1. How do you feel about balancing your nutrition with your training needs?
A. I find it challenging but doable.
B. It’s easy for me, I’m very disciplined.
C. I struggle with it a lot.
D. I don’t think much about it.
2. What’s your favorite pre-game meal to boost your performance?
A. Pasta and chicken.
B. Smoothie with fruits and protein.
C. Energy bars and sports drinks.
D. I don’t have a favorite.
3. What makes you most frustrated about maintaining proper hydration during your activities?
A. Forgetting to drink enough water.
B. Not liking the taste of sports drinks.
C. Getting distracted during activities.
D. Needing to use the bathroom frequently.
4. What are you most excited about when it comes to optimizing your nutrition for sports?
A. Enhancing my performance.
B. Building more muscle.
C. Recovering faster.
D. Feeling healthier overall.
5. What do you dream about when it comes to achieving your athletic goals?
A. Winning competitions.
B. Reaching peak physical condition.
C. Setting personal records.
D. Being recognized for my efforts.
6. What happened in the past when you didn’t focus on your nutrition?
A. I felt more fatigued.
B. My performance decreased.
C. I got sick more often.
D. I didn’t notice much difference.
7. What comes to mind when you think about sports drinks?
A. Essential for my hydration.
B. I only use them occasionally.
C. Not my preference.
D. Haven’t tried them much.
8. What’s your favorite recovery snack after an intense workout or game?
A. Yogurt with fruit.
B. Protein shake.
C. Peanut butter sandwich.
D. Chocolate milk.
9. When you were a kid, how did you eat before playing sports?
A. I ate whatever I wanted.
B. Healthy meals my parents made.
C. Lots of snacks and junk food.
D. I didn’t pay attention to it.
10. You have a choice of a high-carb meal or a high-protein meal before a game, which do you choose?
A. High-carb meal.
B. High-protein meal.
C. A mix of both.
D. I’m not sure.
11. A specific situation arises where you’re at a sports event with no healthy food options. How do you react?
A. Eat what’s available and make up for it later.
B. Try to find the healthiest option possible.
C. Skip eating until I get home.
D. Bring my own snacks next time.
12. What keeps you up at night about maintaining good nutrition?
A. Worrying if I’m eating the right things.
B. Balancing food with my busy schedule.
C. Concerns about eating enough for energy.
D. Managing my macronutrient intake.
13. Which of these training sessions would you enjoy the most?
A. High-intensity interval training.
B. Weightlifting and strength training.
C. Long-distance running or cycling.
D. Team sport practice.
14. When you think about sports nutrition, what are you most concerned about?
A. Getting enough protein.
B. Maintaining hydration.
C. Balancing carbs and fats.
D. Getting the right vitamins and minerals.
15. What aspect of sports nutrition makes you the most happy?
A. Feeling energized and strong.
B. Seeing improvements in my performance.
C. Knowing I’m taking care of my body.
D. Finding tasty, healthy foods.
16. What is most likely to make you feel down about your nutrition regimen?
A. Feeling restricted or deprived.
B. Not seeing quick results.
C. Difficulty in maintaining consistency.
D. Lack of variety in meals.
17. In a perfect world, what would your ideal nutrition plan look like?
A. Balanced and personalized.
B. Easy to follow and effective.
C. Full of variety and flavor.
D. Consistent with occasional treats.
18. If you could wave a magic wand, what would the perfect outcome of your sports nutrition be?
A. Optimal health and peak performance.
B. Great muscle definition and strength.
C. Enhanced endurance and stamina.
D. Rapid recovery and low injuries.
19. How often do you fuel up during your exercise routines or games?
A. Always.
B. Sometimes.
C. Rarely.
D. Never.
20. You are at a party and there are tempting unhealthy snacks. What do you do?
A. Indulge a little but stay moderate.
B. Stick to my nutrition plan.
C. Eat whatever I want and work out more later.
D. Avoid the snacks completely.
21. How comfortable are you planning your meals around your training?
A. Very comfortable.
B. Somewhat comfortable.
C. It’s a struggle.
D. Not comfortable at all.
22. You have a free weekend to focus on sports nutrition, what do you do?
A. Prepare and plan meals for the week.
B. Try new healthy recipes.
C. Research new nutrition strategies.
D. Have a mix of healthy meals and fun treats.
23. Which of these nutrition strategies is most likely to be a struggle for you?
A. Eating enough protein.
B. Staying hydrated.
C. Balancing macronutrients.
D. Managing portion sizes.
24. Which member of the sports team are you?
A. The one always talking about nutrition.
B. The one bringing snacks for everyone.
C. The one asking for nutrition advice.
D. The one focusing solely on training.
25. New information about sports nutrition comes up, what is your first response?
A. Research and verify the information.
B. Discuss it with a nutritionist.
C. Implement it if it seems beneficial.
D. Wait to see if it gains more support.
26. Someone asks how balanced your diet is for your training, what’s the actual answer, not just “I’m good?”
A. It’s pretty well-balanced.
B. I try but sometimes miss the mark.
C. Needs improvement.
D. It’s all over the place.
27. What’s your go-to source for sports nutrition information?
A. Nutritionist or dietitian.
B. Online research and articles.
C. Fitness apps or podcasts.
D. Books and journals.
28. What topic related to sports nutrition do you most want to learn more about?
A. Advanced meal planning.
B. Supplements and their effects.
C. Sustainable diet practices.
D. Nutrient timing and performance.
29. What’s your favorite memory related to sports and nutrition?
A. The first time I felt stronger from eating better.
