore your unconscious or watch an episode of your favorite show?
- An episode of my favorite show, definitely! I need a break from thinking so much!
- I’d probably choose to relax and unwind, maybe read a book or listen to music.
- I’m intrigued by the unconscious mind, so I might try meditating or journaling.
- I’d probably just scroll through social media, to be honest.
Which of these topics from Psychopathology of Everyday Life would you enjoy discussing the most?
- Slips of the tongue and what they reveal about our hidden thoughts.
- The meaning of dreams and how they connect to our unconscious mind.
- The concept of repression and how it shapes our personality.
- I’m not sure I’d enjoy discussing any of them, to be honest!
When you think about your own “everyday psychopathology,” what are you most concerned about?
- That I’m unconsciously sabotaging my own happiness.
- That my hidden anxieties are holding me back in life.
- That my repressed emotions are impacting my relationships in negative ways.
- I’m not really concerned about it, I think it’s normal to have these little slips and mistakes.
What aspect of exploring the unconscious mind makes you the most happy?
- The potential for personal growth and self-discovery.
- Understanding the root causes of my behaviors and thought patterns.
- Feeling more in control of my own mind and actions.
- I’m not sure it makes me happy, but it’s definitely interesting to think about.
What is your idea of the perfect dream analysis session?
- One where I uncover a profound truth about myself and my life’s purpose.
- A session that helps me understand a recurring dream and what it means.
- I’d rather not analyze my dreams, thanks!
- One where I can just relax and let my subconscious mind do its thing.
If you could wave a magic wand, what would the perfect outcome of reading Psychopathology of Everyday Life be?
- I would gain a deep understanding of myself and others.
- My everyday life would be free from Freudian slips and other embarrassing mishaps.
- I’d be able to use my knowledge of the unconscious to improve my relationships.
- I would ace all my psychology exams!
How often do you analyze your dreams or try to interpret your slips of the tongue?
- I try to analyze my dreams every now and then, especially if they’re vivid or disturbing.
- I notice my slips of the tongue but I don’t really overthink them.
- I’m not really one for analysis, I prefer to go with the flow.
- I believe these things happen for a reason, but I don’t try to control them.
What place, concept, idea, or topic related to the unconscious do you most want to explore?
- The connection between the unconscious mind and creativity.
- The role of the unconscious in shaping our beliefs and values.
- The use of hypnosis or other techniques to access the unconscious mind.
- I’m content with the level of consciousness I currently possess.
What’s your go-to way to relax and de-stress after a long day – is it through something like meditation to calm the unconscious mind?
- Meditation is great for relaxation!
- I prefer to unwind with a good book or movie.
- Exercise helps me clear my head and de-stress.
- A nice glass of wine and some Netflix usually does the trick!
What causes, topics, interests, etc. that relate to psychology are you most passionate about?
- I’m fascinated by abnormal psychology and how the mind can malfunction.
- I’m interested in social psychology and how we interact with each other.
- I’m drawn to developmental psychology and how our childhood experiences shape us.
- I’m not really passionate about psychology to be honest.
How would your friends and family describe your ability to remember names and other details?
- They’d say I have a pretty good memory, but I do have my moments!
- They’d probably say I’m a bit forgetful, especially when it comes to names.
- I’m the one who remembers everyone’s birthday!
- I’m not sure, you’d have to ask them!
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you make a mistake, like a slip of the tongue or a typo?
- I usually just brush it off and move on.
- I wonder if it means something deeper, even if it’s just a silly mistake!
- I get annoyed with myself, especially if it’s a careless mistake.
- It depends on the situation and the type of mistake.
What affects you the most – positive reinforcement like compliments or negative criticism like hurtful comments?
- Negative criticism tends to stick with me more than positive reinforcement.
- I try to focus on the positive, but criticism can be hard to shake off.
- I appreciate both, but I don’t let either one define me.
- I’m pretty thick-skinned, so neither really affects me that much.
What’s your strongest defense mechanism – humor, denial, projection, or something else?
- Humor is my go-to defense mechanism; it helps me cope with stress and awkwardness.
- I tend to rationalize things, which can sometimes be a form of denial.
- I’m a pretty open and honest person, so I don’t rely on defense mechanisms that much.
- I’m not really sure, I haven’t given it much thought.
What is your strongest personality trait when it comes to handling mistakes or embarrassing situations?
- I’m pretty resilient, I can bounce back from most things.
- I try to find humor in awkward situations, which helps me cope.
