You left the 9-5 for freedom, choices and time. BUT.....You’re working 24-7?! Say what?! Sounds bonkers when you say it out loud right? THE TRUTH IS......It has never been easier to start a business. Got right, leading a business is an incredible opportunity to spread your wings and smash through the box that employment might stifle you in. But it needs YOU in the driving seat, not as the passenger pinned to the chair. It needs you LEADING the business. Not running alongside it. I've got great news for you.The first step to change is awareness. This assessment will get you more self aware and conscious. Helping you reflect on where you are NOW and give you 3 action steps you can take to move firmly into the captains chair! Dive in. Let’s DO this! NB - REALITY CHECK! If you want different, you have to move different. It starts by giving this process 5 minutes of your time. Together we can change what happens next.

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