The Augurey
"A thin and mournful-looking bird, somewhat like a small and underfed vulture in appearance, the Augurey is a greenish black. It is intensely shy, nests in bramble and thorn, eats large insects and fairies, flies only in heavy rain and otherwise remains hidden in its tear-shaped nest. The Augurey has a distinctive low and throbbing cry, which was once believed to foretell death. Wizards avoided Augurey nests for fear of hearing that heart rendering sound, and more than one wizard is believed to have suffered a heart attack on passing a thicket and hearing an unseen Augurey wail. Patient research eventually revealed, however, that the Augurey merely sings at the approach of rain." pp.5-6 from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by J.K Rowling.
Your one true love is your own bed - and sleep. Although chocolate is a close second. If someone is looking for you they'll probably find you reading in a nest of blankets. You don't get out a lot, so you don't exactly have any enemies. Although, when you do go out people you know probably avoid you. You're the shy one in your group but after a couple of drinks turn into a karaoke queen. If you're honest with yourself you're a little sad a lot of the time, but you're too scared to let yourself be happy.