- I’m a work in progress, but I’m always trying to improve myself.
- I’m not sure if I have a particular strength in this area.
Which of these best describes your current understanding of Freudian principles?
- I have a basic understanding and am familiar with key concepts.
- I’ve read some of Freud’s work and find his ideas intriguing.
- I’m a bit fuzzy on the details, but I get the general idea.
- Freudian principles? I’m not familiar with those.
What happens if you forget an important appointment or commitment?
- I’d be so angry with myself!
- I’d apologize profusely and try to reschedule.
- It depends on the situation and who I’m letting down.
- I use a planner, so that never happens.
How often do you experience slips of the tongue or other seemingly accidental actions?
- It happens to me all the time, much to my embarrassment!
- I notice them occasionally, but not too often.
- They’re pretty rare for me, thankfully!
- I’m not sure, I don’t really pay attention to those things.
How prepared are you to analyze your dreams and uncover their hidden meanings?
- I’m ready to dive in and explore my subconscious!
- I’m a bit hesitant but willing to give it a try.
- I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that level of introspection.
- I think dream analysis is a bunch of hooey!
How confident are you in your ability to interpret your own “everyday psychopathology”?
- I think I have a pretty good grasp of my own unconscious motivations.
- I’m still learning, but I’m becoming more aware of my own patterns.
- I’m not sure I’m the best judge of my own psychology!
- I rely on professionals to help me understand myself better.
How do you handle it when you realize you’ve made a mistake due to an unconscious desire or anxiety?
- I try to learn from it and make better choices in the future.
- I use it as an opportunity for self-reflection and growth.
- I might feel a bit ashamed or embarrassed, but I try to move on.
- It’s no big deal, everyone makes mistakes!
How well do you stick to your convictions, even when faced with opposition or temptation?
- I’m pretty steadfast in my beliefs and values.
- I try to be true to myself, but I’m also open to different perspectives.
- It depends on the situation and the stakes involved.
- I’m pretty easily swayed, to be honest.
Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your belief in the power of the unconscious mind?
- I believe it plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
- I think it has some influence, but it’s not the only factor.
- I’m not entirely convinced, but I’m open to the possibility.
- I’m more of a believer in free will and conscious choice.
To what degree do you experience anxiety or discomfort when thinking about your unconscious mind?
- It makes me very uncomfortable to think about what might be lurking beneath the surface.
- I’m a little uneasy about it, but I’m trying to be more open-minded.
- It doesn’t bother me, I’m pretty comfortable with myself.
- It’s my goal to become more aware of my unconscious thoughts and feelings.
What is your current biggest challenge when it comes to understanding your own psychology?
- Overcoming denial and being honest with myself about my true motivations.
- Identifying and managing my defense mechanisms in a healthy way.
- Integrating my shadow self and accepting all parts of myself, even the dark ones.
- I’m not sure I have any major challenges in this area.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you’re faced with a problem or challenge?
- I try to come up with a logical solution.
- I often rely on my intuition or gut feeling.
- I reach out to others for support and advice.
- I tend to avoid conflict whenever possible!
How do you handle uncomfortable or repressed emotions that surface?
- I try to process them in a healthy way, through journaling, therapy, or talking to a trusted friend.
- I tend to bottle them up, which I know isn’t always healthy.
- I’m not sure I have a healthy way of dealing with them, to be honest.
- I usually try to distract myself or ignore them.
How would you describe your relationship to your own unconscious mind?
- We have a complicated relationship, but we’re working on it!
- We’re still getting to know each other, but I’m open to learning more.
- I try not to overthink it, we have a live-and-let-live kind of arrangement.
- It’s not something I’ve given much thought to be honest.
Are you stuck in a cycle of repeating the same mistakes, or have you successfully addressed personal patterns?
- I’m working on breaking free from negative patterns, but it’s a journey!
- I’ve made some progress, but I still have my moments.
- I’m pretty good at learning from my mistakes and moving on.
- I don’t believe in dwelling on the past.
What would you say are your top struggles right now when it comes to self-awareness and personal growth?
- I struggle with self-criticism and negative self-talk.
- I have a hard time setting boundaries and saying no to people.
- I often compare myself to others, which can be detrimental.
- I’m actually feeling pretty good about where I’m at right now!
What is your ultimate goal in terms of understanding and working with your unconscious mind?
- To achieve greater self-awareness and live a more authentic life.
- To heal from past traumas and break free from negative patterns.
- To improve my relationships and connect with others on a deeper level.
