Ep. 91

Meta’s New Twitter Alternative and Social Media Marketing in 2023 with Team Interact

In this episode we dive into the exciting world of social media in 2023, with a special focus on Meta’s announcement about their new Twitter alternative, Barcelona. We discuss what we know so far about Barcelona and how we think it’s going to shake up the social media landscape. We also delve into the latest social media marketing trends and how we as a business have adapted our strategies as things have changed. Join us as we navigate the ever-evolving world of social media!

This episode features Interact’s CEO Josh Haynam, Growth Manager, Jackie Aguglia, and Social Content Manager, Jesy Nelson.

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All right. Hi everybody. Welcome back to the Grow Podcast from Interact. Today we are going to talk about social media marketing. This is something that our customers are talking about all the time, all of you all listening, and for good reason. I mean, social is In the top 10 websites, I’d say at least half of them are social networks.

So it’s a huge part of the internet. It’s a huge part of growing a business and it’s definitely something you have to do, like it or not. And so it’s worth talking about. The specific impetus that brought this up for us was Instagram announced that they’re going to be copying Twitter and. The reports say you can port it over your existing followers on Instagram to this new Insta Twitter or whatever you want to call it, and you’ll basically be able to use it like Twitter, but with your Instagram followers.

So interesting. I think anytime there’s a new social platform, there’s opportunity for growth. Like we just saw that with TikTok and you know, the opportunity for creators to jump in there. Get in early and kind of, you know, grow a following that they may not have had on other social networks. So the way we’re gonna kind of run it today is we’re each gonna kind of speak from our own experiences and what we’ve seen to work on social and then also what we’ve seen from our customer base.

Because we have a lot of people with really large social followings. So, I guess to kick things off and anybody can jump in here, the question that I had that I was curious about is what is working now? It’s May of 2023, and which platforms and what types of content do we see performing really well on social media?

No. I guess I’ll start. So from what I’ve been seeing on Instagram, which is what we’ve been most active on the past few years, I would say that right now we’re seeing a big shift to user generated content and also just in general, a lot less graphics. We’re kind of in this new era where people are really putting themselves out there, you know, making short form videos, making reels, but.

I think the new kind of big shift is that less graphics in a way, and if they are graphics, a lot of carousels really like valuable content, but I think right now it’s more about people actually putting their face out there, talking to the camera instead of just kind of representing themselves as a brand.

That’s what I’m seeing a lot in our client base, and it’s also been a struggle for a lot of people to move to this because it’s new and it’s also. Kind of like a vulnerable thing to put yourself out there instead of just putting graphics out there. And I see that our customer base is trying to shift a lot to that too, and the ones that are successful are doing it really well.

Yeah. And I think on platforms like Instagram, you, the key to being successful there is repetition of posting. So you wanna have some sort of like regular cadence of it. Mm-hmm. You can repost the same things, but it could also be different, you know, different reels or different graphics or carousels, whatever you’re putting out there, that’s time consuming.

And a lot of people don’t love that. We get feedback all of the time. It was in the Marketing Barriers episode of, okay, I put my quiz on social media at one time and nothing happened. Well, that’s because nobody. Found it. I think the stat that we used in coaching was 10 percent-ish of your audience will see a post when you post it.

So you like, the key is really you have to continu, continuously reshare these messages, which is different than platforms like YouTube and Pinterest, which are based on search. Right. So I can, like you’re. Your posts or your content that you’re putting on platforms that are using search stay around a lot longer or can be found years later because it’s getting picked up by people searching specific keywords.

Whereas in like Instagram and Facebook, things just sort of get suppressed over time. So you need to keep posting to stay up at the top cuz people aren’t able to search the same way for this type of content. They just have to see it because they’re following you or it’s related to something that you follow.

And so the algorithm sort of like picks it up and puts it into your ideal customer feeds. Hmm, that’s a really good point. That’s a really good point. And I think that taking a slight step back, I feel like the point of social media, and I’ve been playing around with posting on LinkedIn more and something that I’ve really noticed is.

