Crafting Quiz Results That Convert: Short form vs. Long form w/ Team Interact

Welcome to another episode of Interact’s Grow Podcast, where we share insights and strategies to help you scale your business. In this episode, we dive into the art of crafting quiz results that not only engage but also inspire action. Whether you’re a coach, course creator, or marketer looking to leverage quizzes for growth, this episode promises to equip you with the knowledge to make your quiz results more than just answers—they’ll be the start of a journey.

Quick tip: We love long form and short form quiz results—there is a time and place for both! What you decide to go with will depend on a few factors, such as how you’re promoting your quiz, your quiz topic, audience, and more. Tune in to hear best practice tips from team Interact!

Watch on Youtube: Quick & Easy Way to Write Great Quiz Results

Hi guys. And welcome back to Interact’s Grow podcast. So great to be with you all. As always, I’m your host, Jessmyn Solana, and we have all four of us here today, ladies. Hello. How is everyone doing today? Good. Excited Tuesday. Yes, yesterday we just did our company wide planning for the year. And so I feel like we have some good stuff in the works and we’re going to get like deeper into content planning in general.

So if you guys who are listening, have any specific topics that you want us to cover or are interested in hearing about, please let us know. And we’ll fit that in today. We are going to cover long form versus short form result pages, and I find this topic super interesting because, you know, it’s one of those answers where like, well, it depends on you and your business, but we’re going to cover pretty much best practices.

And then we’ll go deep into both of those. One to use it. And that way you could kind of figure out what’s best for you and play around with it. Let’s start off with the best practices for your results. Anybody want to jump in? I have something to say. I think whether you go short form or long form, the most important thing about your result page is that it actually answers the quiz question.

I’ve seen a lot of quizzes where you have the quiz question. Maybe it’s like. I don’t know where you at in your business, where maybe it’s like, where are you at in your business? And then you get to the result page and it does not tell you where you’re at in your business. And those quizzes will not convert.

Even if you get a lead, they’re very likely to unsubscribe quickly because there’s no value for them. You just totally steered them in the wrong direction. Therefore, they’re going to think your emails are going to do the same thing. Yeah, yeah, I completely agree with that. I’ve taken quizzes where it’s asking me something about like, where this journey and then it tells me I’m an avocado at the end.

And I was like, like, it just did not align. So I was a little confused makes me, you know, go back and see, wait, what was this? Quiz topic about again, right, right. I think she’s like um, when you, I don’t know, like we always talk about like giving value with your quiz. Right. And like how it kind of offers a little snippet into what you do as a business.

And so I think, you know, this is kind of the differentiation also with like those kind of Buzzfeed style quizzes where it’s like, what princess are you and things like that, versus like an actual lead generating quiz, like. Not only do you want to answer the question, but you do want to offer that value to give people kind of like an insight into who you are as a coach or what, what your products are and how you’d like the time that you put into your business.

So that way, like people get that from your quiz. Cause remember. A lot of the time they’re meeting you for the first time. I think that’s the thing that I hear from our biggest quiz creators is you want people to scream when they get to that result page. Like, Oh my God, that is me to a T. They will reshare it.

They will tell all their friends and you want that to happen. Yes. I think that’s super correct. So let’s jump into, and we’re grabbing these best practices off of a video that Josh, our CEO actually. Posted up on our YouTube channel. So we will link that in the show notes for you guys. So you could get a better idea of what this, what this looks like, how it regard or how it relates to you and your business.

But first and foremost a best practice for your results is framing it in a positive way. So I think why I love this is we always talk about this too, is like your quiz in general should be framed in a positive way, but even if you’re talking about something. sort of difficult or negative or hard, you still want to frame it in a positive way so that people feel more connected to you.

And especially in that regard, they’re going to be a little bit more vulnerable, I would say. And so it’d be better for you to frame it as positive as possible. I also think that gets the person to want to do something like it gives them hope that there’s a solution to this, like, very big issue that they might be having, especially with those more serious quizzes.

So if you’re framing it in a positive way, they’re going to want to keep reading because there are, there’s still good things about them or their situation, or at least you can help guide them to how to find what those good things are, how to get there. I also think that when it starts off with something positive, feeling like I used Jackie, it encourages the quiz taker to want to take action or, you know, keep going.

