The Boats of the “Glen Carrig” Informative Summary


The story begins with the survivors of the “Glen Carrig” shipwreck, finding themselves stranded in a desolate land. This strange land is devoid of life except for stunted, cabbage-like trees and an uncanny silence that is broken only by mournful wails and unsettling growls. The survivors find an abandoned brig, which provides temporary shelter and provisions. However, the vessel is haunted by an unseen “Thing” that makes unsettling noises in the dark, leading to terrifying encounters and a desperate search for safety.

The story then shifts to a harrowing journey in their lifeboats through a weed-choked sea. The survivors face a perilous storm and encounter numerous strange creatures, including giant crabs and devilfish. They finally find refuge on a small island, where they encounter even more dangers, including the terrifying weed men, human-like creatures that hunt them at night. They establish a camp on the island, facing numerous challenges and risks, and eventually establish communication with the crew of the abandoned vessel, trapped within the weed-choked sea. Together they work to rescue the ship’s crew and escape the treacherous waters.

Key Findings:

  • A hostile and mysterious environment: The “Glen Carrig” survivors find themselves in a strange, desolate, and dangerous world. The land is silent, devoid of normal life, and filled with monstrous creatures.
  • The “Thing” and the “weed men”: The story presents two distinct threats to the survivors. The “Thing” that haunts the abandoned brig, is a creature of the night, with a disturbing presence that evokes fear. The “weed men”, however, are even more terrifying, as they are human-like but monstrous and driven by a seemingly insatiable desire to hunt and kill.
  • Resilience and determination: Despite facing constant danger and unimaginable horrors, the survivors demonstrate remarkable resilience and determination to survive, always seeking a way out of their predicament.


  • The power of fear: The story highlights the profound impact of fear on human behavior. The survivors are often paralyzed by fear, making irrational decisions, and acting in ways they normally wouldn’t.
  • The strength of human connection: The story underlines the importance of human connection in overcoming adversity. The survivors support each other, share resources, and work together to face the dangers.
  • The importance of ingenuity: The story illustrates how human ingenuity and problem-solving skills can be crucial for survival. The survivors create tools, develop strategies, and use their knowledge to escape the weed-choked sea.
  • The unknown and the unexplainable: The story explores the nature of the unknown, the unexplainable, and the power of fear that the unknown holds over us.

Historical Context:

The text was written in 1907, a time when fear of the unknown was prevalent. The story echoes anxieties about exploration, discovery, and the possibility of encountering new and unknown horrors in uncharted territories. The story also touches upon themes of isolation, survival, and the limitations of human understanding in the face of nature’s mysteries.


  • The “Glen Carrig” sinks after striking a hidden rock in unknown seas to the south.
  • The survivors are stranded in a desolate, flat land.
  • The land is devoid of any significant life forms except for stunted trees and a type of fungus.
  • The land is eerily silent, except for the wails and growls of unknown creatures.
  • The “Thing” that haunts the abandoned brig leaves traces of slime and a disturbing smell.
  • The “weed men” are human-like but with slimy bodies and tentacles.
  • The “weed men” hunt at night and prey on humans.
  • The “weed men” are attracted to fires and can be repelled by them.
  • The weed-choked sea is full of various sea creatures, including giant crabs and devilfish.
  • The weed-choked sea has no tides and is prone to violent storms.
  • The abandoned brig was once inhabited, but the crew left behind a considerable amount of gold.
  • The “weed men” are attracted by light and the scent of their prey.
  • The “weed men” can climb trees and fungi.
  • The “weed men” are capable of digging up and carrying away bodies.
  • The “weed men” are drawn to movement.
  • The “weed men” are attracted by fire but can be repelled by burning weeds and other materials.
  • The weed-choked sea is vast and its borders are constantly shifting.
  • The sea is filled with various strange and deadly creatures, including giant squid, crabs, and devilfish.
  • The crew of the abandoned ship built a superstructure to protect themselves from the dangers of the sea.


  • The “Glen Carrig” survivors have enough provisions to last for two months.
  • The abandoned brig has been abandoned for a considerable time, as evidenced by the difficulty in opening the scuttle hatch.
  • The survivors have a supply of water to last them until the next day.
  • The crew of the abandoned ship had enough fresh water to last them for a while.
  • The survivors collect three gallons of fresh water from a pool on the island.
  • The abandoned ship is trapped in the weed for seven years.
  • The survivors gather fuel to last them for the night.
  • The survivors make a bow that can shoot an arrow over two hundred yards.
  • The crew of the abandoned ship has enough provisions to last them a considerable time.
  • The survivors have a length of rope over five hundred fathoms long.
  • The survivors collect a large amount of reeds and weed for fuel.
  • The crew of the abandoned ship uses a musket to defend themselves from creatures in the weed.
  • The ship is able to make a slow sternway through the weed.
  • The survivors have a large supply of weed and reeds to last them through the night.


  • Dunnage: Packing material placed between cargo to prevent damage.
  • Frap: To bind tightly.
  • Hawser: A large rope used for mooring ships.
  • Kedge: A small anchor used for warping a ship.
  • Mizzen: The aftermost mast of a three-masted ship.
  • Parcel: To protect a rope or spar by wrapping it with canvas or other material.
  • Scourge: To beat with a whip.
  • Sennet: A braided rope made from smaller strands.
  • Snatch-block: A pulley with a hook at one end and a swivel at the other.
  • Tautness: Tightness.


  • The “Thing” that haunts the brig makes a sound like “a great wet cloth being rubbed everywhere across the floor and bulkheads.”
  • The devilfish attacks the boat by grasping the meat on the boat hook and pulling it into the water.
  • The “weed men” leave behind slimy tracks and a disturbing smell.
  • The survivors encounter a giant crab that chases them across the island.
  • The survivors discover the body of one of the “weed men” with a gaping wound.
  • The crew of the abandoned ship builds a superstructure to protect themselves from creatures in the sea.
  • The survivors make a fire balloon and a kite to try to get a line across to the ship.
  • The survivors build a large fire to repel the “weed men” during a night attack.
  • The survivors use reeds to clear a path through the weed.
  • The survivors create a “carrier” (a bo’sun’s chair) to transport items between the ship and the island.


“The Boats of the ‘Glen Carrig'” is a suspenseful and harrowing tale of survival against the backdrop of a hostile, mysterious, and terrifying world. The story explores the power of fear, the importance of human connection, and the strength of ingenuity in the face of unimaginable danger. It reminds us of the power of the unknown and the fragility of human existence against the vast and unforgiving forces of nature. The story also highlights the themes of resilience, determination, and the search for hope even in the darkest of circumstances.

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Jessmyn Solana

Jessmyn Solana is the Digital Marketing Manager of Interact, a place for creating beautiful and engaging quizzes that generate email leads. She is a marketing enthusiast and storyteller. Outside of Interact Jessmyn loves exploring new places, eating all the local foods, and spending time with her favorite people (especially her dog).

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