How do you feel about the idea of humans interacting with fairies, based on what you’ve read?
- I think it would be amazing, but also a little scary. Fairies are powerful creatures and you’d have to be very careful around them.
- I’m not sure I believe in fairies, but I love the idea of them. I think it would be fascinating to learn more about their world.
- I’m not really into the supernatural, so I don’t think about it much. But I can see how it would be a popular topic for stories and myths.
What’s your favorite example of a fairy tale motif, like the Swan-maiden or a taboo, and why?
- I love the idea of the Swan-maiden – a beautiful woman who can transform into a swan. It’s such a romantic and tragic story.
- I’m fascinated by the idea of taboos in fairy tales, like the prohibition against eating fairy food. It’s a reminder that there are always consequences for breaking the rules, even in the magical world.
- I’m drawn to the idea of the supernatural lapse of time in Fairyland – it’s as if time itself is different there. It makes you think about how we perceive the world around us.
If you found yourself in Fairyland, what would make you most nervous?
- Probably the fairies themselves! They seem so unpredictable and I’d be worried about accidentally offending one.
- Losing track of time. Spending years in Fairyland without realizing it and coming back to a completely changed world would be terrifying.
- Being tricked. Fairies are known for their enchantments and illusions, and I wouldn’t want to fall victim to one of their tricks.
What makes you most frustrated about the way fairy tales are often portrayed in modern media?
- The oversimplification! Fairy tales are often watered down and sanitized, losing their original darkness and complexity.
- The lack of diversity. Traditional fairy tales come from all over the world, but modern adaptations often stick to a very narrow range of cultures and stories.
- The focus on romance. While love is a common theme in fairy tales, it’s not the only one. Modern adaptations often reduce complex narratives to simple love stories.
What aspect of fairy mythology are you most excited to learn more about?
- The connections between fairy tales from different cultures. It’s fascinating to see how these stories have evolved and been adapted over time.
- The symbolism and hidden meanings in fairy tales. I’m sure there’s a lot more to these stories than meets the eye.
- The historical and cultural context of fairy tales. I think it’s important to understand where these stories came from and what they can tell us about the people who told them.
If you could waive a magic wand, what would the perfect modern adaptation of a fairy tale look like?
- It would be visually stunning, drawing inspiration from the art and culture of the story’s origin.
- It would be faithful to the original spirit of the tale, while also finding ways to make it relevant to a modern audience.
- It would feature a diverse cast of characters and explore a wide range of themes, not just romance.
How often do you find yourself thinking about the deeper meaning behind fairy tales?
- Pretty often, actually! I love trying to decipher the symbolism and hidden messages.
- Occasionally, when I come across a particularly interesting interpretation or adaptation.
- Rarely, I tend to enjoy fairy tales on a more surface level.
You’re at a party and someone mentions they don’t believe in fairies. What do you do?
- I’d probably laugh and say something like, “Neither do I, but it’s fun to imagine, right?”
- I’d be curious to hear their perspective and why they don’t believe.
- I wouldn’t engage – it’s not worth getting into a debate about.
How comfortable are you with the idea that fairy tales might reflect our ancestors’ more primitive beliefs?
- I think it’s fascinating! Fairy tales offer a glimpse into the past and how people used to understand the world.
- I’m a little uncomfortable with the word “primitive,” but I can see how fairy tales might reflect older ways of thinking.
- It doesn’t really bother me – they’re just stories after all.
You have a whole weekend to immerse yourself in fairy tales. What do you do?
- I’d curl up with a collection of classic fairy tales from around the world and get lost in the stories.
- I’d watch a bunch of fairy tale movies and TV shows, comparing and contrasting different adaptations.
- I’d go for a hike in nature, letting the beauty of the world inspire my imagination.
What aspect of “The Science of Fairy Tales” is most likely to be a struggle for you?
- Remembering all the different cultural variations and origins of specific tales.
- Separating the author’s analysis from my own personal interpretations.
- Accepting that there may not be one definitive meaning behind every fairy tale.
Which recurring fairy tale character archetype do you most identify with?
- The curious protagonist who ventures into the unknown, even if it means facing danger.