If you have a back and forth with somebody, either in the comments like they make a comment and then you comment back and you have a conversation or you comment on their thing, they comment back, you have a conversation, there’s direct message back and forth about something that you’ve posted or they’ve posted.

Those people tend to be much more active in terms of. You know, continuing to engage and vice versa. Like if, you know, somebody comments on my thing and I’ll comment back and we’ll have a conversation and it’s like, oh, now I’m gonna pay more attention to what you are, you know, posting and what you’re, you know, putting on, on the network.

And then obviously the way the algorithms work is like the more a likes and comments and shares a post gets, the more it’s gonna be seen. So that’s really important. I don’t know if this is exactly a question, but what I do see, and I do see this amongst our customer base, is I do see people posting a lot with zero Interaction.

Like no comments, no likes, and I’m not saying that to be shaming in any way. I’m saying it in the sense of like, At least from my view, that’s totally pointless and takes a lot of effort anyways. So maybe if both of you were like looking at this as an anthropological study, when you are looking at social media and looking at our customers and, and our own stuff, What is the content that’s getting Interaction?

Like what is the difference? Like if we were to analyze all the posts that we’ve all looked at, like what are the ones where it is actually driving that conversation back and forth, that leads to building up followers versus what’s the content that people are posting that’s just like ghosting, like nobody’s seeing it.

I think what Jesy said earlier, authenticity. Works to get engagement, right? So being vulnerable, showing up. Cause how do I wanna say this? Everything always looks perfect on social media, right? And this is like a big trend too, I think, especially with the younger generation coming up and bullying, and shaming in all of this.

Life isn’t in reality what it looks like on social media. And I think people are very open to that idea now that. You know, this beautiful influencer maybe doesn’t look like this 24 7. And so just being authentic and showing who you really are and who your business really is and who it really serves, and not trying to cater to everybody is the content that’s getting engagement, which I think is more important than just followers necessarily.

Right. I see. I mean, as from the sort of like Affiliate program side of things where I’m looking in reviewing applications, I get to see people’s social media profiles and sure, sometimes I see the number of followers and I’m like, wow, that’s amazing. This person must have some type of influence. But then you look at in the comments and how many likes and there’s nothing.

And so I’m like, well, did you buy all these followers? Or whatever you’re saying it’s not translating, right, so you just because you have a hundred thousand followers or 50, 20,000 followers, right, doesn’t necessarily mean that you are. Being successful on the platform. So I think it really comes down to authenticity and chat.

G B T is a huge conversation now, right? So I would say if you’re using chat g p t to post, cuz I’ve played around with this myself as well. And you’re just getting generic things from chat G B T and posting them online. They don’t convert as well as you did this one authentic, really great post and then used chat G P T to create different variations of that so that you have more content to share because.

You’re guiding what chat g p t should be sharing in these posts. It’s authentic. It’s coming across as you, so I think that for me, that’s what it, it’s very obvious who’s doing that and who’s not. And you can see it in these followers versus the engagement that they’re getting on their accounts. Yeah, I, go ahead.

Oh, go ahead. Okay. I was just gonna say, I agree with Jackie definitely authenticity, but I’ve also just noticed that anything that is entertaining and even somewhat in the topic of your niche, those are the posts that get the most engagement. And unfortunately, when you’re sharing something about your product or your services, those are gonna tend to get way less engagement.

But, There’s still posts that you have to share. You still have to let your audience know what you do and not just only share, you know, funny reels or relatable quotes, but I think finding that balance is really hard. But I think an example I’m thinking of is Lala Social Club. We had an episode with them.

They do a great job of sharing funny quotes and everything and sprinkling in stuff about their services. Some of their client wins, but same thing for them, the most engagement is usually on something that’s funny or relatable or something that’s controversial, which I know people are against kind of the whole Click Baby thing, but, When people post something controversial, the comments usually get blown up because either people are like, wow, I had no idea.

Or just, it’s interesting to read everyone else’s opinions and the comments, but it’s hard because the posts that you would like to get the most engagement and the most eyes on are the ones where you’re sharing about your business and your products and your services, but that’s just not how it goes, I think.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. I was gonna follow on to what both of you said. Were. What I’m finding in my own posting and then kind of observing what other people are doing. Like there’s another bootstrap founder, her name’s Melissa Kwan, and she had a post yesterday that did really well talking about procrastination.