B. Sharing a healthy meal with my team.
C. Meeting a nutritionist who changed my routine.
D. Achieving a performance goal with improved diet.
30. What causes or topics related to nutrition are you most passionate about?
A. Feeding young athletes.
B. Sustainable, eco-friendly food choices.
C. Nutrition education in schools.
D. Combating misinformation about diets.
31. What is your absolute favorite healthy meal?
A. Grilled salmon with veggies.
B. Chicken and quinoa salad.
C. Smoothie bowl with various toppings.
D. Lean steak with roasted potatoes.
32. How would your friends and family describe your dedication to nutrition?
A. Very dedicated.
B. Fairly committed.
C. A little inconsistent.
D. Not very focused.
33. Tell us a little about your views on using supplements for sports performance.
A. Essential and beneficial.
B. Useful but not necessary.
C. Only if recommended by a professional.
D. Mostly overhyped.
34. If you could choose any trait to improve in your athletic performance through nutrition, which one would you choose and why?
A. Enhanced endurance because it helps in all sports.
B. Increased strength for better performance.
C. Faster recovery to train more effectively.
D. Better focus and mental clarity.
35. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about eating before a big game?
A. Loading up on carbs.
B. Balancing my meal well.
C. Keeping it light.
D. Not eating too much.
36. What physical sensation do you most experience after not eating well?
A. Fatigue.
B. Stomach discomfort.
C. Lack of energy.
D. Headaches.
37. What’s your idea of an ideal sports nutrition plan?
A. Comprehensive and personalized.
B. Simple and easy to follow.
C. Flexible with room for treats.
D. Strict and disciplined.
38. What is your strongest attribute relating to your sports nutrition habits?
A. Consistency.
B. Knowledge.
C. Flexibility.
D. Commitment.
39. How prepared are you for balancing nutrition with your sports schedule?
A. Very prepared.
B. Somewhat prepared.
C. Not very prepared.
D. Not prepared at all.
40. What happens if you miss a meal before training or a game?
A. I feel significantly less energetic.
B. My performance suffers a bit.
C. I manage okay but it’s not ideal.
D. I can function normally.
41. What do you think you need most to improve your sports nutrition?
A. Better meal planning.
B. More knowledge about nutrition.
C. Access to healthier foods.
D. Consistency in my habits.
42. How often do you adjust your diet based on your training needs?
A. Always.
B. Sometimes.
C. Rarely.
D. Never.
43. How confident are you in your knowledge of sports nutrition?
A. Very confident.
B. Fairly confident.
C. Slightly confident.
D. Not confident at all.
44. How do you handle poor eating habits during training season?
A. Get back on track immediately.
B. Make small adjustments over time.
C. Struggle to get back to healthy habits.
D. Ignore them and continue as is.
45. Do you have a nutrition plan for your sports activities?
A. Yes, always.
B. Most of the time.
C. Occasionally.
D. Not really.
46. How well do you stick to your nutritional plan?
A. Very well.
B. Fairly well.
C. It’s a challenge.
D. Not well at all.
47. Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your hydration habits?
A. I always stay well-hydrated.
B. I do okay most of the time.
C. I struggle with hydration.
D. I often forget to drink enough water.
48. To what degree do you experience fatigue related to poor nutrition?
A. Frequently.
B. Occasionally.
C. Rarely.
D. Never.
49. Which of these best describes your current state of athletic nutrition?
A. Well-balanced and effective.
B. Needs some improvement.
C. Inconsistent and irregular.
D. Lacking solid practices.
50. What is your current biggest challenge in maintaining good nutrition for sports?
A. Time management.
B. Enough knowledge and resources.
C. Consistency in habits.
D. Access to quality food.
51. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you miss a post-workout meal?
A. I might not recover as well.
B. I’ll feel more sore tomorrow.
C. It’s not a big deal.
D. I’ll just eat later.
52. How do you handle hunger during long training sessions?
A. I always have snacks ready.
B. I sometimes bring something.
C. I usually wait until after.
D. I don’t prepare for it.
53. How would you describe your relationship to meal planning for sports nutrition?
A. Great, I’m very organized.
B. Good, but can improve.
C. It’s a struggle for me.
D. I don’t meal plan much.
54. Are you stuck in a routine of the same foods for sports nutrition?
A. Yes, it’s predictable.
B. Mostly with a bit of variety.
C. Somewhat, but trying new things.
D. No, I eat a wide variety.
55. What would you say are your top struggles right now related to sports nutrition?
A. Planning balanced meals.
B. Staying consistent and disciplined.
C. Managing variety and nutrients.
D. Keeping up with training demands.
56. What is your sports nutrition goal?
A. Optimize performance.
B. Enhance recovery.
C. Increase muscle mass.
D. Maintain overall health.
57. What do you think is missing in your quest to reach your nutrition goals?
A. More specialized knowledge.
B. Better planning tools.
C. Time and commitment.
D. Access to better foods.
58. What is your current level of expertise in sports nutrition?
A. Expert level.
B. Intermediate level.
C. Basic understanding.
D. Beginner.
59. You have an unexpected, intense training session, how do you respond nutrition-wise?
A. Prepare a quick balanced snack.
B. Use what I have on hand.
C. Eat less but hydrate more.
D. I go with the flow.
60. What physical or mental barrier do you experience most frequently related to sports nutrition?
A. Lack of energy.
B. Mental fatigue.
C. Physical discomfort.
D. Cravings and hunger.
Disclaimer: Please consult a physician before making any changes to your health regimen.