(Please select the one that applies most.) Question 1: In general, you feel that …
You’ve worked hard to do everything right—but you still feel an emptiness inside.
You are so focused on making others happy that you neglect your own happiness.
You’re extremely reliable. Your family, friends, and colleagues depend on you and consider you their rock. Sometimes, though, you think it would be nice to put yourself first for once.
You’re a great support for others and get joy out of cheering them on. But you’re often nervous and insecure and feel a bit like you don’t fit in.
You are creatively gifted, and your talent is undeniable. But your epically creative highs are often followed by crashes that leave you feeling low and depressed.
(Please select the one that applies most.) Question 2: When it comes to your vision of the future….
You dream big. You’ve got one life you want to make the most of it!
Thinking about what you want feels strange and selfish.
You find yourself thinking about what you ‘should’ do. What is ‘expected’ of you … But you’re not sure if that’s what YOU really want.
You feel doubtful that you deserve or can achieve big things—life has been hard on you.
You have big ideas, but sometimes it’s hard to follow through. Lately, you feel doubtful of those big dreams that used to excite you.
(Please select the one that applies most.) Question 3: What would others say about you?
She excels at everything she does. (They don’t realize you struggle inside.)
She’s kind, thoughtful, selfless, and sweet—to a fault.
She’s reliable and responsible. She’s a good daughter/mom/friend.
She has a big personality and a big heart.
She has a talent, but a dark side comes with it.
(Please select the one that applies most.) Question 4: When it comes to your mind …
You’re a perfectionist, but that’s why when you do things you do them well. Your mind fuels you, but it also fatigues you.
Your thoughts and self doubt hold you back from being bold.
You manage to look like you have it all together, but you’re struggling inside.
You feel things deeply but can be a little scatterbrained.
Your mind can envision things others can’t, but it also feels like your worst enemy sometimes.
(Please select the one that applies most.) Question 5: You get the most joy from:
Achieving goals you set for yourself. You LOVE being a winner. #AintNoShameInTheWinningGame 😂
Giving gifts to others, making others smile.
Approval from others. You like that external reinforcement.
Being showered with love. Being recognized.
Ideas. Creating. Seeing other people moved by your creations.
(Please select the one that applies most.) Question 6: What are you best at?
Achieving. When I put my mind to something, I’m very good at getting it done well.
Supporting. I’m an incredible support system to the people in my life.
Being dependable. You do what needs to be done, especially if others are counting on you.
Cheering others on. You are a really amazing cheerleader for those you love.
Creativity. You create incredible things.
(Please select the one that applies most.) Question 7: What is your Achilles heel? Your weakness :).
I can be so driven that it negatively affects people in my life.
I focus so much on others that I neglect myself.
I’m shy and scared to do things I really want to do for myself.
I can be a little disorganized.
I can get really low, and it can be hard to pull myself out of that.
The results of your Quiz are being compiled right now and will be in your inbox in the next few minutes.Please check your email to access the full report on:1. Your Anxiety Super Power Archetype2. Your unique kryptonite 3. What you’re ready forPLUS - I've included a special bonus for taking the quiz. (Hint: it’s about how you can release anxiety to gain your heart’s desire.)
The results of your Quiz are being compiled right now and will be in your inbox in the next few minutes.Please check your email to access the full report on:1. Your Anxiety Super Power Archetype2. Your unique kryptonite 3. What you’re ready forPLUS - I've included a special bonus for taking the quiz. (Hint: it’s about how you can release anxiety to gain your heart’s desire.)
The results of your Quiz are being compiled right now and will be in your inbox in the next few minutes.Please check your email to access the full report on:1. Your Anxiety Super Power Archetype2. Your unique kryptonite 3. What you’re ready forPLUS - I've included a special bonus for taking the quiz. (Hint: it’s about how you can release anxiety to gain your heart’s desire.)
The results of your Quiz are being compiled right now and will be in your inbox in the next few minutes.Please check your email to access the full report on:1. Your Anxiety Super Power Archetype2. Your unique kryptonite 3. What you’re ready forPLUS - I've included a special bonus for taking the quiz. (Hint: it’s about how you can release anxiety to gain your heart’s desire.)
The results of your Quiz are being compiled right now and will be in your inbox in the next few minutes.Please check your email to access the full report on:1. Your Anxiety Super Power Archetype2. Your unique kryptonite 3. What you’re ready forPLUS - I've included a special bonus for taking the quiz. (Hint: it’s about how you can release anxiety to gain your heart’s desire.)