And the photo that she put with that was like her holding this sign that says procrastination that she has hanging up in her house. And what I noticed, I was like, You can’t really fake that. Like the, the photo has to do with what you’re talking about. It’s like in the moment it’s, it’s like a good quality photo.

It’s not like grainy or anything, but it’s not like, oh, I did a photo shoot for this and it got a ton of engagement and it was a good message. Like honestly, she was talking about like, you know, procrastination from a different perspective. And the other thing that was interesting about that too is like if you look at Melissa’s LinkedIn profile, It’s very clear what she does.

Like she’s the founder of a webinar software, and so that’s been my experience where if I post something that’s like a story about Interact that has really nothing to do with quizzes, people still click through to my profile and look at the profile. Like I’ve had, I think in the last week, my impressions is like 10 K and the profile views is 500.

So it’s like, 500 people clicked through and looked at my profile and if the profile says like, oh, founder of co-founder of Interact, quiz maker, like use quizzes to get leads, the people that are interested are gonna then click through to this site. And so people do, at least from what I’m seeing, like people do.

If, if you post something that’s really entertaining or interesting or it’s a good story or whatever, they’ll naturally be curious to like see who you are. And then your profile acts as like a soft sell. And then if they’re interested, they’ll click through to your website where they can actually buy something.

So that, that was kind of what I was thinking about in terms of how it all ties together because it’s the same, same thing that I’m seeing where it’s like, The stuff where it’s like, oh, we do this and we’re the best at that. Like tho I see so many of those where it’s like the second you mentioned like, come work with me for X.

Like nobody engages with that. It’s just like dead content. Yeah, yeah. No, yeah, yeah. But I will have to say that Josh, you are an incredible storyteller. So for our listeners out there, if you get a chance, go check out Josh’s LinkedIn. I think that. Is such like a powerful thing to have for social media that you are able to convey a message and kind of drop little, like golden nuggets in your stories.

And I like, I don’t even know how you do it. Like how do you just sit down? How do you approach creating content for LinkedIn? Hmm. Yeah. Yeah, I appreciate that. I, I create space first. Like when I write stories, it’s. When I have a free morning and I don’t have obligations until like 11, which is why I don’t take meetings before like 11.

I just sit for, for a couple hours and just kind of think about things. I’ll also get inspired a lot. I read a lot, like probably. I’ll read or read summaries of like two or three books a week and listen to like four or five hours of podcast content of like entrepreneurs. A lot of the inspiration comes, it’s like a mix between somebody else’s story, like.

James Dyson, my founder of the Dyson Vacuum Company, has lots of good stories, so I’ll, I’ll listen to a podcast about him or read his autobiography and then think about stories from Interact that are the same or similar to Dyson’s stories. And then that’s, and then I’ll, then I’ll triangulate that with what is doing well on socials right now, because like there’s a lot of stories about Interact that.

People just aren’t interested in right now. Like, you know, the, the social zeitgeist, right? Like changes all the time. So I guess I would say it’s a triangulation between, you know, what’s historically done well. What story do you have from your business? Cuz like, you know, for our audience listening, like you all have been in business, a lot of you longer than we have.

Like, we have so many people that have been in business like 15, 20 years. So there’s so many stories from there. So I would connect that up to like what’s historically done well, so that you know that this is not just like a in the moment thing, like this is something that people are actually interested in.

And then connect that up to what’s, what’s hot on social media right now. And if you can do those three things, I think you can consistently create. But yeah, the, the. The motion of it is just like setting aside time on a daily basis to be able to write. And if it’s not a ton of time, I, I spend about an hour and a half a day like writing.

And so it doesn’t take a huge amount of time. But I think too, Josh, and this is like what, what I meant by authenticity, that’s you being authentic. And so if you’re not a writer but you like to be on video, then maybe that’s you for five minutes in the morning, you know, showing where you are or talking into the camera about what you’re feeling or the story that you want to tell it.

