What is the NEXT step on your Metaphysical Christian Journey?

What is next on your metaphysical journey as a Christian? Let's find out!This quiz is for everyone with a desire in their hearts to be metaphysical AND a Jesus follower. Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned practitioner, there's a next step for you on your spiritual journey to help you grow in your journey. This is the deal! You're invited to take the quiz. (It's pretty short at just 7 questions).At the end of the quiz, I'll kindly ask you for your email, and the results will be delivered to your inbox. This is NOT a cookie-cutter quiz that directs you to a page that says "Congrats, you're a [fill in the blank] kind of metaphysical Christian" and that's the end of that. Instead, it IS a quiz that will help show you the BEST NEXT STEPS on your journey with a dynamic step-by-step plan. You'll get customized wisdom on where to go next on your journey. Just click the button below to get started.

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