Let’s keep reading. And that’s what you want. Because if they take action, that means, you know, you can start connecting with them. If you give them something negative off the bat, they might draw back, you know, and just kind of go back to where they were. It doesn’t encourage them to keep moving forward or do something about it.

Yeah, when we were in the quiz collective, I think it was her name was Akua and her quiz was something about like, burnt out leadership styles, something or other. And I took her quiz to give her feedback. And I forget exactly the result that I got, but the image that was on my result page, which I The image that was on my result page was like this super burnt out, like grabbing her hair, like so stressed person that I was like, Oh my God, that’s me.

I don’t even want to keep reading because I feel terrible about myself now. So I totally agree, Jesy. Like you’ve just, and I, and that was the feedback I gave her. She changed the picture and the quiz worked so much better because she was giving that hope. She was showing people that this is not the way that you have to look, you know, like things are, we can make things better.

I like to think of it as I mean, this is mostly for the people who live in the U. S., but when you look at you know, those commercials for different medications, and they’re always, like, the people, the actors in it are always, like, smiling, they’re out in the park, they’re in the sunlight, and it goes back to what we’ve said a lot of times, is, like, you want to show people in their ideal state.

You know, you want to relate to them and how they want to feel, what they want their life to look like, and I think that’s why This works and why it makes sense. Yeah. I’ve seen quizzes where they have words like what’s holding you back from doing X, Y, Z, or what challenge you’re currently presenting in whatever state or whatever thing that they’re offering, which I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, but tying it back to what we’re saying with positive quiz results, it’s like a lot of these times when you end up in the results.

There’s words like you’re a warrior mom, or you’re a, you know, you’re a fearless leader or something like that to sort of make that negative connotation turn into something motivating for the actual audience. And that sort of turns around the quiz takers progress and taking the quiz and then turns it into something like.

Motivational and something inspiring. And I think that’s also like a nice twist when you have these type of titles as well. It ties into what we’re talking about. It becomes a positive thing, but you don’t always literally think about that when you start the quiz, it just sort of progresses into that. So just wanted to add that in there because sometimes I know it can be challenging and you’re sort of trying to find the gap in what, whatever offering you have or whatever you’re trying to answer to the audience.

And so there’s nothing wrong with that as long as you’re Eventually turning into a positive thing. And this reminds me a lot of Lizzie Gallagher’s quiz. So she was on our podcast and we talked about like your creative persona and the whole goal of her quiz was not to change who you are as a creative person, but rather it was to become aware of how it is that you work so you can implement and do like different tricks and hacks.

To be more effective with your time. So think perfectionist too, right? Like a perfectionist, the bad of that is like, Oh my God, maybe they’re so focused on doing this thing. It takes them forever to finish a project. Nobody wants to be told that, but if you’re like, you’re a perfectionist and everything that you present is beautiful and it’s so on brand and it’s clear and it’s concise and it makes sense, that makes me feel really good.

And it also sets me up for the next step where you might be letting me down a little bit, but then leading me into, you can take this action now. So that you don’t have to waste all your time, but you can still be a perfectionist and output this super high quality content or whatever it is that you’re working on.

Yeah. It kind of leads the quiz taker to like the next thing. And then the next thing, right. It’s like more like an educational sort of progress for them. And, and people love that. I mean, people want to know about themselves. They want to understand who they are. So it’s, it’s, there’s literally nothing wrong with that, but just as long as it’s, I think in some way educational for them and beneficial for them.

I think that’s what. It’s important as well. That does actually segue into our second best practice, which is connecting your results to the bigger picture. So exactly like what you guys were just saying, like leading people into sort of the call to action, like ultimately what they’re going to get out of this experience, which is taking your quiz to find out, you know, what products are right for them or what, you know, coaching style or what I don’t know, like, is it one on one?

Is it group coaching? Is it, you know, things in that sort of, sort of space. So one of the things that really caught my ear slash Josh actually included in his Episode or well in his YouTube video for this was highlight how this can help users See their results as part of something bigger increasing their motivation and the perceived value of the quiz I really love that word of motivation because I think that’s the goal, right?