- To unlock my full potential and achieve my dreams!
What do you think is missing in your life that would allow for a better understanding of your unconscious?
- I think I need to make more time for introspection and self-reflection.
- Perhaps therapy would be beneficial in uncovering those deeply rooted issues.
- I’m not really sure, I’m open to suggestions!
- I think I’m doing just fine, thanks!
What is your current level of expertise in dream interpretation?
- I’m a novice, but I’m eager to learn more!
- I know a little bit, but I’m far from an expert.
- I’m more interested in the symbolism and archetypes in dreams rather than interpreting them literally.
- I don’t really believe in dream interpretation, to be honest.
Imagine: You overhear someone making fun of a friend. How do you respond?
- I would call them out on their behavior and defend my friend.
- I would probably stay quiet, but I’d feel uncomfortable.
- I might try to change the subject or redirect the conversation.
- I’d ignore it; it’s not my business.
What descriptive word do you experience most – joy, anxiety, frustration, or peace?
- Anxiety is my default setting, unfortunately.
- I’m a pretty joyful person, I try to find the good in everything!
- Frustration! Life is just one frustrating thing after another!
- I’m mostly at peace these days, thankfully!
Which of the following do you notice yourself worrying about on a day-to-day basis: work, relationships, health, or finances?
- I worry about everything! Work, relationships, health, finances – you name it!
- I’m most anxious about work and meeting deadlines.
- My relationships are my biggest source of stress.
- I’m pretty lucky, I don’t have much to worry about right now!
How confident and self-assured do you feel in your everyday life?
- I have my moments, but overall I’d say I’m pretty confident.
- I struggle with self-doubt, especially in new situations.
- I’m working on building my confidence, it’s a process!
- I’m pretty comfortable with who I am, flaws and all!
How well do you think you balance your personal and professional life?
- I’m a bit of a workaholic, I struggle to find a good balance.
- I’m pretty good at setting boundaries and making time for both.
- It’s a constant juggling act, but I’m managing!
- I’m happy with how things are, no complaints here!
How connected do you feel to your emotions – are you in touch with your feelings or do you tend to suppress them?
- I’m very in touch with my emotions, sometimes to a fault!
- I’m working on expressing myself more openly and honestly.
- I tend to intellectualize my feelings rather than truly feeling them.
- I’m not sure I’m that emotionally intelligent, to be honest!
Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you: forgetting something important, breaking a valuable possession, or making a social faux pas?
- Forgetting something important drives me crazy! I hate feeling scatterbrained.
- I’d be mortified if I made a social faux pas, I’m always worried about saying the wrong thing!
- I’m pretty easy-going, I don’t get frustrated that easily!
- It would depend on the situation, I think.
What is the trickiest part about analyzing your own dreams or interpreting your slips of the tongue?
- It’s hard to be objective and not let my own biases influence my interpretations.
- I tend to overthink things, which can make it difficult to see the bigger picture.
- I’m not sure I know what I’m looking for, so it feels like a guessing game!
- I’m not interested in doing any of that, it seems like a waste of time!
Do you find yourself more often oversharing personal information or holding back and keeping to yourself?
- I’m a bit of an oversharer, sometimes I say too much!
- I tend to be more reserved, I like to keep my thoughts to myself.
- It depends on who I’m with and how comfortable I feel with them.
- I’m a pretty open book, what you see is what you get!
Do you have a support system in place, such as close friends or family members, whom you can confide in and seek guidance from when you’re struggling?
- I have an amazing support system, I’m very lucky!
- I have a few close friends and family members I can rely on.
- I tend to deal with things on my own, I’m pretty independent.
- I don’t really like burdening others with my problems.
How do you determine your emotional well-being each day – do you assess it through journaling, meditation, or something else?
- I check in with myself regularly and assess how I’m feeling emotionally.
- I don’t really have a structured way of doing it, it’s more intuitive.
- I try not to overthink it, I just go with the flow!
- If I’m happy, then I assume I’m doing alright!
Are your personal goals consistently supporting your overall well-being?
- I’m constantly striving for self-improvement and personal growth.
- Some of my goals are more self-serving than others, I’ll admit!
- I’m still figuring out what I want out of life.
- I’m pretty content with where I’m at right now!
How do you manage the difficult balance between self-acceptance and the desire for personal growth?
- It’s a constant balancing act, but I’m learning to embrace both.
- I tend to be too hard on myself, I need to work on self-compassion!
- I think it’s important to always strive for improvement!
- I am who I am – take it or leave it!