1. How do you feel about incorporating physical activity into your daily routine?
A. I love it; it’s a part of my day.
B. I try to, but it’s hard to maintain.
C. I find it challenging and often skip it.
D. I don’t think much about it.
2. What’s your favorite way to stay active during work hours?
A. Taking short walking breaks
B. Using a standing desk
C. Stretching at my workstation
D. I don’t usually stay active at work.
3. What makes you nervous about staying inactive for long periods at work?
A. The potential for health problems
B. Feeling sluggish and unproductive
C. Missing out on social interactions
D. I don’t feel nervous about it.
4. What makes you most frustrated about the current state of sedentary behaviors in the workplace?
A. Lack of facilities to move around
B. My job requires constant desk work
C. No company policies encouraging physical activity
D. Not enough awareness or resources
5. How prepared are you for creating a more active lifestyle at work?
A. Very prepared, I have a plan.
B. Somewhat prepared, but need more resources.
C. Not very prepared, it’s still just an idea.
D. Not prepared at all, I haven’t thought about it much.
6. How often do you take breaks to move around during your workday?
A. Every hour
B. Every few hours
C. Rarely
D. Never
7. How confident are you in your understanding of physical activity guidelines?
A. Very confident
B. Somewhat confident
C. Not very confident
D. Not confident at all
8. What keeps you up at night about workplace inactivity?
A. Potential health risks
B. How it affects my productivity
C. Feeling out of balance physically
D. It doesn’t keep me up at night
9. How do you handle the need to sit for prolonged periods at work?
A. I take frequent breaks to stand or walk
B. I try to have good posture
C. I do small stretches at my desk
D. I just deal with it
10. How comfortable are you using a standing desk?
A. Very comfortable
B. Somewhat comfortable
C. Not very comfortable
D. I’ve never used one
11. What’s your favorite way to break up long periods of sitting?
A. Going for a short walk
B. Stretching exercises
C. Brief physical activities
D. I usually don’t break my sitting time
12. When you were a kid, how did you stay active?
A. Playing sports
B. Outdoor games with friends
C. Riding my bike
D. I wasn’t very active as a kid
13. How would you describe your current level of physical activity?
A. Very high, I exercise regularly
B. Moderate, I try to stay active
C. Low, I struggle to find time
D. Very low, I rarely exercise
14. What makes you most excited about workplace wellness programs?
A. The opportunity to be more active
B. Learning new ways to stay healthy
C. Socializing with coworkers
D. I don’t get excited about them
15. What is most likely to make you feel down about sedentary behavior?
A. Health issues related to it
B. Feeling unproductive and tired
C. Knowing I should move more but don’t
D. It doesn’t really affect me emotionally
16. How prepared are you for an active workspace modification (like a standing desk)?
A. All set, I have one already
B. Somewhat ready, considering it
C. Not ready, haven’t thought much about it
D. Not interested in such modifications
17. How do you manage your physical activity levels at work?
A. I schedule regular breaks to move
B. I use tools like fitness trackers
C. I have a standing desk setup
D. I don’t manage it actively
18. How often do you exercise outside of work hours?
A. Daily
B. A few times a week
C. Occasionally
D. Rarely or never
19. Which of the following describes your current physical activity level at work?
A. Frequently moving and active
B. Occasionally active
C. Mostly sedentary
D. Completely sedentary
20. How would you describe your relationship to physical activity?
A. It’s a necessity and a priority
B. I enjoy it when I can fit it in
C. It’s something I struggle with
D. I don’t focus much on it
21. What’s your favorite memory from an active workday?
A. Team-building activities that involved movement
B. A successful meeting held during a walking session
C. Doing exercises or stretches with colleagues
D. I don’t have memories of active workdays
22. What do you think you need to reach your physical activity goals?
A. Better work environment modifications
B. More personal motivation
C. Support from colleagues or management
D. More time in my schedule
23. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about sitting for long hours?
