As a Lemurian Starseed, you are likely to have a close relationship to Mother Gaia and her infinite wisdom. Herbology, homeopathy, veganism and plant-based, whole food lifestyles are common choices and interests of the Lemurian people. As a child, you may have had delayed speaking as you may be highly telepathic, much preferring light, sound and colour for your communication instead. Even now, you may find that you have sent the messages to others in your family, but they deny receiving them. Highly creative, these Starseeds excel in the arts; music, painting, drawing, singing, or writing. It is unlikely that you would find them desiring to take the stage for these talents though, as they would not see them as an asset that required fame.
Natural introverts, Lemurian Starseeds prefer not to be in loud environments or surrounded by conflict or intense emotion.
Typically shy and observant, Lemurian Starseeds can also be quite modest; not desiring to stand out or be noticed. They just simply are.Lemurians are incredibly talented medical mediums, health-care providers, herbalists, botanists, homeopaths or naturopathic practitioners. They work on light waves to restore imbalances in the body, often integrating tools like sound, colour and crystal therapy, or yoga/ pilates into their life.
Did you know that you may be more than one type of being - or have spent time on many different planets? There are hundreds more Starseed races we didn't cover - but we're talking about them in The Starseed Accelerator. Come learn more by clicking the button below!