My child/adolescent chronically exhibits one or more of these behaviors: whining, pouting, sulking, withdrawing, crying, screaming, swearing, hitting, spitting, kicking, throwing, breaking, lying, stealing, etc.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
My child/adolescent struggles with one or more of these skills: flexibility/adaptability, frustration tolerance, problem-solving.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
I think, or I have been told, that my child/adolescent is attention-seeking, manipulative, coercive, unmotivated, limit-testing, etc.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
I think, or I have been told, that my child/adolescent would do better if my parenting style wasn’t as passive, permissive, inconsistent, non-contingent, etc.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Rewards and punishments do NOT motivate my child/adolescent to change.
It's safe to say that you are raising a challenging child. Here's what's important to know: all kids do well if they CAN. Now it's time for you to learn about the unsolved problems and lagging skills beneath your challenging child's behaviors. Wait a minute — let me introduce myself!Hey there, I’m Coach Franny 👋 I’m the mother of two beautiful boys, Max and Alex. When I’m not chasing them around town, I’m changing lives as a certified parenting coach!Yep, you heard right — whether it’s home conflict or school troubles, I help empower parents with challenging children to feel calm, capable, and confident in order to problem-solve solutions and create new possibilities with them.Looking for a few more resources? Fill up on these...1. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop with my workshop schedule. Plus you’ll find a backlog of need-to-know kid-raising hacks!2. Join my Facebook group - Mindful-Ish™ Parenting. It's an amazing support community - and I go live every Wednesday to talk new topics on parenting challenging children.3. Schedule a free 30 minute consultation with me You can fill me in on your family’s deets and decide if we’d make a good fit. You’ve got nothing to lose!
You picked mostly undecided - which means the jury is still out. Here's what to do to understand your child's behavior a little bit more. First, all kids do well if they CAN. Realize that misbehavior is just a signal saying "I can't handle myself in this situation differently right now." From there, start to notice the unsolved problems and lagging skills beneath your child's misbehaviors. Wait a minute — let me introduce myself!Hey there, I’m Coach Franny 👋 I’m the mother of two beautiful boys, Max and Alex. When I’m not chasing them around town, I’m changing lives as a certified parenting coach!Yep, you heard right — whether it’s home conflict or school troubles, I help empower parents with challenging children to feel calm, capable, and confident in order to problem-solve solutions and create new possibilities with them.Looking for a few more resources? Fill up on these...1. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop with my workshop schedule. Plus you’ll find a backlog of need-to-know kid-raising hacks!2. Join my Facebook group - Mindful-Ish™ Parenting. It's an amazing support community - and I go live every Wednesday to talk new topics on parenting challenging children.3. Schedule a free 30 minute consultation with me. You can fill me in on your family’s deets and decide if we’d make a good fit. You’ve got nothing to lose!
You may feel challenged, but you don't have a truly challenging child.
You picked mostly Disagree and Strongly Disagree which means that your child most likely has the skills to meet your expectations. If they are still chronically acting out, start to pay attention to your relationship. Work on solidyfiing your conneciton with your child and see if that makes a difference.Wait a minute — let me introduce myself!Hey there, I’m Coach Franny 👋 I’m the mother of two beautiful boys, Max and Alex. When I’m not chasing them around town, I’m changing lives as a certified parenting coach!Yep, you heard right — whether it’s home conflict or school troubles, I help empower parents with challenging children to feel calm, capable, and confident in order to problem-solve solutions and create new possibilities with them.Looking for a few more resources? Fill up on these...1. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop with my workshop schedule. Plus you’ll find a backlog of need-to-know kid-raising hacks!2. Join my Facebook group - Mindful-Ish™ Parenting. It's an amazing support community - and I go live every Wednesday to talk new topics on parenting challenging children.3. Schedule a free 30 minute consultation with me You can fill me in on your family’s deets and decide if we’d make a good fit. You’ve got nothing to lose!