Like you want people to feel inspired you want them to feel motivated and that emotional feeling they’ll attach to your quiz. Yeah, there’s been times where I take quizzes and I’m like, Oh my God, like this is like, like, just like Jackie was saying, this is pretty much spot on of who I am, what I do. And that’s, that does spark an interest in like the company, the product of like, what do they do?

How well, why do they know me so well? Like, how is this resonating? You know, how is this resonating for, uh, with me? And so I think that’s That’s very valuable. I think it goes into the idea too of like your quiz title has to be the thing that people want, right? Like that’s what’s going to get them to take their quiz, but your quiz results and doing this exact step of connecting this idea, like who you are to the bigger picture, gives them insight into what they actually need because that’s what they’re looking for online anyways, right?

Like they need a solution to this problem. They might think they have the answer, but they really don’t. That’s why they’re Googling it or searching it, whatever they’re doing. And so I think that that’s the opportunity where you switch into this is what you need. This is how you can get started with that.

And this is how you can achieve this dream state that we want to show you the pictures of that we were talking about earlier. And I think it’s also important that if you’re not sure, like what bigger picture you’re trying to connect to, like everything has a bigger picture. Like if it’s a quiz, that’s like, are you ready to, you know, ace or do really well in the SATs?

It’s like, You know, maybe they’re not quite there yet, but how are we going to get them there and how is it going to connect them to that bigger picture of, like, getting into the college of their dreams if it’s like a business coach, you know, like, maybe they’re not like running stuff on every single social platform, but, you know, how you can get them started on doing better with that and increasing their reach and then, you know, growing their following, making more sales, like everything, every single thing should have a bigger picture that it’s connected to.

And that also makes everything so much more digestible, right? Like right now I just want to pass the SATs. I don’t care necessarily. I mean, yeah, probably it’s in the back of my mind. I want to go to this like dream school of mine, but like, I need to pass the SAT. So just help me do that. And then when you help me do that, then you can bring me to the next step of like getting into this college, applying to it, whatever that might look like.

So, especially when you have multiple streams of revenue or different offers in your business, you sort of like guide them along each one, but only when they’re ready for that specific thing. So that it feels very actionable and like something they can actually do and not just like, well, this would be great.

This is going to take me my whole life to figure out, you know? And that does also again, perfectly segue into our, into our third recommendation for best practices is personalization and actionable steps. So not only like relating it back to the bigger picture, but like Jackie said, like giving them actionable things that they could do now and then how it will relate later down the line.

With all of these best practices, let’s say like, you know, at what point would you say, you know, maybe is it an all or nothing thing? Is it at least one of these things? Like which of these recommendations do you think people have to have in their results? I think this is going to be super, like, opinion based and we’re all going to have different opinions, but that’s the idea!

Hot take! Tell me what you really think. I personally think we went over these three, like, main things to include. They can each be two sentences. So, in total, that would be six sentences. And I think this is, like, the minimum thing you should include. Frame your Frame the result in a positive way connect it to a bigger picture and then give them personalized results.

So we’re talking six sentences if you keep it like short and precise. So I think that is the bare minimum that you should include in your quiz results. Love that. Also, I agree. I like it. Oh, it might be one that can make a difference. Yeah. Give us give us the opposing view. Yeah. I don’t, let me say this politically, right?

I’m over here trying to frame my thoughts, making sure, making sure everybody’s on this chat, GPT, it’ll say it next to you. I think it’s definitely important to personalize it and make it your own in your own words, because that is the reason why people went to your website and take the quiz in the first place.

So if you start deriving from that, then I think that’s where the disconnect starts happening. And with that, whether that’s. Longer or shorter form. That’s really the way your business runs. So don’t try to jump on a trend just because you’re seeing it stick to what you’ve been doing. And I think that will be.

The best practice I can give. I think just to add to what Jesse was saying too, of like framing these things in just a couple, like all three of these, these chunks into like just a sentence or two is imagine, I mean, I do think probably the most important thing when someone’s taking a quiz, or I guess like the most value you can give them is number one of just like framing their actual result in a positive way so they know exactly what it means, but think about if that’s your quiz page and then that’s it.

What are they supposed to do next? Like, they’re never going to really get into your business unless you, I mean, maybe that’s all you say and you say, go check your email for the rest of the details or like to fix this or to get started or whatever, but if you’re not leading them to the next step, they’re not going to take it.

