Scottish Ghost Stories Quiz Questions and Answers

What makes you nervous about visiting the Scottish Highlands?

  • The unpredictable weather.
  • The possibility of getting lost.
  • The stories I’ve heard about the supernatural.
  • Nothing, I’m excited to explore everything!

What’s your favorite setting for a ghost story?

  • A crumbling castle perched on a cliff.
  • A misty graveyard on a moonless night.
  • A lonely road through the desolate moorlands.
  • An ancient inn with a tragic past.

How do you feel about encountering a ghost from Scottish folklore?

  • I would be terrified and avoid it at all costs!
  • I would be curious and try to communicate with it.
  • I would be respectful and try to understand its story.
  • I’d probably challenge it to a duel, just to see what happens!

Which of these topics, activities, or scenarios related to Scottish ghost stories would you enjoy the most?

  • Researching local folklore and historical accounts of hauntings.
  • Visiting supposedly haunted locations and experiencing the atmosphere firsthand.
  • Listening to people share their personal encounters with the supernatural.
  • Debunking ghost stories and finding rational explanations for unexplained phenomena.

If you could waive a magic wand, what would the perfect outcome related to encountering a ghost in a Scottish Ghost Story be?

  • The ghost would find peace and move on to the afterlife.
  • I would befriend the ghost and learn its secrets.
  • I would help the ghost right a wrong or fulfill an unfinished task.
  • The ghost would just leave me alone and we’d go our separate ways!

How often do you share ghost stories with friends and family?

  • All the time, I love a good spooky tale!
  • Only on special occasions like Halloween.
  • Rarely, I prefer to keep those stories to myself.
  • Never, I don’t believe in ghosts.

You are at a party and someone brings up a local ghost story. What do you do?

  • Share a spooky story of your own.
  • Listen intently, eager to hear every detail.
  • Express your skepticism and try to find a logical explanation.
  • Change the subject; you’d rather not talk about ghosts.

Which of these topics or issues related to Scottish Ghost Stories is most likely to be a struggle for you?

  • Distinguishing between fact and fiction when it comes to supernatural accounts.
  • Overcoming your fear and confronting your beliefs about the afterlife.
  • Understanding the cultural and historical context of Scottish folklore.
  • I don’t think I’d struggle with any of this, It’s all in good fun!

Someone asks “Have you seen any ghosts lately?” What’s the actual answer, not just a simple “No?”

  • I haven’t seen any ghosts, but I’ve definitely felt a presence.
  • Not lately, but I had a strange experience a few years ago… (proceed to tell a story)
  • I’m more interested in the history and folklore behind the ghost stories than actual sightings.
  • I don’t believe in ghosts, so I wouldn’t expect to see one.

What’s your go-to topic to learn about on a rainy afternoon?

  • Celtic Mythology and its influence on Scottish folklore.
  • The history of witchcraft and the supernatural in Scotland.
  • Famous Scottish ghost stories and the legends behind them.
  • True crime documentaries about unsolved mysteries.

What place, concept, idea, or topic do you most want to explore?

  • The ruins of an ancient abbey rumored to be haunted by a tragic figure.
  • A hidden glen said to be a gateway to the realm of the fairies.
  • The site of a historical battle where restless spirits are said to roam.
  • A remote island where ancient rituals and beliefs are still practiced.

You have a choice of spending the night in a haunted castle or exploring a dark, mysterious forest, which do you choose?

  • Haunted castle – bring on the ghosts!
  • Dark, mysterious forest. I’m more of a nature person.
  • Neither, I’d rather stay in a cozy pub with a good book!

What keeps you up at night about Scottish ghost stories?

  • The thought that these stories might actually be true.
  • The possibility of encountering something truly malevolent.
  • The sadness and tragedy that often lie behind the stories.
  • Nothing at all, they’re just stories!

What’s your favorite memory related to ghost stories?

  • Staying up late as a child, listening to my grandparents tell spooky tales.
  • Visiting a historic site and feeling a shiver down my spine as I learned about its ghostly past.
  • Watching a classic horror film with friends and family.
  • Reading a particularly chilling ghost story that kept me up all night.

What causes, topics, or interests are you most passionate about?

  • Preserving Scottish history and cultural heritage, including its ghost stories!
  • Exploring the mysteries of the unknown and seeking answers to life’s big questions.
  • Connecting with nature and finding peace in the wilderness.
  • Learning new things and expanding my understanding of the world.

If you could choose any superpower inspired by Scottish ghost stories, which one would you choose and why?

  • The ability to communicate with spirits and learn their secrets.
  • The power to sense and ward off evil entities.
  • The gift of second sight, allowing me to see glimpses of the future.
  • Invisibility – imagine the fun you could have!

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear a strange noise late at night?