A. Health issues
B. Boredom
C. Lack of productivity
D. Normal part of work
24. What do you dream about when it comes to creating a more active lifestyle?
A. Feeling healthier and more energetic
B. Being more productive and focused
C. Reducing stress and feeling more balanced
D. I don’t think about it much
25. How connected do you feel to your physical well-being?
A. Very connected, I prioritize it
B. Somewhat connected
C. Not very connected
D. Not connected at all
26. In a perfect world, what would your workday activity look like?
A. Regular intervals of light exercises
B. Standing and walking desks
C. Group activities with colleagues
D. More breaks for movement
27. What’s your favorite aspect of being physically active?
A. The boost in energy
B. The sense of accomplishment
C. The social interaction
D. I don’t enjoy being active
28. How do you handle the knowledge of health risks associated with sedentariness?
A. I make conscious efforts to move more
B. I try to incorporate small changes
C. I find it overwhelming
D. I don’t give it much thought
29. Someone asks how you’re feeling after a long day of sitting. What’s the actual answer, not just “I’m fine”?
A. My back hurts
B. I feel tired and sluggish
C. I need to stretch and move
D. I feel alright
30. When you think about being inactive for long periods, what are you most concerned about?
A. Long-term health risks
B. Immediate comfort and stiffness
C. Lack of productivity
D. I’m not concerned about it
31. How would your friends and family describe your physical activity levels?
A. Very active and health-conscious
B. Moderately active but could do more
C. Not very active
D. Sedentary and not focused on it
32. What happens if you don’t get enough physical activity during the workday?
A. I feel very stiff and uncomfortable
B. My productivity decreases
C. I get restless and distracted
D. I don’t notice much difference
33. What do you think is missing in your quest to reach a more active lifestyle?
A. More resources and tools
B. Personal motivation
C. Support from work
D. Clearer goals and plans
34. How comfortable are you with adding more physical activity to your daily routine?
A. Very comfortable
B. Somewhat comfortable
C. Not very comfortable
D. Uncomfortable
35. You have a choice of a sitting desk or a standing desk, which do you choose?
A. Standing desk
B. Alternating between the two
C. Sitting desk
D. I’ve never thought about it
36. What’s your idea of an ideal work environment?
A. One that promotes regular physical movement
B. Flexible spaces for both sitting and standing
C. Collaborative activities that include physical elements
D. Comfortable seating with minimal movement
37. How well do you stick to your physical activity plans?
A. Very well, I follow them closely
B. Fairly well, with occasional slips
C. Not well, I often fall off track
D. I don’t have a physical activity plan
38. What’s your biggest challenge in maintaining an active lifestyle?
A. Time constraints
B. Lack of motivation
C. Environmental factors
D. Physical limitations
39. What aspect of physical activity do you find most enjoyable?
A. The feeling of improved health
B. The energy and focus it brings
C. Socializing with others
D. I don’t find any aspect enjoyable
40. What is your strongest motivator to be more active?
A. Health benefits
B. Personal goals
C. A supportive environment
D. External encouragement
41. What’s the trickiest part about staying active at work?
A. Finding the time
B. Lacking proper facilities
C. Staying motivated
D. Company culture
42. In your opinion, what is the most important modification an office can make to reduce sedentariness?
A. Encouraging regular breaks
B. Providing standing desks
C. Organizing group activities
D. Raising awareness
43. What do you feel when you miss out on your physical activity goals?
A. Disappointed with myself
B. Motivated to do better next time
C. Unbothered, it happens
D. Frustrated and discouraged
44. How do you manage the balance between physical activity and work tasks?
A. I integrate them wherever possible
B. Schedule dedicated time for both
C. Focus more on work, less on activity
D. Struggle to find a balance
45. Which of the following best describes your current state of physical activity during the workday?
A. Highly active
B. Moderately active
C. Occasionally active
D. Mostly inactive
46. What is your current biggest challenge related to staying active at work?
A. Desk-bound tasks
B. Lack of breaks
C. Environmental constraints
D. Company policies
47. What’s your absolute favorite way to destress after a long day at work?
A. Exercising or going for a walk
B. Watching TV or reading
C. Socializing with friends
D. Taking a nap or relaxing at home
48. How well does your work environment support physical activity?
A. Very well, it’s encouraged
B. Somewhat, but could be better
C. Not well, few resources
D. It doesn’t support at all
49. How would you describe your daily routine in terms of physical activity?
A. Consistently active
B. Moderately active
C. Infrequently active
D. Mostly sedentary
50. If you could waive a magic wand, what would the perfect outcome for your physical activity goals be?
A. Feeling fit and energized every day
B. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance
C. Creating a sustainable fitness routine
D. Finding motivation to be more active
51. Are you concerned about the implications of sedentary behavior on your health?
A. Very concerned
B. Somewhat concerned
C. Not very concerned
D. Not concerned at all
52. What’s your go-to activity to break the monotony of a sedentary day?
A. Walking or jogging
B. Stretching or light exercises
C. Chatting with coworkers
D. I usually don’t take breaks
53. How well do you feel you manage your physical health?
A. Very well
B. Fairly well
C. Not well
D. Poorly
54. Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you about workplace inactivity?
A. Health consequences
B. Decreased energy
C. Lack of movement options
D. Not feeling motivated to change
55. How would you react if your workplace introduced mandatory physical activity breaks?
A. Enthusiastic, it’d be great
B. Open to it, sounds interesting
C. Unsure, depends on the activity
D. Reluctant, I’d prefer not to
56. How do you handle the daily balance between sedentary tasks and the need for movement?
A. Scheduling regular breaks
B. Using a standing desk
C. Doing stretches at my desk
D. I don’t manage it actively
57. What affects you the most physically when you remain sedentary for long periods?
A. Stiffness and discomfort
B. Fatigue and sluggishness
C. Decreased productivity
D. No major effects
58. What aspect of increasing physical activity at work makes you most hesitant?
A. Time constraints
B. Fear of physical strain
C. Lack of motivation
D. Disruption to work tasks
59. How do you handle unexpected long sedentary periods at work?
A. Take extra breaks to move
B. Stretch in place
C. Accept it and move on
D. It’s not something I worry about
60. Which of these activities would you enjoy the most during a workday?
A. A short walk
B. Desk exercises
C. Team-based physical activities
D. None of these
Disclaimer: Please consult a physician before making any changes to your health regimen.