And probably the goal is to have them do more than just figure out something about themselves. Yeah, I will say the only thing I want to say that I think might be controversial, and this is total personal opinion. This can, I can be totally wrong. This is just my own personal, um, way of things. I, I don’t, I’m not a huge, I don’t, I like actions to be very like macro level, like one or two actions.

When I start seeing more than that, I get a little overwhelmed. Like if I was a quiz, quiz taker, if I see five, six, seven links, I’m like, where am I supposed to go? I really don’t know. what the next thing is. So I think that if you just make it very specific, like one or two things that you want them to do, that is great.

That way the person that’s taking it, the quiz, it’s not confused at all. I love that you say that though, because I think like one of the, one of the benefits of having a quiz is your lead magnet is to eliminate decision fatigue. For your audience, like people coming in who are just finding you or even like people who are returning.

But if you then give them too many decisions to make, it doesn’t have that benefit anymore. You know, like it is good to give resources, but you could always give those resources through email, right? Like, because now, you know, they’re on your email list. You know what their result is, you know, what resources you would provide for them, but you can do it in bite sized pieces versus like.

All at once in your results page. Yeah. And then just to clarify, this is like more resources related, not specific. I’m not specifically talking about product recommendation quizzes. That’s different because, you know, you’re actually, you can’t offer different products, but this is more in the sense of, like, having your quiz to go through all of these different links and you just not being, specific to what resource do you want to take them to next? I have an opposing opinion. I mean, I agree. I agree, but I go back to like what Jess said. The answer to this question is it depends, like it’s based on your business. It’s based on your brand voice and how you want, what you’re selling, how much that costs.

Right. But I think sort of like the pros for these longer form result pages and maybe, yeah, you would consider this more than one to two, like this is maybe getting into like six, seven calls to action is when you have a lot of different resources that people can get started with, but you have to format your result page in a way where there’s like very clear headlines or like blocks of content.

So that. Even if, cause I’m not a reader, I’m very slow and if I open something and it’s like a bunch of words on a page and all in one paragraph, I’m like, okay, we’re not reading that today, you know, like, I just can’t, my mind shuts down, but if there’s like emojis or headlines or the page break that we have or images or gifts that I can relate to, I may not be reading every single thing on that page, but I bet you, I will continue scrolling much further down the page and something If it might not be like buying the thing, or it might not be booking a call with you, I might want to listen to that one podcast episode that you recommend based on my results.

I might want to go read that one blog post that you send me. And yes, you should remind me of all those calls to actions in emails, one at a time so that I can get to them. But for a result page, for the first time I’m meeting you, I do like when it’s really long form and there’s opportunities for me.

Based on my preferences to go to different spots, like on that result page and check different things out that they might have. But again, formatting is key because if it’s all condensed into one paragraph, your girl’s not reading it. I feel like that brings up a really good point. Like. How we keep saying that it really depends, like, on your quiz topic, your audience, everything.

But I also think it depends on, like, where your quiz is. Like, if your quiz is embedded on a blog or, like, the about page on your website, like, people have started getting to know you. So, you know, maybe you don’t have to do a long introduction in the results. But maybe if you’re running an ad with a quiz and that might be their first touch point, maybe having six sentences isn’t enough and you do need to introduce them like to your business and everything else.

So I think it heavily depends on where you’re promoting your quiz and how you’re promoting it. Like, is this people’s first touch point with you or have they, you know, been on your website and know a little bit more about you? Totally. I’m also thinking of this one quiz. It’s a case study. Oh my gosh, I’m going to butcher the name.

Catherine Morgan Schaefer. And her quiz is based off of her book. And so in this specific, like, example, you don’t want your quiz results to be filled with information because you want people to go read your book. Right? You want to give them, like, enough to where they find interest, but then they’re like, I need to go buy this book and read the rest of it.

So you want, like, it’s, it is so funny, like, depending on the industry, depending on, like, what you’re actually doing with your quiz, like, what’s the goal of your quiz? And I think answering that question of, like, what do I want my ideal customer to get out of this experience? Like, Like, what information do I want them to know?

What do I feel is important for them to, to know to kind of get that motivation in order to keep moving forward with me, or at least like stay on my email list. So that down the line, when I keep sending them resources or I keep sending them, you know, things to purchase, then hopefully they’ll feel more inclined to do.

