You Are Beginning to Understand your DOG!!!! YAY!
Friend, you may have trouble believing this, but you’ve got a lot going for you! Coworkers admire your top-tier talents. Yet, no matter their tireless praise, you don’t 100% trust your own magic with your dog. How does this low self-esteem impact you and your dog's relationship? You’re likely reluctant to give dog advice to others, because your still a bit unsure. But when someone questions your actions, or criticizes your dog, you’re quick to jump on the defensive.It's ok to be a bit confused and unsure. It's even more OK that you admit you don't know, but you also don't know where to begin! Plus, negative emotions tend to freak you out… Luckily, there’s a clear path forward!"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there"Roy RogersReady to make your dog (and you) HAPPIER? Try these 3 strategies...1. Make positivity a daily practice! Look for the GOOD things your dog does naturally, give it a name, and add a cookie! Get a "dog journal" and make a list of all the things your dog does that pleases you. Try to pay more attention to all the good, natural behaviors your dog does. Add more rewards for these "natural" behaviors, and you'll start to see more of them! Carry a pocket full of treats so you have them when you need them! 2. Choose a growth mindset. Instead of seeing you and your dog as a complete failure, view it as an opportunity to learn. Your mind if forever expanding. Just because you didn’t do so well so far, doesn’t mean you can’t — with a bit of practice — have the BEST dog in the world! 3. Put on your best smile for your dog, and begin to think GOALS! Goals help us to change for the better, and get what we WANT. Hello, friend! I’m Dina Zaphiris ✨I'm a professional dog trainer and behavioral expert. I help people like you achieve your dreams with your dog! After 30 years of being a trainer, I wanted to help add value to peoples’ lives. My goals became bigger when I saw how MANY dog owners really needed help! I realized there was so much conflicting and confusing information out there! My goal is to help make all of that clear, so that owners and dogs can flourish together, happily!Now my favorite thing is watching my clients’ lives flourish in unexpected ways because of their dogs! If you really love your dog, and you want him to be happy (which makes YOU happy) I’ve got your back.Check out these ah-mazing resources to help make your dog (and therefore, YOU) HAPPIER!!1. Subscribe to my podcast Bone To Pick where I tell you the SECRETS of all great dog trainers, talk about training, problem behaviors, diet, exercise, dog myths, and of course, DOG TRAINING. Trust me, you’re going to learn a lot by just simply LISTENING! 2. Checkout this post on my blog. Understanding positive reinforcement and the "other" types of training 🙌3. Follow me on Facebook for HAPPY DOG inspirations! From tips to increasing your dog's motivation to understanding how to STOP bad behaviors, I’ve got you covered!Subscribe to see me in your inbox with transformational tips ✨