How do you feel about the idea that truth is not absolute, but rather determined by what works in a given situation?
- I embrace it. It makes sense to me that truth is fluid and contextual.
- It makes me a little uncomfortable, to be honest. I prefer to believe there are some universal truths.
- I’m on the fence. I can see both sides of the argument.
What’s your favorite example of a time when you learned something valuable through experience rather than through theoretical learning?
- I learned to ride a bike by trial and error, falling off and getting back on again. No amount of reading could have prepared me for the actual feeling of balance and coordination.
- I learned to cook my favorite dish by watching my grandmother in the kitchen, rather than by following a recipe book. Her hands-on guidance was invaluable.
- I learned to navigate a new city by exploring it on foot, getting lost and finding my way again. This direct experience gave me a much better feel for the city than any map ever could.
What makes you nervous about embracing a philosophy that emphasizes subjective experience?
- I worry that it might lead to relativism, where anything goes and there are no objective standards.
- I’m concerned that it might undermine the importance of reason and logic in understanding the world.
- I am a little hesitant about the emphasis on emotions. I prefer to make decisions based on logic.
What makes you most frustrated about traditional, intellectual approaches to philosophy?
- I find them often out of touch with the complexities and messiness of real life.
- I feel like they sometimes get bogged down in abstract theories and lose sight of the practical implications of their ideas.
- I get frustrated when they prioritize intellectual concepts over real-world applications and lived experience.
What are you most excited about when you consider the potential of pragmatism?
- I’m excited about its potential to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and to create a more grounded and relevant approach to philosophy.
- I am excited by the emphasis on experience. It makes me feel like my life matters in shaping my worldview.
- I am excited about its potential to help us navigate a world that is increasingly complex and uncertain.
What do you dream about when it comes to applying pragmatic principles in your own life?
- I dream of being more present and engaged in my experiences, and of using my experiences to inform my decisions in a more conscious and deliberate way.
- I dream of being more adaptable and resourceful in the face of challenges, and of finding creative solutions that work for me.
- I dream of living a more authentic and meaningful life, guided by my values and experiences.
What comes to mind when you hear the word “adaptation” in the context of philosophy?
- I think about how we are constantly adapting to new situations and challenges, and how this process of adaptation is essential to our growth and evolution.
- I imagine a constantly shifting landscape, and ourselves as organisms constantly evolving to survive and thrive within it.
- I think of how our beliefs and values can also adapt and evolve over time, as we encounter new information and experiences.
What’s your favorite aspect of the pragmatist emphasis on experience?
- It validates the importance of our individual journeys and perspectives.
- It encourages us to be curious and open to new experiences, knowing that every experience has the potential to teach us something.
- It reminds us that we are not just passive recipients of knowledge but active participants in shaping our understanding of the world.
When you were a kid, how did you approach learning new things – were you more hands-on or bookish?
- I was definitely a hands-on learner, always eager to experiment and try things out for myself.
- I was more of a bookworm, content to absorb information through reading and studying.
- I was a mix of both, depending on the subject matter.
You have a choice of reading a book about a new skill or diving in and trying it yourself, which do you choose?
- I’m jumping in headfirst! I learn best by doing.
- I’m grabbing the book first. I like to have a solid understanding of the theory before I put it into practice.
- It depends on the skill.
You’re faced with a challenging situation that seems to defy easy answers. How do you react?
- I start experimenting with different approaches until I find something that works.
- I step back and try to analyze the situation from different angles.
- I reach out to others for their perspectives and advice.
What keeps you up at night about the future when you consider the implications of pragmatism?
- I worry about the potential for people to manipulate or distort “truth” for their own ends.
- I’m concerned about the implications for social cohesion if we all embrace radically different ideas about what is true and good.
- I wonder how we can maintain a sense of shared values and goals in a world where truth is fluid and contextual.
Which of these activities would you enjoy the most?
- Definitely volunteering. I feel most alive when I’m making a tangible difference.
- I love a good philosophical debate. It’s stimulating to engage with complex ideas.