So the other thing that comes to mind when you say that, Jess is when we were at the creative educators conference. I forget who it was, but I think it was the panel discussion. Somebody had asked, do you how much value do you actually give away so that people. Feel like they still do have to buy your service to get all of the actual value.

Right. And one of the answers on stage was you can actually give away every single thing in your business, but in like digestible pieces. So like, maybe it’s a social post that is like an excerpt of your book. Maybe it’s the course that goes into that, whatever, but the sale actually comes from the convenience.

Of bundling it all together. So like it, for the book example, I totally get that, but I can also picture somebody writing a book and sharing, like, here’s chapter one, here’s the introduction, right. As a way to get this person sort of like hooked. And then, I mean, I don’t know, maybe like there’s different sections in blogs that you write that are like relating to chapter two for the rest of your book.

But someone’s still going to want to buy your book to have it in like one. Thing that they can hold and touch and like read all at once as opposed to what they also said like Neatly packaged is what they said like neatly packaged together Yeah, again based on the experience that you want your leads or your audience to have.

Yeah, I agree That’s really makes sense I mean even like when I’m looking something up online like how to write like a blog that’s really good for SEO You know, like I can probably find exactly how to do it By searching 15 different web pages, but if I can find one guide for 4. 99 that tells me how to do it and it’s condensed in one, I think that’s totally worth it because it saves me time and time is money.

Or even if it’s a little bit more, but I can just ask like, Oh my God, I don’t have to read. I can just talk to you and you’ll tell me like, I’ll pay for that. Right, right. I’m also I think something else they also mentioned was like they’re also specifically buying from you So this is kind of where your own brand personality comes through or shine through in the work that you do.

Is that Even with oh my gosh I feel like I keep having examples and I can’t remember names for the life of me. I’m sorry to everybody, but there is this jewelry account that I have been following for the past, I think since 2020, to be honest, the past few years, I want to say it’s called like DBL jewelry.

She doesn’t have a quiz sadly, but she, her business blew up because of Tik TOK, like she would show people how she handmade every single piece of jewelry that she sold on her website. And so it’s like. Following that journey and even like seeing that progression of growth for someone was so inspiring that like you want to buy from this person because they’re kind of telling you about their story behind the scenes.

You’re not just like walking into Target and buying like a 5. 99 piece of jewelry. It’s like, Oh, I know the work that went behind this piece of jewelry. And so Not only do people want to buy things that are like neatly packaged together, but they also do have an attachment to the brand. I love that. So we kind of talked a little bit about like information you would include, but when would you use a short form result page?

E commerce comes to mind first. Sean Ogle has a golf quiz and I can’t recall, I don’t know what his result pages look like now that I say this out loud. But at the end, yeah, but at the end, I’m going to go look, Sean, I’m sorry, but at the end of the quiz, it’s like a very specific, like product that you like a golf product that you would want to buy.

So those, you Pages, I think could be shorter form because you’re going into the quiz, knowing that you’re like trying to buy this thing already. You’re already aware that you need this product. You don’t have to go and like sell me on why I want to buy this one. You know, just tell me like why it’s this specific one instead of like that model or something like that.

So e commerce comes to mind first. When I think of people who can get away with short form result pages, because typically those people are like a little bit more ready to buy already. I will say this brings me back to what Damaris was saying earlier when you were like, Oh, I’m not really talking about product recommendation quizzes.

Because my thought when you said that was actually, I would rather it be really specific, less options. If I were taking a quiz, I, you don’t know how many times I have taken Sephora’s, which foundation should you buy or whatever. And they give me like pages worth of foundation, but like, you still have to go through.

Each one and look at like maybe the ingredients, how it’s made, like what type of, you know, sometimes like it’s like, and this is specific to skin stuff, but like, sometimes I would say like, oh, my skin is dry, but then they give me like a foundation good for combination skin. And then you read the reviews and you realize like, actually it’s really bad for dry skin.

So like, if I were a smaller e commerce store, like I think people are more likely to buy, if you give really specific, like, even if it was like three products, right. That were totally different. It’s like, Hey, these three would be great for you. And maybe the difference is like the scent, the fragrance, or like, maybe the difference is like you know, loose powder versus what’s the other one called, but you know what I’m talking about, pressed powder.

