Not terrible but needs work
Congratulations! Your scores rank you in the bottom 20% of your peers!
Okay so not really congratulations... you are just below middle of the road.
If you want to do a middle of the road startup then you will be fine. But be warned, it takes the same amount of effort and time to do a middle of the road startup as a blazingly fun and profitable one.
We are sorry you are not a real 100% (or even 50%) Catalyst. You might be a good startup founder but you will need some help. We know we can’t tell you want to do but consider doing a few things to build your Catalysts toolkit. We have some ideas… Click on the link below to answer a few quick questions about your business so we can schedule a time to chat with you. There’s hope for you if you can find the right help. Don’t worry, we don’t bite. But a real Catalyst would not care even if we did bite. They bite back!