1. How do you feel about integrating Qigong into your daily routine to manage stress?
A. I’m excited about it.
B. A bit skeptical but open to trying.
C. Neutral, I’ll give it a try but not expecting much.
D. Not interested at all.
2. What’s your favorite aspect of Qigong practice?
A. The slow, controlled movements.
B. The breathing exercises.
C. Meditation.
D. The combination of all elements.
3. What makes you nervous about practicing Qigong?
A. Looking silly or doing it wrong.
B. Spending time on it every day.
C. Not seeing any results.
D. Nothing, I’m confident it will help.
4. What makes you most frustrated about your current state of stress management?
A. Constantly feeling overwhelmed.
B. Difficulty finding time to relax.
C. Not having effective coping strategies.
D. Lack of immediate results from current practices.
5. What are you most excited about when it comes to Qigong?
A. Feeling more relaxed.
B. Improving my sleep.
C. Better overall health.
D. All of the above.
6. What do you dream about when it comes to managing stress effectively?
A. Being able to unwind easily.
B. Having more energy throughout the day.
C. Feeling mentally balanced.
D. Having a consistent relaxation routine.
7. What happened in the past when you tried new stress management techniques?
A. They worked for a while then I stopped.
B. I didn’t see much benefit.
C. They were too hard to maintain.
D. I never really tried any.
8. What comes to mind when you think about meditative practices?
A. Peace and calm.
B. Boredom.
C. Interest and curiosity.
D. Skepticism.
9. When you were a kid, how did you manage stress or anxiety?
A. Playing sports.
B. Spending time alone.
C. Talking to someone.
D. I didn’t really think about managing stress.
10. You have a choice of doing Qigong or traditional exercise, which do you choose?
A. Qigong.
B. Traditional exercise.
C. A mix of both.
D. Neither, I prefer other methods.
11. While at a social gathering, someone mentions Qigong, how do you react?
A. Share your enthusiasm and experiences.
B. Listen and learn more.
C. Express mild interest.
D. Change the topic.
12. What keeps you up at night about managing stress?
A. Worrying if I’ll ever feel relaxed.
B. Thinking about all my responsibilities.
C. Wondering if current methods are effective.
D. Not being able to switch off mentally.
13. Which of these Qigong components do you enjoy the most?
A. Slow movements.
B. Breathing exercises.
C. Meditation.
D. Integrating all of them.
14. When you think about using Qigong to manage stress, what are you most concerned about?
A. Whether it will actually help.
B. Finding the time to practice.
C. Understanding the techniques.
D. Staying consistent with it.
15. What aspect of Qigong makes you the most happy?
A. The physical relaxation.
B. The mental clarity.
C. The holistic health benefits.
D. The simplicity and ease of practice.
16. What is most likely to make you feel down about practicing Qigong?
A. Not seeing immediate results.
B. Feeling self-conscious while practicing.
C. Not having a quiet space.
D. Finding it boring.
17. In a perfect world, what would your stress management routine look like?
A. Regular, daily Qigong sessions.
B. A balanced mix of meditation and exercise.
C. Occasional relaxation techniques when needed.
D. A flexible approach based on how I feel.
18. If you could waive a magic wand, what would the perfect outcome of practicing Qigong be?
A. Complete mental and physical relaxation.
B. Better sleep and more energy.
C. Improved overall well-being.
D. All of the above.
19. How often do you currently engage in stress management routines?
A. Daily.
B. A few times a week.
C. Rarely.
D. Never.
20. You are at a party and someone starts talking about their stressful job, what do you do?
A. Share how Qigong helps you manage stress.
B. Listen and offer some tips.
C. Nod and empathize.
D. Change the topic.
21. How comfortable are you with starting a new Qigong practice?
A. Very comfortable.
B. Somewhat comfortable.
C. Neutral.
D. Uncomfortable.
22. You have an hour to yourself every day, what do you do?
A. Practice Qigong.
B. Meditate or practice yoga.
C. Exercise or go for a walk.
D. Relax with a book or movie.
23. Which of these issues is most likely to hinder your stress management?
A. Lack of time.
B. Lack of motivation.
C. Inadequate techniques.
D. Unsupportive environment.
24. Which member of the social group are you when it comes to trying new practices?
A. The enthusiastic leader.
B. The curious follower.
C. The skeptical observer.
D. The indifferent participant.
25. Someone asks how you are managing your stress lately; what do you actually say?
A. I’ve been practicing Qigong and it’s amazing!
B. I’ve started it recently and it shows promise.
C. I’m still looking for the right method.
D. Honestly, I’m not managing well.
26. What’s your go-to relaxation technique at the moment?
A. Qigong.
B. Meditation.
C. Watching TV.
D. Anything quiet and peaceful.
27. What place or activity do you most want to explore further to enhance your well-being?
A. Qigong classes.
B. Yoga retreats.
C. Meditation workshops.
D. Outdoor activities like hiking.
28. What’s your favorite memory related to feeling completely relaxed and stress-free?
A. A peaceful vacation.
B. After a great workout.