Yeah. You know, yeah. Candles and makeup on the broadcast. This is one thing for candles, right? Like what if it was like, what if it was like, oh, this is your signature scent, but here’s one wick versus three wick. Or like, here’s like you know, a travel candle. I don’t even know if that’s real. Maybe somebody should make that, like travel, like travel ready versus like, you know, beautifully displayed in your home.

This reminds me of, I’ve seen quizzes. This may be related to, yeah, it is related to short form and long form, but I’ve seen times where people have like their main quiz, right, of people that like the main lead magnet of new audits is coming in and that can be long form of however you want it, but then I’ve seen the secondary quiz where it’s a shorter form or a small, a micro version of that specific quiz and it’s back to what you guys are saying.

It’s very specific. It’s taking you to like, Okay. You’re either trying to sell a specific product or taking you to a specific service or coaching course, whatever it is, but the result pages are really not that long because it’s really just you making the decision for them and sort of getting them through that funnel and then getting them to that end result.

But they already, I guess they are already in a way, part of your audience funnel. You’re just trying to. Even like narrow it down even more. So I see in that in that scenario, short form has worked very nicely. And I think that it’s beneficial for them because then you’re hooking those quiz takers like, okay, this is kind of paragraph of 2 of what I’m going to what I already sort of know I want to do.

So let me then. Purchase it. And then it validates that thing that they already had in their mind. You know, I just wanted to mention Jasmine, what you were just saying, how with product quizzes or e commerce quiz in general, how we usually like to see one product and one result. And I was trying to think about why we like that.

And now that I think about it, if I take an e commerce quiz and they show me like one main product, but say like, but this could also work, but this could also work goes on and on, then I kind of lose credibility in the quiz. You know, I’m like, did it really find out what was right for me? Is it possible that all these products are my perfect match?

And this kind of makes me think about like if this is a personality style quiz about like where I am at my business like is it really possible that I Like for me the next step is to listen to your podcast go to your YouTube channel follow you on Instagram and download Like, 2 different guides, you know, like, I feel like the broader it is, the more I lose credibility that I feel like they’re not personalizing it exactly to what I need, like, which podcast episode, you know, which should I look at on Instagram?

Like, not down, don’t give me all of your freebies to download or all of your courses to check out. So I think. It goes to the point that you really do have to get specific in the results and give them personalized results, not just like a catch all because you’re thinking, well, if they made it this far, I want them to, you know, do all of these things at once.

I totally agree. Yeah, I was going to say, even if you’re not like a small makeup brand and you’re somebody like Sephora, I still want one answer. That’s why I took quiz because I don’t know which one I should buy. So tell me. Well, what if Plain devil’s advocate because you guys know I like candles, you know, like to try different things.

What if it’s a quiz about candles? Just gonna use candles as an example. And I like a specific scent, right? Or a specific collection, but then they have all of these related products and they already know that I like this scent. So it’s like, okay, let me Move her further down the funnel and, you know, show her we have hand sanitizer, that’s this scent.

We have a whole product line. That’s this scent. Like, would that still, would you still lose credibility in that? Because I know I wouldn’t, but would you still lose credibility in that? I wouldn’t because if you’re telling me this is the best makeup for me or like product makeup product, and then you tell me, by the way, we also have this one that has STF in it and be like, okay, great.

By that way, we also have this tinted moisturizer for like summer when it’s too hot and you don’t want it thicker, you know, I think that’s along the same line, like tangential items. But it’s not like jumping like, Oh, by the way, like try this perfume, you know? Yeah. I love that answer. Cause it answered the question, like it told us the candle we should buy.

And then regardless of what else is on that page, like I got the results. So I’m happy with you because I got that. But if you skip that part and you were like, look at all this stuff we have. Yeah. No, that, that I would lose, I think you would lose credibility that way. The other idea though, Damaris is that doesn’t have to happen on a result page.

It happens in an email. And so that’s how you keep me engaged over time and maybe buying new things. Cause you already know that I’ve bought in this. And I feel like for me, I would rather that show up there than on a very. specific like quiz result page. And so I guess that’s another answer to your question, Jess, of when is short form a good idea.

