"On the Side" Sally
How does this fit for you?Some might call you “high maintenance” but you know what works well for you - and what doesn’t. When did “specific” become “picky”? You have put time and resources into understanding your body, your likes and dislikes and your reactions and responses to different things. Why would you put up with something if it wasn’t right for you? And once you know these things about yourself, it’s hard not to know or to act in any other way, even though people might make raise their eyebrows.Making choices that are exactly right for you is your super power.What does this mean for you when making choices around end-of-life?Hi I’m Jen Davis from Exit Matters.Life involves making a lot of choices and so can death. For us and for the people that love us. Understanding what drives us, what we find important, what matters to us can help make those difficult choices and sort through all the options.Knowing we have a "style" can really help too.Exit Matters wants to help you in thinking and talking about your own "menu options" - now in your life, during your dying process and after your death. Your style is how you decide what goes on your menu, and gives your loved ones big clues as to what you would choose.