  • It’s probably just the house settling… or is it?
  • I better go investigate! I’m not afraid of a little noise.
  • It’s probably just the cat, but I’ll check just in case.
  • Turn up the TV, I’m sure it’s nothing.

What’s your idea of a perfect evening?

  • A bonfire on the beach, sharing ghost stories under the stars.
  • A candlelit dinner in a historic castle, listening to tales of its haunted past.
  • A cozy night in with a good book, immersing myself in a chilling ghost story.
  • A night out with friends at a pub, sharing laughs and enjoying good company.

What is your strongest trait when it comes to dealing with the unknown?

  • My curiosity.
  • My bravery.
  • My skepticism.
  • My sense of humor.

How prepared are you to encounter a real-life ghost?

  • Not at all, I’d probably faint!
  • I like to think I’m prepared, but I guess there’s no way to know for sure.
  • I’m pretty skeptical, so I’d need a lot of convincing.
  • Bring it on, I’m ready for anything!

What happens if you’re confronted by a grumpy ghost while exploring a ruined castle?

  • Politely apologize for disturbing it and quickly leave.
  • Stand your ground and assert your dominance over the spectral squatter.
  • Attempt to communicate with it and understand its grievances.
  • Pull out my phone and try to snap a selfie. #GhostHunter

What do you think you need to survive a night in a haunted Scottish castle?

  • A strong flashlight, a charged phone, and a healthy dose of skepticism.
  • A brave heart, a sense of adventure, and a willingness to believe.
  • A good book, a warm blanket, and a stiff drink to calm my nerves.
  • I don’t need anything, ghosts don’t scare me!

How often do you visit locations associated with Scottish ghost stories or folklore?

  • As often as I can, I love exploring those places!
  • Every now and then, when the mood strikes me.
  • Rarely, I prefer to read about them from the comfort of my own home.
  • Never, I’m not interested in those things.

How confident are you in your ability to handle a paranormal encounter?

  • Not very confident at all, I’d probably panic!
  • I’d like to think I could handle it, but it depends on the situation.
  • I’m pretty skeptical, so I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions about it being paranormal.
  • Completely confident, I’d be thrilled to meet a real ghost!

Do you have ghost hunting equipment at home?

  • No, but I’ve always wanted to try using some!
  • I have a few basic things like a flashlight and a voice recorder.
  • No, I’m not really into that sort of thing.
  • Does a strong imagination count?

How well do you stick to your convictions when faced with unexplained phenomena?

  • I’m easily swayed by evidence, even if it contradicts my beliefs.
  • I try to keep an open mind, but I don’t believe everything I hear.
  • I’m a firm skeptic and I need solid proof before I’ll consider the impossible.
  • I’m a believer at heart, I want to believe in the magic of the unknown!

Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your feelings about ghosts?

  • They fascinate me, but I’m also a little afraid of them.
  • I’m curious about them and would love to learn more.
  • I’m skeptical but open to the possibility that they might exist.
  • I don’t believe in them, I think there’s always a logical explanation.

To what degree do you experience fear or anxiety in supposedly haunted locations?

  • A high degree, I’m very susceptible to the atmosphere of a place.
  • A moderate degree, I get a few chills but I’m not truly scared.
  • A low degree, I’m more curious than afraid.
  • Not at all, I find the idea of haunted places exciting!

Which of these best describes your current level of knowledge about Scottish ghost stories?

  • I’m a complete beginner, I’m just starting to learn about them.
  • I know a few basic stories and legends, but I’m eager to learn more.
  • I’m fairly knowledgeable, I’ve read several books and watched documentaries about them.
  • I’m an expert! Bring on the ghost trivia!

What is your current biggest challenge when it comes to fully embracing the world of Scottish ghost stories?

  • Overcoming my fear of the unknown.
  • Separating fact from fiction.
  • Finding time to delve deeper into the subject.
  • I don’t have any challenges, I’m all in!

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you encounter an unexplained occurrence?

  • Could it be a ghost?
  • That’s strange, I wonder what caused that.
  • There must be a logical explanation.
  • Time to call the Ghostbusters!

How do you handle skeptics who dismiss your interest in Scottish ghost stories?

  • I respect their opinion but stand by my own interests.
  • I try to engage them in conversation and share some interesting stories.
  • I don’t let it bother me; everyone is entitled to their beliefs.
  • I challenge them to a haunted castle sleepover to prove them wrong!

How would you describe your relationship to Scottish folklore and mythology?

  • I’m deeply fascinated by it and consider it an important part of my heritage.
  • I enjoy learning about it, but I don’t take it too seriously.
  • I’m aware of it, but I don’t know much about it.
  • I’m not really interested in it.

Are you stuck in your ways when it comes to believing in the supernatural?