It’s when you’re sending the value or like the total result information via email. So they take the quiz, they subscribe, they get on a result page. That’s like maybe this long. That’s like, thank you. You’re this. And this is what it means to learn more or to like figure out your next steps. Go check your email.

Or maybe, this sometimes pisses people off so another hot take, but some people will give no information on the quiz result page. Ron talked about this in the episode that we did with him, where it was literally just, thanks for taking the quiz to find your result, go check your email. So all, there’s no information on the result.

It’s very short form, but the long form comes in slash the ideas and the nurturing comes in all through the email sequence. Hot take, I don’t like that. See? That’s why it depends. Yeah, it does depend. I mean, first of all, you know your audience, that’s why it depends. It does make you look at your email, though, and open that first email.

If I go to a website and they’re like, enter your email for 25 percent off, and then I’m expecting it to pop up the code and it doesn’t, I go to my email. I look for that email and open it right away. So, it depends what your goals are. I was going to say to you, like, from what it sounds like and what I’m hearing from and I’ve seen people do this with their quizzes, is they do things in stages.

That is probably correct. And that makes the most sense because you don’t want to overwhelm people with too much to do at one time. But I’m thinking of like, you know, you have your results with all this information, but you do want them to like, move on to the next step. So like, maybe like once they. Once they get all this info, they do book a call with you and then in that first call, you’re like, Hey, I’m going to send you.

I have a five page, you know, PDF guide based off of what we talked about today. I’m going to email this to you, you know, review it. Let me know if you have questions. And then in that email, then you send them to the next step, which is like, maybe they buy I don’t know, your, your course, your online course that goes, dives deep into all of this.

So, it doesn’t have to be that exactly, but you’re going in certain stages where you give them information and then you have them do an action. You give them more information, have them do another action. Give them more information and, and so on. One more thing to say on that, because I’ve heard this from a couple of people that they’ll use quizzes and or their quiz result pages to benefit their SEO.

So a really great use case of using long form result pages is to keep people, especially when you’re using your own redirect, right? So the result is on your own URL. You’re keeping people on that page for a much longer time than. Elsewhere so that that will help to improve your SEO. Another strategy would be whether it be, probably this would work better in email, but like Jess was saying, where you’re sort of like dripping information one at a time, it could be, okay, now I want you to go look at this blog post after that, you’re going to go look at this one.

And so now you’re sending more traffic to different pages. Both totally different use cases. So again, you really got to get clear on what is it that you’re trying to do, who, like what, what are sort of like these users behaviors and then just play into that to help you achieve your goal faster with these different methods.

Yeah, I love that. I was a great, like, kind of end note. Okay, bye. No, I was just kidding. And now I want to say one more thing. One more thing. No, but that really is, I think, like, a good place to end is, and what we always say is just figure out the goal of your quiz. What do you want your customers to get out of it?

And the nice thing I will say about any marketing campaign, whether it’s a quiz or something else, have, like, you know, a certain amount of time where you test. That specific thing and then switch it up if you feel like it’s not working. Yep. Amen to that. Amen. Well, ladies, thank you so much for jumping in on this topic with me.

For those who are listening, thank you for being here with us and, and listening to that. We will link those resources for you and just. Another shout out that we have officially launched our public facing AI. So now you guys can go in there and get a new quiz within minutes. Check it out. And let us know what you think.

Can we just add to that? One more thing. The AI quizzes that you’re creating are going to be short form. The templates that we have are mostly longer form content. So if you’re really not sure, check out both of those options, but just know if you’re using the AI builder and you get just a few sentences.

And this is exactly what Jesse said earlier. It sums up these three steps in just a couple of sentences each. So it’s really short and concise. You can expand on that. If you like longer form, just have AI make your quiz and then expand on what it is that you want to tell people, introduce different offerings, send them to your different pages, et cetera.

Love it. All right, guys. Well, thank you. And we’ll. See you next time. Bye everyone. Bye guys.

Jessmyn Solana

Jessmyn Solana is the Partner Program Manager of Interact, a place for creating beautiful and engaging quizzes that generate email leads. Outside of Interact Jessmyn loves binge watching thriller and sci-fi shows, cuddling with her fluffy dog, and traveling to places she's never been before.

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