Build a Salt Marsh Food Web

Food webs represent the connections between living organisms in an ecosystem. To demonstrate energy transfer and relationships between predators and prey in an ecosystem, food webs use arrows to point in the direction of the transfer of energy. For example, if a coyote eats a bunny it would look like this: Bunny --> Coyote. This food web activity is focused on the salt marsh ecosystem. Salt marshes are the primary habitat for a diverse group of organisms. Some animals spend their entire life in the marsh, adapting to the daily flood and ebb of salt water, alongside the marsh plants. For other animals, the marsh is the ideal spot to find food or to lay their eggs. Whether permanent or part-time residents of the marsh, all these animals and plants interact to make this ecosystem highly productive. The Georgia coast is home to one-third of the protected salt marsh ecosystem on the entire east coast of the U.S., so it is critical that we understand the relationships between plants and animals within the salt marsh ecosystem in order to preserve this resource. Let’s see what you already know about salt marsh animals.

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