Reframing Negative Thoughts Quiz Questions and Answers

woman wearing brown sweater holding lips

1. How do you feel about using cognitive restructuring techniques to manage your mental health?

A. I find them really helpful.

B. I think they are okay but sometimes hard to apply.

C. They seem complicated to me.

D. I haven’t really tried them yet.

2. You have a choice of practicing mindfulness or traditional therapy; which do you choose?

A. Mindfulness

B. Traditional therapy

C. A combination of both

D. Neither

3. What makes you most frustrated about the current state of mental health interventions?

A. The stigma surrounding mental health

B. The accessibility of resources

C. The effectiveness of available treatments

D. The cost of treatments

4. When you think about the future of neuroimaging in therapy, what are you most excited about?

A. The potential for personalized treatment

B. Improved understanding of mental illnesses

C. More effective interventions

D. Technology advancing healthcare

5. What do you dream about when it comes to the future of mental health treatments?

A. Accessible and affordable treatments for everyone

B. Breakthroughs in understanding mental disorders

C. Treatments that don’t require medication

D. Completely eliminating mental health stigma

6. When you were a kid, how did you cope with stress or negative emotions?

A. Talking to a family member or friend

B. Keeping it to myself

C. Engaging in hobbies or activities

D. Seeking professional help

7. What keeps you up at night about the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy?

A. Wondering if it’s the right fit for me

B. Worrying it won’t really help long-term

C. Needing more evidence of its effectiveness

D. Thinking about the investment of time and effort

8. Which of these psychotherapy techniques would you enjoy the most?

A. Cognitive-behavioral therapy

B. Dialectical behavior therapy

C. Mindfulness-based therapy

D. Psychoanalysis

9. What aspect of mental health research makes you the most happy?

A. Discovering new and effective treatments

B. Increased awareness and understanding

C. Advancements in technology for diagnosis and treatment

D. Community and support networks growing

10. How comfortable are you with engaging in cognitive-behavioral therapy sessions regularly?

A. Very comfortable

B. Somewhat comfortable

C. Not sure

D. Not comfortable at all

11. In a perfect world, what would the process of getting mental health treatment look like?

A. Quick and easy access to professionals

B. Affordable or free services for everyone

C. Personalized treatment plans

D. Community-based support systems

12. How often do you practice mindfulness or meditation to improve your mental health?

A. Daily

B. A few times a week

C. Occasionally

D. Never

13. Someone asks how you’re feeling about your mental health journey. What’s the actual answer, not just “I’m good”?

A. I’m making progress, but it’s a lot of work.

B. Some days are better than others.

C. I’m feeling stuck and could use more support.

D. I’m actually struggling quite a bit right now.

14. What’s your go-to resource for learning about mental health and therapy techniques?

A. Online articles and forums

B. Books and research papers

C. Talking to mental health professionals

D. Podcasts and videos

15. Which mental health topic do you most want to dive deep into?

A. Cognitive restructuring techniques

B. Neuroimaging and its applications

C. Differences in therapy modalities

D. Impact of mindfulness on mental health

16. What’s your favorite memory related to overcoming a mental health challenge?

A. Feeling immense relief after opening up in therapy

B. Successfully applying a cognitive-behavioral technique

C. Realizing I wasn’t alone in my struggles

D. Seeing noticeable improvements in my wellbeing

17. What is your strongest attribute when it comes to managing your mental health?

A. Resilience

B. Open-mindedness

C. Persistence

D. Ability to seek help

18. How would your friends and family describe your approach to mental health?

A. Proactive and resourceful

B. Cautious but willing to try

C. Hesitant and unsure

D. Disinterested or avoidant

19. If you could choose any mental health trait to improve, which one would you choose and why?

A. Better emotional regulation

B. Increased resilience to stress

C. Greater mindfulness

D. Improved self-esteem

20. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “cognitive restructuring”?

A. Changing negative thought patterns

B. Complicated psychological concepts

C. Effective mental health technique

D. Not sure what it means

21. What affects you mentally the most in your daily life?

A. Work stress and deadlines

B. Personal relationships

C. Financial worries

D. Health concerns

22. What’s your idea of the perfect mental health intervention?

A. Tailored to individual needs

B. Evidence-based and scientifically proven

C. Integrates various therapy methods

D. Easily accessible to everyone

23. What do you think you need to reach your mental health goals?

A. Consistent therapy sessions

B. More self-help tools and resources

C. Stronger support network

D. Clear understanding of my mental health

24. How prepared are you for addressing a mental health crisis?

A. Very prepared

B. Somewhat prepared

C. Not really prepared

D. Not prepared at all

25. How do you handle having a setback in your mental health journey?

A. Reframe it as a learning opportunity

B. Feel discouraged but keep trying

C. Seek extra support and advice

D. Tend to struggle significantly

26. Do you have mental health support at your workplace?

A. Yes, and it’s quite helpful

B. Yes, but it’s not very effective

C. No, but I wish we did

D. No, I haven’t looked into it

27. Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your current mental health practices?