- The wise mentor who guides others and offers wisdom from experience.
- The loyal friend who stands by their companions, even in the face of adversity.
A friend tells you they saw a fairy in their garden. What’s your first response?
- Really? Tell me everything! What did it look like? What was it doing?
- Wow, that’s amazing! Are you sure it wasn’t just a trick of the light?
- That’s a nice story. You must have a vivid imagination!
Someone asks how your exploration into fairy tales is going. Instead of just saying “good,” what’s the real answer?
- It’s fascinating! I’m learning so much about the history and symbolism behind these stories.
- It’s a bit overwhelming, to be honest. There’s so much information to process.
- I’m enjoying it, but I’m not sure what to make of it all yet.
What’s your go-to fictional world inspired by fairy tales?
- Anything by Hayao Miyazaki – his films beautifully blend fantasy, folklore, and environmental themes.
- The world of Neil Gaiman’s “Sandman” comics, where ancient beings and fairy tales collide with modern reality.
- The Grishaverse novels, which draw inspiration from Russian folklore and feature a unique magic system.
What aspect of fairy tale lore do you most want to dive deeper into?
- The role of women in fairy tales, both as powerful figures like fairies and as heroines navigating patriarchal societies.
- The relationship between fairies and nature, and what these stories can teach us about our environment.
- The darker, more unsettling aspects of fairy tales, and what they reveal about the human psyche.
What’s your favorite memory related to fairy tales?
- Listening to my grandparents tell me fairy tales before bed when I was a child.
- Seeing a stage production of a fairy tale that brought the story to life in a magical way.
- Reading a particularly impactful fairy tale that stayed with me long after I finished it.
What themes within fairy tales are you most passionate about?
- The power of hope and resilience, even in the darkest of times.
- The importance of fighting for what’s right, even when it seems impossible.
- The beauty of finding connection and love, even in the most unexpected of places.
What is your absolute favorite fairy tale adaptation in any medium, and why?
- Pan’s Labyrinth, for its stunning visuals, thought-provoking themes, and seamless blend of fantasy and reality.
- The BBC’s Merlin, for its fresh take on Arthurian legends and its compelling characters.
- Studio Ghibli’s Spirited Away, for its imaginative world-building, heartwarming story, and powerful message about environmentalism.
How would your friends and family describe your fascination with fairy tales?
- They’re always analyzing the symbolism and hidden meanings!
- They have a childlike sense of wonder and imagination.
- They’re drawn to the magic and mystery of these stories.
Tell us a little about your perspective on the role of magic in our world, inspired by fairy tales.
- “I believe magic exists in the everyday, in moments of beauty, connection, and wonder.”
- “I think magic is a powerful metaphor for the unknown and the forces beyond our control.”
- “I’m not sure what I believe, but I like to keep an open mind.”
If you could choose any fairy tale creature to befriend, which one would you choose and why?
- A talking animal, because who wouldn’t want a wise and loyal companion by their side?
- A mischievous sprite, because life would never be dull with a bit of chaos and fun.
- A powerful sorceress, because I’d love to learn the secrets of magic and the universe.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone says “Once upon a time”?
- A sense of childhood nostalgia and wonder.
- The endless possibilities of a story about to unfold.
- A reminder that even the most fantastical tales can hold deeper truths.
What affects you most deeply when reading a fairy tale?
- The emotional journey of the characters and the challenges they overcome.
- The evocative language and imagery that transports me to another world.
- The underlying themes and messages that resonate with my own experiences.
What’s your idea of a perfect world, inspired by the themes and ideas found in fairy tales?
- A world where people live in harmony with nature and each other, guided by compassion and understanding.
- A world where magic and wonder still exist, even in the face of adversity.
- A world where everyone has the opportunity to write their own happy ending.
What is your strongest belief inspired by the lessons found in fairy tales?
- Good will always triumph over evil.
- Love conquers all.
- It’s important to be kind, brave, and true to yourself.
How prepared do you feel to face the unknown, drawing upon the resilience of fairy tale heroes and heroines?
- I feel ready to face whatever challenges come my way with courage and determination.
- I’m not sure how prepared I am, but I know I can learn from the experiences of others.