  • I’m open to changing my mind if presented with compelling evidence.
  • I’m a bit of a fence-sitter, I can see both sides of the argument.
  • I’m firmly rooted in logic and reason, I need proof to believe.
  • I’m a true believer, I embrace the mysteries of the unknown!

What would you say are your top struggles right now when it comes to exploring the world of Scottish ghost stories?

  • Finding reliable sources of information and avoiding sensationalized accounts.
  • Balancing my skepticism with an open mind and a willingness to believe.
  • Managing my fear and anxiety when visiting potentially haunted locations.
  • None, I’m loving every minute of it!

What is your ghost-hunting goal?

  • To experience a genuine paranormal encounter.
  • To learn as much as I can about the history and folklore of haunted places.
  • To overcome my fears and embrace the unknown.
  • To have fun and enjoy the thrill of the hunt!

What do you think is missing in your quest to become a true believer in Scottish Ghost Stories?

  • A truly spine-tingling experience that I can’t explain away.
  • A deeper understanding of the cultural and historical context of the stories.
  • The courage to confront my fears and embrace the unknown.
  • Nothing, I’m already a believer!

A mysterious fog rolls in as you’re exploring an ancient graveyard, and you hear a bloodcurdling scream. How do you respond?

  • Panic and run in the opposite direction!
  • Cautiously investigate the source of the sound, hoping to find a rational explanation.
  • Freeze in terror, unable to move or speak.
  • Whip out your phone and start recording, this could be big!

What word do you experience most when thinking about the unknown: wonder, curiosity, fear, or excitement?

  • Wonder
  • Curiosity
  • Fear
  • Excitement

Which of the following do you notice yourself worrying about on a day-to-day basis?

  • What if I’m not taking enough precautions when visiting haunted places?
  • What if I miss out on an amazing paranormal experience because of my skepticism?
  • What if I encounter something truly evil that I can’t handle?
  • Nothing, I’m too busy living my best life!

How comfortable are you with the idea of spending a night alone in a haunted house?

  • Not comfortable at all, I’d be too scared!
  • I could do it, but I’d prefer to have some company.
  • I’m surprisingly okay with it, as long as I had a way to contact help if needed.
  • I would absolutely love it, it sounds like an adventure!

You have one week in Scotland to do whatever you want, what do you do?

  • Plan a road trip to visit as many haunted castles and historical sites as possible.
  • Book a stay in a remote cottage and immerse yourself in local folklore and legends.
  • Attend a ghost hunting tour and learn from experienced paranormal investigators.
  • Relax and enjoy the scenery, food, and culture, leaving the ghost hunting to others!

Which member of a ghost hunting team are you?

  • The researcher, delving into historical records and local legends.
  • The sensitive, picking up on energy and vibes.
  • The skeptic, looking for logical explanations and debunking myths.
  • The tech expert, operating all the gadgets and documenting the evidence.

News breaks about a newly discovered haunted location in the Scottish Highlands. What is your first response?

  • Book a flight and start planning a trip immediately.
  • Research everything you can about the location and its history.
  • Wait for more information and see if it’s worth checking out.
  • Scroll on by, you’ve heard it all before.

How excited are you by the prospect of uncovering a ghostly presence?

  • Extremely excited! That’s what I’m here for!
  • Pretty excited, it would be an incredible experience.
  • A little excited, but mostly curious to see what happens.
  • Not really excited, I’m more interested in the history and folklore than the actual ghosts.

Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you during a paranormal investigation?

  • Unreliable equipment and technical difficulties.
  • Skeptics who are dismissive and disrespectful of your beliefs.
  • A lack of evidence or activity, despite your best efforts.
  • Nothing, I’m always up for a challenge!

What is the trickiest part about navigating the world of Scottish ghost stories?

  • Separating genuine experiences from hoaxes and exaggerations.
  • Overcoming the fear and anxiety that often accompany paranormal encounters.
  • Finding the courage to confront your own beliefs about life and death.
  • Staying awake during long nights of ghost hunting!

Do you lean more towards being a skeptic who needs proof or a believer who embraces the unknown?

  • Skeptic
  • Believer

How do you determine a haunted location’s energy each time you visit?

  • I pay close attention to my intuition and how the place makes me feel.
  • I use a combination of intuition and EMF readings to assess the energy.
  • I rely on historical research and eyewitness accounts to gauge the level of activity.
  • Energy? What energy? I’m just here for the spooky vibes.

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Jessmyn Solana

Jessmyn Solana is the Digital Marketing Manager of Interact, a place for creating beautiful and engaging quizzes that generate email leads. She is a marketing enthusiast and storyteller. Outside of Interact Jessmyn loves exploring new places, eating all the local foods, and spending time with her favorite people (especially her dog).

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