Your biggest mistake is being your toughest critic rather than biggest fan!
Congrats on completing the “what’s your biggest weight loss mistake?” quiz! The #1 thing holding you back right now from the lasting results you’re looking for is being your own worst enemy instead of biggest cheerleader!I know you might be surprised I’m not telling you it’s that you’re eating too many carbs or too late at night, right?! Those are common scapegoats but ultimately a lot of what you see and hear about weight loss is geared toward surface level quick-fixes that might offer some immediate results but doesn’t do anything to address the actual root issues that make lasting weight loss so rare. When it comes to losing weight, of course nutrition and exercise matter!But given what a small percentage of dieters keep the weight off for more than a year, you know it's not as cut and dry as that! If it was, a quick Google for meal plans and workout programs would do the trick and we'd all be happy with how we look and feel!Consistency is the absolute key to success. It’s not that you haven’t found the perfect diet, workout routine, or supplement, yet. It’s that you think any of those things exist.At the end of the day, we end up wasting so much time researching and considering and dabbling, that we never really, truly, fully commit our best efforts to any single thing!If we did, we’d be blown away by the result.I understand the pull of feeling like you need to give 100% all the time and if you can’t, you might as well not even start.Fear of failure that makes it easier to not even try than to risk doing so and falling short of your (incredibly high) expectations.It’s easy to get shiny object syndrome and think that this thing must be the thing...until something shinier comes along.It’s incredibly frustrating to feel like you’re doing all the things and not have anything to show for it, when in reality you’re spreading yourself too thin, getting distracted, or only making a partial effort.Who Am I to Tell You What To Do?Hey! I'm Esther! I'm a fitness industry veteran, certified personal trainer, sports nutritionist & weight loss coach who's been helping busy moms lose weight for more than 15 years. If you're looking to lose weight and live your healthiest, happiest, and most confident life - I can help!You might see me now and assume I’ve always been a “fit” person who has no idea what it’s like to struggle with weight, body image, or the emotional roller coaster of restricting all week, only to binge all weekend, but you'd be wrong! It hasn't always been this way, but my current life is proof that you can have the same success: I don’t binge, anymore. I don’t restrict. My weight doesn’t fluctuate more than a couple pounds. I don’t feel like I’m desperately grasping at straws to try to figure out what works. I just know. And now that’s exactly what my coaches and I help our clients achieve, too:Freedom from foodHappiness with their bodiesWeight loss they can maintainConfidence to do whatever the F they want!Three Resources to Help You Master Your Mind:1) Join my Facebook group, Live Diet-Free I have years worth of trainings in here, including improving willpower, getting back on track, and overcoming emotional eating. 2) Check out this episode of the Live Diet-Free podcast about how to stop sabotaging your weight loss. In it, EA Coaching’s Mindset Coach, Jenny Whitens and I give you actionable tips to get out of your damn way!3) Enroll in Weight Loss Mindset Mastery, a self-paced course that will help you address the root issues of your struggles. Modules include how to understand why you’ve been struggling, simple questions to help you stop eating your feelings, and a step-by-step guide to tackle mental hurdles and end the emotional roller coaster.P.S. I've got a few emails queued up to help you get control of your mind and start believing in yourself!