- I’m always up for learning something new. Practical skills are so satisfying.
When you think about making important life decisions, what are you most concerned about?
- Making sure my choices align with my values and what I believe is truly important.
- Gathering all the relevant information and considering all possible outcomes.
- Trusting my gut and making the decision that feels right, even if I can’t logically explain it.
What aspect of pragmatism makes you the most happy?
- The emphasis on individual experience and the idea that truth is not fixed.
- The focus on finding practical solutions to real-world problems.
- The rejection of rigid dogma and the openness to new ideas and perspectives.
What is most likely to make you feel down about the state of the world through the lens of pragmatism?
- When people use “truth” as a weapon to manipulate or control others.
- When short-term gains are prioritized over long-term solutions, leading to unsustainable practices.
- When people are unwilling to listen to different perspectives and engage in meaningful dialogue.
In a perfect world, how would people use the principles of pragmatism?
- To foster understanding and empathy, recognizing that we all have different experiences and perspectives.
- To work together to solve shared problems, focusing on solutions that work for everyone.
- To create a more just and equitable world, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
If you could wave a magic wand, what would the perfect outcome of widespread adoption of pragmatism be?
- A world where people are more understanding and tolerant of different perspectives, leading to more constructive dialogue and collaboration.
- A world where problems are approached with a focus on finding practical solutions that work for everyone involved.
- A world where people feel empowered to shape their own lives and communities based on their experiences and values.
You are at a party and a heated debate about politics breaks out. What do you do?
- Listen intently to different perspectives, trying to understand where everyone is coming from.
- Share my own views and experiences, but remain respectful of others’ opinions.
- Politely excuse myself and find a more peaceful conversation.
How comfortable are you with uncertainty or not having all the answers?
- I’m very comfortable with it. Uncertainty is a part of life.
- It depends on the situation. Some things require more certainty than others.
- I prefer to have things settled and clear-cut.
You have a free weekend with no obligations. What do you do?
- Go on an adventure and explore somewhere new.
- Tackle a project I’ve been putting off, learning as I go.
- Relax at home and recharge.
Which of these issues is most likely to be a struggle for you?
- Making decisions with limited information can be tough. I like to weigh all my options.
- Staying true to my values can be difficult when there’s pressure to conform.
- I’m pretty adaptable. Change doesn’t usually faze me.
Someone asks, “How are you?” What’s the actual answer, not just “I’m good”?
- Honestly, I’m feeling really energized by this conversation. It’s got me thinking.
- I’m doing okay, trying to navigate all the complexities of life, you know?
- I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by everything going on, to be honest.
What’s your go-to podcast or book genre when you want to learn something new?
- I love podcasts about science, history, or philosophy. I’m always eager to learn new things.
- I enjoy memoirs and biographies. I find real-life stories so inspiring.
- I’m drawn to books about self-improvement or personal growth.
What topic, concept, or idea do you most want to dive deep on?
- The nature of consciousness and the human mind fascinate me.
- I want to understand the root causes of social injustice and how we can create a more equitable world.
- I’m fascinated by the interconnectedness of all things and the mysteries of the universe.
What’s your favorite memory of a time when you challenged your own beliefs or assumptions?
- I traveled to a country with very different customs and beliefs than my own. It made me question my assumptions about the “right” way to live.
- I had a conversation with someone whose political views were the opposite of mine. We were able to find common ground despite our differences.
- I read a book that challenged my perspective on a controversial issue. It forced me to confront my own biases and consider alternative viewpoints.
What causes, topics, or interests are you most passionate about?
- Social justice and equality are incredibly important to me.
- I’m passionate about environmental conservation and protecting our planet.
- I believe everyone deserves access to quality education.
What is your absolute favorite way to spend a rainy Saturday?
- Curled up with a good book and a cup of tea, letting my mind wander.
- Trying out a new recipe in the kitchen, experimenting with flavors.
- Going for a walk in the rain, enjoying the fresh air and quiet atmosphere.
How would your friends and family describe your approach to life?
- They would say I am open-minded, adaptable, and always willing to try new things.
