Discover Your BIG LIE™

Your BIG LIE™ is your deepest belief that leads to self-defeating behavior. Your BIG LIE ™ is activated when you are in the disconnected side of your emotional brain, which leads you to react instead of think. By discovering what your BIG LIE™ is, you can start to identify your triggers so you can better anticipate and navigate around them. There are four big lies:____________________________________________________________________ #1. I MUST be RIGHT #2. I MUST never LOSE #3. Everyone MUST LOVE me #4. I MUST feel COMFORTABLE___________________________________________________________________Instructions:1) ONLY take this assessment when you are in the disconnected side of your emotional brain, where the voices in your head are loud and full of negative thoughts.2) Don’t overthink the question. Go with your first reaction._____________________________________________________________________Learn more about the four BIG LIEs in HEADTRASH: The Leading Killer of Human Potential.

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