- I tend to avoid the unknown as much as possible, but maybe that needs to change.
What happens if you break a taboo in the real world, even if it seems insignificant?
- You might hurt someone’s feelings or disrupt a social custom.
- It might not seem like a big deal at the time, but you never know what the long-term consequences could be.
- Nothing, probably. It’s not like fairies are going to curse me for eating the last cookie.
What do you think you need to cultivate in yourself to better navigate a world that often feels as unpredictable as a fairy tale?
- A stronger sense of self-reliance and the ability to adapt to change.
- A deeper connection to my intuition and the wisdom of my inner voice.
- A more playful and imaginative approach to problem-solving.
How often do you allow yourself to embrace the wonder and magic of life, inspired by your love for fairy tales?
- Every day! I find magic in the little things.
- From time to time, when I need a reminder that the world is a magical place.
- Rarely, I’m more of a realist.
How confident are you in your ability to discern truth from illusion, especially in a world filled with misinformation and “fake news”?
- I’m quite discerning and I take the time to critically evaluate information before I believe it.
- It’s definitely a challenge, but I try my best to be aware of my own biases.
- I’m not sure, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype sometimes.
How do you handle situations where things don’t go as planned, drawing on the adaptability often shown by fairy tale characters?
- I try to stay flexible and find creative solutions to unexpected problems.
- I get frustrated easily, but I’m working on being more adaptable.
- I panic! But then I try to come up with a new plan.
Do you have a sense of wonder and magic in your life, even if it’s not literal fairies and spells?
- Absolutely! I find magic in nature, art, music, and human connection.
- Sometimes, when I allow myself to slow down and appreciate the beauty around me.
- Not really, but I wish I did.
How well do you stick to your convictions when faced with opposing views or challenging situations?
- I stand up for what I believe in, even when it’s difficult.
- I try to, but sometimes I back down if I don’t feel confident.
- It depends on the situation and who I’m dealing with.
Which of the following is most accurate when it comes to your approach to life’s challenges: embrace the unknown, cautiously proceed, or avoid altogether?
- I embrace the unknown with open arms – it’s where the best adventures are found.
- I’m cautious but curious – I like to weigh my options before jumping in.
- I’m an expert at avoidance, but I’m working on facing my fears.
To what degree do you experience a sense of wonder and enchantment in your daily life?
- My life is full of wonder! I see magic everywhere.
- I experience it in small doses, but I’m always open to more.
- Not much, but I’m working on cultivating a more magical perspective.
Which of these best describes your current approach to personal growth and transformation: eager explorer, hesitant but hopeful, or perfectly content?
- I’m always striving to learn and grow, constantly seeking new adventures and challenges.
- I’m open to change but a little afraid of the unknown.
- I’m happy with who I am and where I’m at in life.
What is your current biggest challenge when it comes to integrating the wisdom and wonder of fairy tales into your daily life?
- Remembering to slow down and appreciate the magic in the everyday.
- Overcoming my own cynicism and allowing myself to believe in something bigger than myself.
- Finding the time and energy to explore these themes in a meaningful way.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you encounter an obstacle or setback?
- This is just a test, I can overcome this.
- Why is this happening to me?
- I need to find a way around this.
How do you handle criticism or negative feedback, thinking about how fairy tale heroes often face doubt and opposition?
- I try to learn from constructive criticism and let go of negativity that doesn’t serve me.
- I take it personally, but I’m working on developing a thicker skin.
- I avoid it at all costs.
How would you describe your relationship to your own intuition or “inner voice,” a common theme in fairy tales?
- I trust my gut and I’m guided by my intuition.
- I’m working on listening to my inner voice more often.
- I’m not really sure what that means, or if I even have one.
Are you stuck in a rut, in need of a fairy tale adventure to shake things up?
- Not at all! My life is an adventure.
- Maybe a little, I’ve been feeling restless lately.
- Yes, definitely. I need a major change.
What would you say are your top struggles right now, considering the themes of growth, change, and facing the unknown often found in fairy tales?
- Learning to trust myself and my decisions.
- Letting go of fear and embracing the unknown.
- Finding my purpose and living a more authentic life.