- They might describe me as thoughtful, introspective, and always seeking deeper meaning.
- They would probably say I’m practical, down-to-earth, and focused on finding solutions.
Tell us a little about your worldview. How do you see yourself in relation to the world around you?
- I see myself as a small part of a vast and interconnected universe, constantly learning and evolving.
- I believe we all have a responsibility to make the world a better place, however we can.
- I try to approach life with curiosity and an open heart, embracing the unknown.
If you could choose any superpower, what would it be and why?
- I would choose the ability to understand and connect with people on a deep level.
- I would want the power to heal the environment and reverse the effects of climate change.
- I’d choose the ability to teleport myself anywhere in the world.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you face a difficult decision?
- What feels most aligned with my values and what I believe is right?
- What are the potential consequences of each option, both positive and negative?
- What would my gut tell me to do in this situation?
What affects you the most: (injustice, suffering, beauty, wonder)?
- Injustice and suffering in the world deeply affect me.
- I am constantly in awe of the beauty and wonder of the natural world.
- Human connection and kindness are what move me the most.
What’s your idea of a perfect society?
- A society where everyone has equal opportunities, regardless of their background or beliefs.
- A society where people live in harmony with nature, prioritizing sustainability and environmental stewardship.
- A society that values compassion, cooperation, and the well-being of all its members.
What is your strongest personal quality that aligns with pragmatism?
- I’m very adaptable and resourceful.
- I have a strong moral compass and always strive to do what I believe is right.
- I’m a quick learner and I’m not afraid to make mistakes.
How prepared do you feel to handle unexpected challenges or setbacks?
- I feel very prepared. I’m good at thinking on my feet and finding creative solutions.
- I’m somewhat prepared. I have a few coping mechanisms, but I could always develop more resilience.
- I’m not very prepared. I tend to get overwhelmed when things don’t go according to plan.
What happens if a deeply held belief of yours is challenged by new information or experiences?
- I’m open to revising my beliefs if the evidence is compelling enough.
- I would carefully consider the new information, but my core beliefs are pretty stable.
- I’d likely hold onto my beliefs even more tightly when challenged.
What do you think you need to work on to become more adaptable and resilient in the face of change?
- I need to be more willing to let go of control and embrace the unexpected.
- I need to work on managing my stress levels when things get tough.
- I need to cultivate a more positive and optimistic outlook on life.
How often do you step outside of your comfort zone and try new things?
- I do it all the time! I love exploring new activities, ideas, and cultures.
- I do it occasionally. I like a balance of familiar and new.
- Not very often. I find comfort in routine and predictability.
How confident are you in your ability to adapt your beliefs and behaviors based on new information and experiences?
- I am very confident in my ability to adapt and evolve.
- I’m somewhat confident, but I know there’s always room for growth.
- I’m not very confident. Change can be difficult for me.
How do you handle disagreements or conflicts with people who have different views than your own?
- I try to approach disagreements with empathy and understanding, listening to different perspectives.
- I can get a little defensive, but I’m working on staying open-minded during disagreements.
- I tend to avoid conflict altogether.
Do you feel like you have a strong sense of purpose or direction in your life?
- Yes, I have a clear sense of what’s important to me and what I want to achieve.
- I have some general ideas, but I’m still figuring things out.
- Not really. I’m feeling a bit lost at the moment.
How well do you think you live by your values, even when it’s difficult?
- I try my best to live authentically, even when it’s not easy.
- I’m not always perfect, but I strive to align my actions with my values.
- It can be really hard to stay true to myself when there’s external pressure.
Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your decision-making process: (I rely heavily on logic and reason, I often go with my gut instinct, I try to find a balance between logic and intuition)?
- I tend to overthink things and get stuck in analysis paralysis.
- I trust my intuition. It’s usually right.
- I try to listen to both my head and my heart.
To what degree do you experience analysis paralysis – overthinking a situation to the point of inaction?
- All the time. It’s a major struggle for me.
- Occasionally, especially when it’s an important decision.
- Rarely. I’m a decisive person.
Which of these best describes your current approach to life?