I think it looks different for everybody out there because we are all different, right? So like what? Whatever is. The easiest thing for you to do in order to convey this story, to convey these messages, to put these points together is what you should be doing on socials, whether it’s through graphics and pictures and or blogs and writing or videos.

Yeah, that’s a good point. I mean, I, video makes me tired. I don’t, I don’t think it does for you, Jackie. Right? Like, writing makes me tired. You’re incredible. Put the cam, yeah, just put the camera on. Let’s do it. I don’t even, yeah, let’s go, let’s go. Reedit my words 800 times. Yeah. Thank you Chad. So I’m, I’m, I’m gonna turn the tables on you then, because, so for me, right?

Like, you know, to answer your question, Jesy was like, it gives me energy to write it. It does feel like a little bit vulnerable and scary to put it out because it is actually like, Actual stories, like I’m not just making stuff up. It’d be a lot easier if I was making stuff up. But it’s like I, I try to get to the point where I’m talking about what I actually think.

And once you do that, I think that does get scary cuz it’s like, well people might not like it, they might not engage with it or like they might think this is a bunch of junk. But the actual process of creating gives me energy so, To, to switch over to you, Jackie, like when you’re sitting down to make a video.

Like does it feel like that? Like do you feel like making videos is energizing and also like, how do you, how do you do so many of them? Because sometimes we’ll be like, wow, do you make so many videos? Because for me, I’m like, yeah, I can do a lot of, of writing, but I can’t make a lot of videos like, like you do.

So what’s, what’s your process? I think I’m still figuring out the process. Honestly. I started with, in our community just answering questions, right? So nothing was scripted. I didn’t have a fancy camera, I didn’t have anything other than Loom, honestly. And I would just get on Loom, share screen if I needed and just explain something.

And I found just in doing that, I was able to answer so many more questions for people so much faster than trying to write it out because If you know me, I, I get distracted easily. I definitely have shiny object syndrome and so I might be typing something and going into tangents, or I might even be talking about something and going to go into tangents, right?

And so these videos get really long, but that’s where I’ve sort of, that’s where I started to craft. The process. This is like, where I’m at now is okay, writing takes too long. I’m re-editing things too many times before I’m sending it back out to these people, right? I’m resending the same message over and over.

So to go find it and copy it and paste it and move it right, took a long time. Whereas video, it’s all stored in a repository. It’s easier for me to just hit record and talk through what I’m thinking. And now I got to go to Dan Bennett’s video cohort, the video for entrepreneurs, which we talked about before.

And in that program, We talked all about scripting. So before you even hit record or sit down to hit record or decide what you’re gonna write, you’re going through all of these sort of processes of thinking through what do people need to know? How am I going to convey this message? What’s the hook to lead in with?

That was exhausting for me. And also Yeah, I, I, I’ll just leave it at that. That was exhausting for me. It took a long time. It required even more editing work to fix it, to get it to where it needed to be. And now I’m at a point where, but it, but it helps, let me say this first, it helped in what my video time cut down in like half because I was very intentional about what I needed to say in this video and not get distracted with the other shiny things that might relate to this topic.

And so now I’m at the point where, I’ll script to a sense where, okay, this is what we need for these channels, but this is the, this is like a, a bullet point of what we’re covering, right. I already know the answer to that, so don’t make me read it off of a script into a camera where I lose my breath and don’t move and get all awkward, but just let me talk about it like I am normally, you know?

And it’s, it’s. It’s become a really energizing process for me cuz everyone’s like, okay Jackie, we need this. And I’m like, no problem, let’s figure it out. I love to like a new challenge. I don’t always know the answers. I have to go in and figure it out before I can put it onto video. Right. Sometimes I just do it like, okay everybody we’re figuring this out together and sometimes I have to really take time to do it.

So And it’s, it can be different every day too. So I just don’t put yourself in a box, maybe if you’re like me, right? Like, try different things out. Be open to new experiences. I did just get the 4K camera, and that was really what’s the word I’m looking for? I don’t know. I, I kind of stressed me out cuz I was like, oh God.

