Burned and Unbalanced Teacher
You may find yourself saying things like, "I used to love being so involved in leading clubs, teams, and other committees in my school, but I'm over it. I just want to do my job as a teacher and go home. I didn't mind grading at night and on weekends, but now, it’s just gotten out of hand.”
When you started teaching, you were happy to take on extra responsibility, either because you had the extra time or because you were simply happy to do it. You didn’t mind putting in the extra hours of planning, prepping, grading, and entering. But now, you’re starting to see what you’re missing out on because of all of your responsibilities outside of school.
You've grown out of love for the extra responsibilities and work that has piled up over the months or years. Perhaps your personal responsibility has changed and you simply don't have as much free time. Either way, you don't feel you can keep going at this pace.
Now, you're beginning to resent your students or teachers for coming to your room during your prep to chat with you and you're resenting other teachers who are leaving directly after contract hours. They don't have the strong relationships that you do with kids or the extra responsibilities that you've taken on, nor do they seem to have as much grading and prepping to do as you.
You love teaching, just not all of the 'extras' that you've committed to and now you're at a crossroads: Either you keep trying to do all the things you’ve committed to and the expectations you and your school have put on you, risking a nervous breakdown, or make some changes. But how?