- Yes, I’m always asking the big questions about life, the universe, and everything.
- I feel a strong sense of responsibility to contribute to something larger than myself.
- I’m just trying to navigate the ups and downs as best I can.
What is your current biggest challenge when it comes to personal growth?
- Quieting my inner critic and believing in myself more.
- Breaking free from old patterns and habits that no longer serve me.
- Setting boundaries and prioritizing my own needs.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you encounter an obstacle in pursuit of a goal?
- How can I overcome this? There’s always a solution if I look hard enough.
- Is this a sign that I need to adjust my approach or maybe even my goal?
- This is too hard. Maybe I’m not cut out for this.
How do you handle criticism or negative feedback?
- I try to receive it constructively, looking for any nuggets of truth.
- I can be a little defensive at first, but I try to remind myself that feedback can be valuable.
- I take it very personally and it tends to stick with me.
How would you describe your relationship to change?
- I find change invigorating. It keeps life interesting!
- Change is inevitable. I try to embrace it as an opportunity for growth.
- Too much change can make me feel really ungrounded.
Are you stuck in a rut in any area of your life?
- Yes, I feel stuck in my career.
- My relationships could use some attention.
- Not really. I’m generally content with things right now.
What would you say are your top struggles right now?
- Managing stress and anxiety in a fast-paced world.
- Finding a sense of community and belonging.
- Feeling confident in my own skin and embracing my authentic self.
What is your ultimate goal in life?
- To leave the world a little brighter than I found it.
- To live a life full of purpose and meaning.
- To find happiness and fulfillment on my own terms.
What do you think is missing in your life that would help you feel more fulfilled?
- Deeper connections with others.
- A creative outlet or passion project.
- More time in nature.
What is your current level of expertise in your chosen field or area of interest?
- I’m still a beginner, but I’m eager to learn and grow.
- I’m at an intermediate level. I have a solid foundation of knowledge and experience.
- I’m an expert in my field.
You’re offered an amazing opportunity, but it requires you to step way outside of your comfort zone. How do you respond?
- I jump at the chance! I rarely say no to a good adventure.
- I’d weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision.
- I politely decline. I’m not ready for that kind of change right now.
What word best describes how you feel most of the time: (content, restless, curious, anxious)?
- I’m driven by curiosity. I’m always asking “Why?”
- I have a hard time relaxing. I’m always on the go.
- I am easily overwhelmed by the demands of daily life.
Which of the following do you notice yourself worrying about on a day-to-day basis?
- Meeting deadlines and responsibilities at work or in my personal life.
- The state of the world and the future of humanity.
- Whether or not I’m making the “right” choices.
How confident and grounded do you feel in your own skin?
- Very confident. I’ve embraced my strengths and weaknesses.
- I’m working on it. Self-acceptance is a journey.
- Not very. I’m very critical of myself.
How well do you balance your own needs with the needs of others?
- I’m a natural giver, sometimes to my own detriment.
- I’m learning to set better boundaries and prioritize my well-being.
- I usually put myself first.
How connected do you feel to your community and to something larger than yourself?
- I feel very connected. I find purpose in contributing to something bigger than myself.
- I’m working on building stronger connections.
- I feel pretty isolated.
Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you: (lack of progress, unrealistic expectations, feeling stuck)?
- I get really impatient when I feel like I’m not moving forward.
- I have a bad habit of setting unrealistic expectations for myself.
- Feeling trapped or limited in any way is the worst.
What is the trickiest part about making important life decisions for you?
- Quieting the noise of other people’s opinions and expectations.
- Trusting myself to make the right choice.
- Accepting that there’s no way to guarantee a perfect outcome.
Do you struggle more with self-criticism or self-doubt?
- I am my own worst critic.
- Self-doubt can be paralyzing at times.
- I struggle with both.
Do you have a support system in place, such as close friends, family members, or a therapist, that you can turn to for guidance and support when needed?
- Yes, I have an amazing support system.
- I have a few close people I can rely on.
- Not really. I tend to isolate myself when I’m struggling.