And I have to like, look better cuz every camera can see every little crevice of my face and, you know, I have to use this equipment, which just felt overwhelming to begin with. What buttons do I have to press? You know, what software do I have to learn now? But you’ll, you’ll get to a point where you sort of get in your own groove.

And Josh, it’s gonna be, I think it’s the same with your writing. You just know when. You have the space to create and doing it on video is way easier for me than trying to craft a perfect message with words cuz I don’t think I’m that great with words, so just let me spill it outta my mouth as we talks.

So that’s what works for me. And then you’ll see, because you, you mentioned this too, Josh, it, it is a little bit scary to put it out there, but when I started and I was just getting people answers and providing value, it wasn’t scary because they asked me, and especially after more people, oh, I saw that video.

Can you make me one? Or what do you think about this? Right. The more people are receptive to it and want this content, and you can see the views and the likes and the engagement on them. So you, you, you start to get ideas of what works, what doesn’t work. Like I was looking at YouTube analytics where I made a video where all the drop off was at like two minutes for maybe a 10 minute long video.

Okay. Jackie, like, you don’t need to make 10 minute videos anymore. Stop doing that. And so you’ll just learn what works, what doesn’t, and keep crafting. Yeah. That’s, there’s like. A couple of things. I was gonna say three, but I don’t know how many there are. There’s a couple things that you said there that I think are really good.

One is, even if it is something that’s like really energizing and natural to you, like whether it’s writing or making videos or whatever, right? Or doing podcasts, you do have to like practice. And I always think about like athletes, right? Like all the famous athletes are like, yeah, I spend four hours in the gym practicing dribbling with my left hand.

And it’s like no one sees that. There’s no way they enjoy that cuz it’s really monotonous and you do have to do some of that practice where it’s like I’m learning the skill. But then you naturally enjoy the process. And so it’s the same with with my writing too. It’s like I can’t just sit down and write exactly how I would want to write.

Like I have to format it for LinkedIn or Twitter or a blog post or whatever it is, like whichever format I have to practice that. So I think there’s that. And then the other thing, Is that everybody has a different style. It’s like everybody, everybody has something else that can naturally work for them, and I think you can just, as long as you can adapt it to the, the social platform of the day, right?

Like it, it totally works. So I think, I think that is good. And then, you know, it, it does just take like. Some momentum going, like, you gotta get stuff out there. And I think, at least for me, and it sounds like the same for you, like the most momentum is when somebody’s like, this was helpful also, could you do this?

And then you’re like, cool. When they, when they say like, the, also could you do this? Then it’s like, oh, I know one person wants this content. Which means that I always say like, at least 10 other people want the content. Sometimes it’s a lot more. And so those are, those are kind of my takeaways. Jesy on the Instagram side, since that’s something you’ve been running for two and a half years?

I think so about two and a half. Yeah. Wow. Long time. So, couple of things there. One, I think the, like the grittiness to keep going and the numbers have, you know, continued to go up, but similarly to how Interacts numbers go up, where it’s pretty linear. It’s not like overnight we blew up, which. You know, it’s like the, if you build it fast, it goes away fast.

If you build it slow, it goes away slow. So I’m, I’m a big fan of doing the slow route. So one, like about the consistency, like what do you find to, to stay motivated, like through that? And then two, like just reflecting on your experience over the last two and a half years and growing that following significantly, like what are your big takeaways?

Yeah, so I think back when I first started, there was kind of a social presence, but nothing really. So the first thing that we kind of decided to do is try and get consistent with posting four to five times a week. So that’s what we started with. And back then there weren’t reels and that actually got us a pretty good amount of followers.

A lot of our existing customers, we got to build more connections with them and kind of, you know, have a new place to talk to them. Since usually the only place that we communicate them was through chat. And based off of that, we actually launched a community group on Facebook, which we let a lot of people there and back to socials.

And it was just a great opportunity for us to learn more about everything that they’re doing, what they need from us. And that was a great way to help us make content to what to put out. But I would say that some of the challenges we’ve seen is with reels coming out, that was great. You could post like a very, like not much effort put into something kind of like real, and you would get 10,000 views.

