It looks like you're unacquainted with Scripture, but don't worry! This just means it is time to dust off that Bible and dig in. You have a world of truth to discover!
(Expected level for new Christians and Christian-raised kids up to 10 years.)
You've paid attention just enough to learn about some of the basics. But don't stop there--you have so much more to discover!
(Expected level for young Christians and Christians-raised kids between 8-14 years.)
Good job! You've collected enough information to have a solid grasp of the Bible. Keep learning, and you will soon be quite knowledgeable in the Scriptures.
(Expected level for child to adolescent Christians and Christian-raised kids between 12-16 years.)
Congratulation! You know your Bible quite well and show all the signs of being well acquainted with the whole of Scripture. But don't stop studying now! You can never run out of things to learn about God...
(Expected level for adult Christians and Christian-raised kids of 14+ years.)