A. Consistently using multiple techniques

B. Occasionally practicing some techniques

C. Rarely engaging in mental health activities

D. Not participating in any mental health practices

28. What do you believe is missing in your quest to improve your mental health?

A. Better coping mechanisms

B. More professional guidance

C. Increased self-discipline

D. Greater understanding of mental health

29. What is your current level of expertise in understanding cognitive behavioral therapy?

A. Very knowledgeable

B. Somewhat knowledgeable

C. Beginner

D. No knowledge at all

30. How confident are you in your ability to apply cognitive restructuring during stressful times?

A. Very confident

B. Somewhat confident

C. Not very confident

D. Not confident at all

31. Are you stuck in any negative thinking patterns?

A. Yes, quite often

B. Occasionally

C. Rarely

D. Not really

32. What would you say are your top struggles right now related to mental health?

A. Managing anxiety or stress

B. Overcoming depression

C. Dealing with negative thoughts

D. Finding effective treatment

33. What is your mental health goal?

A. Achieving a balanced emotional state

B. Reducing anxiety or depression

C. Improving overall wellbeing

D. Gaining mental resilience

34. What is most likely to frustrate you about trying new mental health techniques?

A. Not seeing immediate results

B. Difficulty sticking with it

C. Not understanding how to apply it

D. Feeling it might not work for me

35. What is the trickiest part about applying cognitive-behavioral strategies in real life?

A. Remembering to use them when needed

B. Finding the time to practice

C. Understanding the techniques deeply

D. Believing in their effectiveness

36. Do you have a support system in place, such as a therapist or support group?

A. Yes, and it’s very supportive

B. Yes, but it’s not enough

C. No, but I’m looking for one

D. No, I don’t have one

37. How do you handle receiving new, unexpected information about your mental health?

A. I welcome it and incorporate it

B. I take my time to process it

C. I feel anxious but try to adapt

D. I struggle to accept it

38. How connected do you feel to your emotions and thoughts?

A. Very connected

B. Somewhat connected

C. Not very connected

D. Not connected at all

39. What physical or emotional sensation do you experience most related to mental health?

A. Feeling anxious or tense

B. Feeling fatigued or drained

C. Feeling overwhelmed or stressed

D. A mix of various feelings

40. Which cognitive distortion do you recognize most in yourself?

A. All-or-nothing thinking

B. Overgeneralization

C. Mental filtering

D. Catastrophizing

41. When you feel overwhelmed, what’s the first thing you usually do?

A. Take deep breaths and pause

B. Reach out to someone for support

C. Try to distract myself

D. Give in to the feeling

42. How do you manage the process of identifying and changing negative thoughts?

A. I actively work on it every day

B. I do it when I remember

C. It’s a bit of a struggle for me

D. I don’t actively manage it

43. To what degree do you experience cognitive distortions like all-or-nothing thinking or catastrophizing?

A. Frequently

B. Occasionally

C. Rarely

D. Almost never

44. How well do you stick to your mental health goals and routines?

A. Very well

B. Fairly well

C. Not very well

D. Not at all

45. I believe that addressing mental health issues should be a priority for everyone.

A. Strongly agree

B. Agree

C. Neutral

D. Disagree

46. How often do you use cognitive restructuring techniques in your daily life?

A. Very often

B. Occasionally

C. Rarely

D. Never

47. Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you in your mental health journey?

A. Not making progress

B. Relapses or setbacks

C. Lack of support

D. Understanding the techniques

48. What’s your first response when faced with a challenging thought pattern?

A. Try to challenge and change it

B. Feel overwhelmed

C. Ignore it and hope it goes away

D. Seek help or advice

49. Are your mental health practices consistently helping you achieve your goals?

A. Yes, very much

B. Yes, somewhat

C. Not really

D. Not at all

50. How well do you feel you understand the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy?

A. Very well

B. Somewhat well

C. Not very well

D. Not at all

51. How would you describe your relationship to mindfulness practices?

A. Strong and consistent

B. Intermittent but positive

C. Trying to start

D. Not engaged at all

52. How often do you worry about the effectiveness of your mental health treatments?

A. Frequently

B. Occasionally

C. Rarely

D. Never

53. I’m afraid that I’ll never fully overcome my mental health challenges.

A. Strongly agree

B. Agree

C. Neutral

D. Disagree

54. What is the trickiest part about using cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques?

A. Changing deeply ingrained thoughts

B. Remembering the steps during stress

C. Believing they will work

D. Applying them consistently

55. Do you believe that cognitive-behavioral therapy can help with your specific mental health concerns?

A. Yes, absolutely

B. Yes, but with reservations

C. Unsure

D. No

56. Do you have a mental health professional you regularly consult with, such as a therapist or counselor?

A. Yes, I see them regularly

B. Yes, but not as often as I should

C. No, but I’m looking for one

D. No, I don’t have one

57. How often do you experience mental health-related challenges that interfere with your daily life?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Almost never

58. How confident are you that you can identify cognitive distortions in your thoughts?

A. Very confident

B. Fairly confident

C. Somewhat confident

D. Not confident

59. How would you rate the current state of your mental health?

A. Very good

B. Good

C. Fair

D. Poor

60. What do you think is missing in your current mental health approach?

A. More consistent practice

B. Better professional support

C. Clearer goals and steps

D. Stronger coping mechanisms

Disclaimer: Please consult a physician before making any changes to your health regimen.


Jessmyn Solana

Jessmyn Solana is the Digital Marketing Manager of Interact, a place for creating beautiful and engaging quizzes that generate email leads. She is a marketing enthusiast and storyteller. Outside of Interact Jessmyn loves exploring new places, eating all the local foods, and spending time with her favorite people (especially her dog).

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