Recognition Magic
Your Guidebook is on the way to your inbox, and your report is FULL of ways to make an even bigger impact in the world with more ease, joy, alignment, and – yes – MAGIC! Pay special attention to how you benefit your clients here and the Top 3 Ways to design around your magic! ALREADY KNOW YOU WANT TO SPOTLIGHT YOUR MAGIC?We have a special gift for you! Access to our Light It Up! Workshop to light up your business results for just $44 USD (only available for the next 48 hours).Grab your spot in our upcoming intimate workshop, [CLICK HERE TO SEE UPCOMING WORKSHOP DATES]This experiential mini-retreat is for you if:Your old way of working feels heavy, and maybe even stale, and you KNOW there are fresh ways to work (and talk about your work) with more ease, lightness, joy, and Magic!You’re ready to be more bold and visible in how you market yourself and how you offer your transformational work with your clients.It’s time for you to discern which structures will support you in using your unique magic as a leader.Light It Up is designed to cultivate your Sourced™ Magic, learn about the other types of Sourced™ Magic to watch for in yourself and in your clients, and easily bring your gift to the forefront of how YOU do your work in the world.In our time together you will learn:The two parts of who you are that are so valuable to your clients. They make up your business ‘sweet spot’ and should not be ignored!What your past experience with clients, and even before you had clients, can show you that allows you to receive more money for your beautiful work!How your Sourced™ Magic meets your business at this time, to meet what’s needed in the collective right now.It's interactive, so we will also be looking at YOUR business and why it's called you to understand your magic at this level at this time - what is the one shift that will make the difference for you? P.S. Click here to see our upcoming Light It Up! workshop date. <3