Curiosity is your best friend.
You are full of wonder. When you have a question, you're not afraid to ask it. This enables you to pursue the new and the different. You happily explore your world, yourself, and other people which, in turn, leads to new discoveries, personal growth. and greater well-being.
Quickly Superboost Your Curiosity:
Engage in a conversation with the first person you see and make it a point to only ask questions. Be playful and nourish your curiosity so you learn something new about the other person and possibly yourself.
I introduced this activity into a team building exercise for my fellow community organizers which gave us all a boost. In pairs, we took turns asking questions. It's amazing how much your learn when you try something new.
Long-term Strategy to Maximize Your Curiosity:
You will be a better leader, a better follower, and most important, a better person when you further develop your power of curiosity.Practice:1. Slow down to listen to the answers to your question before jumping to your next one. Often times, the answer already lies within which is truly empowering. 2. Think of an activity that you dislike, such as washing dishes, paying bills, or folding laundry. Next time you are engaging in this activity focus on three novel or unexpected features of the action. Can you find one surprising thing?
3. Seek out opportunities that are more gray than black and white so that your sense of wonder is always fed. Truly embrace what you naturally do.
"There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder." - Ronald Reagan