Now that is definitely not the case. Now, reels do not get as many views because people are posting so many, but I would say, I think like my biggest takeaway from Instagram is that the harder you have to think about what to post and the more like you’re kind of like angst, like you’re feeling like nervous about it or unsure, or you’re not sure if it’s gonna perform.

The worse it does and the more time it takes for you to even get it out there. So, When we have good content, when we’re making good blogs, when we’ve got good videos, when we’ve got good podcast episodes, it’s easy to take content from that and repurpose it for socials. So it’s not much thought put into it.

It’s not like I have to sit down and start like from scratch. So I think that is a huge thing. So if, let’s say you’re worried about social, what are your strengths? Is blogging your strength is making videos. Your strength. Figure out what your strength is, and you can take content from that and use it on Instagram successfully, but don’t ever start from scratch.

If that’s not your strength, then don’t start from scratch, I would say. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that, that makes me think about like, I know a lot of our audience is, is into like manifesting or the different spiritual practices and. I, I kind of buy into the concept that like people know, like they know if you sat there like agonizing over it and it’s repelling in a way that like, I don’t know how that exactly works in the ethos or whatever, but it’s like, It’s more easy, it’s more fluid if yeah, you just sit down and write and publish.

And I find the same thing in, in my own creating process. It’s like if, if it’s something that actually comes naturally and is normal and like just a thought that you have and you share it, then people are much more receptive to that. And then, The other point that you made about the reels traffic going down?

I was thinking about this the other day because I do think there’s a window in which. There’s an opportunity to capture an audience on social when a new social platform comes up. And it’s pretty short, like it’s a few years at the most, usually less, where it’s like if you’re in early to reels or to TikTok or to shorts or whatever, like you have a chance to capture an audience and then it just, Exponentially gets harder after that when, when the platform gets flooded.

And so back to the, the Twitter Instagram concept, that’s why I was thinking about it, cuz it’s like, okay, here’s a new platform. We as a team have a lot of practice with socials now. So what’s our strategy gonna be? And maybe we can just take, let’s see, what time are we at? Oh, we’re almost at time.

Let’s take like three to five minutes and we can just out loud brainstorm spitball ideas for what should our approach be to Twitter Graham? I think so off platform for YouTube. We’re dabbling in shorts now, and what I’m realizing from this is, You’re not necessarily, and from the people I’ve talked to, you’re not necessarily supposed to see a huge influx of followers because you’re posting shorts.

Shorts are strictly for visibility, and then the right people who see them will, will then follow, engage, whatever by whatever their, their. Whatever they’re looking for. But I think the biggest difference on YouTube that we’ve made, and we can see in the results, is linking the content. So it’s not necessarily to say like, all of all 500 videos that we have on YouTube, you should watch them in this order.

It’s not like that at all. But hey, if you’re watching this video, then it’s very likely you’re gonna wanna do this thing next. And so I think bringing that over to the new platform would work sort of the same, maybe not algorithmically Right, but. You wanna lead people to the next thing so that if they are peaked their interest or they’re curious, they go do that next thing without having to think too hard about what it is.

Cuz if they have to think too hard or they don’t know what it is, they’re not gonna do it. So I think bringing that over to the new platform would be, Something that we should focus on. I mean, really for any platform that we’re on, because we’re already doing that with YouTube and we’ve seen the numbers grow quite a bit, and it helps to boost us in the algorithm because more people are watching our content because the right videos are being surfaced or recommended after they watch something which they searched for or found.

However they found. And also I wanna say too, that helps with collaborations and partnerships because maybe we don’t make the content right? Like maybe it’s, you know, marketing your quiz and we link out to some, you know, somebody, a customer who’s actually done this and what they’re doing and how they did it, right?

We don’t have to recreate that content. We can amplify that customer show off. What they did, they can then amplify, Interact back for their audience of other people who aren’t currently using quizzes. So I think by linking content in that way, whether it’s your own or someone else’s, it’s a really great way to grow awareness so that the right people start engaging and following.

I like that. So by our journey for the first one, and collaborations for the second one for our Twitter Graham strategy. Yeah, totally. What else is that? I think that this is gonna be a really cool opportunity for a new place and way for our customers to share their quizzes. So I think that I’m, I have no clue what this is gonna look like.