C. Following a meditation session.
D. Spending time with loved ones.
29. What topics are you most passionate about when it comes to health and well-being?
A. Mind-body practices like Qigong.
B. Physical fitness and sports.
C. Nutrition and diet.
D. Mental health awareness.
30. How would your friends and family describe your approach to stress management?
A. Relaxed and holistic.
B. Active and fitness-oriented.
C. Variable and inconsistent.
D. Indifferent or unsure.
31. How prepared are you for stressful situations in your daily life?
A. Very prepared.
B. Somewhat prepared.
C. Not really prepared.
D. Not at all prepared.
32. What happens if you don’t manage your stress levels effectively?
A. I become very overwhelmed.
B. I feel anxious and agitated.
C. My physical health deteriorates.
D. All of the above.
33. What do you think you need to reach your stress management goals?
A. A structured routine.
B. More effective techniques.
C. Greater commitment.
D. Support from others.
34. How often do you practice Qigong or other stress management techniques?
A. Daily.
B. Few times a week.
C. Rarely.
D. Never.
35. How confident are you in your current stress management methods?
A. Very confident.
B. Somewhat confident.
C. Neutral.
D. Not confident at all.
36. How do you handle sudden stress at work or home?
A. Take deep breaths and stay calm.
B. Use quick relaxation techniques.
C. Get very stressed and anxious.
D. Struggle to manage my stress.
37. Do you practice Qigong during breaks at work or home?
A. Yes, often.
B. Occasionally.
C. Rarely.
D. Never.
38. How well do you stick to your stress management routines?
A. Very well.
B. Fairly well.
C. Not very well.
D. Not at all.
39. Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your stress management?
A. Consistent and effective.
B. Sporadic but works.
C. Struggling to keep up.
D. No routine at all.
40. To what degree do you experience stress symptoms on a daily basis?
A. Very frequently.
B. Frequently.
C. Occasionally.
D. Rarely.
41. What is your current biggest challenge in managing stress?
A. Consistency.
B. Finding effective methods.
C. Time management.
D. Staying motivated.
42. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you’re hit with stress?
A. Calm down and breathe.
B. Get through it quickly.
C. Feel overwhelmed.
D. Panic.
43. How do you handle conflicts and stressful situations?
A. Stay calm and use techniques.
B. Address it directly but efficiently.
C. Feel very stressed and anxious.
D. Try to avoid conflict.
44. How would you describe your relationship with stress management?
A. Proactive and consistent.
B. Reactive and sporadic.
C. Struggling but trying.
D. Disconnected.
45. Are you stuck in a stressful pattern without effective management?
A. Yes, definitely.
B. Somewhat.
C. Not really.
D. No, I’m in control.
46. What would you say are your top struggles right now with stress management?
A. Finding time.
B. Staying committed.
C. Finding effective methods.
D. Maintaining a consistent routine.
47. What is your stress management goal?
A. To feel consistently relaxed.
B. To manage daily stress better.
C. To find a reliable technique.
D. To reduce overall anxiety.
48. What do you think is missing in your quest to manage stress effectively?
A. A structured plan.
B. Effective techniques.
C. Daily commitment.
D. External support.
49. What is your current level of expertise in Qigong?
A. Advanced.
B. Intermediate.
C. Beginner.
D. No experience.
50. If a stressful day arises, how do you respond?
A. Use my Qigong practice.
B. Take deep breaths or a quick break.
C. Try to power through.
D. Feel overwhelmed and lost.
51. What physical sensation do you experience most when stressed?
A. Tight muscles.
B. Headaches.
C. Fast heartbeat.
D. Exhaustion.
52. Which of the following do you notice yourself worrying about on a day-to-day basis?
A. Work tasks.
B. Personal relationships.
C. Financial issues.
D. Health concerns.
53. How balanced do you feel in your daily life?
A. Very balanced.
B. Somewhat balanced.
C. Not very balanced.
D. Not balanced at all.
54. How well do you manage your workload while keeping stress low?
A. Very well.
B. Fairly well.
C. Not very well.
D. Poorly.
55. How connected do you feel to the Qigong practice and its benefits?
A. Very connected.
B. Somewhat connected.
C. Neutral.
D. Not connected.
56. I believe consistent practice of Qigong can greatly reduce stress.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Neutral.
D. Disagree.
57. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to maintain a Qigong practice.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Neutral.
D. Disagree.
58. Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you about stress management routines?
A. Lack of immediate results.
B. Difficulty staying consistent.
C. Not enjoying the practice.
D. Finding the right approach.
59. What is the trickiest part about getting into Qigong?
A. Understanding the movements.
B. Finding the motivation.
C. Allocating the time.
D. None, I’m ready to start.
60. Do you feel more physically tense or mentally stressed on a regular basis?
A. Physically tense.
B. Mentally stressed.
C. Both equally.
D. Neither.
Disclaimer: Please consult a physician before making any changes to your health regimen.