Your Enneagram Personality Short Quiz

Place an X in the space next to the answer that has been most true for you all your life. When answering these questions try to be as honest and authentic as possible. Each personality type has its own unique design that possessing its their own gifts and challenges. Even if you see aspects of yourself in all three choices which one is the primary one that has been most true throughout most of your life. We do have aspects of all the 9 Enneagram types within us, it is just a matter to what degree. * There are 2 parts to this test; please make sure to click the button that says, "Take Part 2" Some of the common stumbling blocks in self-introspection tests are:• Answering the questions the way you would like to see yourself or how you would like to be, rather than going back to childhood until the present. (That does not mean you have not grown or did not master some aspect of yourself up to date).• Finding different aspects of yourself (i.e. thoughts, feelings and reactions) unacceptable or embarrassing and bring up some aspect of self-judgment and shame.• Asking someone next to you what he or she thinks is true for you. • After reading all the choices in each question, over thinking your response (go with your initial gut response)The accuracy of your test results is proportionate to your ability to authentically select your answers. Each Enneagram personality type and Tritype, possess extraordinary gifts and pitfalls and challenges. A copy of your test results will be sent to both of us. In your free 15-minute consultation we can discuss the results. You may register by clicking on this link. 

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