You said it might be in the Instagram app all? Mm-hmm. Yeah. So I mean, as of now, people shared a post and you then you say, go to the link in my bio. Or they shared it on their story and they said, click here. But now is the opportunity to start a conversation about your quizzes, you know, start a thread and now.

I feel like in this situation people are gonna reply what result they got and everything else, and I think it’s a good opportunity for us to kind of hop in and start educating people. Like, look, here’s one little thread. Here’s how you can build a quiz with Interact AI. Like click this and you can try it.

This took five minutes to read and you can do this in five minutes. So I think this is gonna be an exciting opportunity for us and I’m excited to see everyone’s quizzes, more places to share and promote it. Yeah, that’s a really good point. So we, yeah, whatever that one, like sharing quiz results, sharing quiz results within a thread, like that’s something that people always are trying to do on Instagram or LinkedIn, but the, the comments are like hidden.

Whereas the way that Twitter works, and I would imagine this Instagram, Twitter will work as like replies are very much part of the post. Mm-hmm. And so having like a conversational. Aspect to it. And then yeah, being able to share our strategies more and more simply like as our AI continues to develop and the process of writing a quiz gets shorter and shorter now, it doesn’t need to be like a 10 minute video or a blog post.

It can be Instagram, Twitter thread of like, here’s the five steps to make a AI quiz. Yeah. Which is pretty exciting. Yeah, very. We are, we’re, we’re, we’re doing cool stuff. I would also maybe say Josh. Pay attention to what you like on social and what your own behavior, right? And maybe try to mimic that for your business or whatever it is that you’re sharing or wanting to promote.

Because we all scroll differently, right? There’s mindless scrolling, there’s intentional scrolling. There’s, oops, that you didn’t mean to find this, but I did. Right? Like you never know. And so linking the right content to the right places. Being, being repetitive in what you’re posting and, and maybe how you’re talking about your quiz.

So there’s one of like, why you’d wanna take this quiz, what you’re gonna find out after you took the quiz. What happened after you, you know, continued with this person? What do your results look like? Then those are all very different threads. That would all essentially lead back to a call to action of take this quiz or after you have the quiz result, do these follow this funnel next, which is essentially what you’re trying to do with your business.

Put someone into this funnel and get them to the end of it. To buy or whatever, whatever it’s that you’re wanting people to do. So just pay attention to your own scrolling and what do you click on? When do you choose to click on a bio versus not, or an additional link or go off the platform to a website and try to recreate that for your customers.

Cuz it’s probably people who are just like you are following you. That’s a good point. That’s a good point. Yeah. I like that. So we have our conversation, we have our. Wait, what were the other ones? There’s, watch the replay. Yeah, I was gonna try to recap and then completely blanked that time of day. But yeah, I think that’s a good strategy for us.

So we will kind of. Solidify that and share that as a blog post. Probably like what is our, once we figure out what the name of this is gonna be, we’ll share Interact strategy for this new social social network. And then, then we can do a follow up episode in a few months and share how things are going just to kind of keep people in line with that.

So I think that is it for today. This is a fun conversation. So, Thank you both. Mm-hmm. And we will wrap this up. There’s nothing, no big announcements this week, so kind of just if you need Jessmyn’s Jessmyn. Yeah. Jessmyn’s back. Jessmyn’s coming back. That’s the big announcement. Ooh. Back from the world tour.

So, yeah. That will be exciting. I’m off next week so Jess can jump back in and I think Damaris will be back next week as well. So look forward to that. Yes, and perfect. That’s it. Yep. Happy Memorial Day, everybody. Enjoy the weekend. Yeah, every weekend. Bye. Bye-bye. All right.

Make Your Own Quiz For Free
Jessmyn Solana

Jessmyn Solana is the Partner Program Manager of Interact, a place for creating beautiful and engaging quizzes that generate email leads. Outside of Interact Jessmyn loves binge watching thriller and sci-fi shows, cuddling with her fluffy dog, and traveling to places she's never been before.