What is your personal “happily ever after” goal, inspired by the aspirations of many fairy tale characters?
- To live a life filled with love, purpose, and adventure.
- To find my place in the world and make a difference.
- To achieve my dreams and leave a positive legacy.
What do you think is missing in your life that would add a touch of fairy tale magic?
- More time spent in nature, connecting with the earth and its rhythms.
- Deeper connections with people who share my values and passions.
- The courage to pursue my dreams, no matter how big or small.
What is your current level of satisfaction with your own personal journey, even if it’s not a perfect fairy tale?
- I’m happy with my life and excited for what the future holds.
- I have my ups and downs, but overall I’m content.
- I’m ready for a change and hoping for a fresh start.
You’re presented with an opportunity that feels too good to be true. Do you approach it with cautious optimism, enthusiastically say yes, or walk away out of fear?
- I trust my gut and proceed with cautious optimism, looking for any red flags.
- I seize the opportunity! You only live once.
- I politely decline – it’s not worth the risk.
What word best describes how you feel most often: hopeful, anxious, or content?
- Hopeful, always!
- A mix of all three, depending on the day.
- Content, for the most part.
Which of the following do you notice yourself worrying about on a day-to-day basis: the unknown future, missing out on opportunities, or disappointing the people you love?
- I try not to worry, but I do sometimes get caught up in anxieties about the future.
- I’m a bit of a FOMO (fear of missing out) person, I’ll admit it.
- I’m a people pleaser, so I hate the thought of letting anyone down.
How creative and resourceful do you feel in your ability to solve problems and navigate challenges?
- I’m a natural problem-solver and I love a good challenge.
- I’m resourceful when I need to be, but I don’t always think outside the box.
- I’m not very creative, I tend to stick to what I know.
How well do you bounce back from setbacks and maintain a sense of optimism?
- I’m resilient and I always try to see the silver lining.
- I bounce back eventually, but it takes me a while.
- I struggle to stay positive when things go wrong.
How connected do you feel to your own sense of wonder and imagination?
- My imagination is my happy place, I visit it often.
- I wish I was more in touch with my imagination, it feels a bit dormant.
- I’m more of a logic and reason kind of person.
Which of the following is most likely to frustrate you: feeling lost and directionless, encountering unexpected obstacles, or dealing with other people’s negativity?
- Feeling lost and directionless is the worst – I like to have a plan.
- Unexpected obstacles are frustrating, but I try to adapt.
- Other people’s negativity brings me down, I try to avoid it.
What is the trickiest part about maintaining a positive outlook and pursuing your dreams, even when life throws curveballs?
- Silencing that inner critic and believing in myself, even when it’s hard.
- Staying motivated and not giving up when things get tough.
- Balancing my responsibilities with my dreams.
Do you struggle more with staying grounded in reality or allowing yourself to dream big and embrace the impossible?
- I’m a dreamer through and through – anything is possible if you set your mind to it!
- I try to find a balance between practicality and possibility.
- I’m very much a realist, I like to focus on what’s achievable.
Do you have a supportive community or a network of loved ones who believe in your dreams and encourage you to pursue them?
- I’m incredibly lucky to have people in my life who lift me up and support my ambitions.
- I have a few close friends and family members who are supportive.
- I don’t really have anyone I can rely on for that kind of support.
How do you determine your personal goals and priorities each day, week, or year?
- I set intentions, make vision boards, and regularly check in with myself to ensure I’m on track.
- I have a general idea of what I want to achieve, but I’m flexible and adapt as needed.
- I take things one day at a time and don’t get too caught up in long-term planning.
Are you consistently achieving your personal goals, or do you find yourself getting sidetracked or discouraged?
- I’m a goal-getter! I set my mind to something and I make it happen.
- I have a mixed track record, but I’m always learning and growing from my experiences.
- I struggle to stay focused and motivated, I often get sidetracked.
How do you manage the balance between pursuing your own dreams and fulfilling your responsibilities to others?
- It’s a constant juggling act, but I strive for harmony between my personal aspirations and my commitments to others.
- I tend to prioritize others’ needs over my own, which can lead to resentment.
- I’m still figuring that out, it’s a work in progress.